@Charlotte Hornets



Ban B has the world Ionic the World No No M B b world they want your Face didn’t have the discipline you had because they didn’t dedicate themselves where you dedicated yourself to your CRA to your work to your dream so sweet when I do what they say I couldn’t do name I’m like who don’t forget [ __ ] and forget what they a

Words G lit my mental bles sh on a b and accept I Tre F me on what’s Happening gr with time getting mind p and mind [ __ ] I behind not cying to hear this too good for [ __ ] that ain’t it got love but [ __ ] don’t want [ __ ] on my [ __ ] wild

[ __ ] all they do is they just wild [ __ ] I’m moving quick same [ __ ] I didn’t drip CL on the [ __ ] they flipping it bing in their mouth they know they d Still Standing the blind they can’t see no understanding back the world to overing all good still standing the blind no

Understanding the world to understand me [ __ ] Bing in my like a where like M Doom he was real mental restraints means there is vicarious smiling jarious talking about days we want walk in but jealousy stalking weakness enemies and in energies keeping every energy alive because the satisfed I’m not satisfied

Stay on the side times goes by the talking crazy like JZ if you made me where the other ones that we may that one I the one I Still Standing the blind see no understanding is the world to understand all good still standing the blind see no understanding the world to good still

Standing they see no understanding the world to all still standing Understanding watch What you say now yes what you say I hear all the time these [ __ ] a [ __ ] don’t get mad at me you believe that I’m solid on the ground [ __ ] like Chen one R from my Daddy original song No remix original one but run skills legit flying high God

[ __ ] [ __ ] they eny [ __ ] jealous High Side Y been [ __ ] idiots first Direction R what’s the sa nigg Stu on the fact that the is still young [ __ ] [ __ ] like [ __ ] [ __ ] first Rising with the sa son [ __ ] stuck on the fact that the vi is still young you need [ __ ] [ __ ] like

Noig yes [ __ ] [ __ ] believe it’s easy it’s easy believeing it’s easy me and they see what they never be eny never had within the god that’s within me don’t eny comparing to anyone else bus joy and the mill I made myself don’t see you don’t

Need to that feed you it lead you you green blood it pleas you first Direction ring with the sa [ __ ] on the fact that the is still youngi [ __ ] a [ __ ] like no one [ __ ] yes [ __ ] Direction with the [ __ ] young [ __ ] nigg like no one [ __ ] yes [ __ ]

Don’t worry just keep plugging away regardless if they hating today no attention what them [ __ ] say [ __ ] not going away yeah [ __ ] I’m here to stay don’t worry just keep plugging away regardless if they hating today no attention what them [ __ ] didn’t say niggaer I’m not going way yeah [ __ ] I’m

Here to stay first Direction ring with the nigu the that the still young [ __ ] [ __ ] like no yes V first Rising with the [ __ ] on The [ __ ] [ __ ] like [ __ ] Ban bize the World A Ban bize the World B the World bize the World diversify your OG’s too don’t just have one no compare and contrast that [ __ ] to some other ones compare and contrast him to what other ogs are saying never just have one that you eat from never never never do that young men and women do not eat from

One OG you spread that [ __ ] out because if you eat from one you will never be able to compare to see if this [ __ ] is really good or if he’s just using you to be in his [ __ ] stable you know what I’m saying huh you know he’s not really helping you

You he’s sunning your ass in the name of helping you you know be aware of [ __ ] that always talk about how they the voice of the youth be aware of [ __ ] like that bize the world N Peace peace to the tribe and Grand Rising this is Chief bartan baniz the world this is a BTW stream network uh Network stream this is the tribe Buzz show shed Hornets right this is like the third show I’ve done so far under this branding um and everything so I

Appreciate everyone coming through here I don’t plan on being on here really long because I know the RIS of stars game is coming out tonight so but that’s not until 9 o’ eastern time that’s 8 o’ my time so we got some time to talk a

Little bit before we get into um anybody watching the Allstar Weekend um this is generally an open tribe today so we can kind of talk about a lot of different things um I have a few short videos I need to drop uh first of all you want

Coming through here be sure that you like you know like this and let’s see where we at now four likes 12 in here oh 12 12 in here already 12 in here already hit that like button but let’s get the likes to 10 there’s 12 in here should be

10 likes up on the board already feed the algorithm the algorithm likes to be fed so let’s feed it be sure um you comment in the chat you know be sure you share this you know subscribe if you haven’t either now on the replay gang and if this content

Really resonates with you really like what you sing by all means let me see did I pin it let’s see am I tripping am I tripping tripping yeah I’m tripping wait here we go let’s pin the cash app at the top the cash app is pinned at the top

Biz tww is the cash app Biz tww is the PayPal if you wish to support the network in that way all helps and I’d like to thank those who have contributed I’ve gotten I’ve gotten a few contributions in the cash app lately man you know what I’m saying you know

What I’m saying I’ve gotten it lately oh you like that picture it’s a welcome you in hey marar it’s the welcome you in peace to you macarina peace to you sis peace to you ali uh peace to you brother Mo appreciate you coming through and peace to the other uh the other 10

People in this chat hopefully they’re not Ops up in here you know um you know negative energy is saged out of here so uh peace to everyone that’s coming through here right peace to you a jams you know what I’m saying you know and um yeah this is just to give a good

Sometimes I forget to put it up but this is to give a good vibe coming in here man because this is thebe of the tribe right now in Charlotte man this is the vibe of the tribe you know and so we want to celebrate that Vibe over here

You see what I’m saying Astro Astro Astro Astro Astro is doing a class on astrology if y’all wanna if y’all want to um know um have a deeper dive into astrology the nuances of it there is no better teacher of that than Astro cat we’re very fortunate to have him here

With with us you know that he [ __ ] with us and [ __ ] with this platform greatly appreciate it man so contact him if you want you know he has a class going contact him if you want a class I will be in that class myself you know my bag

Is lined up a certain way where very soon I’ll be in contact with you Astro cat to um jump into that class because that’s in my area you know what I’m saying um that’s a part of you know that’s a part of the ways of the tribe

Man we were masters of the energies of the stars of all that stuff we were masters of that you know what I’m saying and so to return to that energy is you know is is good and I will be you know and to be a student of yours will be

Honor bro you know what I’m saying so uh look out for me Astro you know just look out you know I don’t know when you starting your classes but eventually I’m gonna circle around to you things are lining up very well brother so uh you

Know and um in in in speaking of that so my time probably will change probably a few weeks as as the bag is being set up outside of here it’s you know so um I’ll probably be doing more short videos you know but I will still continue to go

Live you know what I’m saying you know this platform is built off of live streaming so we’ll continue to go live it’s just the schedule will be you know the schedule will be a little spread out more but there will be content dropped on here regularly so that will not change [ __ ]

Because you know what I ain’t gonna say that ah about about about to say you know let me you know let me making sure everything is secure first you know so um so yeah so I appreciate everyone coming through here and everything as you can see this open tribe um the buzz

Is back the buzz is back and Charlotte man I have been enjoying seeing Charlotte Twitter in a very good mood lamento ball Twitter on the most part in a very good mood except for a few grinches over on that side you know you know still talking about Gordon Haywood

And all this stuff and I’m like y’all [ __ ] or something else man it’s like Gordon Haywood is gone why are we still talking about you know what I’m saying that’s good vibes of the tribe you know also on a side note I’ll be dropping the video I’m going to prepare the recording

Tonight I may drop it tonight or tomorrow you all may know this is related to LEL ball you all may know that um ball has just signed a contract he’s playing in Mexico you know I’m going to speak to that in that video later on also I’m going to issue a warning I’m

Noticing certain things coming out the ball verse that disturbing me already so I’m going to issue a warning to the ball verse I’m have to I’m have to issue a warning to the ball verse you know and the preview of that warning to the ball verse is don’t [ __ ] this up that’s my

That’s my warning to the Ballers you know I’m going to go more into depth into that on video but my warning to the ball verse is do not [ __ ] this up for jell don’t don’t you see what I’m saying don’t do that he’s in

He’s on the team do not [ __ ] it up for him because Greensboro was an absolute disgrace in my opinion not on their side but on how the fans handled Jello how the fan base over there handled Jello time in Greensboro to me was a disgrace I said it you know I’m saying hopefully

We won’t repeat that foolishness here but I’m want to speak more to that on the video you know what I’m saying let the word go out goddamn it you know the address may have changed but in certain areas the energy Remains the Same the chief slash the blue flame well the [ __ ]

It ain’t went nowhere now I just you know hey I just letting it know it’s you know that’s all you know so let’s continue the hornest future is looking crazy the question is do we make a playoff r with these new studs or slow them down hey now

Hey now can I get it ah [ __ ] Ali I know you’ve been waiting on this [Laughter] moment and man Jello got the shoes on too so everybody should be happy he’s repping the shoes the Triple B Shoes he’s on the team everyone should be happy man do not [ __ ] it up though don’t

[ __ ] it up please don’t do that you know I’m gonna be watching it man don’t [ __ ] that up anyway you know so yeah gono got the g3s rocking the g3s Mexico I like it I like it don’t [ __ ] it up and don’t don’t on one side Ali don’t [ __ ] it up

But on the other side don’t throw don’t throw shade on it either don’t throw shade on the fact that he got a team in Mexico this fan this fan base around this ball family you know this fan base around the bald family sometimes can throw [ __ ] on a

Sunny day bro we can be having a sun day and some find way to talk some [ __ ] in the street man on Sunday day from whichever angle you come from but congrats to Jello man I’m happy for him and that’s the only thing that should be said no more no less please

Please you know no more no less you know to even talk about Greensboro is a waste of time they can’t [ __ ] it up too much as Mexico at least he’s out of at least he’s out of the country so that’s a so that’s a blessing Ali can’t nobody show up there

Can’t nobody you know it’s good can’t nobody show up there unless they got Mexican connections down there can’t nobody just run up on the gym it’s good jell don’t need all that [ __ ] he needs to go down there and cook that’s it that’s all he needs just to go down

There and cook you know what I’m saying anybody from the Charlotte fan base coming through here Jello ball you know Jello was on the greensbor war for a few years you know so now he got got another contract we’ll see how he does you know what I’m saying since it’s connected to

The ball we’ll talk about it in passing not necessarily in depth you know although I’m going to do a separate video you know that fan base can be creepers yes creepy as hell we don’t have creepy energy here we don’t have creepy energy nor do we have hating

Energy on this Chan for the ball for the ball family none of them we are balanced over here we’re not creepy we’re not Fanboys we’re not haters we want to see them successful generically as it is I don’t give a [ __ ] about a BBB prophecy you

Know what I’m saying I don’t give a [ __ ] about none of that huh hey oh y bar is good it is good he went abroad because that’s where he belongs away he away from all this [ __ ] away from all this [ __ ] you know what I’m saying you know

So so we we’re we’re not we’re not we’re not haters of Jello nor uh nor am I creating a Jello ball Shrine over here that’s not what this is you know you know you know there are others that do both that’s not on this channel you know what I’m saying you

Know so I wish Jello well I wish him well I wish him well you know and we’ll see where it goes you know we’ll be monitoring that situation so we’ll see where it goes I’m sure reports will come out about it you know and um everything

You know and we’ll let Jello grow down there in Mexico without all the foolishness that went on in Greensboro it’s good that he’s away from everybody you know what I’m saying you know it’s good that he’s away it’s good that he’s away cuz everybody want to anyway but yeah back to Charlotte now

Um hold it let me see something right quick oh now come on let’s see six likes 10 baby we got 15 in here now 10 likes you know so the energy of hornet Twitter is beautiful right now and some most of lamelo Twitter as well you know because

The energy over here on the mow part of this fan base is in line with the energy of Charlotte when his Twitter you see what I’m saying we are all excited about what’s going on in Charlotte we’re not creating division we’re not nitpicking over the past which is over with we are

Excited over lamelo ball the prospect of Lelo ball returning to this type of team that that uh that Rick SN put around it because none of this was MCH is doing we’re going to talk about that a little bit I had to give a shout out to James

PL wri of the British buzz you know I have been very critical James PL I’ve said in the past that he needs to cover Polo and Britain I’ve said this openly you know I said he he cannot cover basketball you know he should be covering Polo and Britain you know the

Jockeys that riding those horses that swing and hit that ball whatever the [ __ ] they do over there Polo Cricket whatever’s going on in London over there that’s what he need to be talking about but he’s dropped very two good pieces these past two days one that I’ve done a

Video on already that I’m going to drop on Miles Bridges I’m gonna talk about briefly here and another one he did I’m gonna drop another video on that one as well but we’re going to talk about it here right now and I’m going to do a

Followup video on that right let me see if I can get to it let’s see um let me go to my bookmarks on X let’s see you know what I’m saying I’m more of a mow fan than Charlotte but it’s good to see Charlotte fans happy yeah yeah

They even seen yeah this oh this is what the [ __ ] I’m talking about they rapping they [ __ ] are putting the free they putting freestyles together they’re putting the the local the locals not Outsiders the locals are beginning to rap about their team when the artist hop when locals begin to hop

On board that means that the that means that the loc the fan base is getting excited the fan base the culture is Awakening the real culture of charte is Awakening and the culture of Charlotte does not have to be some I want to say this also the culture of Charlotte doesn’t have to

Reflect in the artist of Charlotte does have to deflect This Hood Street [ __ ] [ __ ] Aura I get sick of seeing that every time [ __ ] talk about Charlotte you got to be a bonfi street [ __ ] in order to be a real [ __ ] in this [ __ ] no you don’t [ __ ] shut up with that

That’s a bunch of [ __ ] foolishness from people who live vicariously through that through that while we are people who really live that life who have sought to leave that life and others outside of that life always romanticize that life I don’t get that I don’t get

That at all I did I did on the Bon filter bonfire I did a whole on hour talk about the myth of the street [ __ ] go and check it out go and check it out it is heat from beginning to end it is heat you know what I’m saying go to it

Go to it go to it you know you know six 16 people yeah 16 in the chat baby moar coach was spitting that old yes come on man he was rapping to a um uh he was rapping to a um he was rapping he he was rapping to

Big Papa I believe so I can’t play it you know how that go [ __ ] [ __ ] you can’t you know YouTube get you in trouble I’ll get in trouble with YouTube If I play it here but it’s it’s there I may um I may I may I might put that in my Discord

Shout out to Mo he sent that to me you know what I’m saying um and everything so um so I like that I love the fact that that they’re coming out in they rapping and and it’s a diversity it doesn’t have to be the sound of today it can be everybody jumping in

Huh uh 44 a month yeah 44 a month on patreon go to his patreon if y’all want to get get into his um astrology class even if you just want to get into it you know go into it see if you like it if not I’m sure you can withdraw but but

It’s a good is a good um you know he’s a master he he’s very humble so he doesn’t you know he talk his [ __ ] but you know he talk his [ __ ] but he’s humble as well but he will talk his [ __ ] about what he knows which is what he’s supposed to do

You know what I’m saying don’t turn yourself down natural cat for for for insecure [ __ ] turn your [ __ ] up every time you talk goddamn it you know what I’m saying this is the age where we’re turning up goddamn we a turning down he’s a master teacher he is what he

Is you know I say it you know I respect his work I respect his knowledge you know I’m saying there’s mut respect between us you know go to his patreon put the link in there Astro put that put that patreon link in in the chat man so

The people can go over there you know and it’ll be on the chat replay yeah so um um it reminds me of all the rappers that fake coming from a tough street life when they grew up in a good family and see that’s the thing and jams I’m

Gonna do I’m gonna do followup videos for that there is nothing wrong with that bro there’s nothing wrong with rapping about that bro who told you that you had to who told you that you have to damn about struggling all the time that’s the problem you know you don’t have to rap

About you don’t have to rap about pulling up on nobody when you stayed in school rap about staying in school then and what you did to remain rap about you know I want to be you know I want to be a doctor a lawyer rap about how you had

To study rap about how you had to avoid distractions and just put a vibe to it these [ __ ] will listen to it the young man just said on my Twitter today he said I don’t even listen to the Twitter as long as there’s a Vibe I’ll listen to it so make the [ __ ]

Vibe make it cool to achieve goddamn it we are the salt of the earth you mean to tell me we can’t make a a bouncy sound that make a [ __ ] want to go to school the same way we make it where [ __ ] want to run to jail [ __ ] get the

[ __ ] out of here over here you heard my [ __ ] now over here that is the type of message that I put in my bars and you’ll hear more of it very soon I just did a remix of overstand me if you haven’t heard that just dropped it you know what I’m saying

Um sundress Queen I’ll be dropping Blue Flame song the remix I’ll be dropping that uh tribe nerdy kid I’m dropping that tribe hashtag Tri love I’m dropping that um the work I’m dropping that it’s about five songs that you all gonna see within two weeks five drops I’m I’m in

The studio I’m in the studio you know in fact I’m going to the studio tonight since I’m done because you know the allar gang you know we’ll talk about that in a little bit but yeah so anyway shout out to British Buzz man they did when they do well I’ll give

Them props I’m not I’m not into this you know what I’m saying when when Charlotte media does what I think they should I’m not going I’m not going to hold back that praise as much as I critique them if they say a good thing I’ll speak to

It I’ll speak to it you know what I’m saying say you know um so he did two interviews right let me see if I go to this one this is interesting this one is interesting because we’ve been talking about this for a while they are now just

Not catching up to what we’ve been discussing for a while do you all remember those you who’ve been in the past do you all remember the discussion about Jeff Peterson do y’all remember that I hope you do hold on let’s go to it right huh according to the according to the

Rumors according to the rumors they’ve been um doing informal talks since the beginning of the season so appropriately whenever I talk about Rick SN I said Rick you ain’t slick rick has been doing a very interesting master class I told you all and and I’m about

To pull the receipts I’m G oh by the way I will be doing the best of the chief you know I’m just instead of you know last there mother that talk a lot about their receipts and everything you know I’m still making receipts others are still stuck on their

Old receipts man over and over again I’m making new receipts I’m bringing out new receipts every [ __ ] damn near every day everybody else can keep their old receipts some of which I made some of which some of which are mine you know some of which are not exclusively there

Some of those receipts are mine but anyway you know but they they’ll never they’ll never give me credit for for some of some of some of the correct predictions they made came from my mouth on their platform that they’re taking credit for anyway and it’s there go back

And watch the old stuff it’s there from my mouth right there you know you know what I’m saying but it is what it is baby I’m GNA to my horn um right strap in the racial point the future president this is from the all Hornets uh all Hornets this is this is

The British buzz you know um Le sources tell all Hornet That official interviews are beginning to be sent out and jams yes they’ve been LED out of the bag since taking over the Hornets High interest Nets that’s right they they have been let that out of the bag is

Talking over the Hornets High interest in N assistant GM Jeff Peterson see Jeff Peterson has been a name that we’ve been talking about for months shout out to Aunt jams he’s the one that brought it to my attention and I said let me look into this you know what I’m saying and

Once I saw the article it came out of Brooklyn though that article came out of Brooklyn and I read that article just like we doing this article a few lives ago I read that article I’m have to find the link and put it in the description

Box um we read that article you know what I’m saying and because Jeff Peterson was with Rick or around Rick or in his Circle when he was he was the minority owner for the Atlanta Hawks see Rick SN and it’s interesting because Doug br kind of says something and

Locked on Hornets again when they do well I will say you know when Doug say good things I will acknowledge those good things and when he say stupid [ __ ] I will call him a moralizing hypocrite the same way I did with Miles Bridges which is the reason why Doug Branson has

Me blocked to this day because I called him out on his on his damn woke ass his woke damn take on Miles Bridges you know what I’m saying his damn moralizing virtual cing on Miles Bridges leave him alone Doug you in Nashville leave him alone let him repair let let him let

Miles and missell live that life and move on from this incident hopefully nothing like this will happen again they have a they have three children let them have a nice family going forward with a bag that we can see you know what I’m saying hopefully miles will be rapping

Again you know um putting out some more albums right so the talk was about Rick SN which made a good point Rick SN everybody is from basketball circles he’s already in the family y’all understand me this isn’t like like in like know Doug Branson pointed out this this isn’t they’re not

Owners that have come from the outside who necessarily see a franchise as like a toy some these oners do it’s what it is some of them see it as a little side project just like a two like a like a real life 2K thing I’m just saying some

Of these GMS they have so much money they need to put it somewhere oh let me buy a team and that’s all it’s there for it’s a hobby thing it’s not really you know it’s about making more money it’s about tax right offs is not seriously they’ll

Give lip service to the fan base you know what I’m saying but you know honestly as long as the money’s right you know let’s put a few people here and there you know and you know as long as they can come you know we can just do

This or that you know that was the issue with the previous ownership for the Hornets that was Michael Jordan’s mentality unfortunately that’s what it was you know what I’m saying Michael’s gone right right this new ownership group already are already in NBA circles right so because of the way things

Operate it is who you know when situations like this come up there was talk that they hope you know that’s why Elton BR kind of dipped out of that conversation fast Elton BR name came and going really quickly right so now it goes down to Landon and see what I found

Out from British Buzz I think um James clite mentioned it Landon has Family Ties back here who’s already been here you know what I’m saying now we’ll see how those ties reach now I think Landon’s also from duke so the Carolina ties there right and there’s a rumor

Also Mitch cup is the GM and the vice president of basketball operations word is that when they hire when they hire on someone new they’re not going to have that person do both they’re GNA have a GM and a VP of basketball operations two individuals working those posts not just

One some teams have it where that one there’s one person doing everything [ __ ] there’s one team [ __ ] I think tibs for a moment see tibs was the VP of basketball operations the GM and the coach he did all three you know there’s some that that you will do all three I think Doc

Rivers did all three that’s how Austin Rivers slipped into the NBA one the Clippers you know what I’m saying so a GM just out of in chat jump in and you know you all can offer your expertise in this area you know if you have any insight

Into it a GM deals more with the team building you know trades you know things like that you know trades budget parts and different things like that within the team framework right you know the VP of basketball operations also deals with those things but they also deal with the

Scouting department they deal with the training staff they deal with PR they deal with more things than a GM will and the GM typically reports to the president of basketball operations as a part of the whole staff under the president or the vice president of basketball Ops right you know what I’m

Saying so the VP of basketball Ops will have a high High Authority and a broader reach to shape the organization whereas a GM if he’s not a GM and the VP he is strictly on the area of the team the players right maybe even the salary you

Know and he’ll get his cues from ownership and the president on how much money to spend X Y and Z you know what I’m saying things like that you know and the final approval for those deals may not be it may not be in the hands of the

GM it may be in the hands of the president and depending on the um the philosophy of the ownership either they micromanage them or they kind of you know pass by and say okay what you doing what you’re saying okay I like it go ahead like like balber for an example I

Think the I forget my man’s name Lawrence Frank is the GM there I believe correct me if I’m wrong Bama does not micromanage Lawrence Frank I remember him having an interview with Paul George about this maybe a few months ago where balma said I don’t know about I’m not

Really I don’t know basketball so I bring basketball people in to kind of walk me through those things and then they bring me certain things I said okay you know what I’m saying that’s what that’s how bomber manages right now Rick SN is a little different because Rick

Snall and those guys come from what a basketball background already right uh oh let me get back here come from a basketball um come from a basketball program already right you see what I’m saying so um so because of that you have um because of that they kind of are in

Those circles already so to see this come out right League sources tell all the Hornets that the official interview requests are being sent out to candidates and have been on the way since the start of the 23 24 season so Rick has already been talking Rick has already been talking

Huh here we go all Hornets can exclusively confirm that new orance GM Tran langon Brooklyn Net assistant GM Jeff Peterson and LA Clippers GM Trent readen will be on shortt initial interview short list sources confirm that there are multiple other candidates suspected to be added to the first wave

Of interview short list in addition to the name above here we go here we go now in this chat a few chats ago there are people who mention I think Juju mentioned it and some mothers began to talk about Tran LOM right and like I said I believe traan LOM has Duke ties

Right you see what I’m saying now now now now if informal conversations now this is something that was talked about on lock on Hornets but they kind of they kind of shut that conversation down I’m G to explore it a little bit more not too much you know because they may have

Talked too much on lock on Hornets right if informal talks have been going on already here we go down if informal talks wait minute and jams I can see them hiring Langley at the VP and Jeff Peterson as a GM with him having less experience as an NBA executive who is Jeff

Langley let me see Langley who is that is that here or is that somebody else langy Lang oh you talking about TR and langum oh they gonna raise langum to president Lon they’re gonna raise Lon to president and Peterson will be G interesting some people said that if

They can pull both of them if they they have said they I’ve seen some people even in in in other chats and everything that have said if they can pull Langdon and Jeff Peterson to form like a like a like a combo they said that’s a damn

Dream team that’s what I’ve heard I’ve heard that both of them together it’ll be crazy is what I heard the people want that combination right and want Tran langum and Jeff Peterson right Jeff Peterson can step in as a full GM lon’s already a GM he can step in to be at the

Top and because according to British buzz James plot right said Jeff Lam’s sister has already been in the circles during the Bobcat days in the financial area and all these other things right so L then already has Family Ties here already has ties to the or and so to bring him back

Along with what they had in the past right and then they bring their guy Peterson up to make him a GM right with Landon handling all the other things in the organization guiding Peterson or you know having a talk with Peterson but doing the other things like what the

Training staff like The Scouting Department like player amenities all that falls on the VP the VP is responsible for those things right just like Mitch Mitch cup of course he went on The Scouting trip because he’s the VP right so he has to go on The Scouting

Trips you know what I’m saying you know now because he a GM in the VP he has to go on The Scouting trips whereas in this situation Peterson may be going on The Scouting trips and the VP remain here to handle other business here see because

If you notice and they put the video out too baby they put the video out do y’all remember that picture I think I tweeted it out they saw the picture of um they saw we saw the picture of um um Rick SN greeting Grant Williams and

The rest of them coming in and I said you know I found it interesting I was laughing I said [ __ ] Rick SN was on the Rick SN was in on the trades he was on the damn press conference phone call Mitch signed off on on it right

Rick sent him off go sent him off to Barcelona Mitch stepped down in Barcelona Rick SN was on the ground to greet the players that were traded coming in and then just yesterday they showed the video let me see if I can find it right quick I want we hopefully

We’ll see I’m G see if I can find the record they showed the video on sh Hornets PR which by the way Brandon Miller say he’s satisfied with you know what I’m saying they ask and that’s on the side let me digress for a moment have y’all heard have y’all seen

Exerpts of Brandon Miller’s interview coming out of the r Stars game the answers he’s given I love his answers Brandon Miller is Brandon Miller is Brandon Miller is a let me tell y’all something some of Y ain’t gonna like this because some of you all want to put

Him in his goon bag because of what happened in Alabama Brandon Miller every time I hear him speak Brandon Miller reminds me more and more Brandon Miller has Grant Williams energy bro I’m just gonna say it I’m just gonna say it he has Grant Williams energy bro goofy nerdy but serious

Serious serious rumors of Isaiah Stewart smacking up on somebody in in in the uh Phoenix Suns locker room and I remember Brandon was seeking him out early on like oh went to dunk on him and then posted a picture of him dunking on Isaiah Stewart on his Instagram like you

Don’t scare me you want to let’s deal and when unfortunately when members of this tribe exert that type of energy is immediately put in the street [ __ ] hood [ __ ] category no that ain’t the case you ain’t got to be a street [ __ ] to get offed to off or get

Offed nerds will kill and whoop your ass too now so-called lames that you all like to talk down on Brandon Miller has Brandon Miller has that Brandon Miller that man said that man has a mean thank you he’s becom a mean but he’s serious about this game

He’s very serious about his craft and he exerts a serious energy he he loves he laughs he does all of that but when it’s time for war he got the sword out in heads roll metaphorically algorithm you see what I’m saying you know facts Brandon Miller yeah yeah and jam I’m

Noticing it more and more every time he talk he has Grant Williams energy bro he has he has Grant he has Grant he has Grant Williams energy Brandon Miller might end up being number one for Charlotte as much as like lamela’s unstoppable my 2k season you know he may

Be we’ll see Lelo has a skill set we’ll see Brandon Miller has K Brandon Miller has KD type Brandon Miller those moves he making people tell Paul George no those are KD moves Brandon Miller getting to spots and just shooting raising up over people those are KD moves those are not

Paul George has that but those are KD moves Brandon Miller reminds me regie Miller having acquired demeanor off the court but destroying teams on the court yes quiet kind of silly I I don’t really I don’t hey Brandon I don’t he and James I don’t think Brandon Miller’s quiet I

Think he’s Grant Williams silly and goofy I think that I think that’s why I saw them I think that’s the reason because I told you all in last [ __ ] I don’t miss goddamn it it is what it is I told you [ __ ] right I said did you

Notice who was in Brandon Miller’s ear like the first game the second game it’s Grant Williams he’s over there in Brandon Miller’s ear already right I said I want to watch that [ __ ] then on Valentine’s Day who was walking in together to get the RS Grant Williams

Brandon Miller right I don’t went on I [ __ ] it I went on over here now I’m gonna stay over here now I digress from what I said said I’m just going to stay over here we’ll get back over to this in a minute right huh huh then did y’all notice that when they

Handed the rol to Grant Williams and handed the roll to Brandon Miller did you notice what did you notice that when Grant Williams handed the r back that Brandon Miller handed it back behind him did y’all notice that did y’all see that y’all PE that this is

Why I am who the [ __ ] I am I’ve said in the past you know what I’m saying I have always said in conversations in the past and now I’ll tell you all the subtle things always speak the loudest don’t look for the obvious everybody this is the reason why I’m

Able to call certain things because I look for certain things you know what I’m saying some [ __ ] want to characterize this as me being some Grand sage in the mountain somewhere that’s not what the [ __ ] it is [ __ ] I just got that skill I know what the [ __ ] I I know

What the [ __ ] I to look for I am inse [ __ ] I’ve been in security since the age of 19 [ __ ] a good security guard must be able to see the subtle [ __ ] before order to know some [ __ ] gonna go down man that’s how the [ __ ] I know anybody who’s insecurity [ __ ] you

Got to look for the subtle things you doing your job on your post because if you don’t you your ass get caught off guard if you don’t see wait a minute what did he just say insecurity what did he just put that [ __ ] in his pocket wait

A minute why everybody else is doing this why the [ __ ] is he doing this let me let me watch this one let me see what he’s doing oh I see what the [ __ ] oh then he just talked to him oh I see him oh let me hey look at these two over

Here let me walk over there it is a good [ __ ] I am I am I have been trained in security all my life man the subtle things always speak to me because I’m trained to look for it fools you know what I’m saying that skill set now passes that skill set can

Translate into any other thing that’s all that’s all you know what I’m saying jealous [ __ ] anyway yeah so um they got to keep him at the two NBA championship roster 2K oh the 2K roster is melow Mill miles Richardson wait a minute what’ you say mo his head shake celebrations already legendary that’s

What I’m saying he coming look oh look I’m I’m what his thank you let me see what wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let me see if I can find this [ __ ] right quick let me sign damn it I

Don’t think I said I don’t think I bookmarked it God damn it oh no yes I did hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it goddamn it hold it oh you hear it hold hold it hold it wait thank you come on now thank you

What what hold on let me cut this off [Laughter] what you see what I’m saying wait a minut let me see something uh see gotta do it Dre you in timeout for a minute come back with some different energy okay mods if he’s still on Anthony Edward get him Out we ain’t talk about Anon a I sat and watched you for a while uhuh we ain’t doing that Focus [ __ ] all right anyway no I did it I did it don’t worry Ms I did it what thank you what come on now what about that oh let me take these

Off I’m hear my voice double interfering myself what What suggests goon in that he might as well [ __ ] Brandon Miller might as well put on the Robin Grant Williams and Brandon Miller might as well put on a Batman and Robin uniform at this point that’s Grant Williams energy that’s the [ __ ] I’m talking

About huh huh no and he got the [ __ ] out of here too AR a doing nothing in here what right I was close to timing him out we tried to ignore him no no after after he don’t get the hint I’ll do it myself if he but he’s on the timeout he’s not

Out you know what I’m saying if he cont if he comes back with the same energy give him a give him a 30 minute break no you know what I’m saying because we you know we’re not doing that in here focus on what the [ __ ] we talking about you know Ali pay Anthony

Edwards is no Show versus Melo yeah don’t get into that hey OE don’t get into that and and is who he is man he got a good team over in Minnesota we gonna see we gonna see if he can build on this playoffs from

Last year you know we G to see if he going to build on this playoffs from last year although he’s getting Rivals now shy J Alexander came and let Anthony no [ __ ] [ __ ] you ain’t running the West I’m running the West you know so it’s

It’s as far as the Western Rivals the um slack the rough times are over they actually have a team you damn right slack slack if they been celebrating all on Twitter [ __ ] you know what I’m saying at was Hur was 100% oh Lord Oh Lord here we go you know you see what

I’m saying so so but they have a good team and everything so we’ll see how that goes over there right anyway anyway you see what I’m saying so oh damn some ant stands and flow Over Here Boy you know Lamela ball draws all of them over here I’m surprised that

Tyrese’s people wasn’t over here either you know it’ll focus candy please anyway yeah so um so um um so yeah so so Brandon Miller gives me goofy serious Vibes you know what I’m saying that he he does right so um so yeah so um so everything yeah yeah so yeah let’s

Get back to the jam talk see look you look what you’ve done Ali Ali you responsible for candy on this Ali pay you are responsible for Kenny right now okay that’s your responsibility since you since you opened up that can of worms you’re responsible for Kenny fire

At will brother I leave that to you anyway so um so yeah so um the uh everyone’s happy that’s the point right and the GM talk let’s get back over to that right the talk of a GM I asked I tweeted out something right a

Few days ago I said the shadow GM man we have a it doesn’t it because these doesn’t feel like Mitch right and now we find out that Rick SN was involved Rick and Gabe was involved in the trades and now we find out that they’ve been having informal

Talks with other GMS so he’s setting it up already now they have to be careful how they let this cat out the bag right they have to be careful how they let this cat out the bag because if any let me let me say something if any of those informal talks led

To certain moves made huh then the Hornets could be in trouble which in my opinion is not a bad thing I’m not going to say the t- word but I’m just saying I’m just saying if informal they got people in their listen they have these three already right lined

Up and word it is they’ve been having informal talks I think that I think that James if I have to make one critique of this article I think James should have kept that one to the vest I don’t think he should have came out and said they were having informal talks already since

The beginning of the season because when you when moves like this are made you know hear me good when moves like this are made right moves that it is known now clearly strongly said and even even Mitch himself ran his mouth and said it Mitch ain’t slick either now because Mitch

Could have held that to the vest too Mitch could have held it to the vest Mitch didn’t have to say that Rick SN then was involved Mitch could just said you know I just you know it’s just time to go or he could have refused to answer

The question Mitch said yes you know there were in summary I’m paraphrasing yes you know Rick Rick and Gabe were very involved I was surprised that how much they knew they were very involved oh they knew about the players hello M came and said that now and I was

Wondering why would M do that why would he come and say that they was involved at first we trying to make it a compare and contrast between Gabe and Rick style compared to how Michael Jordan would approach trade deadline right we’re talking about that I’m kind of entertaining that thought a little bit

Me and mo talking about it me and others are talking about it right because I’m getting more DMS by the way I’m getting more DMS now it is what it is the tribe is growing the influence of Barton is growing you know brothers and sisters are begin to send me drop certain things

In my GM and if you drop something or in the Discord if you join the Discord drop it in the Discord too you know certain things I’ll talk from the Discord out to a live stream you know I’ll do that or just like when discussion me and Mozart

Had led to a whole live stream you know it it goes that way right so so if there is and rumors about a tragic in lane then begin to come out right and and a brother sent me something in my GM I said okay in my DM I said you know we

Kind of talked about it but now now I have to watch because and I’m gonna do a separate video on this to go in more detail about this I got like three or four 10 minute videos I got to do that I’m planning on doing within the next few days they’re

All going to drop because after today I might go I’m going to be busy tied up you know in Real World stuff so it’s going to be probably a lot of videos dropped in music actually for the next a few days you all do know there’s two

Issues going on to watch for this summertime we G talk about both of them separately on these 10-minute videos one rumors are that um Zion and Brandon rumors are that either Zion or Brandon Brandon Ingram will not be on the New Orleans Pelicans fast this season those are rumors right

This is GM talk right you can always do like a part two to the live you know because Miss Benson now this rumor cires back from this time from last year around free agency when the whole debate over sco Henderson and Brandon Miller was going on which now seems very silly you

Know talk was that the new godamn it talk was that the New Orleans Pelicans won the school hocon and there was certain talk that the Hornets could make it happen for them because Wy of course is going number one so in essence the true number one pick was uh was with the

Hornets and jams Adam Silva and the other owners of NBA will ignore this situation they need the Hornets to become more financial successful they want the NBA TR to succeed yes absolutely absolutely a jams so I said a package of sco Henderson along with some other things going to

New Orleans to bring Zion back now this isn’t a new rumor there have been rumors circulating for years of intrigue on on on Zion returning home there’s been rumors Danny comson came on the spaces lit house spaces he did uh long ago when the lit house was in a

Different energy than it is now Danny Thompson was on the spaces and he said that there’s Intrigue over Zion willamson over here he said that then right formul of the three-point conversion he said that then right so the word on Zion coming home has been has been out for a while

Right will LEL ball be back to Allstar level of play Chief yes absolutely absolutely listen let me tell you something I’m gonna get to that Chris let me write that down because I’m GNA tell you why let me write that down lamelo allar where’s my pen because I

Want to lose my train of thought so word on Zion lamelo Allstar I’m gonna answer that question you know what I’m saying rro I don’t want Zion see so now the question is with this new ownership now will they want will they entertain that right if Zion or Brandon both dookies now see

This is the thing about certain corners of Carolina in this fan base in in Charlotte you know and jams you all can bear Witness to it it means something to this fan base for you to come from the area and represent the city especially Duke right I think that’s I think that’s

How my Mark Williams got up in there in the first place over Duran part of it because it’s dup ties why Bryce why is Bryce McGowan still on this team after the trade deadline Carolina ties why is Cody Martin starting Carolina ties it’s just a thing this Carolina Connection there’s

A thing about it they have a thing about this Carolina Connection and how much Rick SN plays to that culture I want to see right huh Rick and Rick and gay was just paying attention to the bench NBA teams know the potential good players deep teams OKC in the M yes right

So were um let me see now we going down further it says Landon and pet those two cand have been closely linked to the role through reports from all and Adrien wowski however Trent Ren here we go Tren readen is a name which has not been

Publicly linked to a rose apart from all Hornet James plot right on this top 10 candid in place mid I think I’m G to look into that he did another article on top 10 candidat to replace Mitch now Trent Rhoden is a GM for the Clippers I think let me go down readen

Michael general manager he’s the GM uh uh Ren is the GM for the uh for the for the for the damn Clippers right now you see what the Clippers are put together interesting so if Zion becomes available this is where this [ __ ] tied I’m tying this [ __ ] together I’m sorry

I’m jumping all over the place if Zion is made available and Lon becomes the GM or VP from New Orleans H then suddenly Zion becomes available will trans will Lon try to bring Zion home having that connection Brandon I don’t think I don’t think Brandon Ingram will be there’s

There was some discussions I was having with uh brother Brian and he said you know that Brandon Ingram would be a better prize than Zion for this team but Zion will be a bigger name they can snatch Z so we’re going to watch this is just GM talk we’re talking

Speculation now but let’s watch it if Zion becomes available and langon is over in Charlotte do you all believe for a moment that langon is not gonna try to get Zion to bring him to Charlotte with him Allah damn Any Given Sunday when Beaman in the damn bean and damn alucino

Left went to another team ah the Carolinas like the states New York City Pennsylvania California have a bul of the top talent that makes the NBA right so watch that watch that closely because when we see that’s why I’m thinking that James should have held the informal talks to himself because now

You can ask legitimately who were the ones having these talks based on these informal talks and based on Mitch dry snitching saying that he knew a whole lot about the players hello you know and then the moves that they made put the new GM in the position to have potentially a top

Pick we went over the salary yesterday we went over the salary in the previous live stream so if we didn’t catch it go back to that one where they have enough money and salary to give miles Bridges a bag even which I don’t know if they’re going

To do this even overpay to keep miles and still have enough money left to get a Max free asan that’s how much money Charlotte got this summertime moving Terry and moving moving Terry and Gordon has opened up the purse streams for the Hornets where they have enough money to resign miles

And get a Max free agent they can keep miles in the fold and bring a Max free agent the Hornets can can load up this summer the Hornets can load up this summer and still have money for a top pick they have money for a top pick uh

Miles Bridges and a Max free agent right Ali do not forget Ohio Ohio produced the six most NBA okay right so so the new GM coming in he got a lot to work with they’ve collected a lot of players they’ve collected picks you know what I’m saying they can move those

Players so I want to say this not to be a Debbie Downer enjoy what’s left of this season Hornets in Lelo ball fans because some of these players that we’re enjoying may not be on this team next year depending on what’s available outside I’m just saying there’s some who

Are saying no don’t make no more moves keep them no we’re in a different era now you got to go for it the conservative era of the Hornets gym is over with I expect them to be aggressive this offseason that’s just my opinion I don’t think they’re gonna sit if this is any

Sign of what’s to come in the summertime the Hornets are gonna be aggressive on the market they’re not going to sit back and pre and even though they’re a small Market team they got big money right I expect them to be aggressive you know the only person I would hope that they keep

Man and Miss no not man I want them if the Hornets can I want the Hornets to keep man and Grant Williams in the fold you know Steph is no I know I know that Seth is a feel good but [ __ ] you keep Grant Williams in the fold

Just for his leadership you keep him there for his leadership R can’t count oh uh you can’t um you keep Grant Williams you keep Terence you keep Trey man those two you keep miss you can keep him on the cheap deal therefore you got a backup point guard for the M ball right

Berans is a stretch you may want to keep him right but that means that like Bryce and the rest of them got JT Thor they’re out of here man move that salary so you can bring in other players to continue to build the team so they can compete next

Year they need to keep M yeah they need to keep me they do Gina do you think they’ll get rid of Melo who you think who get rid of Melo the Hornets they about to roll hey Gina they about to roll lamelo out next year there’s no way they’ll get rid of him

They about to roll him out next this is you all do know that this is a preparation to roll out Lamela ball that’s the shiny toy next year right you heard it here goddamn it Lamela B will be rolled out next year as the new shiny

Toy y’all think we you all think the Hornet is getting hait this year by the an by the ant stands and the tyres stands wait till next year when lamelo has a good team around them and their team comes out smoking and it will when that team comes out smoking

Next year under a new GM langon Peterson whoever they get the energy is gonna be high in the building it’s already high Brandon Miller is being rolled out as we speak tonight what Brandon Miller is being rolled out before the national audience tonight A lot of people are going to

Have to eat their words on Brandon Miller tonight right local and National after what the nasis did to Thor yeah of course he should have been way but he’s out of there you don’t let no goddamn Mas you don’t let no damn team mascot give you a sham God and he’s allowed to

He’s allowed to do the layup Thor should have threw his ass to the ground JT Thor should toss his ass to the ground see but that was let me see that before Grant Williams got there because Grant Williams would have got in my opinion I believe Grant Williams was gotten JT

Here about that he like what yeah well no you knock him down you told what send his ass back to Greece or Nigeria he can pick God damn it you don’t come over here and you don’t come over here and play these games over here with us

See but JT see you don’t have the energy that we have it is what it is JT a tribal [ __ ] is not gonna Li a tribal a man of this tribe is not gonna allow a [ __ ] to shamard him like that I don’t give a [ __ ] where he’s at on the

End of the bench he’s not gonna let that happen he would he will what he will a man of the tribe will knock him down like what the [ __ ] you don’t even get no M on your team by your brothers leave and you trying to shamard me man take your ass

To the free throw line huh Jina they’re not gonna get rid of lamelo he ain’t going nowhere he’ll be right there he ain’t going nowhere he’s he’s the centerpiece of the he’s the centerpiece of the Hornets and the centerpiece of this league they’re putting a team finally putting a team

Around them so that he can be able to be in these conversations that he’s not in right now this year or last year because of injuries and because of the unfortunately the way uh the old regime put the team around that will be over with next year right R need to see

Miller Cooks fol yes M’s going to cook them all he’s definitely okay thank you Hornet fans trying to get rid of melow already no I think some of it there are some who Gina some of that is to troll lamelo fans some of that I don’t believe some

Of that generally they don’t like lamelo’s flavor and sauce they don’t like that but unfortunately the lamelo Su of this lamelo fan base has created hate for lamelo ball because of some of the some of the extremes of the lamelo ball fan base Gina and it’s like we can’t have fun

With lamelo because if we say anything if we say anything about lamelo then we gonna see a whole bunch of [ __ ] stalking our tweets cussing us out calling us Coons and all this stuff you know harassing us every time we tweet because we said something they didn’t like about lamelo

Ball you know what I’m saying doing whole spaces on us putting our names in their spaces and all this [ __ ] what you can’t have a healthy fan base with that type of thing going on so that turns off some of the fan base Brandon Miller okay well what you

For Brandon because Brandon Miller Brandon Miller there’s Alabama in the house who follow Brandon Miller but they’re not all over they’re not all over they’re not all over the Charlotte fan base the way some of the lamelo fan base is right and and there’s some like and J

There’s some F-150s who get off on trolling the lamento ball fan base the Str of that fan base they create they are monetizing off of each other Gina Israel specializes in it Israel knows better but he’ll make a tweet just to get a rise out of them Crown Club too

They know better but they’ll do a tweet and like clockwork someone from the other side sometimes to LIT house and others will jump in on and then they’re arguing engagement engagement farming is what they’re doing Twitter Twitter has Elon has made it made it has made that made

That platform into that type has broken it down to type of foolishness it is what it is so no no there are some who are but that’s but there’s a mixture of that and others and who have who been having this tip attack ever since L guy here unfortunately and

Fortunately over here we’re out of that tip attack over here J this is a lamelo ball Charlotte Hornet content where we are pro lamelo and pro charot you know what I’m saying and pro lamelo being and winning in Charlotte you know so we’re not here to troll none of the Charlotte

Fan base or the lamelo fan base nor are we here to [ __ ] on the Charlotte fan base in the name of lamelo ball nor are we here to [ __ ] on lamelo ball in the name of Charlotte that’s all they’re doing Mo they’re professional grifting profession gter is what they’re doing you’re

Absolutely right so I need to St arguing with those fools no AR with them especially like if it’s Israel and all and that ilk over there leave them be arguing with them is putting money in his bank account let Israel be let is say this little [ __ ] by

Himself real Hornet fans real Hornet fans want lamelo there they’re happy that he’s there they’re vibing right now they’re rapping right now they’re not complaining about lamelo’s feet they’re not complaining about Gordon Haywood oh yall not talking they’re not complaining about anything we’re all happy yeah you

It’s good Gina come over here Gina and you be in other I know you may be in other places come here Gina come over here Gina where you can enjoy this you know what I’m saying come over here come over here Gina you know let me

See so yes so um no lamelo’s here they’re getting ready roll him out and also uh with you know they they they about to roll out Charlotte period that’s what they’re getting ready for these moves these moves aren’t just made for nothing everybody you don’t bring

The VP you don’t arrange for the VP of The Players Association to somehow land in Charlotte just on some chance just on chance goost J what do you think the future L will moving forward rumor thought the Hornets want ner Noel they also draft coming up both rounds it’s

Going to be interesting g j at depends this is open trial we talking about this but this is the open tribe I answer questions in the chat even locked on Hornets locked on Hornets is something else G locked on Hornets there there’s there’s something else Doug

Branson is a clown Doug Branson got me blocked right now Doug is a clown they need to remove him from there they need in there the locked on horness is a bit too vanilla they need they need an insertion of some chocolate and seasoning over there they’re two vanilla

The chicken is not seasoned over there they need some damn seasoning over there in lock on Hornets they do but anyway um the lineup future lineup moving forward honestly g j as is now I would like to see there’s two lineups I’ve entertained right lamelo Miller miles

Grant and Mark Williams one two lamelo man Miller miles Williams and Grant Williams Come Off the Bench right either way I think it’s pretty good you know Miss Me Maybe but me may be better come off the bench bizer has convinced me right bizer has convinced me right

That M should come off the bench although I would like to see them together sometimes on the court so that LEL can slide to the two you know what I’m saying yeah so that so that yeah so that L can slide to the two do a quick check

Let’s see yeah we all good you know what I’m saying I would like to see that right so the new GM got out to work with um ghost j a lot to work with so we’ll see who they keep because they are loading up to make

Moves man Gina oh yeah the the the um they’re loading up to make a move so if Zion is available if Miss Benson is ready because she’s tired of spending money on Zion and Brandon they may go they may try they may grab Zion they may

Try to grab him let me show y’all something right quick while we’re on this thing I was going to talk about this in the video but we might as well do it now I want to show y’all something right quick on why I have a suspicion of this right let me show

Y’all something right quick on Z then we gon go to something else let’s go to the contract I want y’all to look at this can y’all see this I need to blow it up let me blow it up one more Let me let me open it up one

More time because I want pay close attention to this look at this contract from Zion Williamson right this is Zion’s contract right four years number one pick out of Duke $197 million that’s his contract right he even he even break his1 million dollar mark because of his injuries and everything right

Designate rookie extension bird he’ll lose his bird rights if they I think if they let him out you see this [ __ ] down here this is 23 24 $34 million guaranteed right that’s this season look at this [ __ ] for all the seasons going forward look at this do y’all see this

[ __ ] do y’all see this partially guaranteed throughout the rest of his contract y’all see this y’all see this [ __ ] right let’s go down further let’s see what the [ __ ] is all this about huh no all NBA team 193 million 25% right now if he makes an all NBA his

Salary jumps to 231 million if Zion makes an all NBA that’s in the contract right H so it could blow so this this could go up this is just off of this right here at the top 197 million if he makes an all NBA it jumps to

231 right the same you know you know what I’m saying right huh might contract details per the athletic right guaranteed Seasons become non- guaranteed due to games played Clause 2425 50% guaranteed fully guaranteed 1725 huh so going so here is a partial guarantee up to 2025 you see this [ __ ] down

Here if Z misses games they can cut that [ __ ] in half huh what you would think that maybe they wouldn’t hold on to Zion in New Orleans because of all this stuff that’s in here right which did Lon set this up or was this Griffin

Hey chat talk to me hey then 2526 n guaranteed fully guaranteed on 71525 right huh you see it macarina 2627 n guaranteed fully guaranteed 71526 right huh here we go 2526 Saturday we talking next 2425 2526 salary 20% of 25 26 salary becomes guaranteed if passes all six of his weighin checkpoints

Huh during the season let me let me see if I can bring this down hold on see that’s another part that we can see during the season right 40% of the 25 26 salary becomes fully guaranteed if he plays equal to or more than 41 games during the 24 25

Season huh an additional 20% if he plays more than or equal to 51 games in the season salaries for 26 27 and 27 28 seasons can be reared if above metrics I met if above metrics I hit the season prior weight must be less than 295 pounds body fat monitored

Huh wait a minute what you laugh for that R we’ve heard about this right we’ve heard about this I said let’s jump in right quick let’s see what the [ __ ] is really going on here yes they have a weight Clause Zion cannot weigh over 295 pounds in games he has to play

Zion cannot miss any games or else his money is cut this money is cut you see this up here that [ __ ] is cut that’s how they put it together for him huh rro he needs to go to Miami word man if Zion become available New York is gonna chase Zion New York is

Gonna try their best to get Zion up there if he if if if if Zion is available that’s been New York’s been having fantasies about Zion since since since he first put on since Z put on that New York cap at the press conference so I think he did

That so the Nicks may try to put him up there with with jayen Bronson you know what I’m saying and TBS to be his coach you know although you’re right Aro Miami would do Zion good Miami will put he needs to go down there to Miami

But I don’t think Zion you know [ __ ] Zion with his damn offc Court proclivities as Stephen A Smith said Miami may not be a good place for Zion that man will be that man be enrolling orgies down there if he goes if he goes to Miami I’m

Sorry I’m sorry Dallas is enough if this [ __ ] is licking his lips about Dallas fulltime in South Beach my God no sir I don’t think Zion got the discipline to go down there you don’t have the Johnson discipline bro too much going on there there’s there’s too much there’s too much

There’s too many thongs and bikinis down there for him he don’t have that discipline he just don’t you know shroud is out here down know what I ain’t gonna say nothing but damn how know what leave that Al he’ll crash out in Dallas man so so anyway yeah you know so

Let me see let me check right quick let me do a check we got to do a check right quick where we at got 15 how many likes we got in here how many likes 10 likes let’s get the likes up to 15 you know what I’m saying the cash app

Is pinned if you all wish to contribute you know feeling good about this content be sure to drop something in the cash app I appreciate you know what I’m saying um let me see so the gym the GM look like they gonna pick some good GMS we’re going to watch these names you

Know what I’m saying we’re going to watch and we just got to be you know we got to be aware that um if Lon is in the discussions Zion then I have to pay attention to what’s going on with Zion because if lon’s in the discussions and Zion [ __ ] around and

Pop up in Charlotte huh and James going to New York and city or Miami he would get heavily scrutinized by those cities a lot of celebrity Paparazzi yes paparazzi Paparazzi in both places and and and and and booty and and Miami Zion can’t win I want to point youall to another

Article that was done let me see then I’m get up out of here because it’s 8:30 yeah it’s almost time for the game I think Peterson will be the guy I hope so he’s been tied to him slat Peterson has been tied to him right peton be the GM

They may but see slat they’re looking to hire two they’re looking hire GM and a VP of basketball operations they want two people to run it not just one Mitch ran both they’re going to have them separate this time so you could have a situation where you can get Peterson for

The GM and like someone else said in the chat Landon can be the president there so it’s basically a promotion for both men one is a GM in New Orleans he’d be promoted to BP of basketball Ops and then assistant GM Peterson out of Brooklyn can be promoted to GM in charl

We’ll see how it goes you know but that’s what they’re looking to do and they need both because they’re looking to literally they’re literally building Charlotte back up man Char Jordan left the house a mess man they are re they’re doing a fix they have to

Fix the house back up after after the tenant left the apartment a mess that’s what Michael did they got to put new [ __ ] in here so it’s going to take enterprising leadership to do that you know so they can’t pick you know with respect they can’t pick Old Slow

Methodical GMS stuff they need Dynamic GMS Dynamic leadership that’s going to aggressive not too crazy but aggressive and also who are looking to really upgrade this training staff who is really looking to upgrade the scouting Department the analytics Department all that [ __ ] needs to be upgraded player

Amenities I was doing some math to play interminate is is more of a reality then I thought ah let’s get let’s get let’s get to that we gonna get to that on closing out we have um we have cool looking projected Flames going around the basketball wow they have cool looking

Projected Flames going around the basketball court they got that [ __ ] from Europe the Euro league does this [ __ ] in Europe and they’re bringing some of it over Adam Silva is going to make Adam Sila eventually this is gonna the NBA eventually is gonna have a Euro League

Field to it bro in Europe that’s what they do they have the in every game they have the fire and all that stuff like what time okay 7:30 yeah let me get ready to get up out of here and entirely new Medicals yeah they need they they

All that stuff needs to be done again in fact there’s a miles Bridges interview that was done I’m GNA save that for the short video I I’ll drop that um I’ll drop that later on right um it makes me think of NBA Jams they wanted it’s it’s event It’s Entertainment bro they the

Old school way is over with everybody just might as well get used to it man NBA is n WWE energy bro they’re there they’re there they’re there this is WWE type [ __ ] you know traditional NBA that’s over with it’s a new age they trying to grab the new age fans bro you

Know what I’m saying they trying to be look they need to be smart the NBA needs to step ahead of shidu because once shidu make it to the NFL it’s a rap once shidu Sanders make it to the NFL it’s a rap it’s a rap the NBA needs to hurry up

And get ahead that’s why lamelo has to be rolled out next year because it’s going to be a big deal when shadur Sanders enters into play so they play for an NFL uniform shador is going to bring a whole bunch of Youth and that energy will

Flood the NFL in a way that the NFL is not used to shidu is going to bring an energy of the culture there that they have not seen since prime time so they need to get lamelo ready the shed Hornets must be ready because lamelo lamelo ball will will be the

Counter to shadur Sanders bro I’m telling y’all I did a live on it already shadur and lamelo how they’re kind of similar and what they’ll bring to this young this young they trying to get young fans shadur and lamelo man that’s who will get them it ain’t nobody

Else I’m telling you anyway um let’s go let me see if I can find it let me go into the Discord right quick because it’s in my receipts link then we up out of here let me go here let me see if we can blow this up

Opening browser let’s see if we can blow this up right quick let’s open it up okay let’s move it over hold on what’s today the 16th all right 104 here we go we gonna start here we’re gonna do this well next season the Hornets FL should be teal and

Purple artificial Flames rejected we’ll see if they look and I would love for the see the Hornets when when the Hornets was popping listen let me tell y’all something right quick and then we’ll go to this then we get up out of here I’ve been a fan of the Bulls all my

Life right you know what I’m saying I’m here in Char’s house because been a ball I admit this I have not hidden this right but when the Hornets was popping I checked in when Larry Johnson was doing Grandma M I was there bro when the teeling blew those damn those cool ass

Jackets and all that [ __ ] we was there bro Hornet was cool as [ __ ] Hornets when when Grandma M was there and the Hornets was popping we was I paid attention to those games I look forward to seeing those games especially when Larry Johnson used to go against Charles Barkley I love

Those games what when Glenn rice came to the Hornet I [ __ ] with it Kendall Gil from Illinois my own our own Kendall Gil was playing for the the Hornets you think I didn’t watch when Gil was there I thought the Hornets was ready I thought the Hornets was ready to

Deal you know what I’m saying later on when Byron Davis came I was checking in then because I love Byron Davis I did mon Mash not so much you know Jamal Mash bur Jamal wasn’t Jamal M M M Glory also on the Hornet I believe he was

Correct me if I’m wrong at jams I believe Jamal M Glory was on on that team too damn I forgot how to pronounce his name I I chopped out that whole brother’s last name right you know of course I liked it when Big Al was there because I love I love

The old I love the throwback big man’s game right Brandon Miller by the way is doing Larry Johnson backing up spinning around shooting the jump shot yep you know now when AA Oka for was there and Ben Gordon came down I said uh I can’t [ __ ] with the

Hornet jaral Wallace didn’t move me to watch the Hornets in the bcast during that time he didn’t you know what I’m saying he didn’t you know what I’m saying he did not Kima didn’t draw me to Charlotte Kima didn’t you know but I am familiar I’m more familiar than what you

All think I am as far as Charlotte goes very I’m way more familiar when Eddie Jones and Anthony Mason came down there from New York I used to watch you know I just check in then when Mason came down from New York and went down there and

Was running point forward oh I remember it now I remember it I remember I remember Anthony was running point forward for a minute down there I remember it yes Jamal mcord was well yeah that’s what I thought I thought Jamal was there Jamal mcglory was there in in in

Charlotte [ __ ] pretend [ __ ] I don’t everybody else pretend they’ll look up these names on Google [ __ ] I ain’t got no Google is up I’m running these names off from the games I watched I’m a basketball head bro every game every team I paid attention to and when Charlotte was popping I was paying

Attention to Charlotte then you know so the SE Charlotte got this energy again that they had back then to me warms my heart bro and I’m happy to be in the building now to watch it I’m not no stranger to shed Hornets I’m not none of these other ones none of these other

So-called stands that they like to call the metal stands I’m not no stand I’ve been watching I’m a basketball I’m an NBA uh uh uh NBA head I’ve been watching all these games for a while these other so-called the metal ball fans would not

Be able to run off a list of all these players where I just did from the Dome because they don’t know they don’t even know what they are they they can’t even tell you that Anthony Mason ran point forward can they you know he did a little bit in New

York they wanted to make it where he run point forward in um in Charlotte Scott barell also yeah Scott barell you know list you know you know I’m not talking about when Kelly When Kelly to puka and the rest of those guys was there and jams uhuh I was there

What’s up my guy you was there where were you Jay where were you you say you was there yeah you know and other you know in other words you know for anybody in here who may think who may try to categorize me as some lamelo stand uh

You know lit house type damn content no I’ve been on this for a while that’s not what I am you know what I’m saying that’s not what this is you know what I’m saying you know I I’ve I’ve been I’ve been with you through those days myself even though I wasn’t a

Resident you know what I’m saying therefore I can speak to it the way I do I dare anybody come in here and try to cut try to say differently we can discuss Charlotte baby and I can discuss it long not just from the melo’s era I

Can discuss it all the way back to Kelly cuka when they first became the Hornets the first time before the Bobcats back in the day when the horns were good yes yes indeed I was there [ __ ] Grandma M coming out of you on LV Larry Johnson

Coming out of you onv the running are you crazy you know what I’m saying no see Stacy a played for Miami I believe but still you know it’s like anyway you know anyway PC you J let’s go to this as we get up out of here well well

Well Larry Johnson Lonzo morning Mugsy Kendall Gill There was all Kendall Gil was on that team too I think he was there before Glenn rice cuz Glen rice was in Miami they did a swap I think and then Glenn rice ended up over there then when um then Eddie

Jones was was was sent from the Lakers down to the shot horns to play with um I think that’s when he was playing with Anthony Bon and those other guys you know what I’m saying yeah Stacy Alman was with the Hawks he was with the Hawks

Yes that’s right he was there he was there with damn um what’s my man name Stacy Al in the short the short defensive point guard I forget his name it’ll come to me I have a question for the chat we asked this question before we shall ask it

Again I’m blowing this up big so y’all can see it on the way out out of here right the last game was in Atlanta Kendall Gil was supposed to be the next MJ yeah he was he supposed to be MJ cooked him my Lord MJ cooked him he cooked

Gil a Michael cook Gill every time he played him anybody who a baby Jordan Michael cook into got to Kobe and Penny Kobe and Penny Kobe and Penny cook Michael now hey and Ron Harper did too mie block that’s right come on Jay come on come on come on all right

Utah huh I think they got 2 three games left I want the Hornets to make a run can they make it into the play in though can they can they squeeze that number 10 do y want them or do they you know it’s like and really they gonna try it man

The Hornets are going to try it the moves that Rick SN made he didn’t make moves to suggest a tank Rick wants to get in if he can Rick from his see unlike see unlike Mitch it is what it is I got to say it Mitch talks playoffs yes

This is a playoff team Rick said no baby I said we’re making the playoffs and I’m going to make moves to make sure my my word is Fond what the [ __ ] I say I’m man what you talking about no ship them out and bring them in the

People that you say can make the playoffs uh haven’t made it so get them out of here right slap what it’ll be a crazy story The hwks of if after everything that the Hornets have been through this year if they slide their asses into the 10th seed some kind of

Way and don’t and don’t get blown out slide into that 10 seed and and pull off a [ __ ] miracle in the spring oh I would love I would love for that to be how Lamela ball and the Hornets is brought into nation into the national television that they upset because the

Hornets if they slide into the 10c they would have to upset two teams to get up in there oh oh and honestly let me tell y’all something I don’t think those teams down there I don’t think they want to see the Hornets I don’t think the with Grant

Williams and and what they have now I don’t think they want to see the Hornets I’m thinking they’re hoping that the Hornets can stay down because if they can slide into that 10 seed let me see something huh if they get there they have to win they have to win if they get

There slat and make the playoffs if they slide in bro into that if they slide from 10 to eight that would be absolutely crazy absolutely crazy regardless what happens they gonna try to do it you got Utah you got Golden State you know Utah Golden State Atlanta I think they I think

Atlanta right now Trey young I think Trey young is out of here Trey young is will end up being either LA or San Antonio they gonna keep the jante right you got you got Golden State you got Portland that’s a win Milwaukee oh two games in Milwaukee we’ll see right

Philadelphia without Joel and Beid Toronto they can beat Toronto Orlando is a shitless game lamelo was hurt the last time they played Orlando that would be the biggest turnaround the season NBA history would be the Hawks are falling yeah they’re falling the Hawks may fall down the Hawks fall down the Hornets may be able

To catch them let me see Washington and if the Hawks fail to make the playoffs that team’s getting broken up bro Trey they they they Tryon can’t Treyon can’t do this two years in a row after making making in the finals he can’t he can’t

Fall once you get to the finals of any conference you got to stay up there you can’t fall back down you know what I’m saying they [ __ ] up letting go of John Collins that was a mistake for Atlanta that was a mistake of Letting Go John Collins they made a mistake you know

What I’m saying I think we beat Milwaukee want and Los okay you so there a split with Milwaukee here right Utah I don’t well because of the new team they might can get Utah Honestly I think they about to go on a crazy run I believe they are too slack I’m hoping they do I’m hoping they go on a run where they may lose it’s like 23 games I’m hoping they don’t lose no more than three or four of those games I’m

Hoping they’re about to go on the run and when lamelo ball is back in because lamelo got that energy again lamelo’s ready he’s ready he’s kind of look let me come you know no no just wait you know lamel was like no no look look I

Think their first loss is with walk okay so they’ll beat so they’ll beat Golden State huh well lamelo always has an energy when he goes to Golden State lamelo hates Golden State after the way they did him lamelo gets technicals [ __ ] with golden state I can see that

Happening and Draymond ain’t GNA be Draymond with Grant Williams there if Draymond try some foolishness Grant gonna be all over Draymond he is so Draymond gonna be able to do no foolishness in Gold go go against the horn with Grant Williams there that’s why you bring Grant Williams there for

The Draymond and others right Portland that’s a win so you think they split Milwaukee so 1 2 3 four and one so far slack that’s what you’re saying Philadelphia I think that’s a loss I don’t know they might can get Philly without Joel and B they might can get

Philly Toronto I think that’s a win although Toronto has given charotte problems sometimes Orlando Orlando p and v d but Brandon Miller’s gonna be T boy Orlando ain’t got nobody can guard Brandon Miller man oh yeah Washington that should be a win Brooklyn a win Detroit shitless game

Memphis that should be another win Phoenix let me see Philadelphia slat no Joel they can beat them okay so without Joel they can beat Philly I believe that I believe that I believe that you know and with the way man and and cing and playing defense I think

They can keep Tyrese Maxi under control Orlando Atlanta lost Cleveland now Cleveland may be a problem they got Garland and damn spider back there they got um uh Jared Allen the back man they Cleveland is looking pretty good Cleveland might be a problem they play Golden State again H Clippers that’s a loss

I don’t see I don’t see them beating the Clippers Boston they’ve beaten Boston in the past we’ll see magic will be a good game yes I believe that the first game is 71 71 going to the fourth quarter they have a few minutes from the start and Brandon

Oh really the game is on already let me get out of here um I’m sorry OK City Dallas we’ll come back to this we G we G because we got [ __ ] we got eight we got eight days right we can stretch out the content we GNA go over this we GNA go

Over this in the future few days we go over the schedule the rest of the schedule for the Hornet then we’ll do our picks we gonna do a braacket we G do our picks all right we gonna do pick everybody get your picks together we gonna do picks and we’re gonna call we

Gonna call the record as we see it and then we’ll see if we’re right or not we’ll do that we’ll do that in in the future stream because the game is on I want to take people away from the game right you know because I want to see

Brandon Cook I wanna I want at least hear about him cooking because I don’t have no um league pass or anything you know I don’t just want to see highlights of but anyway this has been Chief bartran be sure that you like I got new music

Coming out be sure that you like the stream be sure either now on the replay be sure um you share this you know be sure you subscribe be sure um you know if you haven’t and cash app is Biz tww um that’s the cash app and um paypal.

Mebw uh will check on these rumors we’ll see uh what other gyms they’re interviewing and um and hopefully the owners are going to run and we’ll be here to watch all of it all right this has been Chief vran peace and Grand Ryson

Today we will discuss the ongoing rumors of a new GM and VP of basketball OPS and celebrating the high energy and hopes of the team.

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