@Miami Heat

2024 NBA All-Star Practice Interview: Bam Adebayo

2024 NBA All-Star Practice Interview: Bam Adebayo

Hopefully I ask hopefully don’t nobody ask me I am fine with either I’m a part of Allstar Weekend I can’t really complain on if we have Esa West or they do the random pick uh I feel like in moments of truth that’s when that aspect of the game comes out but you

Know not everybody goes into the summer wanting to work on defense you know it’s usually we all want to work on how we can be better on the offensive end so you know from that standpoint I don’t think it’s unfair I think guys are just

That good uh you know we are in one of the best league when it comes to basketball so when it comes to that you know I feel like guys are just that good you can’t really you can’t really scheme somebody that can get 50 can you man he’s hold up who’s this I

Don’t what uh but he he’s going to be a part of the culture till he leaves this Earth and that’s just because the type of guy he is you know he he blees that that that heat culture mentality and he has that mindset and you know everybody above

Him understands his mindset and what he’s trying to get done I have he walked in and was like bam you’re starting and I was like been in that boat before bet man it’s going to be a dope dope experience um just going to really cherish that moment and you know

Thankful to God and all the people that support me through all this ups and downs and uh we we’ve added something new to our list WWE who would I pick as my partner um if Joel’s considered hurt can I still pick him what do you what do you mean why wouldn’t you pick

Him it’s seven what 7 72 and obviously a massive human being um I’m going with my money on on me and Joel if I could have um one rule to the NBA can I take a rule away uh I would say hand cheing um I think it would actually help his legacy because he gets the hand check 10 year olds a thousand of them to beat me in oneon-one all 10y olds all uh you know that nah I would I wouldn’t

Say that cuz you know I feel like my class was kind of like the taller group and we’ve kind of faded out from my class so I’ll say about it’ll take about 20 um dang that’s a o that’s a tough one uh I’m G say Kobe Bryant uh I mean obviously he’s you’ve

Seen him be one of the like the best uh in his era he was the best and to not only witness that as an opponent but being there watching him through the good and the bad the ups and the downs and seeing how he prevailed and and

Still overcame uh I think it would be a dope a dope person to really like be under be under their wing and uh just get all that knowledge who um me Jason Tatum uh who’s the All Stars this year all of us all all of us in the All Stars this uh this

Year outside of Uh best defender in the NBA not going to say anybody in the East um we gonna say we gonna say Ad you said say that again the worst the worst dress that you will know or that you probably don’t know okay ah who is our worse nah it’s not it’s not Tyler Tyler

Tyler’s far from the worst uh dang I don’t know all right I’mma say blue but uh I’mma say blue but I really like red just because your breath don’t stink after yeah uh I mean to coach a team that has LeBron James Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosch

On it is not easy as people make it seem um and then also having going to the finals with 60% of your team being undrafted isn’t easy either so that’s why I think he’s one of the best in the league man he’s still learning you know he’s still understanding the NBA he’s

Still getting used to being his schedule uh so I think he’s going to be great um once he gets his feet under once he starts understanding like what he can do how he can do it how he can affect the game and you know anything else is the the sky the limit for

Him uh I mean the man blocks how many shots a game I mean that’s the that’s the deciding factor right there uh Paulo has a lot of talent and he’s he’s got a coach that’s giv him no no restriction he wants him to explore his game he

Wants him to be aggressive he wants him to play hard and he wants him to figure out how to win on his own with help along the way so out of what how did you just cut me off there you go thank you uh anyways man he’s goingon to be a

Great he’s goingon to be a great great leader for his team and a and a great a great uh player in this league yes he’s musty I’mma say I’mma say Jaylen Brown I mean it’s we’re we’re comfortable here for some reason you know we’re comfortable in spaces where

It’s a lot of us uh you know even if we’re not on the same team we were on the same team or anything like that you know being from being from that type of culture in Kentucky obviously you see the the magnitude that it has on

Guys’s go out there have fun not get hurt enjoy the game and enjoy the atmosphere the the um best player I’ve seen that’s tough um the best team though is is who’s second in uh who’s second not first cuz I’m not going to say I’m I’m not saying Boston who’s who’s second

Who’s after Boston no no no in the NBA yeah I’m g go with uh the Clippers um I’m G say Kawai longevity what that’s easy I would love to still be dunking like I am now when I’m what is he 30 39 yeah give me longevity

Oh man when you when you Bank Equity with your teammates it’s it it enhances what you do on the court cuz at that point you become another another form of y’all relationship it’s not just basketball it’s more y’all are brothers y’all are friends y’all can have conversations so

It’s easier to have those tough conversations in the in a heat of battle you know when you bank that Equity with somebody I feel like it just it just helps you as a teammate um hope to have some fun I get to see the the first time all stars uh do their

Thing I get to show them where to go it’s kind of funny because I I was at that that at one point um but you know just getting out this weekend is is going to be great enjoy the fans enjoy the environment and uh get out here healthy I’ll probably be somewhere with

My feet up on an island in the Caribbean um having a mocktail yeah any person Vince Carter uh I have and I haven’t I’ll see I’ll check a game every once in a while but what’s the kid’s name is Rob yes he’s he’s goingon to be good I like his game

Um I mean I don’t I feel like the rules just there for a reason I mean I don’t I don’t have anything to say against the rule because I love playing basketball so I’m G try to play as many games as possible so I really don’t have any comments on the

Rule I wouldn’t want to be Adam Silver for a day I I’m I’m yeah I don’t want that job that’s that’s too stressful um cuz y’all haven’t voted me to be DP why I mean that that’s the that’s the the real answer one TV show what’s a TV show that has a lives

Of seasons and I I can’t say Law and Order cuz that’ just be depressing um only you watch Seinfield yeah you you Uh that’s a tough one TV show I’mma say static shock there you go there you go give you a throwback right guys I mean I you might got to take that up with him he said I only got two questions left and you just came in here barged in so what

It oh yeah and then miss you know Rachel Nichols right there so I don’t uh say say what you said though I’mma answer it because you you seem like you’re really interested in my answer man I mean he showed you all his skills through obviously before he even

Got in the league but to this point what he can do what he’s capable of Disguise a limit for the kid and uh I’m excited to watch him in this league boom thank go to song before I get on the court um I don’t have my phone it would be some type of

I don’t know it’ be hop song it’ be a hype song I’mma say Eminem Mockingbird there you go that’s a that’s a good an how is going to be the Rookie of the Year

Bam Adebayo speaks to the media at NBA All-Star Practice & Media Day at All-Star Weekend 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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