@Atlanta Hawks

POSTCAST: The Atlanta Hawks Get Spanked On The Road

POSTCAST: The Atlanta Hawks Get Spanked On The Road

You are locked on Hawks postcast part of locked on Atlanta on the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into our lock. Hawks postcast your home for the best Hawks talk it’s local Insight you can’t get anywhere but right here at lockon I’m tanra batist joining me is

Desa Tate and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download game time app and create an account and use code locked on for $20 off your first purchase the lock on Hogs post is also part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day well deshaan the

Hawks s to charal charlot hobbled charal hobbled that’s because that’s the way they play that’s why that’s coming out like that out of the gate and you know what the Hornets they didn’t have any extra love for the Hawks here on Valentine’s Day and that is why despite

The hopes of evening this series the Hawks didn’t even get close to getting it done of course we’re going to talk about this low note that they find themselves going into this All-Star break on in the and one and we’re also going to do a little bit of a look ahead

About what this team needs to look like possibly after the All-Star break but first we got to tell you our takes on this embarrassing 122 to 99 loss to a then 13 now 13 win only 13- win team in the Hornets and Tate you made no excuses

You kept it straight no chaser injuries are not an excuse yeah another another game where it feels like as soon as you were getting over the hump and all that kind of stuff not just about wins against teams that are much better uh than the Hornets but also just being

More competitive and just getting you know it feeling like more chemistry and just you know more camaraderie around the team and all these kinds of things and it kind of seems like you somewhat went backwards to a degree um but it it’s it’s it is no excuses you

Know because this injury bug did not just come to haunt the Hawks um also without starters like Mark Williams and today lamelo ball exactly and I think to make matters worse for me because one of the things I was looking at with this particular game um to start out was okay

They’ve got to find a way to slow down miles Bridges really early this is you know also a guy whom um has been really confident as of late has really been a huge stepping stone for this team just put up about 45 points on last week so

You held him uh to a game of you know granted 17 points 50% from three but it’s much below his average from the field amongst other things yeah and dare I say you know we have another one of those instances where it’s like insert another random guy’s name here that is

Going off against the Hawks I hate to be that person I thought like I thought we had kind of like we’ been nice I thought that we packag that up I thought that we packaged that up already and like put it in the basement with with the with the Christmas trees and

All that kind of stuff apparently we didn’t it’s back uh like a like a scary movie so um it’s it’s it’s it’s this one is not the most frustrating one I I I will say that um but for this to be the team that three out of four meetings

Last year they lost to to Charlotte um lost to Charlotte for what first game of the season I think it was this year um and and here is Charlotte again with the longest you know win streak against any opponent uh in the NBA that’s got to be

Really discouraging if you’re a fan of the Atlanta Hawks oh discouraging is a really nice word because I was more thinking disgusting but okay atrocious atro yeah exactly deplorable and we could go on and on and we will that’s why you’re here at the Hawks postcast

And listen don’t be shy you guys chime in early and often this might be the night to do that and usually when you guys right for when they come back to home to take on the Raptor’s first game after Allstar but I understand his frustration watching it or listening to

It whether you watch the Bley sport South broadcast or you listen to the broadcast on 929 game it is very very frustrating because you absolutely don’t know how how to feel you get that excited when you see four games in a row or you see backtack quality wins and

Then all of a and you know you get excited when Tate doesn’t have to talk about the RRP or when I don’t have to remind him about the random role player yes there are certain things that he and I have been tracking this entire season

And when we see it we call it out for the good but we’re also here to tell you when it’s the bad and yeah I was frustrated because when our definition of random role player is typically the guy that comes comes off the bench it’s

Not to say that it’s a player who can’t play because obviously uh you know Grant Williams was a quality player during his days with the Celtics and can still give right still has something to bring to the table so when we call them random we’re saying the expectation is if

You’re a starter in the NBA that you’re going to produce so there’s no shock if the starters produce but when when we start digging into this team and we see Grant Williams and vasilia meic essentially outscore Trey young and dejonte Murray that’s a problem correct that’s a problem yes it

So I don’t quite understand how that happens especially when you look at the numbers where train deante played a combined 64 66 minutes and scored 25 points nine for 27 for 27 for 27 and I got another question a follow-up question with you on that before I give my take to Han

You’ve got Williams and meic who scored 28 points in just 47 minutes and then they go 11 of 21 from the field I need somebody to make it make sense but don’t worry because you can’t yeah because it doesn’t make sense and what was frustrating to me and you and I will go

Into this a little bit more in the end one as well is I understand we all get tired we all get exhausted those of us who cover these teams are also saying got a little breather for All-Star break we’ll get back at it we’ll be refreshed

Next week I get that but just just like we’re bringing you the energy in this last show this last postcast before the All-Star break because of course we’ll have a basketball conversation next Wednesday on the party but this is our last postcast show we’re tired but we’re

Bringing the right energy I can’t you like we need you to do way more especially when you know that your back your front court is hobbled and that they’re basically gonna play big ball on you and say try to stop me because they didn’t go they went with three forwards

A center in a guard that’s how the the Hornets played the majority of the game so I’m just it’s just that piece is frustrating but I did want to go back to you know the piece that you mentioned about Trey I mean essentially you and deante took like 27 shots yeah like I

Help me just help before I go to my take I just need you to just plug in I can’t I can’t I can’t explain it for you to N I would listen here’s the thing for those that are are listening and watching we wish that we had the words

To be able to describe and and and to explain some of the things just as much as you do as you do right it it’s it’s not adding up what what is what are the cool kids call these days the M ma the math ain’t mathing there you go or if

You’re from New York the math ain’t mathing yeah or Philly you too so yeah I I just I cannot I have dug into these numbers and we’ll try it again so make sure you stick with us on the other side deid in the and one because we’ll try to

Figure this thing out but I will tell you when I hear a stat line that tells me deshan that this is the worst there’s seven games under 500 the Hawks are this is the worst record they’re taking into the All-Star break in five years wow you have got to make that make sense

For me because we were in tank mode exactly that includes a period of time where you were in tank mode and rebuild mode and yet here we stand and that is troubling to me and that’s why I said you can’t really make math of it because nothing is making sense including the

Numbers you think to yourself no Ana oku no Clint capella Bruno Fernando is a little bit hampered which means that you’re gonna have to play a little bit of small big ball and yet you end up with 45 rebounds just the same as Charlotte and it looks

Like okay well numbers don’t lie yes they do because those numbers are identical and yet the final score doesn’t indicate that at all that you were anywhere close to winning this game and then the frustration for me was in listening to the last minute of the game

There was a point I don’t care who was on the floor at that point okay I don’t care that you’d empti the bench whoever’s on the floor needs to play so three players under the basket three Hawks players under the basket one Hornet under the basket and the Hornet

Gets the second chance opportunity correct I cannot that’s effort that’s effort exactly and that’s really want to talk about because even with Cody Martin and I was saying a little bit earlier you know that they didn’t have their guy but I wanted to just correct that

Because for the most part for the day as we were looking at the injury report it looked like Cody Martin wasn’t going to be in so I kind of had that in my mind I’m like wait a minute he actually did show up but my point being at least Cody

Martin was in there trying to bang although he was injured he came in there trying to do a little something wasn’t effective he was there most ineffective starter but my point being here’s a guy who came into the game hobbled and he did his job job I need to understand why

In the world that effort wasn’t there even if the Hogs didn’t have the players you wanted them to on the floor to be able to do what they needed to do you already know but we’ll remind you again that we’ll be right back to talk more Hawks Hornets in the and

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110 so you’re thinking to yourself okay the Hawks have improved so it’s conceivable they could go on the road had a couple days of rest from the Bulls game and they could win this game especially then you look into that one number that we were talking about before

The break and it was the boards your biggest concern was were they actually absolutely going to get be down inside that that was your biggest concern right or at least mine going into the game as we found step byep who would not be playing for the Hawks but again you go

In and you look both offensive rebounds the Hawks actually won that battle defensive rebounds they lost it by four but they evened it out and that’s one of the chief indicators right then we look at blocks Hawks actually had six blocks so you’re thinking okay those are the

Numbers that are respectable points in the paint 52 to 42 isn’t isn’t bad but yet Desa yet and still instead you get an absolute blowout and then you get a 15 to one run by the Hornets to end the game doesn’t that really speak more to effort than it

Does to the roster the talent you have on that court I feel like it does and and so much about this particular game um speaks to the effort in my opinion I mean because when you start looking at it you know it’s a team that even within a small window of games

Just two games they’re a we’re talking about the Charlotte Hornets now without two starters now they’re averaging 119 points against the Atlanta Hawks something that shouldn’t be happening we’re talking about the Atlanta Hawks even the worst teams in the NBA the Detroit Pistons for crying out loud are

Putting up at least triple digits in scoring this is Atlanta Hawks team that’s known for its offense maybe not its defense whatever but its offense scoring 99 points on the night and I don’t want to hear about anything about those injuries because Clint capella is

Not making up a ton for all of that on the offensive side of the ball so right um I know that it really appeared to kind of be like a a one off um but it felt like it was more than just a one when you have you know a night where it

Was you know Trey versus Trey well that Trey looked like that Trey tonight exactly um and that’s just that’s just that’s just not a good look you start talking about Charlotte’s bench contribution um where they got about 40 points out of their bench that’s something we’re used to seeing out the Y

Hawks and granted the hwks did get um you know somewhere relatively close to that I think 35 or something like that between two players but I’m going be honest with you we can sit here and talk about the back court which I think does deserve some blame we can sit here and

Talk about you know um the coach or schemes or whatever but I’m still standing on that sword and still going to be willing to die on that hill to put some of this on the front office because of some of the moves you had made or whatever the case may just do something

Do anything pick somebody up put me somebody in the game I mean I had me and you had a a running joke earlier on the text thread asking how much eligibility do they have a a jersey size for Jarvis in the back because we need to bring my boy Jarvis

Davis in there to play a little bit of Center Power Center something anything better than Bruno Fernando respected um but it’s it’s just been that bad and I think they have to take a big br of the blame for this because they did not put us in position to where

We if we did fall into this position which we know injuries is a part of the game and it happens nobody expect for your starter and your backup uh Center when you’re already thin in the front Court position um to to you know that that you weren’t going to struggle but

Just to be able to have somebody to put out there because God forbid in a minute we’re going to be playing Jaylen Johnson at the four and at the five two positions at once yeah I I agree and that to me was the tallest of orders for

Jaylen I mean I think for all intents and purposes is especially when he got into early fou trouble you’re were thinking oh God this is going to be a long night because if Jay can’t go then I mean who’s going to go but he ends up

With 19 points and 12 rebounds and he ends up only getting one more personal foul in that second half so he really played quite a clean game for all intents and purposes on what it looked like in the beginning so you got out of the one guy who needed it who needed to

Bring it you got what you needed out of him but yeah it did make me look back at the trade deadline and say we were all relieved that it didn’t go down with dejonte Murray because no no trade looked like it was the right trade even remotely what you should have

Got from for him but that didn’t mean that you shouldn’t look down your roster and say what if because at that point you still knew what Clint capella was going to be about and uh go back to that other one I wanted to just uh comment on

That one really really quickly uh and thanks we appreciate you K KT the goat for coming through Trey wasn’t even the best Trace tonight shaking my head I just wanted to coign on that because it’s like you’re reading our mind like uh Des just said it a minute ago but

You’re absolutely right you go into this type of game and you’re not expecting the guy who basically just pulled up on this squad to all of a sudden be the guy be the trade that you’re looking at and saying whoa he had a night and Robert thank you you know you always come

Through and you bring a point and you said it Atlanta played like they were on vacay no effort no energy that’s what I felt like Robert I felt like this was way more about lack of energy than it was about lack of personnel because honestly like we said before

Charlotte had their struggles lamelo Ball’s been out for a month and he wasn’t even remotely close to touch of that that court tonight uh Cody Martin it was a miracle dude actually played because like I said we were checking the injury report all day and it looked like

He was not gonna be a go so I’m looking at this team and they’re thinking they’re not going to have everybody either but you know what Robert the difference is who they had actually showed up that’s right they had showed up and the thing about it too is you

Knew when you looked at the and and to me this is this is the other piece that I don’t think we talked about quite yet but sometimes it’s looking at that second guy like not just miles Bridges because yeah I mean 175 is not I don’t

Know that’s a subpar night to me for Miles Bridges it is did anybody check Brandon Miller have you seen that guy going on a since Terry Rosier rookie a rookie yes but Brandon Miller has been on one since the of Terry Rosier and I felt like and don’t

Get me wrong because he’s been on one with other teams then yeah you would have expected him to have a good night tonight but I also would have expected a little bit of a better strategy on how to defend him somewhere because it was an across the boards night for him 26

Points on eight of 19 shooting perfect from the free throw line six rebounds four assists a steal and three blocks to that’s not rookie those are that’s not a rookie line and not only that well and then you also think that this is something that you’re going to

See from the Rookie of the Year this dude’s not Rookie of the Year matter of fact he’s not even going to be the guy that comes in at runner up I mean maybe if he keeps playing like this but it’s likely he’s not even going to be the

Runner up or even the third you know fall third in line to rookie of the year he’s probably going to be somewhere around fourth or fifth on down so I mean that’s that that that’s pretty bad enough as it is and and I definitely

Want to say this uh last part is that I I think that what the Hawks did right out the gate the one of the very first things that I noticed when I saw the ball tip up in the air was they wanted to get into an argument game some people

Call it windshield wiper game it’s a back and forth I call it an argument game I don’t have time to be trying to get into a back and for I don’t have the horses to get into a back and forth what the what what the Hornets did is they

They sped up Atlanta and they forced them to played their game right off the dribble surface level right from the top and I think that that’s something that Atlanta did not make the adjustments that part I think potentially could be on Quinn Snider but you have to be

Smarter as a team knowing if you don’t have those horses you can’t get up and down you should have been winning that argument as the more experienced and wiser team because that’s a lot of young dogs over there that’s true and when you think about the NBA type stat where it’s

1.3 points per possession basically with that tells you is every time we’re going down the court we’re scoring but more importantly I want to just kind of make it a little bit more esoteric and there was one sequence in I believe it was the third quarter where the Hawks would go

Down and shoot a three but then it would be like a two for one so the Hornets shoot a two Hawks shoot a three but then the Hornets go back and shoot a two so you got you gave them they got another possession you sh you scored but you

Didn’t stop them from scoring it happened multiple times so after after a while 43 becomes 86 becomes 12 n and it just keeps on like it keeps building and building until eventually it’s not shot for shot then it starts becoming two shots for one shot and that

Goes back to what you said because charlot was speeding it up every time the Hawks either shot the ball um well every time they shot the ball whether they made it or not it seemed like the Hornets were right back down the floor in transition to shoot and that seemed

Like something to where yeah in part that’s and SN but in part that’s your basketball IQ that has to kick in and say oh we see what you’re doing and we’re going to have to slow this game down and kind of reset that just never happen tonight listen there’s another

Third of a schedule for the season that’s coming on the other side of this All-Star break and I think we need to talk a little bit more about what we think the HW need to do so that they can I don’t want to say Salvage because that sounds too negative but certainly so

That they can get something back on track in this final third of the Season talk about it on the other side this episode of our lock on Hogs postcast is also brought to you by eBay Motors now passion didn’t quite see that from the Hogs tonight or driver or

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Decisions to make obviously we talked about it before no double O tonight left big toes Clint capella is still progressing in rehab from that left abductor strain with double O The Hawk said yesterday that it’ll be about 7 to 10 days before they’ll evaluate him so that

Kind of tells me possibly he’ll come back after the allstar break but evaluation time period wise says maybe not right after and then Clint capella is expected to return to practice following the All-Star break so that basically means you may not have either one of your starting centers for the

Game next Friday at the Raptors and like we said no disrespect of course because you got to have some level of talent to be in the association but Bruno Fernando is certainly not on the level of a starting center this is why you now go back to that trade deadline and as much

As you appreciated not having dejonte Murray just be given away essentially for free it does make you scratch your head and say but did anybody think of the depth situation no as it relates to your front court because your back court is fine you’ve got meaning depthwise

Like if nothing else you can throw bodies in there because you’ve got beat cree and you’ve got Kobe buffet and you’ve got Garrison Matthews and you got Patty you got Wesley Matthews Wesley Matthews you got bodies so did anybody think about maybe getting another body

Or two to shore up the front Court in case some’s happened and it just really made me think like okay so now where are we I mean I feel like you’re talking about you better be out there looking for guys for 10day C contracts because

Your squad of fours it seems like to me you’re about to stretch them and ask them to keep playing big and in a minute desan you better watch it and hope that they don’t start going down due to injury considering the fact that you were without Jaylen Johnson for five

Weeks already you know what the heck that looked like and then DeAndre Hunter still not himself because you’re bringing him off the bench there was a guy that I think that they could have maybe tried to make a run for who we just saw on tonight um

When I when I’m looking at the things that I’ve been preaching for I don’t know how long about missing that glue piece and and and missing you know that that that you know the guy that’s going to impose his will and that infuriator and you know the vocal leader and all those

Things what did Grant Williams go for on tonight 15 points and 10 rebounds the junkyard dog piece that I’ve been saying that this Hawks team lacks and you had your chance and opportunity to be able to go and get somebody very similar to that may not be the biggest Game Changer

In the world in terms of things that are going to show up on the stat sheet but I’ll take 1510 with some leadership role capabilities amongst other things especially a front Court player maybe a little bit under siiz but you’ll never know it with the way he plays because

His heart is just that big um as far as guys who are out there I can’t tell you that there’s one that I can think of that exist all I know is that’s also someone else’s job and I need you to go and find that guy if I’m just being

Honest because in a minute like I said I’m going call up Jarvis Davis and I’m going see what he got going on for the rest of the season because somebody need to do something pick up a couple foul but or or just even if you can’t really

Bring a whole lot on the offensive in make me feel like you’re making guys work for it contesting I’m seeing deante out there contesting some bigs I think blocking I think block miles Bridges shot on a fast break transition nobody’s out there jumping with him but he was

Willing to sacrifice his body and go out there and take a risk on getting Dunked On which is something that nobody ever wants to see so um you know I just this is that moment where I I I I I do just kind of have to put it on that front

Office for not going out there and finding somebody but I’m not sure that my mental bandwidth can take you know not adding a PE to this team in the front Court even if Clint and and and Ana comes back 110% yeah full bill of health something

Needs to be added yeah I think that’s a great point that you make because there’s too much middling as per the usual of that four to six group that is literally buying for this playing round and it’s like we’re having the same conversation every year every year and

It it gets to be frustrating because again one two three four four and a half nights ago I’ll say there you and I were talking about and extolling the virtues of a team that yes did what they were supposed to do against the Sixers in the

Absence of Joel embiid got it a team that did what they were supposed to do against a Rockets team that’s actually playing much better but was also coming off of a back toback from Toronto got it you did what you were supposed to do however

I think that in addition to I and I agree with you by the way I think that Landry Fields is going to have to be on the phones if he’s not already on the phones during this can’t be an All-Star break for him or the front office at all

No not at all but I but I honestly don’t think it’s gonna have be a a break for Quin Snyder and his coaching staff either because they’re gonna have to sit down and figure out this team is this team literally has what 60 yep 55 games that they’ve played right so

Now you basically are 27 games away from the end of the season essentially a third of the Season left to play who are you gonna be are you gonna be the team that beat the Sixers and the rockets and do that on a consistent basis or are you

G to be the team that somehow just kind of tapped out for the majority of the game against the Bulls decided in the waning minutes to BU pull it to within one and and then still walk away with a loss and then turn around two days later

And get blown out of the building yeah by the Charlotte Hornets that’s to me where the two charges lie the most because the players I don’t know what it is about them I I don’t know what they need to do now James Edward says the Hogs don’t match intensity nor effort

Never a total team effort ownership didn’t do anything to improve this team and I can’t say that you’re not right about that because unfortunately too many times you and I deshun have said we need to just see you do it a full 48 that’s right because man when the Hawks

Show stretches of doing what they can do it’s a beautiful thing the problem is you and I rarely have an opportunity to say full 48 and that doesn’t mean we’re saying a perfect game of basketball we’re are saying a perfect effort of basketball for 48 minutes that’s

Something that yes each player can kind of talk to himself about individually but I think it’s more of a collective issue that the coaching staff and the front office are going to have to address I want to throw one last thing out there um congratulations to uh to

Trey young of being we were going to leave on a good dat note yeah yeah we did passing Mook block for the franchise leader and uh and converted thre pointers so congrats to Trey looking forward to seeing him um you know do a little bit more of this on the other

Side of the All-Star break yes and and go ahead and shine right it took you three tries no starter call up no Reserve call up you got the injury replacement call up go ahead and shine and give these fans at least something to have like good taste left in their

Miles from being in the Three-Point Contest the skills points uh skills competition and of course you know we’re going to see him a little bit on Sunday in some Row for the East so thank you guys as always for stopping by hang in there Hawks Nation get yourself some

Rest reset yourself over the next these next nine days from a game but of course we’ll see you next week uh next Wednesday on the party but we appreciate you even stopping by tonight on the postcast remember to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel and for more the

Hogs don’t forget to check out our guy Brad Roland we’ll see you next time and on the other side of Allstar

Love certainly wasn’t in the air for the road team on Valentine’s Day as division foe Charlotte Hornets annihilate the visiting Atlanta Hawks, 122-99.

Tenitra Batiste and DeShaun Tate dive into the embarrassing loss just as things were appearing to be trending in the right direction on an upward trajectory, despite key injuries. Now on a 2-game losing streak and a much needed break for All-Star weekend looming ahead, the questions still remains, who’s most responsible for an underwhelming and underperforming season thus far?

#atlantahawks #truetoatlanta #charlottehornets #nba #easternconference

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