@Dallas Mavericks

Does Luka Doncic Still Have A Chance To Win This Season’s NBA MVP? | The Get Right

Does Luka Doncic Still Have A Chance To Win This Season’s NBA MVP? | The Get Right

I do want to talk about Luca donic now I’m going to you know go around this in a little bit of a seemingly circuitous way but I do want to start with talking about ESPN and Tim bonts ESPN one of their uh writers he does this thing

Where he constantly asks he pulls 100 League insiders to see you know where they view the MV MVP race at any given time and some other you know some other races award for awards over the course of the season the year six-man just to give us an idea of where things are but

MVP ends up being the big one and his latest um you know dispatch when it comes to his polling shows that nickol leic is firmly you know in that first place spot which makes sense I think we’ve all come to appreciate Nic yic as one of if not the best player in the

League as of right now uh the only other player to get a significant amount of first place votes in this polling is he allows people to do you know their Ranch Choice vote voting in the same way that you’ll see with the MVP voting once it’s

Official at the end of the season Shay gilis Alexander 24 first place votes compared to Nicol yoka to 69 which is clearly a nice amount of votes and so with those two guys seem to be very clearly up at the top coming in third with a lot of third place votes also

Yanis side of token ball and then coming in fourth and he has a majority of fourth place votes is your Dallas Maverick Luca doic and it just feels like he has been scoring incredibly he has moving the ball incredibly and one of the things that I know that I’ve

Always kind of been a little bit of a a stickler about is the lack of Defense now he’s not going to be any anybody’s like incredible defensive player he’s never going to be right you know Hakeem alijan or not he’s not going to be Kawhi Leonard in that regard like he’s just

Not going to be that however you’ve seen the defensive effort improve Steals and you’ve seen Steels absolutely show up and with his offensive prowess the ways in which he’s able to find and make plays the ways in which he’s able to get his own shot and the more consistent

Three-point shot making that is not uh that’s not nothing uh you know turn your nose up at what is it going to take for Luca Dodgers to move up that mvp ranking and ultimately win an MVP because it feels like he has been in the running for five years straight but when you

When it comes down to late in the season and ultimately when the award is given out he ends up being third fourth and and in some ways an afterthought I I think uh it’s going to be the Mavericks being in the regular season a top one or

Two team in the west and the reason I say this is because sgaa sh Gil alexand I mean the reason he’s getting all these votes is because wow Oklahoma City is so good who is their star and it’s in other words he’s he’s definitely an All-Star

Don’t get me wrong right but in the MVP conversation is because look where he has taking Oklahoma City and that young team yeah with that being said you look at Joel Joel andb last year oh Philadelphia is on a roll y was the two-time MVP and now joic even though

Denver’s number four in the west right now they’re defending Champions and there was a lot of people in the playoffs like man I don’t know we should probably gave it to yic so I’m just saying you there’s going to be people because it’s subjective the whole thing is about writers voting right absolutely

So you got to look at Luca’s body of work you got to look at where the team is playing when these guys are voting it’s almost like every time you look up Maverick fans are aware this Luc is making some historic record he’s done something that hadn’t been done since Oscar Robertson

Right and it’s like where’s the payoff well finally he’s named uh Western Conference player of the week yesterday this past week but there was stuff going on in January where he was breaking all these records like look at the Mavericks record look at Oklahoma City’s record

It’s going to be Shay Gil out I mean just go down the list so that’s part of what he’s going to have to overcome the Mavericks going to have to have a better record by the time they do this voting yeah and at the same time

I think um you can look at say oh let’s see some defense I don’t think that’s going to happen with him I mean he can he can do some defense but it’s never going to show up he’s never going to be Kobe shut down Defender he’s not going to be

Giannis right and like right now if you would to say okay this guy’s doing a poll of all these different Executives these different NBA insiders right if you ask them who you want to start your team with I think only joic and Giannis are ahead of Luca and even then I mean

When you start looking at the the differences in age and those types of things I think luuka ends up being start team yeah know what I’m saying okay so I yeah you talk about only 24 be 25 at the end of the right LC is younger than

We’re talking about those too it feels like those here’s peers but in a way he’s almost on a on a separate kind of generational tier uh slightly below them and not belowing in ranking but like in in chronologically and so yeah I feel like most people would actually mention

LCA donic as the first player that they want to start a team with yep but I mean that’s not the MVP as you mentioned and one one thing that does worry me is if the defense does not show up in the way that you know it seems like people maybe

Want I guess what is going to get him that and is it just winning cuz I mean wi winning matters in these things uh let me tell you something just so you’ll know the comp on Luka when he first started his career oh he’s another James

Harden James hard was the MVP yes just know that it’s definitely possible without playing D because y’all know James Harden don’t play no def never has he’s situational that’s all it is I mean there’s been moments when he’s average but that’s yeah that’s that ends up being in other words defense is not

Going to slow Luca from getting the MVP because Harden got it before uh Russ plays some defense he’s more athletic than Harden but it’s the tri he’s putting in triple doubles the way Russ is yeah and that’s that’s one of the reasons why it be becomes somewhat

Perplexing that he has not gotten more love in this regard how about this as we go to the truck text line now from the 817 they say play D shut the bleep up with the rest how much do you think his propensity to get a little you know

Get little wordy when it comes to fouls and those types of things because it’s subjective voting that has to play a part because there are people outside of the Dallas shoot those Maverick fans too Lucas stop AR you with refs he’s so competitive he’s got to stop arguing

With the refs because the refs are not robots you follow me yeah you can’t let the refs distract you from playing getting back on defense and so that’s going to be part of what he has to overcome as well and he knows it because he says it every year at some point in

Time he’s like I know I’ve got to do better he just does but again it’s a vote and it’s not like is arguing with the refs going to cost him a championship that’s not the question the question is the MVP and that’s a valid question right and so it’s one of the

Things that you have to hold because I know from the two and four are too and Andy text in and he says just wait till uh Derek Lively comes back from his uh from his nose injury right his broken nose see that’s part of it there’s that

And then there’s the idea that maybe you have you know you made the moves with Gafford and PJ Washington so maybe you end up winning more and you give yourself an opportunity to be in a better place to make it more palatable to vote for LCA Don that’s why I was

Saying first look at the team’s record like like say Oklahoma City right now Oklahoma City and by the way the way they slayed Oklahoma City to give it in the context they beat Oklahoma City for those who aren’t familiar Oklahoma City’s number three team in the west

They’ve been in the top three most of the year but not only that Oklahoma City was coming in off of four days of rest where the Mavericks coming in off the road had played every other night they beat Philadelphia then the next other night they played Brooklyn beat Brooklyn

Then the other other night they played the Knicks and beat the Knicks and then they come in with two new players and blow out the Oklahoma City Thunder it’s like whoa in fact they made such a statement in ESPN’s Power Rankings they moved them a significant leap up to

Number seven overall this is based off of coming off of a bad month of of January where the Mavericks had all these player injuries and they couldn’t win three games in a row yeah now one thing I do wonder about is obviously you have these new guys and there’s some

Figuring out but then also it’s one thing that you mentioned as we were you know pre-show the idea that Jason kid is not entirely a respector of the regular season like he usews the season is opportunity to Pro you know probe and try things out to get yourself ready for

The postseason he caused it a test he callus the regular season a test for the playoffs because he wants to see who on the roster is going to be able to help the team in the playoffs and he’ll he’ll experiment with rotations he’ll experiment with starters but he also

Wants to see because what happens in the playoffs in these seven game series the other teams will start taking away your weapons they’ll take away guys in other words if you got an offensive guy Christian wood for example last year walking bucket he can give you 20 points

Tonight but he is not committed to defense does not play defense coaches were trying to help him along with the defense during games with that being said you could not count on him in the in the playoffs because guess what they do they call it barbecue chicken time

They put you in a pick and roll blender and they put you in foul trouble and those 20 points are sitting on the bench so as a coach you can’t do that to the team you cannot say wow we were hoping wood could help us in the playoffs but

Be sitting on the bench those 20 points who’s going to so he’s looking for who’s going to step up and that’s what you saw last night when he started uh the two new guys cuz he didn’t start them on Saturday you have the game Saturday they start he brought them in after the

Mavericks already built a 15-point lead right um but my my point being like you know with the things that you have to figure out in the ways in which Jason kid is going to kind of just move some things around test win a bunch of games

To give Luka a chance at the and to be fair like the way that the regular season has gone and I talk to you about this the idea of that 73 win uh Golden State Warriors team kind of taking some of the importance out of the regular

Season for some teams that’s the way that a lot of teams operate is we’re going to figure some things out in the regular season then we’re going to go has always done it does that is that going to change the way or is that going to maybe hamper the Mass from squeezing

Out all the possibility and all the potential getting all the wins now of course obviously winning is still the objective but is that going to maybe stop them from getting as many wins and putting Luke in the place where he’s more visible for that mvp think the

Coaching staff is looking at a more of a balance and the reason I say this is because I think this is just me guessing you know looking at all these games and being at all these games it seemed like their history they were looking at the

Games that they were supposed to win and experimenting in those games that they were supposed to win I think this year they said we better win these damn games we’re supposed to win because in other words before they were there were mandates on load management I think

There were some games that they wanted wanted to rest Luca like last year oh a back toback against Houston and New Orleans well we’re going to rest Luca and they lose the game to Houston well they they can’t afford to lose games they’re like we’re not going to put

Oursel in a position where we’re not going to be a top four team if we can so I think there there’s a mandate of I’m saying mandate there’s a look of let’s win these games we supposed to win right and then maybe see what we got in games

Where you know it’s a it’s a even game or a team against you know we’re supposed to lose or you know a more dominant team so I I again it’s not even about the MVP because Luka doesn’t care about the MVP he’d like it but he wants

To win a championship that’s why he’s arguing with ref so much every freaking game Luca wants to win every damn game you want that but not at the expense of arguing with the refs well and yeah absolutely not and honestly I it’s becoming more and more

Apparent that like his his uh the his people’s impression of him has shifted strongly in fact and this isn’t the end all Beall but I know ESPN they had one of their you know their their basketball show asked the question at one point why don’t players want to play with Luca Don

And the Mavericks and that feels asinine to ask but it maybe is indicative in some ways the ways that people around the league view Luca donic which seems kind of insane considering just just how good of a player he I the players feel that way I I think maybe front office

People are fans no exactly but I mean those those are people also that that fit factor into all of these things I will say this since his latest blowup so to speak with that fan you know got as to Luca has been very very good with the referees and we’ve seen stretches where

He looks good and you just hope that those stretches become longer and longer in the the time between become five game winry helps Absolutely

With a revamped roster to go around his usual excellence, has Luka Doncic become a major player in the NBA MVP race? The Get Right discusses what it’d take for him to overtake favorites like Nikola Jokic: winning, scoring, and leaving the refs alone.

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  1. The way this is going Luka will never get MVP award. Somebody will always find some flaw. If his points drop cause of passes, they’ll say he is not scoring. If he scores cause others can’t, he will be ball hog. If he is not in contender team, he can’t be in the serious run. If he hits 73 points in a game, other teams’ defense will be bad…..he just can’t win

  2. Not likely. Luka should've already been top 3 all season. They don't want to give Luka any more awards unless they're practically forced into it. He's too young, too good, and too White… They see Luka's GOAT-like trajectory and they're gatekeeping on him, the media really doesn't want a White guy being the next Jordan, Kobe, or LeBron type of player.

  3. Mavs are too many games back to be a top 3 seed. At best they can catch denver but more realistically is 5-6 seeds. MVP should still be under consideration. Jokic & Russ won as 6 seeds

  4. Luka has to win finals mvp to shed the "overhyped white star" trope that the media has given him. Its a shame that he has to prove his greatness before they give him mvp.

  5. Unfortunately the MVP has become the best player in a contending team. Dallas need 2 yeas of significant play off runs to change the narrative.

  6. The reality is that the MVP award is given to the best player on the best handful of teams. If the team isn't a lead contender or a surprise contender, the player is ignored. It has nothing to do with who is the better player. Sadly, there is no concise definition of what defines an MVP, so there are too many extraneous factors that play into it. Last year's team letdown of a season is definitely hurting him now. Had the Mavs returned to the WCF last year, it would be a different narrative today.

  7. SGA will win the MVP. This award is controlled by the narrative media will be pushing. Unless if OKC will fall off the standings to #4 and Dallas will be #5 then there’s a chance.

  8. I’m putting my money on Luka rn. I believe in my heart of hearts that the mavs will end up top 5 in the 4th maybe 3rd spot. Even at the 5th spot with these numbers and I believe it’s enough to get him the trophy

  9. Luka has improved at literally ever level of his game. From 3-midrange-offballl-conditioning-defense -free throw-leadership-efficiency-arguing with the refs and that alone should be a boost in the voting. Joker has regressed in stats and in his team record. Somehow his stats are lower and his team is 4th and somehow he’s “firmly in first”. It’d make more sense if it were Shai,but joker being so far in first while Lukas stats make joker look like penguin is baffling to me, and it makes it seem rigged. Luka has been performing miracles to keep this team relevant while half the team was injured and THAT is what makes him THE MOST VALUABLE PLAYER OF THE LEAGUE. He has done FAR MORE with FAR LESS than everyone else. Make it make sense

  10. I think Luka wants an mvp and I think kidd wants luka to get an mvp this year. Luka doesn’t get the respect he deserves and they both know it and I think they’re both itching rn. This is the first year I’ve heard them both mention luka getting an mvp on more than one occasion in pressers. I think they both want and that’s another reason i think they’re gonna shoc people with a MASSIVE run to close the season. A run similar to how we looked post deadlines during the WCF run. We were locced in on defense and we had far less talent than we do now. We’re about to shoc the world and I don’t even think mavs fans understand how good it’s about to get. Mark my words. I feel so strongly in this it’s almost like I’ve seen the future lol. If it’s 25 games left, they’re winning at least 19 of em. WATCH. 😂

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