@Boston Celtics

How The Celtics Offense Is Humiliating The NBA

How The Celtics Offense Is Humiliating The NBA

The Indiana Pacers and the Boston Celtics are two leading NBA offenses while Indiana’s offense is mainly Tes Alberton who’s having a wonderful season showcasing his unique passing abilities thees is Indiana’s offensive engine that kept Pacers offensive rating for a quite long stretch at the very top of the

League but currently the Celtics are holding that first spot and what I love about Boston’s offense is how many different success points that leads to M baskets they have for example let me show you this out of a timeout HS play an incoming double ball screen near the

Top of the key but pay attention how porzingis and Al Harford will immediately go to different directions Al will pop to the three-point line while porzingis will cut to the basket with an important task while Nicholas closing out Al Harford christops already has a good position in the Box area

Ceiling off mpj but porzingis gets fouled which means that the Celtics are taking the ball out of the sideline then Joe maula signals to repeat that same play and so Boston will run the exact same play with a double screen Jamal Mor nickol will defend the ball handler the

Same way but here’s why I love modern NBA offenses like the Celtics you would think that the ball handler white is the most important player in this play but Big Al is the one who decides what’s the next step of this play What’s the outcome he’s like a connector so

Obviously he can simply Let it Fly because Harford is a 40% longrange shooter and there’s a good amount of distance that separates him and the closeout player but Al is also well equipped to put the ball on the hardwood floor and penetrate the top of the key

Area while having the awareness to react how defenses will rotate so MPG has to slide over from porzingis to help on Horford meanwhile Aaron Garden has to rotate to help on christops leaving a wide open Jaylen Brown couple of possessions later same horns play but this time Al Horford

Decides to take that wide open look that Denver keeps on giving to him and this is where the Nuggets tweak their approach in defending display this time Boston runs a Spanish PNR action and notice how Nicholas signals to Reggie Jackson to close out Horford as Nicholas witches and plays drop coverage on Derek

White so Denver instead of yage being leveled with the ball Handler in PNR actions and then quickly closing out the r man nuggets made yage to fully switch on Derek white but the thing is Derek is able to easily attack Joker on the switch and obviously this also doesn’t

Work defensively for the nuggets and as the video continues it will become pretty evident that for any changes the opposition makes the Boston Celtics just picks a different tool from their tool shed and it still works starting the second half the Cleveland cavers were switching every pick and roll action and

The Celtics were eating up those switches but then the Cav supplied already shown going level with the ball hander concept the screen and roll actions with porzingis are so efficient and hard to contain right here Alan does a better job compared to yic at closing out christops but this is a seven-footer

From leoa hitting a step back jumper can’t really ask anything extra from Jared the Bon Celtics are also really good at punishing defensive miscommunications pay attention to how Caris lever slowly positions himself between porzingis and Hower LT is directly responsible for Sam Hower but he’s also ready to come and help on

Christops if he gets the ball but then Sam Hower makes a timely cut towards the rim and the Cav’s defense gets easily confused jret Allen same as before is ready to close out christops meanwhile Levert is lost he doesn’t know whom he should be marking or where he should be

Rotating Samer his direct man is being guarded by Isaac Aur and Isaac is correctly showing that Chris should be heading to his match up Jason Tatum in the corner meanwhile L decides to rot it to christops alongside Jared Allen so both of them are closing out porzingis and white makes a great composed

Decision to kick the ball out on open Jason Tatum brilliant all round play by white also like how krists didn’t really do anything in this position but managed to track to Defenders that’s what a seven footer with an outset presence gives you for reference this is how this exact defensive concept looks done

Successfully Brunson is placing himself in between white and porzingis the same way lever did it but the problem is that Jaylen Brown doesn’t read the defensive positioning as he doesn’t wait for white to cut first and to see how nyck react to that cut so Brown attempts to sloppy

Pass to christops while DK is only attempting to slash to the paint and and Jaylen intercepts the ball before moving to my favorite offensive concept that the Boston Celtics use a lot I would want to point out how christops is so Dynamic how he does so many different

Things so we all know that he’s efficient in PNR action specifically pick and pop it forces miscommunications confusions as you’ve seen before the defenses sometimes overthinks christops presence this design plays a great example of the space that christops provides to the Celtics so notice how Bama the bio the Heats made defensive

Anchors glued to christops all the way to the three-point line so will set a screen on the top of the key while Caleb Martin a solid Defender should be switching this but he’s late to react which puts the weak side H defender in a tricky situation to tag Derek white

While leaving his direct matchup open in the corner and the ball doesn’t go to Derek White but also porzingis has that lvan ball IQ and knows how to move without the ball pretty much just like everyone in the Celtics in this situation jayen Brown sees himself getting caught in L man’s land surrounded by three Cavaliers jerseys christops is in the corner

Asking for for the ball but Allen’s good position and a triple team on Brown makes the possibility of a pass impossible so then porzingis makes himself available with a well time cut and finishes with a tough layup against the greater protector porzingis doesn’t have the bounce he once had when he

Played for the Knicks but he’s still such an annoying lanky 7f footer that doesn’t just shoot longrange guns ever since coming to the NBA christops proved to be a good offensive rebounder he waits out for everyone to turn their backs anticipating a defensive rebound and then with his long strides he

Gallops to snatch the ball One Last Thing Before the offensive Celtics concept many solid basketball teams have a rich inbound Playbook and I’ve noticed one simple play where once again the Celtics have multiple ways to fulfill that play first of all notice the spacing both Brown and holiday are

Tucked in in the corners while in the top of the key area christops will receive a screen from Derek White NOW Tyler hero either should fully switch or simply tag christops and wait for Brian to recover from the screen but Tyler doesn’t do neither of those things as

Pingus gets an easy dunk plus the foul exactly same inbound play but unlike Tyler Duncan r son does a great job in tagging christops and not allowing him to cut towards the basket the problem is that Sam Hower Boston snar shooter is left unmarked as thenen is tagging

Christops and baday is looking to recover on his direct matchup also Kristof sower uses that commotion to his Advantage by immediately moving to the wing area a brilliant out of- bounds play a good example how hard it is to defend against teams like Boston there’s just always a counter to everything you

Do defensively finally let’s talk about my favorite offensive basketball concept that every good team in all of basketall ball including the Celtics use. five concept simply put you have half a second to decide what are you going to do with the ball Pass Drive or shoot having that in mind Jaylen Brown is

Kicking the ball out of a double team and notice how the strong side of the court is crowded with Nick’s players while at the same time in the weak side you have a wide open Big L so jayen is kicking the ball out to Perimeter and then the ball quickly rotates to the

Opposite side of the court so the idea here with the help of a split second decision making for the Celtics is to convert the advantage that they got from successfully beating that initial double team into points this play is even more impressive a quite similar situation Jaylen Brown gets the ball inside the

Boxed area but differently from the Nick Pacers are playing at three to Zone and they will actually do a decent job in rotating over and picking out Boston’s players and notice all the ball fakes the Split Second concept puts an enormous pressure on defenses to keep sliding and closing out the pressure

Just keeps growing and when it seems that Jason tatm is driving into mil Turner and Halle Burton is sliding over to Jaylen Brown leaving no other options for Tatum buty he loses his concentration and leaves his man in the corner not sure will display top the previous

One nevertheless it’s a great example of modern basketball Celtics always have a fan lineup that can shoot to top that the fact that drewal and dere white as Elite on defense you can easily employ three guards in your fiveman lineups which improves ball sharing this is a

Guard playing an inside out game with the center who’s the receiver on the perimeter bigal doesn’t get credited that much in this year Celtics his all dit strank Pingas is amazing alongside Qui Dre and of course Brown and tatm but I just personally love bigs with guard

Likee skills how quick weighted he is is with reading what defenses are offering him a similar play that we saw a couple of minutes ago Jason screens at the top of the key bogdanovich will tag D Qui and then close out bigal Atlanta does a better job in anticipating this play and

Bogdan doesn’t fully stick on the cutting man but then bogdanov is required to aggressively close out bigal and he’s not the greatest Defender Harver knows that and attacks the close out both christops and Al fit perfectly into the5 second offensive concept as having bigs that can run your offense

Has become a staple for today’s game and Boston having two bigs that has an excellent field for the game is just too op a few years ago Boston’s half cart offense was basically one try for tatm one try for brown compared to now as I mentioned earlier the Celtics offense is

Highly diverse with numerous different outcome points which leads to successful baskets

The Boston Celtics possess one of the most diverse offenses in the entire NBA. Let’s analyze the multitude of offensive options they have and analyze how Kristaps Porzingis and Al Horford create advantages for their teammates with their guard like skillsets.


  1. nice – until in the playoffs mazulla forgets how to call a timeout, tatum how to get to the rim and brown how to dribble with the left hand

  2. Would like to give credits to the OG Youtube analyst Coach Daniel for the outlier idea, can only wish to be near Daniel's level of basketballs X and O's understanding. Slow and steady steps.

  3. What made the Celtics a much improved team is they are protecting the ball and they aren't average many TO during games, and they have improved playing more consistent basketball versus getting lazy and losing games they should win. Overall i see the Celtics going far unless they become their own worst enemy at this point

  4. None of this matters. The Boston Celtics has been at least in the top 5 of the Eastern Conference since Tatum and Brown has be teamed together. Only one time that they wasn't .only wanna see can they win a championship and it's probably a no

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