@Brooklyn Nets

Brooklyn Nets Mid-Season Grades: Shocking Low Score for Cam Thomas

Brooklyn Nets Mid-Season Grades: Shocking Low Score for Cam Thomas

What’s going on everyone welcome back to another edition of bkny Hoops if you’re new to the channel I’m your host as always Rashid why you actually see the midseason well the title over there is the mid-season grades from uh uh NBA analysts out there not myself but this

Is what they actually have to say let me get the link up in the description anybody actually wants to chime in on this conversation may do so hold let me sh hold oops one second one here let me get that link up man should did that in

The beginning I got Harlem up in here man he’s up in here you know he wants to give his raw motions and his takes man yo Get on Up In Here Harlem what’s good what’s good come on up in here man all right so let me get uh let me get the

Article up uh this actually comes from the New York Post over there and uh they gave some some surprisingly shocking grades and it’s just it’s it’s also the actual coach too it’s not just the uh just the players pretty much uh is this this is it right here hold on yeah this

Is it right here all right so we’re gonna get to Camp Thomas in a second though but uh let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see they get Ben Simmons here what’s good Harlem how you doing man yo what’s good bro I’m chilling you can

Hear me man yeah I can hear you all right you hear me yeah I hear you I hear you what’s good BK what’s good my guy chilling man I’m Chillin man so uh how’s everything going I’m surprised that you on I didn’t even know that you was gonna

Be on on the allstar break yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m G come back on Monday I’m gonna watch the game tomorrow allstar game tomorrow and then uh you know then then Monday night or whatever story breaks and we’ll probably get on there you know did you watch the festivities

Tonight yeah I saw it I saw it the three-point I think the dun contest was okay that [ __ ] trash bro okay it was it was disappointing Three-Point Shootout contest was actually pretty much better you know so and Sabrina bro she can shoot yeah man yeah yeah yeah definitely

I was a little worried for a second man not fact all right so they they start off with Nick claxon they said despite a large stretch and plain drop coverage something Scouts the something Scouts told the post heard his energy level claxon has had a solid season he’s

Averaging a double double for the first time in his career I guess 12.2 points Yi wow 10.2 rebounds 2.3 blocks headed into the unrestricted free agency that’s n figure contract this summer they give him a B plus yo you funny bro you funny man yeah I mean 12 point you gota look

At the other centers man around the NBA if you g to get this guy you GNA get to cam Thomas too but if if you going to get this guy guy a Max contract you got got to look at other centers around the NBA and see what they actually averaging

And how they actually really contributing to wins right there and you know we’re losing we’re you know number 11 like I said before if we actually take other centers around the NBA you know to subtract Clon and put them on this roster you know we’re not in the 11

Seed we’re probably in the number fifth or six seed so um he still has to put on weight you know I like to see him get to 240 something pounds um if he’s not going to put the weight on he needs to actually develop a jump shot and I run something past you

Bro if you don’t mind yeah go ahead so last night I was uh looking at some of the free agents you don’t have to um address it now you could go back to what you going to but I just want to run down some of the free agents and then after

You finish we could talk about who you think could be a good fit if your mind all right yeah yeah so I wrote down the list of players who’s going to be free agents all right you ready all right the first one is Paul George if he opts out second Brandon

Ingram third Lonzo Ball fourth Jimmy Butler if he op out Jason Tatum if he Ops out Donovan Mitchell if he Ops out jayen Brunson if he Ops out Nas Reed if he Ops out Derek Derek white is an unrestricted free agent and Lorie Mar is UN um unrestricted free agent so those

Are all guys in 2025 that you know is gonna be free agents so the two that stands out to me like I told you I like Lori marketing and I said I like Jimmy Butler so who on that list interest you uh um maybe like I guess Donovan

Mitchell I mean you gota look at okay who else is that it yeah I gotta you threw me off guard with that because my mindset was into this uh oh okay go ahead go ahead hey so let me all right so so yeah that’s mcling I mean me personally I

Will let him go and there’s always skinny undersiz centers you can actually get into the draft you know via Clowny okay all right they get Dron sharp over here man uh all right so a B+ yeah his 23 Point what do you actually think about Dron sharp there

Man I think um I think Dron Sharp plays a lot stronger under the remant Clon yeah um and he kind of got a three-point shot I don’t know if you’ve seen the last game he had a couple threes it like no garbage time but still he had a

Little shot um so I actually so you know my um take man like um um I agree with you as far as claxon don’t got no moves I think he’s a great defensive player I think um the fact that he can’t really create for himself that’s why I

Think he needs a like some kind of stretch five or stretch four around him to like kind of masch the deficiencies on the offensive end but as far as defense man he got it uh CLA um Dron is more of a Senor bro you know what I mean

As far as size goes and he’s very aggressive and I think he a little bit better than rebounding too if you ask me you know what I’m saying so I like dayon um who knows I mean I wouldn’t mind starting them two together bro to kind of see what they could

Do but that would mean one of them would have to shoot you feel me and we haven’t really seen dayon shoot enough to know what he could really do so but one of them got score you to say like score you gota be able to run your offense and you

Can’t can’t really do that with either either Center you they you know so all right let’s get us move on Lonnie Walker we gonna get to Camp Thomas guys hold on we I want more people to get up in here man um I don’t know people actually

Expecting me to be on though but more people actually get on then we’ll get into like cam Thomas man because this is actually no doubt Lonnie Walker they give him a B minus this is can be uh considered a resounding success on a team friendly two million uh veteran

Minimum contract a deal he clearly outplayed and earned a raise from Walkers average on 11.5 points on 47.4 shooting so he’s actually you know you know if he he wasn’t really healthy this year I mean it was like a lot of up and downs from him and I feel like if he

Wasn’t hurt I mean he was averaging 17 with the Lakers I think this team would be in a better position if he wasn’t really yo um I I give Lonnie a B+ bro I think I think Lonnie You could argue that he’s been the Net’s most consistent player bro I

Like like like as far as consistency probably like and you know I’m not the biggest Bridges guy but if we going off of just being fair Bridges Thomas and Lonnie has arguably been the net best three consistent players bro okay I don’t think that nobody can argue

That you feel what I’m saying as far as consistency you know what I’m saying um I don’t I don’t think Bridges is a bad player bro I just think his game is the mid range vaugh need to go back to his strength you feel me he’s a good he’s a

Good Corner three-point shooter like a PJ Tucker but if he’s gonna be like a main a main piece he gotta go to the mid-range and I think part of why these guys are not looking as good as you would typically see them is because they’re not playing like with like like

He’s not playing to their strength you feel me so I’m glad that Bridges kind of called him out and was like yo after a 50 point you know loss we can’t just get over it because the fact that he said that lets me know that’s probably been

Jack Vaughn’s message when he lose all right just get over it nah bro we got smack by 50 you’re not gonna just get over that you know so yeah yeah we need to actually get over jacqu vau man that’s that’s yeah M yeah facts fact and Shawn marks

Both all right they give trendon wafford over here they give him a B minus uh wafford how he get the same how he get the same as Lonnie Walker he ain’t even he actually been pretty good man I mean every time he’s actually played in most of the games I mean you

Look at the plus minuses I mean he’s always contributing man he’s always like uh a plus that you know A Plus on the court man no I’m not saying he’s not good I’m just saying like how he get the same as Lonnie like Lonnie played I mean

They both didn’t really play as much I mean lonni’s been like up and down with the with the injuries but you gota look at the contributions when Lonnie is out there and the amount of time that he’s in there the the Nets are actually better with him and same thing with

Trendon wford just I don’t know what’s up with Coach though man he play he he um he can’t Coach man I’m I’m waiting I’m waiting to hear I’m I’m waiting to hear breaking news Kevin Ali takes over in the second half but I don’t think that [ __ ] gonna happen N I don’t think

It’s gonna happen man uh I me especially if they feel the Nets aren’t contending I mean you would only make a move like that if the Brooklyn Nets are actually contending you know somewhat man and but the thing is bro and could still make it to the playoffs though oh yeah yeah I

Don’t nobody nobody expects this team to win a championship I mean that’s why they fired the uh the Bucks coach I mean that team was projected to win a championship and they’re actually underperforming all right so let’s get into broke back Ben no not yet not yet jayen

Wilson yeah they give him they give him a low score too you know he only played 12 games is anybody on in the comments BK uh Jonathan is actually starting to come up in here now BK H how we doing good bro what’s good what’s good what doing good man

Doing good just chilling how we feeling good man we’re doing good so we started off with Nick claxon first they give neck CLA in the B plus I I disagree with that somewhat you know but is this the half is this the half season ratings for like where they’re at right now is

That what they’re trying okay so where was I so jayen Wilson uh anything a team gets out of a second round pick is a bonus despite Nick claxon’s success I don’t know what they they keep just bigging this guy up man I mean he’s getting mauled every single damn night

Man hey Jesus I they stop man because they like really really just straight lying to the actual uh who you talking about what you talking about article over here it says uh oh you’re talking about Jaylen Wilson now say anything a team get out of a second round pick is a

Bonus despite claxon’s success only about a fifth of them make it to the league but Wilson is the most NBA ready of the next three rookies so yeah I mean uh shooting 52% from Deep hasn’t really t that many threes you know in terms of the minutes that he actually gets he’s

Got a lot of potential just like Ivan said he’s like a younger Royce O’Neal like if this team can mold him more defensively and he has a three-point shot he could definitely be a complimentary piece to this team’s future I just hope this second half he

Gets more run because he’s earned it if anything else he’s earned it all right let’s get into Cam Thomas because that that’s what the title of this show is they give him all right so fantastic case study and one that divides Scouts across the league uh what do you get when you

Combine a scoring with a f defense he’s scoring 21.2 points the third youngest player in the NBA mustering that much but his his negative 0.1 V RP is tied for the worst on the team and minus uh uh 2.1 so defensive box plus minus worst of the regulars is extension talks will be

Fascinating to actually watch so let’s get into the extension thing because that’s where probably I should have led the title off with it should probably be a whole show just about him but what you guys think about that man I see I I think it’s it’s kind of a little

Upsetting that Thomas’s season kind of got derailed because before that ankle injury against the Clippers he was having season HIDs and everything I think he was top 11 in the league like he was on his way to potentially being an Allstar and then when the injury

Happened it’s kind of like he had to do a lot of catch up but the way the coaching staff treated him this second half has kind of been abysmal so as much as look at what they’re saying in terms of f defense uh they gota look at the the

BP right right but but here’s the thing I I have to give I have to give I have to I have to give Harlem a lot of credit on this one because here’s the thing many people Target Thomas because of his defensive Mison but you look at the

Coaching staff every time that Thomas has gotten handled by the opposing team where’s the defense been to back him up almost a lot of times the defense just leaves Thomas to handle it and it’s like if you had a second guy with Thomas you help protect Thomas and my problem is

Why hasn’t the coaching staff implemented more defense to help Thomas is opposed to leave him to the slaughter that’s something that that they don’t take into account when grading him unfortunately because we watch the gam I’m G say this I’m gonna say this right

Yeah so BK I know I know I know you ain’t gonna want to hear this but I’m I’m G be honest we have to take into account this is Cam Thomas rookie season let me explain it’s his third season technically right but his first season that he’s actually playing so he’s

Really a rookie technically bro as far as playing goes so I’m not really gonna be on his back no I I him I said I don’t want to really beat up on him too much no no no no but if you’re not gonna beat up on him that has to be the reason

Because this is his first time really really playing so again he been in the league go ahead go ahead let me ask you to something now they talk about uh his extension the extension over here man what do you guys think should be the actual money money for him absolutely

Like absolutely bro should be give me a give me a give me a a ballpark figure well I mean if I want I think y listen go go look let’s look at in the NBA if if if I want to be fair they probably want a contract that equates what it’s just

First real contract they probably want a contract that equates up to maybe around the 20 24 million ballpark maybe 6 million for four years 62 yeah maybe six million for four years like they have to be realistic too you don’t want to give this guy a Max dollar he’s not worth a

Max dollar yet but if you want to give him a fair fouryear rookie contract six million a piece for four years that’s not bad I think that would be a good starting point for Thomas what do you think Harlem I’m giving cam I’m giving cam 10 to 12

Mil for four years 12 24 okay 48 I I mean it’s I’m giving him at least 12 bro cause cause like here’s the thing you ever heard the expression What You Won’t Do the next one will right so basically I think I think it’s gonna be that with

The Nets if they not willing to pay him somebody else is gonna come in and pay him yeah but all right so best to believe it all right so he’s actually he’s actually a two guard so let’s look at other two guards around the NBA is Devin Booker you gotta look at Anthony

Edwards is Cam Thomas anywhere like like even like the next three years anything close to these guys man yes he is he is and yeah wait hold on let me tell you why so me and Jamal had a conversation scoring wise cam Thomas is where them guys is at right now scoring

Wise everything else wait hold on hold on hold on the guy is giving you 21 and a half points per game now hold on BK before you reut we’ve seen when cam Thomas has scored has started he’s giving you 25 to 45 a game we’ve seen this regularly bro when him when him

When he started so he’s doing what them guys is doing so it’s no doubt scoring wise he’s absolutely right there with them bro that’s no that that’s no question now as far as assisting defending rebounding and all the other intangibles absolutely not but again hold on John but again this is his first

Season really playing so we have to take that into consideration so yes BK can he get there yes he just has to get the playing time to get the field for it bro right and just to add I just to add I just to add Tom’s Point like it is a

Fair assessment to say this is his first R season my only thing is my only thing is this if Thomas does stay with his team say the Nets do make a trade for like a Trey young this summer and they keep Thomas like which would be great

And all but here’s the thing you’re probably gonna need a different coach because here’s the thing coach Fawn doesn’t trust young guys and Thomas is at the top of his list doesn’t trust him which is bad because if this team is actually ever going to get anywhere you

Got to trust these guys so if Thomas does stay Beyond this season they need a coach that’s actually G to trust him tyo I think he would trust Thomas because he would believe in him and give him that trust right now we’re we’re playing half ass basketball we’re playing half ass

Basketball and if you don’t trust Thomas to actually take that next step is Thomas can do it I believe he can do it now do I have 100% confidence that this team is going to make Thomas a core member of their team if they want to

Contend I don’t I don’t believe so and that’s a sad thing because if you give Thomas away you’re throwing your future away so you gota look at these other players over here man you I mean look at these other two guards over here you got Tyrese Maxi I just don’t think cam

Thomas is anywhere in his wildest imagination on a level of Tyrese Maxi me come on man what come on come on you talking Blas for me man come on bro yo let me put the highlights up on screen over here man yo listen bro yo BK listen I respect everybody’s opinion right but

Bro the we gotta take emotions out of this man this like like I said this show listen listen it’s not a fanboy show listen it’s no yo bro first of all I’m not a fan boy secondly it’s not me being emotional but you try to [ __ ] on the kid you not even

Him over here man mean now are you saying he better than Booker or anywhere yo hey yo bro hold on hold on Yo John yo John was you hearing me when I was talking yo John is John here yeah he’s still there I don’t know he might he his

Phone oh yo John can you hear me no no the the thing yeah I was going to say man um it’s a fair assessment right both Tyrese and and Thomas are two very different people and Maxi hasn’t exactly had a that’s blown by socks so ESP you out and beat

So can you hear me joh yeah I can hear can you hear me though all right so listen yeah BK just said that I said that um cam Thomas was better than Booker when you heard me talk John did I say that no no I said tyres SM okay I know you

All right so so what I’m saying is BK right you just said yo it’s not a fanboy show what I’m trying to express to you bro and you’re not listening right is Cam Thomas this is his rookie year bro right so when you’re sitting here saying

Yo Harlem he’s not on these guys level you’re not being fair because these guys have actually played bro so then when you say will he ever be on their level we don’t know bro because he hasn’t played long enough but to sit here and just say yo a cam Thomas will never be

Where a Deon book is at we don’t know bro this is his wait BK I think it’s very fair assment yeah listen it’s very listen when you look at Devin Booker he’s in a superstar TI we look at cam Thomas he’s working his way up to that but to say

That know that that guy’s better than you don’t know Thomas’s full potential we got to see Thomas that it’s not bro it’s not a p assessment because this is his first actual Year bro so it’s like trying on John hold on John so it’s like

You trying to [ __ ] on the kid and say he not gonna be somewhere when it’s his first year bro all right all right do you actually do you actually see Claxton get into a shanon’s level um H even sh less years than Clon but do you actually see see what everybody’s

Actually saying about shanon I’m not the only one but I’m saying do you actually see shanon shenon has been playing since a teenager bro same Playing Basketball 19 years old no no no no but you know that in Europe you’re playing with grown ass men bro so the level of

Confidence ition shenon and Luka played it’s not the same comp competition it’s not just about the level of competition it’s the footwork it’s the fundamentals it’s the ability to actually play on and off the ball hey yo BK let me ask you a question bro why like yo bro why is it

So hard for you to understand that if the coach don’t allow you to do something you can’t do it why is that so hard for you to comprehend bro all right let me ask you something if got bro if we put shanon on this team right now you

Think ja’s gonna say oh I just need you to actually just be a rim Runner with his skills we don’t we don’t know answer the question look at this possible yo bro all right forget shenon let’s take it’s possible bro hold on let’s take jokic if we put jokic on this team right

Now he’s coming to the Brooklyn Nets he’s gonna be the starting censor with Jac vau as the coach are we G we we’re not going to run the ball we’re not going to run the offense through jokic yo bro jokic already won a championship bro so that’s a like that’s a bad

Analogy that’s a bad analogy bro come on man and the thing and the thing is you got to understand something right we all know cam Thomas is a better scorer than Bridges right we all know that right but who does Jack vaugh choose to be the number one guy Mel Bridges right so

That’s the same [ __ ] he’s not supposed to be the number one guy the offense is not supposed to go through Mel Bridges and this is we no no no no no no we we know that but I’m just I’m just telling you that I’m giving you the same

Comparison you giving me right you’re saying if shanon was here it would be ran through shanon I’m saying not necessarily because if we’re going off of who the bll should be no I’m saying from a coaching staff perspective bro right I’m saying us as watching the game

We might think yo Shan goon should be the main guy but from a coaching perspective obvious course would be yeah hey hey guys sorry the connection was a little wonky so I came back we can’t we can’t we can’t say that that’s why I said the cam Thomas Bridges [ __ ] we know

Cam Thomas is a better scorer than Bridges but he forces bridges over Thomas so we don’t know for a fact he would say yo shanon I want you to be the number one guy he might still be like yo we want Bridges to be the number one guy

And Shan goon I want you to pick hold on hold on hold on hold on big fan Breezy man yo subscribe to his channel over there man man bring your scraggly ass on the CH pull up man you know say he says uh he should call himself hoop because he’s not repping

BK me if you type of way man bring your ass on the hey hey hey wait wait let’s let’s listen to uh to Big to wait to big fan Breezy man you know we’ve all seen your podcast a little bit here there but we got here we got our own special thing

Going on you know we we do that deep dive analysis you know we bring that that Raw extra emotion energy to the good BK fans so we like what we got going on over here you know yo all I’m all I’m saying is bro I’ve seen Clon

Shoot the man don’t got a bad form I believe if Jack vaugh actually ran more [ __ ] for Clin I believe he can hit that pick you answer my go ahead go ahead Jonathan wait I I agree so much all I’m saying but here’s the thing Ian hit the

Nail on the head the last podcast you know what he said he said look at how our big men doing this team it’s redundance the same thing they don’t get many opportunities to shoot other hook shot cuz Harlem couldn’t answer the question so Jonathan ask question wait the question what’s the

Question if I take shenon or I take jish and put him on this team right now is Jac Von not gonna give him any kind of opportunities I I I just told you we don’t know bro because it’s question man we don’t know what

Wait wait to be fair wait to be fair B those are unrealistic options for this moment but wait wait wait but I’m gonna play to you here a little bit if they were on the team I would hope they could be dominant and actually you know help the offense go forward that’s right

Would hope but but like Harlem says it’s not a definite though BK so we can’t really give you we can’t we can’t give you definite MP I know but it’s a purely hypothetical it’s a pure hypothetical thing John here’s the thing he’s stuck he’s stuck he’s stuck in his own reality

Bro you saying on his team run the offense to himo you can’t say nothing to this guy because he’s stuck in a fce reality right so it’s like if you don’t see somebody do something right it doesn’t mean they can’t do it so Hoops is of the

BK Hoops is of the mindset of yo I don’t see this person do it he can’t do it what are you talking about man yo bro let me ask you a question wait wait hey John hold onir a hook shot all right he right over capella you remember that

When you see Brooklyn play right that was a hook shot we talking about jump shots how many jump shots do you see Clon taking a game bro if he could take it he maybe I don’t it’s not one barely I haven’t seen okay so okay then okay

But you come on your show and you say yo Nick Clon can’t shoot so so we’re gonna go off a so John listen to this John we gonna see a person shoot one time in a game realistic bro so we gonna watch a person shoot one time a game and then

Come on here and talk [ __ ] and say yo he can’t shoot what are you talking about shootan you one time bro would have been nice you know what one I don’t know I don’t know which one of you guys mentioned it you know would have been a good idea for

Ben you know wait you know been a good idea for Ben and Clon to start actually playing together interacting would be for Ben to do a pick and a pick and shoot with Claxton set Claxton up to actually do a mid-range shot like they never interact bro I just

Just yeah like Harlem I would be fine if Ben would have do that for Clon at least five or six times a night I’d be fine with just that be B it don’t have been I’ve literally seen with my own eyes Clon hit a mid-range shot I seen it bro

Too I’ve seen it too I’ve seen himit a three-point shot too hold on hold on hold on and even the [ __ ] that he missed he had a good form what I’m trying what I’m trying to say is all right so all right all right all right all right

Again same thing over here man if jok is on this team man and joke as we know can actually knock down three-pointers going to tell him not to shoot the three-pointers Yo Dogs he’s a proven at the end of the at the end of the day first of all bro right here’s

What you here’s what you mixing up right the coach decides what he wants you to do you don’t decide as a player what the [ __ ] you want to do the coach decid if not shooting we seen in the Phoenix Suns game that nerk is just Dro back 15

Feet on him man it causes spacing issues so jav don’t the don’t want him to yo bro wait BK not making no sense wait BK BK last wait BK last episode me and Ivan covered the dysfunctional coaching staff that we have in front of I mean they didn’t set

Anything up for Dennis shooter they had cam Thomas stand on the court for five minutes and guess who took a mid-range shot Doran finny Smith a guy who nobody and I mean nobody expects to take a mid-range shot like like seriously man like and Harlem is so right here’s the

Thing the big man should be taking more shots I said that I said no I’m I’m I’m saying that he should shoot more but if he can’t shoot that he can’t shoot it’s not that he that’s the point that’s what I’m saying lose game BK there was a Twitter

There was a there was a Twitter there was there was a Twitter page that show there was a Twitter page that showed coach vau with his team and his board had nothing on it I don’t know if that was before he wrote a play but that kind

Of tells exactly what we saw on the court which was nothing these guys don’t have a plan there’s no game plan his game plan was actually supposed to be Ben Simmons but Ben Simmons is not there no the game plan is Chuck threes after Ben Simmons there’s no

Organization is Chuck thre that’s awful that is awful listen bro listen let me tell you something right at the end of the day everybody has a job to do right I guar I guarantee you because we don’t know these guys right we just watch the game we don’t know

None of them personally right so I don’t want to I don’t want to get into a personal thing but if I had the guess I guarantee you Clon would want to be more involved in the offense I guarantee you the small sample size that he went

Hold on BK right I’m pretty sure he want to be more involved right right because you see when he be yo pass the ball right now at the end of the day that sound like somebody that wish they can get the ball and do something right but

If he just [ __ ] goes Rog and say you know what I’m gonna do me he gonna be on the bench right so at the end of the day he’s doing what the coach is asking him to do bro the coach is saying rebound and block shots he does that efficiently

Bro he does it efficiently right what you want to give him credit or not Clon is a great defensive player bro I’m wait wait harl you know wait Harlem you know what CL has done so well this season his shot blocking has been one of the best in the league nobody talks

About shot blocking either you know like he’s been good listen been hold on Jericho Sims then he I remember listen listen wa wait but wait wait hold one second wait PK what did they have claxon do before he started doing his regular defensive coverage they had him just at The Rim is better

Defending one through five he’s not good at just staying at one position he needs to do switch defense cl’s numbers since he’s done his original defensive position had been so much better the last month and a half but before that no before that coach Fawn had him doing a

Wacky just be in the Cent can’t do that when they play the Atlanta Hawks they did have him out there on the perimeter trying to switch on to Trey young question please yo I just got one question for you BK yo John don’t uh don’t I’m say anything bro all right you

You said Claxton can’t shoot right no I don’t think he’s a shooter man I’mma ask you a question I’m ask you a question hold on wait wait let me ask the question I’mma ask you a question and I want you to answer it honestly if Jack vaugh doesn’t allow

This guy to shoot because you said that the coaching staff knows he can’t shoot if they don’t allow him to shoot in the game what do you basing the coaching have no basedon the coaching staff on what you you kind of cut off at the end h

Y his thing might have went out the same thing happened to me man the beginning no but you know it it’s it’s tough BK because the thing is the coaching staff is so flawed this season and it’s so obvious which I think it upsetting the fan base so much and what

I admire about Mel Bridges when he Wason went on that podcast with with the Knicks guys is he didn’t say oh our team is doing good you know you don’t know which guys talking about he’s like the facts of the facts we’re not doing well right now like I’m proud that muel

Bridges didn’t like you know feed into the fod because people are saying oh Mel you’re you’re not you’re not you don’t care about our team anymore no like the hate that Mel Bridges is getting right now I don’t understand it like what do you think about that yeah I I mean like

I said you know it’s the same thing with Clint capella man I mean he can’t shoot they don’t let him shoot jumpers or anything like that man um if Carl Anthony towns actually came to his team then you you know I I promise you I promise you jacqu Von’s not gonna tell

Him don’t shoot threes or anything like that man spacing and basketball is so critical and when you don’t have it you know especially when you have you you like Mel’s not one of these guys uh that can really like he doesn’t have like a jayen green type burst or you know he

Doesn’t have that type of they need space it’s they need a game plan it’s tough when the coach just tells these guys if there’s no Ben Simmons oh just shoot shots well you’re shooting shots but you’re doing nothing else nobody’s playmaking nobody’s defending and this team doesn’t like it

Like you need structure I I respect Miguel for saying listen we’re playing like crap this isn’t Brooklyn at basketball it’s got to change and here’s the thing now is is Shawn Marx going to really take into consideration this summer making another coach change I know that it’s bad but coach Von is just

Not a guy that has a resume that’s going to lift you to a contention in two years you’re going to have to make a change but the thing is who is a coach that Mel Bridges can play with I think Ty L would be great because Ty is a coach that

Expects certain P degree all right clown I forgot to even when Clowney actually showed got the limited minutes he actually shot threes you know because he actually has a reputation for actually hitting threes you know so Jac Von didn’t tell Clowny you know hey don’t shoot threes I mean

They’re practically around the same weight class so listen like I said if you could shoot threes it just opens things up you know in terms of spacing man but cl’s in there I mean know the centers that’s guarding him just drops I mean because they say Hey you beat us on

The outside well here’s here’s the thing like I keep saying I think this team does need to get a center eventually you know why I think it’d be so good to have a censor because it opens up claxon’s defense even more it allows him to have

Great defense I think if we have another Center this defense of this team it’s going to go up another level I think just all right so but CL on the offensive end man you know off yeah was good right right but remember what I said last episode how

James Harden was so good with Claxton because Harden trusted claxon I think claxon’s number this season especially when D’s the point guard are a lot better than people would give him credit for it because dwood and claxon had zero chemistry on the courts together and in spite this one one [ __ ] question John

So DK what I was saying to you is if you said the coaches know that um Claxton can’t shoot so my question to you is if the coaches don’t give him the opportunity to really yo bro let me finish I know where you going I know the question because you you answer you

Already said it already so my rebuttal to that my rebuttal to that is all right uh when Clowney actually did get the opportunity to play he actually shot threes and they’re about to who shot threes Clowny no shot thre no no no no no no no no no about the same weight no

No no that’s not where I was going I’m not going there what I was gonna say is you said the coaches said Claxton can’t shoot so I’m saying if he can’t shoot because they don’t let him shoot what evidence would you say the coaches have

Of him not being able to shoot if they don’t let him I mean they’re in practice with him they know the percentages they know the numbers the numbers yeah I mean you see listen you see the scouting reports right you see the draft I mean they do these Scout reports I mean they

I told you I told you guys they break your game down to the molecule man can I be honest wait wait can I be honest though BK analytics I know it’s dominating basketball now but here’s the thing analytics at but wait analytics and Brooklyn ‘s culture it’s just not mixing

This season because jock fawn’s analytics are you got to shoot more threes but here’s the thing this team is missing certain elements certain role players and just chucking up threes you’re getting blown out like that doesn’t work I was just talking M like weaknesses in your game I know but you

Talk about scattering reports and stuff that’s what the net coach staff wants this team to do but it’s not winning anything you need a structure I’m talking about other coaches other other coaches I know but you see how Weir CL it’s a drop back on CL yo listen BK let

Me tell you something BK at the end of the day bro Mel Bridges and cam Johnson ain’t no [ __ ] Steph Curry and Klay Thompson so if you ask me bro nobody on the net has the right to be checking up threes nobody the the only person bro I

Would have shooting threes is Cam Johnson that’s it he’s the only one that I feel confident enough to hit them [ __ ] that’s it finny Smith Bridges need to be more catch and shoot not off the dribble but Mel but Mel is deadly in the mid-range you see last

Year Mel was deadly in that bro Jack vaugh needs to run more mid-range that’s his [ __ ] the midi and a corner three that’s his [ __ ] finny Smith the corner three that’s his [ __ ] just shooting threes cam Johnson that’s his [ __ ] the only play that can really create on the

Nets is Lonnie and cam Thomas like again bro ja V has to play people to their strengths okay cool lon’s he’s been hurt no no no no no I’m just saying bro on the team this is how I’m orchestrating it from strengths cam Lonnie y’all the people that create y’all can create

That’s what y’all do cam Johnson finny Smith yah shoot off of these guys Creations that’s it right I don’t want to see y [ __ ] dribbling doing nothing cam you create Johnson and Finny y’all sit on the wing and shoot Mel you’ve mastered where you know how

To take one or two dribbles get to the midi that’s your [ __ ] Claxton you rebound defend Ben you push the break and if people open that’s your [ __ ] he don’t do that he got everybody out there shooting like they [ __ ] Steph Curry nobody’s playing to their strengths and

This is is why they keep losing because everybody is doing [ __ ] that they don’t [ __ ] normally do you never see Bridges and cam Johnson dribbling on Phoenix they was catching and shooting so why are they doing it that’s what I’m saying the offense wait look wait look what Claude

Wrote Rasheed Harlem John your back and forth is more funny than the three stoes come on bro yo we good we’re good we truth hooping up in here bro my man I’m like yo man shout out to my guy man I’ll be doing well man it’s always good to hear from

You all right so uh chill out roller coaster says I expect Ben to step it up when he comes back minutes wise and looking to score more yeah if he actually plays with Claxton uh Ben Ben Simmons is actually have to getk BK can I be honest I think Dennis shuder should

Be in the starting lineup and Ben it no hear me out listen listen BK listen BK wait hear me out PK Clon and Ben don’t work together they’re trying to force a chemistry that doesn’t exist could it’s just Ben to score more he has BK wait but BK look at their

Interactions all they do is pass each show the ball and one either looks to get somebody open or the other tries to shoot it simple to the bench he’s not going go to the bench he’s not y y listen yo listen listen I got to be honest with y’all man both of them

[ __ ] can go to the P Bro no one of has to say man we’re going to be small Mighty Mouse team listen listen no no no I’m being funny but realistically neither one of them can score bro so if we being honest don’t none of them

Deserve to be in the lineup over the next they both have deficiencies offensively yo Ben and Clon is literally the same player they both are great defensively but they suck off offens no they don’t harem harem did you hear what Zack L said he said did you hear what

Zack L said he said Clon and Ben is like aimless bumper cars no no connector they just yo yo yo bro bro because because the end day Clon can actually score he can actually shoot he can score he can score if he had a point guard if he had

A legit point guard listen BK if Clon had a legit point guard the first 10 12 points are coming in that first quarter No Doubt y look okay doesn’t interact with Clon Clon can score better than Ben but they both have deficiencies on the offensive look bro honestly speaking the

Only reason why I agree with BK Hoops Over You John in this one is for one reason bro and it’s not what you think okay I agree with you yo cut me off BK let me finish I agree with you John I like Shuda better as a starter because

He has no offensive um he’s not an offensive liability but I agree with BK because Ben is 6 foot1 so Ben like he’s a more capable defensive player and he has the height but if I had to pick one or the other I’m picking offense because

Sh is not is not a Shabby Defender he’s just oversiz like undiz but right you gotta go with Ben just just because of the size and you know I mean [ __ ] like that but V is a liability man so that’s you know well I’ll say this Harlem where

This is what we stuck right now but here’s what’s going forward in the future when this team makes the moves Ben and claxon should not be on the same court together when this team has all the pieces they need because these two guys are very similar and they just

Don’t know how to get a lead this you said you said he could shoot Jonathan and no it’s the pieces have to work right now man we we have bumpy pieces listen wait listen wait till we get two superstars man wait till we get super we’re talking about right now

Hey right now doesn’t work right now work me that shoot so BK how many LS has Ben given wait here’s wait Harlem here’s good question BK how many lobs has Ben Simmons thrown CLS in this season how many listen I don’t care about all zero no no no no ask the question what’s

Question zero he’s never never no yeah listen G to get that off told me that shoot so it should work question go ahead if if Ben Simmons can set everybody else up on this team for a three-point or mid-range how come he can’t set Clon up for a midrange shot or

He wants he wants uh I’m gonna say this to you BK I’m gonna say this to you BK that’s good question though man that’s a huge error right now answer my question though Jonathan said that Clon can shoot so it should be able to work I’m tell

You he can’t shoot on his own he can’t shoot on his own listen listen bro I got the perfect thing right now if if Jack vaugh if Jack vaugh Implement that pick and pop like that Steve Nash andari stomi [ __ ] but when Claxton shoot out of 10

Shot attempts bro I’m confident CL could hit six of those that’s fair that’s fair confident he six but we but we won’t know because jack vaugh won’t do it I actually matter of fact matter of fact y’all probably didn’t even see this remember when they played Utah not the first time when they

Got their ass with but I think it was like the second time in Brooklyn or the second time in Utah they actually did a pick and pop and Nick claxon hit a mini bro like on some pick and pop [ __ ] still haven’t answered my question when Noah Clowney played with the actual

Team this year he shot threes okay it wasn’t a large SLE size not shoting threes B BK those threes were probably in garbage minutes though man I don’t think minutes garbage minutes though played in garbage minutes too yeah listen listen listen points yo listen to me bro I don’t want listen

What I’m saying BK I don’t want claxon shooting threes I want claxon doing what I just told you pick and pop if he could picking pop claxon could hit the mid-range bro you keep going to threes I don’t want him shooting threes claing could hit that mid-range [ __ ] that [ __ ]

That LeBron and AD do or Austin re ad all right I go back to the Phoenix game Clon can do that bro he was wide open when ner dropped back like 15 feet on him he wasn’t shooting bro because the man they don’t want the man shooting bro they want the man rebounding

Blocking clown Clowny of similar weight there it’s a five pound differential how come Clowny shoots threes or mid-range shots and and uh because that’s what they [ __ ] want because that’s what they want Clowny to do hold on JP do you understand what I’m trying to say the team’s vision is for

Is for need to be a stretch big all right so it’s not like all right so it’s not like these guys are like a huge differential in weight they’re about the same size in terms of weight y b actually shooting and then Clon is notk hold on John hold on John hold on

Hold on BK in real life can you shoot yeah okay yo John don’t yo Johnny don’t say nothing bro I’m G say this John and then you can jump in all right in real life you can shoot right all right let’s say let’s say and I’mma ask you the same

[ __ ] let’s say John is your coach right let let’s say me and you on the same team BK right you can shoot you can shoot but John is like yo BK now mind you in practice you can shoot he know you can shoot but for the team he don’t

Want you to shoot he like yo BK I want you to play defense and rebound and push the ball and pass the people and I came on and I came out and say yo BK can’t shoot but you could really shoot so at the end of the day is that not the same

Thing if John told you yo I don’t want you to shoot and do something else does that mean that you can’t shoot and you just told me that you can shoot does that mean if something that he’s still working on his three-point game you know

No no no no no no you focus on three-point I want him to take two pointers but what I just asked you was if you could shoot and John told you as your coach he don’t want you to shoot does that mean you can’t shoot yes or no

No no but I’m I just don’t see that though that doesn’t make [ __ ] though bro I’m saying bro it’s the same thing bro JP says over here that clack strength is not shooting that’s not your strength don’t mean you can’t do it though it’s a difference something cannot be your

Strength but it don’t mean do it all right all right no I’m just telling you PK PK that you keep bringing up no clowning but those three-point shots were not an actual minutes that mattered though man if they were actual minutes then I’d be all for it garbage games too

So why not just shoot them because there’s no point to do it claxon’s CH trying to get his Medic in garbage time all like why do it you know like same thing with Noah Clowny why do it too can I ask got another point for

You me me you me you and John in the whole world has literally seen been hitting jump shots and and pickup games right so this notion that Ben Simmons can’t shoot is a lie right because Ben Simmons can shoot we’ve seen him shoot in pickup games right and he’s actually

Made them shits right but you say he don’t need to shoot so that goes back I said he need to shoot against he needs to shoot against jannis uh certain situations you did say that right but against them guys he don’t never shoot though right so the thing is we can sit

Here and say Ben Simmons can’t shoot but we seen in the offseason the man can shoot right but guess what why doesn’t he shoot wait wait wait wait why doesn’t he shoot against jiannis and them BK because Jack B don’t want him to shoot but does that mean he can’t shoot we see

The [ __ ] shooting in real life so that’s what I’m trying to tell you bro the coach don’t want pick up game and then like it don’t matter it don’t matter bro shooting and shooting bro wait BK BK this goes back to where I talked with um I think it

Was said system listen having been simm with four Shooters that’s fine and all but every player in the starting unit should be able to average 10 points a night on a winning contending team but having four out of five guys carrying that load that doesn’t get you to a

Finals I don’t even think that wins you a championship you look at Draymond Green he at least averaged over 10 points a game with the Warriors when they won championships like you need everybody in this team to be able to score and Ben can do it but Ben doesn’t

Put himself in that in that mindset always to feel like he has to but he should no I mean he’s always looking for the high percentage shot and like I said if him and claxon’s going to play together he’s going to have to actually get uncomfortable with just taking shot

Yes you’re right you’re right yeah he could do a mid-range shot and my thing is he could do a fade away mid-range shot talking about being aggressive and just looking to score know and putting pressure on the defense and hopefully you can get guys to collapse and then

Maybe uh Claxton could hit maybe like something under the rim like a little floater from 10 feet away because like if you got big guys like like nage he’s not gonna just be able to overpower nage and just like right on him for the most

Part I mean he needs to shoot and try to get the guy off balance so he can have a clearcut path to the rim and this is why that’s what I’m actually looking for and this is why connectivity is so important in this game of basketball but what this

Net Squad is lacking is connectivity you just have a whole bunch of individuals throwing chucking trying to force their way to the rim and nothing is going on because these guys ain’t working like a unit and that starts with the coaching staff like there’s a lot of fundamental

Issues that got to be ironed out this summer we can agree on that 100% let’s get back Thomas all right so a lot of the two guards in the NBA like you look at Deonte Murray these assist numbers are actually up Zante Murray’s about five assists I think Devin Booker is

About five assists six assists a game the rebounders from this two guard position needs to actually be a little bit better maybe four points uh four sorry four rebounds 4.5 to five rebounds so I mean the points is actually not bad but what they were you know what they’re saying over

Here these are what not me what’s his name Anthony Paris I’m just going by what the actual pundits are actually saying out there about cam Thomas is that who didn’t we check out on the grades yet who didn’t we check out yeah let’s check some yeah the show was

Centered on Camp Mel Bridges then there Dorian finny Smith H they give him a c but I’m gonna go with an incomplete until they can get a guy like Ben to get him wide open you know um you know you know what you know even uh uh um what’s

His name damn uh trendon wford can get like he’s 69 and they put him at the five position I thought that would have actually helped right there wford is a power forward and a playmaker I’m just surprised that they they used him so early and then they had him on the bench

For month I do not understand that I will be questioning that for a long time why they didn’t let this guy grow a lot more this season because he’s got the intangibles he’s got he’s got that yeah hey yo John can I run something past you John always man what’s

Up so I said this to BK earlier already but uh he already heard it so I just wanted to run it past um you whatever so here’s the 2025 free agents right right I’mma name for you and you let me know who you think is a good fit okay ready okay

Let’s do it Paul George interesting Brandon all right Paul George now if if he Ops out though so so if if you hear me say if op out then like you know so Paul George if Ops out okay Brandon Ingram Lonzo ball Jimmy Butler if he opts out Jason Tatum if he

Ops out Donovan Mitchell if he Ops out jayen Brown if he Ops out Nas Reed if he opts out Derek white is an unrestricted Lorie marinin is an unrestricted so you already heard me name Markin and Butler and you and BK named D miix outside of

That outside of you liking dmix who else do you like on that list it’s I don’t think leaving is leaving La it’s it’s a good it’s it’s a good list I definitely think uh I like Ingram though too I’m not gonna lie no he’s a ball stopper don’t think no but

His so here’s the thing he played wait wait in Ingram played with wait Ingram played with with the twins at FEA and they actually they actually got to know each other I think his skill set no but wait wait wait wait wait Ingram’s skill set is probably the

Closest to a Kevin Durant just given the offensive potentially has I think it could work the only the only thing is he’s a wing and this the only thing is he’s a wing this team has a lot of wings wait can you read the list to me one more time um

Harlem all right yeah so okay cool yeah would it be better to just go through it one by by on one John yeah let’s do that that way I could give you my honest opinion on this all right okay the first one is Paul George all right interesting

I interesting player he’s definitely got high upside still good offensive player but either like BK said he stays with the Clippers or I’m hearing potentially he might want to go back to Indiana so I don’t know if I was just getting ready to say that too yeah okay okay so let’s

Let’s how do you feel about po George I think he’s more interested in doing podcast than playing man so no don’t think what’s good Y what good Jamal what’s good heyo J so let me just kind of tune you in bro so we going over the uh players from the

2025 free agent list so the first one on the list is Paul George how you feel about that talk to me yo hold ain’t nobody coming here my [ __ ] them [ __ ] got smacked by 50 bro them [ __ ] a come unless unless God himself come down n [ __ ] a going all

Right next play all next play let’s let’s run these guys again yo Jay I love you my [ __ ] broam Tak your takes are fun but they’re real too man man like all right the uh next one is um Brandon all right John start it off like I said man I think his

His offensive skill set is very close to KD which was successful for this team but he is another wing and injury history is something that keep an eye on but definitely if the net wanted offensive boost I definitely would keep an eye on him for okay no all right so ball ster man

No hey yo Jay how do you feel about Ingram bro you [ __ ] with him I I like him but my thing is he he already the star and what you call it okay now now but like I said all these guys I’m naming are gonna be free agents I’m just

Letting yall know that okay right so the next one is Lonzo ball go ahead John injury history man his career is definitely on a down is it’s it’s here’s the thing if he does come back in this league without an injury could the Nets maybe get him on a minor league contract

To see what he’s all about maybe but we’ll see if he’s still playing one second hold on hold on in one minute what do you think about the resigning of Cam Thomas and what he actually gets you know that’s what this article was kind of saying cuz his defensive numbers he’s

One like the worst defensive player on the team um you know they said his extension talks will be fascinating to watch what you think Jamal oh Jamal muted himself man yo Jay oh oh my you was talking to me BK yeah I was talking to

You so with Cam Thomas they got him as one of the worst he’s actually the worst defender on the team they got a minus 2.1 and they said his extension talks will actually be be fascinating to watch so maybe the Nets move on from him and that when they they when they’re saying

That it’s like they don’t really think he’s like a positive like a net positive to the team how much they talk about offering him I don’t know man but you look at these numbers over here in terms of defensive uh uh I mean he doesn’t really contribute to any kind of winning

This is what the article was actually saying soay him or you gonna move on from him and try to find someone else I feel like if Mar build a team around him maybe that would work but he’s not building a team around nobody he’s putting a bunch of role players together

In order to like I guess I don’t know what the [ __ ] he doing no more at this point to be honest with you it’s fair I don’t know Fair assessment it’s it’s a lot over here saying like is he’s the worst on the team in terms of uh um he’s

A minus 2.1 defensive box plus minus he’s he’s one of the worst Defenders on the team so uh I mean you gota yeah let me ask you a question Trey young ain’t the same way but Trey young can get you 35 4 something points damn near man can

Too not like Trey not like Trey yo okay here here’s a better here’s a better here’s a better man got I I got a better like is Scotty barondes a old star to you really like really nah nah not really I but T but Toronto want to build around right what’s that

But Toronto want to build around him right yeah but but look at his size though I mean he’s what 68 69 23 something pounds uh cam Thomas is like 62 205 can I say something jown so he’s a two guard look at Jaylen Brown then

Look at him I mean look at the size yeah so that you know what’s crazy though listen to this bro right so I’m just gonna name three games if I’m telling lies tell me all right the first game in Cleveland now BK said cam Thomas can’t

Score like uh Trey young these is just these are just some points and 11 assists hey hey yo bro we just talking about scoring I assist listen first game against Cleveland Off the Bench 35 y the following the following game against Dallas he scored like 32 check then he

Played Milwaukee and scored like 45 check he had a game against Golden State where he scored 45 y against Boston he just scored 25 then he had a couple of and then in Philly he scored 42 what are you talking about BK what are we talking about bro what talking about I’m talking

About this over here 21 Point wait who brought up a game compared to 27 points a game and 11 assists a game what are we me wait wait I brought up TR young I brought up TR young because we just talking about SC no no no listen to what I’m saying

Listen to what I’m about to say as a scorer if if they really believe in you as a scorer on the team they’re going to build a team around you look at Luca look at De Booker look at look at every scorer that we we’re talking about none

Of them play defense really right if they want to build around cam Thomas they go build around cam Thomas I think at this point I think at this point they’re starting to realize they have to build around cam Thomas I don’t I think they realizing mckel is really a number two now they

Just want him to wait wait wait we know that mcel is a number two they all it’s just that Ben Simmons was hurt the offense was supposed to go through Ben Simmons not Mel bridg wa I thought it was so great you brought up [ __ ] here here’s the

Difference between him and Thomas right now when you look at the Hawks they have players that do the defense to protect Trey when you look at cam Thomas a lot of defensive matchups the team isn’t protecting him they’re just leaving him to handle the assignments on his own instead of double teaming having

Somebody to come know check too but it’s like there’s a difference there’s a distinct difference there and this what I saying this is what I’m saying John they they do the same thing in Dallas with with Luca everybody know Luca don’t play D right but they protect but they

Protect him but the question is why aren’t they protecting cam Thomas but wait why aren’t they protecting cam Thomas why isn’t the coaching staff writing up defensive plays tell because everybody knows Thomas is not going to stop a lot of players but at least you had somebody

With him that puts pressure on the offensive players but they’re not doing that but then you give up a lot of three-pointers that’s the problem man I mean because there’s no defense on the three-point offense I mean you got porzingis that can shoot a three um um

Sometimes you can’t I mean the three listen thre pointers it’s like sometimes it’s worse than two-pointers man if a team is clicking on all sings from three the game the game is over like sometimes in the second remember what Mel Bridges said after one of the games he said this

Team was designed to guard the interior but far as the outside goes uh we haven’t really gone over that and that is abysmal no matter what team you walk good bad or great if you ain’t going on the three-point line you already lost half the game and that’s not what

Brooklyn culture should be about it should be about fighting for every possession this team this year they look lifeless because they don’t have a game plan they don’t have a coaching staff that believes game plan the game plan was was Ben Simmons the game plan hurt

That was a horrible game plan BK that was a horrible game plan I hope when we look back at this dude they expected a 30y old who’s been injured for three years to lead thisam he got injured after six I know but PK the worst part is they had no plan b or

C as Simmons as the point guard how far the Philadelphia 76 win you know you know who should have been a point guard it should have been Spencer do Spencer should have been coming off the bench Miguel Bridges should have been prepared for this they should have prepared Mel

To be a point guard for this team to at least try it even if he was bad in it a point guard a mindset one two you need like extreme ball handling guard a good Ball but our options were limited this season I know but our options were very limited this

Season as far as after Mel you have Dennis Smith and given his offensive limitations the team doesn’t trust him to be that kind of role as a starter but this that’s what goes back to the problem this team didn’t prepare for a plan b or c options you only had Ben in

Six games that was it that was say this bro like how the [ __ ] can you can you build around somebody that won’t take a jump shot that should have never been a plan from the beginning how can you build around somebody that’s compromised for three

Years now I it just mind tell you this bro I’m G tell you this right so so you know what it is yo like all reality bro in all reality I don’t blame the players bro I really blame I blame the organization bro yeah facts facts facts yeah they got this is what

It is yeah this is what it is and until like [ __ ] Ain’t complaining so at the end of the day they go continue to do what they do and they goon blame the players they go make everybody turn against the players yeah can I tell you something oh

Jay listen to this Jay right so they’ve been saying some Whispers I’ve been hearing some Whispers that Shawn marks ain’t necessarily signed that Extinction some people was saying he didn’t video on that I know I know yeah I heard I heard that they not on the

Same page right now whoa really yeah so I’m gonna be honest bro hold on one second one second wait wait Eda Perez edar Perez actually says Shawn marks got to get a 71 Center that can score uh inside out but we have that in Clon car towns car towns man you pair him

With I I know but if you had town and Clon there goes our length issues Manan we don’t need c when we have see now you guys you hear sound out y’all wanna y’all want to hear something what muff you know Dwight Howard he he was gonna come to this team right like

He wanted to come bro and then you know sha told him no I want I want somebody that could shoot exactly which is stupid which is which is which is which is stupid as hell because they don’t let none of these guys shoot yo that’s what I’m

Trying to figure out I don’t know what the [ __ ] is what’s upz Perez um we already have a guy that can go inside out and Nicholas claxon we don’t need that we got that already man we need a center we need a censer you guys me can actually shoot from the outside hold

J listen to me JY j j j j j j j hold on bro before you say anything to bkj understand who you dealing with you dealing with somebody that’s a one trick pony bro the man he he he don’t want to hear nothing that we gotta say bro he’s

Sold on CL is trash to Edgar’s comment over here nothing1 Center that can actually score inside out so me there’s nothing that you can say to this man before you got on one m one m guys come on one M black thinker hit mid-range shots I told him

That no we need why do we gotta get a sensor that can shoot Sean MZ don’t want to play like that bro at the end of the day at the end of the day in free agency in the summer last summer we we had a chance to get Christian Woods we ain’t

Even throw no money at him we a do no meeting with him no nothing so clearly he don’t want a big man to p with cl want Jamal Jamal you know you know Jamal you know what’s so questionable actually killing us by the way j i Jamal you know

What have been a perfect stretch forward for this team at the deadline Bobby Portis would have fit on this team for so many reasons one is a cultural aspect the other is he is the leading rebounder Off the Bench with 336 rebounds this team has been atrocious in rebounding

Without Ben and sharp he would have he would have helped Elevate this team right now to what they’re not doing which is all the little things the Dirty Work you pair Bobby with Simmons that’s a great combo you paired poris with Clon that’s a great combo and they didn’t do

It John John we don’t even know how Clon shop look together because they won’t play them together exactly they don’t experiment like where’s the development where the risk is actually saying to go out there and get cat yes so but why why get cat we have length issues listen BK

We can’t expect Clon to be the only guy to rebound for us if you have two big guys that’s Advantage I’m trying to tell you don’t have no rebounders bro yo yo listen this is why CL was getting killed by the Timberwolves they they put C then

They put go on him and then put n Reed on him the net don’t have no bigs bro to rebound that’s the Net’s problem is rebounding you brought up you brought up uh Nas Reed before dude my mind instantly said they got to get him and

He would be perfect for this yo listen he would be a perfect they don’t want a real five that’s what it is they don’t want but is a beast that’s what I’m saying they don’t want clats to move to a four they want to keep him at the five

So it don’t matter what big man we get they never going to pay him with clats the perfect the perfect complimentary piece to CLA in is Lori marinin because because at that point you can keep CLA at the five right you can move Lori to the four because that’s his

Natural position and like I said if you put somebody around CLA that could shoot it amass CLA deficiencies they don’t want him to shoot so PE somebody with him who can shoot I think a lineup I think a lineup of bridges Lori Clon you know I love cam I think that

Could be a deadly lineup and you know what’s crazy Jamal we had a Australian guy I think on here I don’t know if he was from from [ __ ] he was and he came on here bro and said the same [ __ ] I said yo I will put

Lorie Morgan in right with yo bro if you watch Lorie margan in game he’s the perfect complimentary piece as a matter of fact if y’all was watching the allstar Dunk Contest uh Kenny Smith actually said this about Lori he said yo I don’t think Lori is a number one but I

Think he’s a damn good number two agree Harlem you remember in our series against Boston they had the two big men matchup of haford and Ty and Bruce Brown was like we can handle those guys because they’re old guess what happened they were off they were defensively stopping us at all our

Tracks like having two big men in a lineup is not a cardinal sin in basketball it’s a smart thing if you want to have height and length and rebounding that’s going to get you your superstars in the best position to score every damn uh chance to have the ball

And the Nets don’t want to do that and it’s like okay why aren’t we trying it at least see what happens this team would actually be likier JP JP saying we should get uh CH chimeny I’m sure if I’m pronouncing his name uh CH bro chsu is he

611 I’m not sure I mean I watch Phenix like that all right so let’s watch some highlights of him I don’t know yeah 611 John I’ll look up his stats minut I’m not sure he’ll check it out right after this right we he look

It up for us all right can you hear me um um John yeah I can hear you man yeah he’ll he’ll show us the guy’s height after the video okay nice I saw this game yeah I wish can do that I would love for this team to get

An extra big big man for that last roster spot I really would I think depth is so important y yo BK tell tell JV to let him do it then what’s that do all this [ __ ] tell JV let him let him go do what he want oh yeah that’s what I’m

Saying I mean he could do it if Clon could do it he would be able to do it I just I don’t know I think he could I think could I think JV not allow him no you know what it is Jamal he he had the

Audacity to say a few days ago he was one the most adaptable coaches in the league and it’s like your playbook is nothing they have they have a Twitter video of your board that [ __ ] is so funny bro I know I have I keep receipts

I think it was a Tahoe he says John you always keep receipts yeah I am because for a reason it’s who said adap he said it they adaptable yeah oh that when they asked him about all the people get healthy they asked him about the health and he said I’m probably most adop

People to handle having all these players back well you’re not using half the players he don’t even know what to do with his lineups how adaptable he don’t that and that’s the problem too like a lot of [ __ ] don’t know their roles on this team exactly and

They don’t want to play nobody know they R bro like like Harlem Harlem Harlem if you on a team with guys you don’t have the actual Playbook or strategy are you gonna go all out if you don’t exactly know what the hell is going on what’s

Crazy I came on here from the I came on here from the beginning and told you guys the Nets is freestyling bro you could tell that they just going out yo bro you know what that [ __ ] look like that [ __ ] look like if me you Jamal and

BK was playing five on five [ __ ] is coming down chucking [ __ ] is just saying I’m next Air tag you’re in yeah that’s all nigas doing was it was a bad match up for the Nets with Boston I mean they yo like wait hold on BK BK I’m sorry before

You go John do you know cam Thomas said not cam Thomas cam Johnson said that him and Mel is supposed to be the version of Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum bro no way do you know that’s what this what I heard it I heard him say it and I I

Couldn’t grab my head around it I could no way bro so when you when you got that mindset no way you got to come on bro [ __ ] a I’m mad [ __ ] a tell them right there and then yo John I’m watching the UFC fight yo this dude just beat the [ __ ] out of

Vogan nowski he knocked him out bro oh oh wow damn you know who woganowski is right in the little [ __ ] ballhead dude damn son just knocked him out oh that’s crazy yo bre that UFC sh ain’t no joke bro you get caught over that ain’t no ballet man that is straight

Up he knocked him out guard your grill [ __ ] what’s wrong with you but but yeah you know my point you know my point was there was a game a few days ago between the Memphis Grizzlies and the Bucks and the Bucks were pretty much healthy the the Grizzlies their season has been

Depleted with losing ja all their main guys they had a whole bunch of rookies and guess what the coach trusts his rookies to develop they beat the Bucks not on a backto back they beat them fair and damn square and it’s like why can’t the net coaching staff which is supposed

To be developmental emphasize what the Grizzlies are doing which is trusting the young guys the young guys are beating top tier Talent not because they have the best guys but because they’re playing within a system and this next team is trying to tell us they’re in a

System but we clears day see there is no damn system so when is Shawn Marx going to address this all and say hey we we know know you guys ain’t Dum but they don’t want to tell us the plan yet what’s the plan if the Nets don’t make it if the

Net if the Nets don’t make it because here’s the thing about the plan we all know that the plan is just some [ __ ] that they just being nice because if we was being honest the Bulls Nets none of them would like be in the playoffs right

Now but I’m but I’m going say this if the Nets don’t make [ __ ] the plan if they don’t make the playoffs because you still got to win in the play on the make it if they don’t make it to the playoffs bro I think I think Shawn Marx is out of

Here and if they Mak it and they get swept I think Shawn marks is out of here I think Shawn yo bro I I really believe in my heart Bob Myers is about to be the [ __ ] new GM I feel it I got a gut feeling I’m tell bro bro if that happens

Listen what B Mars should do is do a full rebuild man get the picks get a young top guy to pair with Thomas watch where this team is with four or five years if that were all to happen man watch how quickly The Vibes change it would be I think it’d be amazing

Honestly and I’m and I’m not somebody that wants to rebuild I always believe in a team competing their asses off to the better end but listen I want a biger two guard man I think I want somebody that 667 man well listen it’s tough to see where this team

Can be in a two-year window because a lot of things have to go right and I don’t know what this team really wants to do because everything I’m seeing is like a team that doesn’t give a damn and if you don’t give a damn that doesn’t

Give me a lot of positivity I think it’s a team with limitations right now that’s the thing limitations you know losing does that right like you feel me [ __ ] 69ine 2 225 pounds they have him as a power forward not censor power forward um and he’s a free agent

Right now yeah yeah that that that Jordan good player they let go to the Memphis the guy had like 11 16 points the other night like wow another great choice Sean about say don’t don’t we have two roster spots open we have one open one open one

Yeah one in a two-way one in a so he he need to go sign a big figure that out and do something else like at this point just seen them say that um yo Jay but like I a hear you hold on what you say is M thing went out a little bit

Yeah but but yeah it’s it’s like I wish we could have a sense of a direction I hate that this organization is trying to be so Koy but it’s like this it’s obvious the players are unhappy if Mikel is unhappy that changes the whole trajectory of this this

2year you know last chance at at a superstar thing because if that doesn’t go right you ruin your whole shot of the future and this team will never bounce back with something like that so if this is if sha Mar somehow doesn’t if this is

His last year as a GM and Bob Mars’s GM a rebuild makes so much more sense than you know throwing all your chips in again I mean that’s what I feel I just don’t understand John like how can you like you you know you don’t have your

Pick this year right right so so you see you you’re losing them every game how how is the owner just sitting by like it’s crazy because he this [ __ ] used to tweet every every game damn near last year I mean yeah when Kyrie and KD was

Here you don’t see him active on Twitter no more if had something to say if I’m being H yeah if I’m being honest I I don’t think Joe is an owner that’s a savan on basketball I just I just don’t think that’s his main thing he obviously

Does a lot of philanthropy work a lot of outside stuff he’s getting himself in so obviously and also women’s basketball that’s a huge priority for him but the Nets they should be at the Forefront because this is still a good Market but the way it looks right now the the the

Brooklyn Market is getting trashed because players aren’t believing in the system because there is no system and yeah he and if you don’t yeah and if you don’t restore the system now this summer whatever year window BS that this is it’s not going to get us anywhere we’re

Gonna it’s going to destroy the organization so if this is Shawn marks last year and a new guy takes over a rebuild might be the best idea to help this team actually get some can I ask you a question Jay yeah yo do you feel like do you feel

Like KD and Kyrie leaving left a bad taste and players around the league mouth like yo bro I don’t even want to come here because they you know all right cool we all know that I just wanted to know know F that John go ahead from my

Perspective Lillard wants to come here J Johnson wants to come here I don’t think it’s that I just think there does need to be a change in organization I think many people agree with that I think that’s why the whole Shawn Mars contract thing has been such a big thing but say

You know what maybe this is his last year maybe he’s just trying not to tell anybody that maybe they want to find somebody to use these draft picks actually give this team a direction if that’s the reason if I to be honest with you bro you see how Dame is playing like

[ __ ] on the Bucks I’m G tell you something oh man you know you know why I think Dame would have been thank you chill out real G thank you very much for actually saying that man because Harlem actually doesn’t really believe that at all wait what wait

What yo bro I’m not even reading that dumb [ __ ] yo listen um yeah the fact so say right go ahead J yo is me this right who has Shawn MZ ever drafted that wasn’t like that wasn’t a bus Jared Allen he look how he’s become he’s become a stronger player one person

Adah good great points right there man Thomas is not a bus I I don’t I don’t give him that draft pick I give that to Kevin Durant a good good I’m being honest with you you said who else Caris L Clon Clon but I I can’t even give it to CL

Because he he’s not even having him utiliz the right way right hey come on bro you got to give him something bro all right yeah that’s a good thing that Jamal is point that’s a good thing Jamal is pointing out because here’s the thing Shawn Mar’s biggest attribute is

Drafting and here’s the thing he’s drafted a lot of big men but he hasn’t known how to use the big men and that’s the problem with this organization you have bro it’s not even that he don’t know how to use him he allergic to bigman like I said last year he said he

Said in the interview we want to get nasty we want to get bigger and then you didn’t get nobody bro that [ __ ] he he went and resign Patty Mills yeah bro he went to resign Patty Mills so it’s like so like I was saying Jay earlier man

About cam Thomas like I told BK bro cam Thomas even though technically he’s a three-year Pro he’s a rookie bro this is his rookie season because this his first time really playing so the fact that people keep trashing him and not talking about you personally BK but just like

People trashing him like yo you know he get killed on defense yo bro cam Thomas right now is equivalent to if one of us got on the NBA floor right now the same [ __ ] would happen to us bro now now if we got up there and we got killed by

Steph Curry are you GNA come out and say yo yo Jamal and Harlem getting killed [ __ ] no it’s our first year bro we’re just learning this [ __ ] been in the game 15 years so when cam thas be getting cooked I don’t know why people exaggerate and get mad this is his first

Official Year guys take a deep breath I just seen I’ve seen this so many times bro in the NBA right A Team don’t know what to do with a player they trade him why happens they do better and they turn out and they exactly I think that’s what’s gonna

Happen with Cam Thomas bro look what happened to what you call it uh what’s his dude name no hurn yeah yeah fact yeah facts he he was cooking on the king suo Jay I ain’t gonna hold you yeah but they they they traded him for the uh sabonis yeah

Right yeah fact what saying crazy same thing with with uh uh what’s his name son off for yeah oh tra him the clippers for Paul George yeah yo bro and I’m not confront bro like we could like we could definitely debate that that that Shay has been playing better than Paul

George I know some people probably disagree but Shay is in the MVP conver conversation bro so Paul Jorge not hey yo JP you right he didn’t start playing yesterday but this is First Year yo bro why do people keep ignoring that this is this kid’s first year actually playing bro

That’s not a bad take at all and I think people should recognize the fact that this is this is Thomas actually growing and why people be like arguing that [ __ ] bro this is his first year bro act he been playing three years consistently the same the same people blaming Thomas

For the same why why you guys thinking that cam Thomas is the finished product when he’s only 23 something years old who said he why you guys keep doing that who said he finished product no I mean y’all repping for him like yo he’s the Savior this n i

Mean no I’m just saying I’ve seen it I’ve seen people get traded this his first year BK this his first year playing bro so why y keep acting like he been playing five years this his first guys are acting like cam Thomas is a savior of this of this franchise

Notk here’s the thing if if he’s one of the main he’s one of the main intricate pieces of this franchise right now bro it’s cam Thomas and bridges bro so let’s not act like cam Thomas is not is not the Savior at this point bro yes he is

Like right now bro the only person that’s that’s pretty much fighting with him is probably Bridges and we all know cam more people value cam than Bridges bro cut it out man stop it bro N I stop it BK no CT bro I I BK BK the thing is if they trade

Thomas for a superstar and it doesn’t win him a title their rebuild is Up in Smoke No Other rebuild after that is ever going to get this team to to a closer chance ever again so they have to be careful they have to be careful and ask themselves is this two-year window

The right move for the organization or is it the right move for the fan base and the play this is decisions that this organization has to really consider because the direction right now doesn’t make sense because there’s nobody buying into it like that’s a problem h i I

Mean man I mean these guys don’t really start making impacts to like 27 years old I mean he was a a number 27 pick you look at people in his draft class other players in his draft class I mean they just way ahead of you know cam Thomas in

Terms of like you know I would take a lot of those players in that draft class and his draft class as a matter of fact what would your draft Thomas wait BK what would you draft Thomas though man like what spot uh 19 like 21 let me see let’s look up his draft

Class Cunningham Jaylen green I would definitely take those guys over cam Thomas bro if you look at his draft class wait if you look at his draft class now Thomas is actually in the people’s top 10 if you look at the dra John jayen Jaylen Brunson was drafted

Second round 33 it was a 33 pick so what we talking about with draft picks everybody know with draft picks is a hidden M Miss type of situation dra if that was the case oh yeah so I would put I would put cam Tom well shanon I would put in that top 10

Well Jamal can I that one question please bro because I don’t know wait can I just answer Jamal’s thing um Jamal the one I’ll say this it doesn’t really matter I think people make such a big deal about first round picks when second round picks are so important you look

What happened this trade deadline there were more second round picks traded than first round picks because at the end of the day picks or picks it’s the players that show what their their medal is and that that should mean something now like it’s not just first round picks are the

Are the the end all be all yeah because every every first round pick is not a is not a hit yeah you look at those last few years we seen we seen Johnny Flynn remember Johnny Flynn Jabari Parker anybody remember Jabari Parker flop anybody remember the guy from Golden State Warriors flop who

Youall remember the the what was his name the first round pick off for the Cavaliers bro he was atrocious bro he went like 20 bro so let’s let’s stop let’s stop pairing drve picks cuz that’s what I’m saying we thought Joker was the second round at the end of the

Draft I mean that’s a it took it took Joker a long time to actually really get to where he was at right now he it wasn’t like can I ask one question BR yeah ask your question what’s your question yo I had High Hopes on this kid

And then he got in trouble I just need some clarity if he’s still getting drafted or not I don’t know is Mikey Williams still going to the NBA bro because I thought he was gonna be a stud then he got in trouble I don’t know if

He got drafted he done getting drafted I don’t I don’t think he getting drafted I I I don’t I’d be surprised if a team really pick him up but if y’all seen his game bro he was nice bro I was like y this kid is about to be the next big thing

Bro they’re not gonna want the headache they’re not gonna want the he I have to worry about him all right so are y’all G so so are y’all sold on um I know he ain’t get to the pro yet but people like LeBron and all them is kind of like [ __ ] with

Him are y’all sold on the coopa flag kid I haven’t really seen him play but I heard he got gained are y never I never seen him play either well I’ll say this I’ll say this if the Nets somehow do a surprise rebuild that 2025 is looking so

Good for this team man I really believe that it’s gonna rebuild bro and the time should have been now to get that continuity not not next year and just you know what I’m saying um this is this is the first time in my life that I really think that the rebuild would be

So good for this team because it all makes sense doing this last chance at a superstar thing it’s failed us twice like you you really think a third time’s going to change it like it have to everything have to be perfect but this team is literally going to throw their

Future away for one last shot is it really worth it all right I don’t know if it is I really don’t I got something for yall BK I want you to answer too uhhuh yesterday I seen a commercial um with um one of one of The Ball Brothers he’s

Getting ready to go overseas do y’all think that he would be a good pickup I’m not talking about Lonzo I’m talking about the Middle Brother no [Applause] Noel yeah I don’t know if no other team if no other team wants him I mean then you know play overseas but I’m like

I’m like the kid got game so I’m like it’s reason I gotta see him play he got a jump shot bro he not listen I’m gonna be honest out of all of The Ball Brothers I think he’s actually the most versatile bro he could shoot he could put the ball

On the floor look at I mean you look at cam Thomas you understand why he was drafted number 27 you know people are like why drafted you know maybe 10 look at other players and you say okay there’s a reason why cam Thomas actually went yo listen bro

One thing that me John and Jamal all know about you BK cam Thomas and Nick Claxton is not at the top of your wish list we get it [Laughter] bro the I measur them up to the other players in the NBA all right so yeah

But BK if this if this if this PK if this Brooklyn Net team had an actual coaching staff that that was actually utilizing the players to their full potential and actually because like I said before if Noah Clowny was wasn’t actually hold on hold on chill out thank

You learning in real move Noah Clowny up no clown is going to start shooting threes right right up the jump the country St doesn’t trust them them they’re not listen if they were utilizing this young group of guys who are very skilled this team would actually have a competitive record we’re

Under 11 right now almost okay that’s not utilizing our team to the full potential they’re banking on this Ben Simmons Clon BS when these two guys clearly don’t want to play with each other I want guys that want to play with each other and be a unit these guys

Don’t want to interact with each other so that’s bad coach said in terms of the outside shooting man claxon doesn’t give you that like I told doesn’t give it to us either doesn’t give it us either Ben B handling skills and pass her scoring the post does that win a championship

Does that win a championship if he’s not scoring he got close listen he went to the Eastern Conference Finals didn’t he I got my answer I got my you told me the answer without telling me the answer listen you say that about a lot of players yeah has to be able to score

Though I I don’t I don’t understand me personally I don’t understand how CL and Ben can’t work together they don’t interact Jamal that’s the problem but this what I’m trying to say because we watch even though Harden shoots the ball I get it but we watch Harden Harden and

And capella play together we watch Harden and Dwight play together is the thing is Jamal is that like let’s say if you have I forgot Harden and bum ass capella played together yeah you have like like like teams have to come up for Harden Harden because he can actually

Shoot the three and then when you have Simmons running the point guard position teams actually Dro back you know because of Ben’s driving ability so like Clon can’t really get those lobs or anything like that you know that’s but but wait why can’t why can’t Ben throw Clon lob he’s so tall

Like because Ben Simmons gets to all he’s gonna do is try to drive to the rim so they got to get back and try to protect the rim where like KD KD is running the pick and roll with claxon they got they have to come out and try

To challenge that pullup three from Kevin Durant so it just causes it you know it opens up things more so if Ben Simmons was actually shoot threes then it would open up things for claxon you know because like so that that means that means Ben is a problem then he is

Unfor but Ben but like I said but Ben can get you like 18 hear that though ten assist I just I just said that he BK the qualities about Ben Simmons none of us disagree with the only thing is his long-term health and his long to playing at the level we

Want it’s tough it’s tough no no no I’m not I’m not saying Ben is trash but everything you just said that would help CL Ben don’t do yeah because he doesn’t interact with him and that’s a problem that’s what the organization needs to realize Hey listen no that’s that’s the

Thing though no Jonathan it’s not that he doesn’t want to interact with it’s just that teams like I said they so scared of his driving ability you know him you so what he driv he don’t even dri but you know what but know but you know what’s good about Ben

Simmons playing on the bench it keeps him Sprite it keeps his energy level up having to play a starters role with a chronic back issue and leg pain I know Ben is going at full 100% but as a bench player as a bench player it John yeah that’s the eag thing that’s

Ben Eagle Ben we have a lot of we have a lot of players on this team and that’s problem too yeah that’s that’s why I said people can I say something so listen so so after the Bucks I know you seen it John after the Bucks lost to the Grizzlies

Right doc rers he uh he did a postgame interview yeah I swear to God the interview what he said bro he literally was was like talking about Ben Simmons without talking about Ben Simmons he said yo some of our players was at the game and some of our players was in Cabo

And that’s what I think about Ben Simmons bro when the Nets was getting smacked by 50 he didn’t care that [ __ ] was in Australia on a boat catching fish or something Ben don’t care bro Ben listen Jamal sent me a clip from it is what it is right and M and Ma

Broke been Simmons down so crazy he’s like bro we GNA take we GNA take basketball advice from mace really all right go ahead y first of all bro do you know that that that no no no hold on yo yo bro I’m about to school you on some

[ __ ] bro because you don’t know did did you know that Mason cam played D1 college ball did you know that man I know a lot of bum D1 players I can pull them up right now man come on bro I’m just I’m just all get your point it get your

Point so basically mace basically said like Ben is just a guy that you could tell he was tall feel me he was athletic and he could just make money off the game but he don’t really want to play right so when I sit back and I watch guys like

Russell Westbrook I watch guys like Jimmy Butler say what the [ __ ] you want about Draymond but even him when you watch these guys play they want to win even if they lose they [ __ ] playing when you look at Ben Simmons does Ben Simmons BK give you the same will to win

Like Russell Westbrook honestly when you watch Westbrook and you watch Ben Simmons does Ben Simmons give br br give me another example don’t Brak up Westbrook man please don’t wait wa no no no no no no no no somebody else somebody else BK BK you got to give

Russell his flowers look hear me out if Russell West wait wait Harlem Harlem wait a second listen if Russell Westbrook didn’t sacrifice his place to the starting lineup for the betterment of this team when Harden came to the team this team wouldn’t be winning over 30 games together Russell Westbrook sa

The Clippers season I want I want everybody watch this podcast to know the truth Russell Westbrook save the cliff season that’s a fact that’s what I’m no but I’m just I’m just but I’m just saying the BK right because my only Flack with Ben Simmons bro outside of shooting is the guy don’t

Have the will to win when you watch these other guys play can you tell me BK honestly that that Ben Simmons plays as hard as these other guys yes he actually plays defense he made a uh all NBA defensive team so that’s that’s a good thing right there

He made three Allstar teams you know I I know talk about this allar [ __ ] he di bro this I BK looking at Ben Simmons but wait looking at Ben Simmons this season with the injuries do you think though that Ben Simmons do you think that Ben

Simmons can be in this this in this MBA pass his his his free agency next year do you think he’ll be he’s healthy yeah man he just gota work to work on his shooting he got the you know pretty much and uh like like I was saying him shooting will actually open

Up like more pick and roll opportunities for like guys like Claxton and and uh but like right now doesn’t really shoot so just team just back on him man and just clogs things up for claxon right there man no see you’re giving the right answers BK and we appreciate you for

That because it’s hard like we all want to see Ben succeed but unfortunately like here’s the sad part everybody says that Ben Simmons and Brooklyn is a perfect marriage because Ben Simmons knows how to unlock all these players but with the injuries with the injuries

It kind of throws all it out the window this was a Lost season because of his injury situation and the fact that this team his coaching staff didn’t have a plan b or c Ben Simmons is the only option no you have Mel Bridges you have Cam Thomas

Youbody all right so like I said Kyrie Irving man nobody like who on the Brooklyn Net Brooklyn Nets got Deon Booker Kyrie Urban handles you know what I’m saying like Elite ball handling skills to really break a Defender down like in and- out crossover get to the

Rim and two three dribbles man I mean I’m say Lonnie I’m not gonna say that Lon is kywi but Lonnie is saidon Walker but like we seen even with Thomas in the Philadelphia game Paul Reed like I I was like four or five possessions got switched on to cam Thomas and Paul Reed

Like at 610 260 was able Thomas hey yo Jay you still on the line bro y I’m still here bro yo all right gonna get up to cam what’s his name in college over here man said that BK Jamal brought this lineup up I want to bring this up again to y’all Lonnie

Walker and I’mma tell you how Jay said it Lonnie Walker cam Thomas Bridges Simmons Clon right Lonnie the point cam the no no let me explain it let me explain it all go go don’t be listening though bro good BK right yeah so for offense you use you use Ben as a point

Guard right yeah but when you go to defense you use him as a power forward uh yeah that’s the lineup I was I was kind of looking at let let let let him no no no no you you have you have more offense with with that lineup

Because you got Lonnie you got you got all three players well you got two players that could create their own shot as as far as line for AJ line for and then explain it all right so you got Ben Sim his point K Thomas as the two uh Lonnie has The well yeah but but but see the thing is with Jac vongh is that he’s a defensive minded coach over no no he’s not he’s not a defensive minded coach that’s what he said he said it himself he coach with with what game plan can I can

I can I say what’s so surprised about the season you have probably over 10 players in this team that are known for defense not once this season have I seen coach Baugh actually show that he could get these guys to actually play defensiv Lonnie Walker wasn’t

Getting play in time because of his lack of Defense when he was injured half the season yeah he was injured I’m telling you what he said you’re right no you’re right you’re right p and that’s a lie the guy has lied multiple times remember what he said about Harry Giles that if

Dron was not playing he’d be playing live the guy only played 10 minutes total like I I’m surprised at coach Fon for a man who says he’s a man of integrity a man of character you have lied multiple times this season to the media to the fans and not once have you

Said I’m sorry for not keeping true to my word like I be back the season realizing bro how did I go from being such a good coach last year Callum drop off and come back you got that background noise in there yeah drop off and come back in let me put the

Link but do you guys agree that coach bgh this season has kind of become somebody that I don’t recognize from last season like last season he had the players on his side thisas is different yeah he he always been that coach bro don’t be fooled bro KD and K KD and C

Made him look good bro what contract that’s I have to partly agree with you because those two guys were playing YY what contract are you actually talking about recollect my uh memory there man for me like he says yo BK uh B 100 he wanted that contract come on stop it

Like what contract you actually talking about who Ben Simmons yeah he was saying the contract I’m not I wasn’t sure who he’s actually referring to you know or who who who he actually had me referring to um Harlem Ben won his first playoff series win as a rookie yeah that’s true

Yeah that’s what chill out roller coaster but but but yeah this is not to to dig on Jo fun it’s just I’m surprised that his actions this season because what I saw last season I thought he he was actually getting his team to come together now it’s like these guys don’t

Trust him they don’t buy into his system and it seems like he doesn’t even have a system which is shocking considering the system was Ben Simmons I mean that was the system it was actually I mean you just don’t have anybody on that team

That can just do what Ben do you know um yeah but they could have worked on it they could have worked on it and developed them how how could you call yourself a developmental team if your only option is a guy with injury history that is bad you don’t win with young

Players man you win you win with veterans man and proven that they can win I know but Bridges actually won I know but BK BK how can this be a developmental staff if the Vets are the guys that are carrying the rodeo that doesn’t add up because

The veterans are actually going to lead you to wins they’ve been more I know but you know what I’m saying though it doesn’t make I know but you know what I’m saying it doesn’t make sense this whole season hasn’t made sense the fact

Is they should have had a plan b or c in case Ben got injured the fact well yeah I I I agree I mean listen I mean if you can get somebody that can there’s other players out there that’s better than Ben Simmons but right now I mean they don’t

Have those players they only got Ben Simmons really that thatan he’s the only allar Cali allar player the their backup plan was them Wy when you when you when you got the backup play was Dy but the only thing is see this the bad thing about [ __ ]

With players and their money you feel me [ __ ] cuz when you when you [ __ ] with players and their money and you and as a player you you seeing other [ __ ] doing what they want to do or they getting the type of money for doing nothing and you

Out here busing your ass you gonna be looking at [ __ ] like I ain’t doing [ __ ] no more [ __ ] this team yeah and if you tell [ __ ] to get you up out of there that’s like if you try to quit your job and and your job telling you nah you

Can’t quit you GNA be looking like what [ __ ] I’m out of here like I Ain working for I’mma be chilling you’re right and that’s that’s what did what he did he told them [ __ ] to trade him in the beginning of the season and they should

Have I I I don’t get why they waited till after parachute you waited three weeks when you could have got all this business done and you could have went into Allstar break actually feeling good this team doesn’t want to be around each other man like it’s awful listen I’m tell y something

Um I mean like I said if you have a healthy Ben Simmons the Nets aren’t in this position you know I’m serious they’re not look what chy saying no wait look what Chevy Tyler is saying he tells me LOL John you’ve been calling JV for all his lives

I have to man when I see a huge problem we got to let it know man because it’s a problem they all lie man and then let me listen you get a Max track I mean you’re gonna take it Ian he’s not the first NBA player uh to actually

Take Darren Williams took the actual Max contract and then he just disappeared all right so I mean the Travis Outlaw that that guy from Portland he came over here got a $35 million contract and disappeared Mikey Moore was another one Kenyan Martin was another one K Martin had aund million contract and he

Disappear see that’s what’s wrong with this era of the league man they they act like giving money out is like that’s the top of being an NBA player once you get the money that’s it no back in the 90s you had to earn every damn Dollar by

Competing night in night out and you know what Jaylen Brown said today he said a 65 game you know to to get Awards that’s too much it should be 58 no 65 is good you gotta play the season you got to earn your Awards like I said he made after he got

The contract he made two more all-star teams and then Doc Rivers like I told you guys if you guys play basketball right and and you know like Harlem and I are playing we playing a two on two and then Harlem misses a layup and I’m like

Yo man Harem man what the [ __ ] man yo why you miss that layup for I start bitching man come on man stop I st baring on you and you ain’t gonna want to play with me man that’s wait wait I know Simmons I mean like no but I know

That was a toxic situation in Philly but it’s been three years man and Ben Simmons has said this is probably the best I know but hear me out wait wait Ben Simmons has said this is probably the best locker room he’s ever been a part of he has actual friends on his

Team but listen then why aren’t you shooting why aren’t you playing the Ben Simmons of old the guy who earned all those Awards those AC hey John can I tell you something John I want to tell you something John why is he still play Philly I know but why is he still

Playing like he’s in Philly is my in life right bro I want to tell injured he had a back injury it wasn’t a fake surgery yo bro I want to tell y Like A Life Lesson and this has nothing to do with basketball just in life people is

All a person are like I love to [ __ ] out of you if you never hold them accountable I’m G say that again people will love the [ __ ] out of you if you never hold them accountable so if Ben Simmons is on a team and they’re like yo

Bro you need to get back on defense yo you need to play harder yo you need to act like you want to win of course he’s not going to [ __ ] like you but if you go to happy go-lucky Mel Bridges that’s always [ __ ] cheesing it’s okay Ben I

Don’t care if you just don’t play your of course you gonna [ __ ] love the Nets lock hard defense that’s what he’s known for bro nobody in the Nets locker room let’s keep it a buck bro nobody in the Net’s locker room holds any body accountable you can tell bro all of them

Guys over there is Happy go-lucky guys nobody is getting mad at nobody nobody is holding nobody accountable all season if y’all watch when the net was getting smacked by 50 Lonnie Walker he got pissed off that was the first time I seen a next player all [ __ ] year

Really get mad bro let’s keep it above let’s keep it real bro that was the first player you seen really show emotion me there yeah yo wait wait har you there man yo yeah y yeah they having like connection issues over yeah there was a connection thing wait you what

Your point what was your point though man I I didn’t hear you saying that no no no so I was saying nobody on the Nets hold nobody accountable so I said you see when they was getting smacked by 50 and Lonnie Walker got mad I said that

Was the first emot like real emotion you seen out of next player all [ __ ] Year bro you have to hold people accountable bro if you don’t hold nobody accountable [ __ ] is never going to get better it’s B all right all right you have Dennis Smith Dennis shw start saying it’s bro

It you got five guys got five guys that can give you 30 points and they right I understand BK but mat matchup problem the 175 pounds but listen what you missing but what you missing is accountability bro accountability just because you out maxed you outmanned the team is better

SC ability bro yo hold on hold on hold on you get Dennis shoter switched on to Jaylen Brown I don’t care what kind of accountability J Brown wasn’t even playing smacked them without jayen brown bro jayen Brown I’m just using hypothetical I’m saying this this is one

Of those nights where they smacked them by 50 Tatum only had what 20 yeah bro but when I’m saying is accountability all right I’m G give you a prime example because you act like because the Nets is terrible right so I’m gonna give you a prime example BK I

Remember when the Nets had James Harden I remember when the Nets had Kyrie Irving Kevin Durant and Harden Harden you gonna make an excuse for this too bro accountability don’t matter good or bad I remember and bro I remember that [ __ ] so vividly because I wanted to [ __ ] punch James Harden through the

[ __ ] TV bro James Harden was playing against the Detroit Pistons doing what he do dribbling like he Steve Fran is just doing bum [ __ ] he loses the ball he don’t hustle back he assumes the ball is going out of bounds the [ __ ] piston guy run down the court grab the ball

Goes dunks the ball do y’all remember that because I do vividly right the quit listen no that was the King’s game that was the King game no no no no no no that was one of the games that he yo he been quitting before that Kings game bro y

Didn’t realize that [ __ ] even Jaylen Rose said that [ __ ] but what I’m saying Jay whether you quitting or not bro until you actually off the team my [ __ ] I’m gonna talk to you as if you’re on the team Harden walked back to the [ __ ] to the to the to the bench not a

Player not a coach not nobody said nothing to him bro scared bro this the accountability BR everything I up in here let me let wait can I just wait can I just say one thing to Harlem and let him rebuttal though bro because accountability BK that’s

Huge bro no it was so interesting your board of Detroit because I remember one of the best things James Harden did when DeAndre Jordan was playing like ass in one of the Detroit games James Harden was calling him out on the silence saying what the hell are you doing man

And after that Jordan was out James accountability yo bro accountability nobody on the net hold nobody accountable bro yeah what I’m sensitive today man you gotta watch how you talk to people it don’t matter bro we on a basketball team bro Fu wait hold on hold

On and then you know what you know what’s so [ __ ] up about this team [ __ ] that bro what you reward you reward [ __ ] up [ __ ] cuz hard got to go where he wanted to go yeah facts facts facts yo I wanted to say something too CA y’all was talking about the Celtics

Game bro like if you look uh I don’t know did y see the Mel Bridges interview yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah he said we didn’t have no game plan man of course we going lose to the like you know mean it’s like that every game though my

[ __ ] it’s no game play game bro it’s always Ben Simmons that’s their game plan yo low key low key I think Mel big wanted J like out of here but he too much of a nice guy to go to the front office and say yo I don’t want him here no more yeah

Fact I just I think Mel Bridges don’t feel like this is his franch franchise yet once he feel that way cuz remember this is I think he was start making moves cuz yo y’all seen the Mel Bridges um interview that he did with Brunson or

Yeah yeah he I yo bro I didn’t even see that hey yo hold on hold on I didn’t see the interview yo Ivan can you explain it to me please because I was hearing [ __ ] um a bunch of people saying that they felt that um Brunson was

Disrespecting the net I don’t know so like I feel no I feel like muel Bridges this Camp Tom though CU he said Bri like man it’s tough putting cam Thomas in the starting lineup because he don’t play no defense yeah he’s horrible yeah yeah then Brunson said I

Don’t play defense either bro wait wait wait actually I think wait wait I think it was Mison I think Brunson was the one who said that cam Thomas is an offensive bucket that can’t play defense no no no no I I saw the interview he he said brid said put in

Can Thomas in the starting lineup is tough because he don’t be playing you know then bu like I don’t play defense either that’s what like that though Ian yeah yeah he said he but bson kind of corrected him W yeah yeah bson kind of you’re gonna love these grades they give Ben

Simmons a D+ for the mid-season grades and they said absolutely bro he should have got a the guy the guy the GU the guy’s making 37 million and he gets a D+ rating on a newor paper but it says but it’s clear with but it’s clear to those

Without an agenda that the Nets are better with him than without him yeah Direct that’s towards you Harlem no most of all pace and openo look they give him a D+ they give heyo Ian can I ask you a question please Ivan okay what’s up bro you

Played you played now now this is only for i because Ivan play on a certain level Ivan you played high school ball right or college yeah high school high school or college high school okay let me ask you a question Ivan yo nobody else say nothing this is just

For Ivan and then I’m gonna let you talk to BK Ivan because like BK don’t understand this I know you said in high school you was a shooter we know that’s what you did but let’s scratch that let’s say you could dribble the ball let’s say you could create your own shot

Let’s say you didn’t have to stand in the corner and just shoot threes let’s say you could do all of that right and let’s say John was your coach and John said yo I just want you shooting threes but you could do everything else besides just shooting threes right because you don’t do

Everything else does that mean that you can’t do other [ __ ] because you just shoot threes yeah that doesn’t mean that no but that that means you probably not strong at it though you know mean that’s BK’s angle he said because doesn’t shoot he can’t shoot and we trying to tell a

Man like bro he probably can shoot but that’s not what they want him to do Ivan can you answer this question for me right when Noah Clowny actually plays with the Nets right how come he actually shoots threes and claxon doesn’t shoot threes if CL that’s what they want no clown to I

Actually ho kind of makes a good point because the thing is y seen I don’t know they don’t give K Thomas I mean CL enough chance to shoot or whatever but hold on hold on remember GS was in the post scoring killing it and they they waved them off so you shows you

That we want certain players to play a certain way because that’s what I’m that’s what I’m trying to tell him so how can clown how can clown shoot threes and then Clon doesn’t shoot threes because that’s what they want Clowny to do bro but the same position fix just I understand what you’re

Saying I do understand what you’re saying though BK Hoops because we have only a small sample size the small sample size don’t look good but we see a small sample size with Clowny 2 and Clowny shoots threes yeah with the yeah that’s true I mean but claxon is what

Just one and four though but that’s what we trying to tell you though bro thing is is that Clowny shoots you know what I’m saying he shoots he takes the outside shot this is A I’m just trying to you know fix threes though bro I don’t want him to shoot threes I just want him to pick and pop the same [ __ ] that Austin Reeves run with Anthony Davis that two point pick and pop that’s what I want Clon to do you fixated on threes Bro

[ __ ] the threes I think Claxton could hit the midi if you if they pick and pop with Claxton I think Claxton could hit six of those a game bro you telling me he can’t do that [ __ ] the threes don’t tell me about talking he was just wide open I mean wide open 15

Again again I’m not talking about threes listen listen again I’m not talking about threes bro I didn’t say threes I didn’t say threes I said I’ve watched a lot of games with Claxton right at the 17 to 19 foot Mark right there where they just leave him wide open to shoot

It happens a lot of times just watch the games and um he doesn’t shoot but if Clowney’s in that position he’ll shoot yeah I mean because they but they want I don’t know man I think you know CL look like he’s developing or whatever like I said we we have a hard time

Developing you could be right BK Hoops or Harlem but we didn’t see we don’t see this enough I I I think this second half will really tell us if this coaching staff can actually figure some things out because if they can’t there needs to be serious changes made you cannot Z Von

They gave zv D+ uh he’s a loyal Soldier um but he handled this Floyd roster you know he actually really did a great job with this Floyd roster BK my friend he to say not Meed offense when the former when the former showing up defense getting in

Sync with the team’s best players uh he’s gotten the calculus wrong on all of too many of them so they give him a d and then they give Shawn marks are incomplete that’s an interesting grade BK so I mean what do you I mean I give Shawn marks a

F that’s that’s heyk high five high five man uh I think he should have been fired as soon as he actually lost Kevin Durant he should have been fired right on the spot but clearly go ahead I think it’s tough man because I think it’s tough because

Here’s the thing when Shawn marks came into this or when Shawn marks came into this organization they had no picks and he actually somehow got ktie and Kyrie and James on the same team but here’s the thing if he’s if he’s still GM can he actually utilize the picks in front

Of him to make real moves I don’t know yet I don’t know right now yo listen listen I’m be hold on hold hold on hold on hold on I’mma break this down real quick right talk to me the only reason he got Kyrie is because Kyrie wanted to come

Here KD came with Kai only reason Harden came is because a relationship with KD and Kai right do none of that [ __ ] y the down and W over yeah yeah the most the most we could give him credit for is is is get like the trade that he made

Getting him out of here right even like when they had that was great man great talent man when they with any athletic guys I mean they had like short Patty meals and Seth Curry that was mindu that was all Shawn moken well here’s an important question wait here’s an important question for

The panel do you think for this team to succeed either in a rebuild or a last Stitch Superstar third try do you think it’s Paramount that Shawn Marx and maybe Joe not be in the Brooklyn n organization going forward yes or no what do you guys think about that bro yo

Bro I would I would I would I would definitely pack J Von listen bro I’m not really with taking a man’s you know livelihood away Jack Von could definitely be an assistant or be on a coaching staff right he coach negative but as far as staff I would just be like

Yo bro I’m G put you on a staff but head coach negative Sean marks I’m packing you up yo boy if I’m joa if I’m joa right now bro not even summertime right now I’m like yo Bob Meers if you available bro and you

Willing to do what you do yo bro like we set this meeting up April can can I can I keep it honest with y’all can I keep it can I keep it real with y’all No Cap at this at this point I’m I’m willing to go get Kenny Atkins back like like he

About to be the coach again bro he not gonna come back bro because like he had the chance to go to Charlotte and he refused it you feel me he wanted to stay with golden state yeah facts and the Nets is like they better than Charlotte but like he ain’t

Trying to come over here and lose bro he want to win Y what grade did they give Thomas what grade A C minus or some [ __ ] that’s how say this to you though Jay if if they gave auson like a contingency plan like yo bro we definitely gonna get Mitch you or we

Definitely gonna get something for you to work with to be competitive I think that that would reel him in but if you just right now like yo this is the product right now nah hell no bro I’m not I’m not I’m not leaving with this product but I don’t feel like the Nets

Have a bad product I agree with how y’ guys feel like the Nets just need better coaching to basically use the product to the best of their ability well wait that in some that in some roster construction gave me a stretch five in the off season get me an actual

Center that I could probably play with Clon in matchups like tinkering those little things here there will help this team feel more Balan because there’s too much redundancy on this team right now to actually you know make this team more exciting this team needs some little additions for balance or else they GNA

Be position they are right now they gotta get this [ __ ] Ben Simmons a psychiatrist or [ __ ] hypnotist you always say that [ __ ] bro you dying Jamal Jamal Jamal the big the biggest thing that that you and I agreed on tonight is the fact that there are

Egos on this team there’s at least four to five guys that don’t want to be on the bench but you know what if you actually want to win and play at a high level it doesn’t matter what role you are whether you’re a a first option second option third fourth fifth six

Seventh or eth you play your role through Perfection this team’s going to play better but there’s some guys in this team want to be the head hono but all they all they all 20 they all 30 and younger mind this team is 30 and younger let me give Shawn marks a little leadway

He had a DOA hired and Joe Sai kind of messed that whole thing up man you know I give him that yeah he messed that whole thing up but but my thing is they kind of like had to go with something and I think they should have

Waited all he messed up the deal too with Kyrie yeah all right I’m let me wrap this up I’m G get some sleep man I’m get up in the morning Monday Monday M another fun discussion guys I’ll see you for next one and let’s see what happens second half all right all

Right have a good night everybody the video drop a like on the video all right

#Brooklyn nets news #brooklyn nets news today #cam thomas #Cam thomas nets


  1. Another fun interesting discussion. Looking at the grades, it's tough to give this team an overall fair grade given the team has been injured from the first game, Ben Simmons was the coaching staff's main plan til he got injured after six games and had no real backup plan and there has been a significant breakdown in communication the last few months……

    The fans are growing restless given the uncertainty of this team's true direction which could be one last go at a superstar era or if things break down further a possible bigger rebuild…

    Regardless the fanbase wants to see some clarity and consistency to close out the season and we will see what happens…..

  2. Great show y’all
    But @BK I gotta respectfully disagree with you homie

    Devon Booker in YEAR 2 was playing 35MPG and Avg 22-3-3
    in YEAR 1
    he was playing 27MPG and Avg 13-2-2 that’s nothing compared to Cam Thomas’s 21-2-2 in 29MPG!!!

    We need time to see if 1 he gets there and 2nd if this damn raggedy a** organization can help him develop and let the young man grow so thats a big let’s wait and see but Cam definitely has the potential to be a solid all star maybe MAYBE with the right development a low key superstar but that’s just my opinion because the kid is playing like this while being treated like the red headed stepchild of the nets with a trash team, coach, no PG and absolutely zero trust in the young guy.

    As far as Cam vs Maxey y’all might hate me for this lol but I have them being equal which speaks volumes on cam Thomas’s game in..again year 1!!
    Maxey was playing 33 MPG in YEAR 3 20-2-3 again in year 3!!! In year 2 he was Avg 17-3-4 in 35MPG!!
    Give Cam 35MPG consistently and give him a Embiid and I bet you he can avg better than Maxey.
    Maxey has a team that believes in him, he has a better team and he actually gets consistent MPG.
    So even against the odds Maxey and Thomas are equal right now
    They both have the same bag the only difference is Maxey is much faster but that doesn’t mean anything look at Luka that fool plays in slow motion but he’s elite so well see what’s up in a few years with CT.

  3. When you see Cam Thomas leave the Nets .. You will see him on another team averaging 35 minutes, 27- 30 points per game.. Like Jalen Brunson going to the Knicks.. Some teams hold players back. 5 years Thomas will be as good Damian Lillard.. He is only 22 year old..

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