@Toronto Raptors

The Raptors Might do Something CRAZY…

The Raptors Might do Something CRAZY…

A recent report has dropped that indicates the Toronto Raptors are about to potentially do something crazy as they are heavily scouting bronny James which has some Raptors fans speculating that they could be going after LeBron in the near future as well so we’ll discuss that including Scotty Barnes having a

Pretty solid performance in this year’s All-Star game so lots of stuff to break down before we do folks again over 56% of our viewers are not subscribed to the channel we want to keep you up to date with all of the latest Toronto Raptors news the All-Star Game just happened you

A little break here in Raptor of land and news fairs and stuff but the second half of the Season should be very interesting for this team to see whether or not they can turn the ship around or they do end up sort of going for that

Draft pick so we want to keep you up to date so make sure you hit that subscribe button again apologize for the wind outside still in Panama but I want to keep you up to date delivering the news so let’s dive straight into it because news has come out that the Raptors are

Seriously targeting bronny James in this year’s draft class now this on the surface is pretty wild now Brony James is probably the most notable the most famous Prospect in this upcoming draft or we don’t know if he’s going to stay in school we we’re not sure what’s going

To happen because he’s had a bit of a tumultuous first year in college but is definitely one of those guys that a lot of NBA fans are keeping their eyes on and Shams basically dropped a really interesting report recently saying the Raptors have been closely scouting

Bronny James now in the past few days we’ve heard that the Lakers the two teams in La have also taken a look at him as well but the Raptors seem to be the team that is most sort of linked to potentially or at least in terms of how

Much they are currently scouting Brony now if you’re not familiar with Brony James he is the son of LeBron James and he’s a guy that’s been sort of known throughout the ranks for a pretty long time you know notable name in high schools put up some ridiculous stats but

Has had an interesting college experience because right now in terms of stats he’s a 64 210 guard you know playing uh down California but only six points per game three rebounds two assists and 18 games played and some people might look at that and be like hey Ben college stats it’s different you

Know we’ve seen European guys not play too much or not get that many points heck even Scotty barns you know in his draft he didn’t have the most overwhelming most great box score statistics but the really concerning thing about his numbers during his rookie year are the sort of efficiency

Because he’s shooting 36% from the field and 27% 27.5% from behind the three-point line and 62% from the free throw line even a little bit more concerning because free throws again there’s might be variability especially only in 18 game s size with threes and stuff but free throws you should be

Hitting that’s a really good indication in terms of the potential of one’s jump shot regarding their form and if it does need to be changed or anything like that so Brony James he hasn’t been efficient scoring the basketball you know his shooting hasn’t been as advertised as

Some people were expecting coming out of college and you know defensively he’s not putting up the craziest sort of uh dox score stats only 02 blocks per game and8 steals per night but he does have two areas of his game which have NBA Scouts really still holding him in a

Higher regard than your just average sort of Five Point per game sort of uh point guard in college and one apparently his defense is absolutely Elite apparently he’s a very strong Defender you know at the guard position can Hound really anyone at the 1 two 3 4

Or four not the four one two three you know in terms of those positions that I’ve read so people regard his defense highly and he also has a lot of athletic upside in terms of what he could develop and build into you know considering his stat is LeBron James so you know there’s

That sort of there the defense is already polished and something that I could get slided into an NBA team and have an NBA ready skill and apparently the passing genetics that came from LeBron James have also been passed down to Brony he’s a good facilitator he’s a

Good playmaker he’s a guy that can set up his teammates at that guard position which is great to see so you know he has those NBA skills but again the stats haven’t really been indicative that he should be you know a a draftable a top first round type of guy and the Toronto

Raptors obviously traded a pick at this year’s trade deadline but have potentially their first round pick this year depending if it falls in the bottom six and we’ll see how the Tampa tank how that all sort of produces and how that rolls out or uh you know we’ll see we

Also have those later picks the Detroit Piston second which is essentially like a late first as well as our Indiana pick which should be convey this season as well so basically three picks to potentially draft Brony James with this year if he does end up getting if we do

Sort of scout him well and validate him and again apologize to the wind it’s the only place I can really record here right now but um you know we have those three picks to potentially slide in and pick a brony James but given his stats even though he does have those NBA ready

Skills some uh people are saying that uh you know he didn’t make the mock drafts he’s not a guy that’s going to get drafted this year some people are saying he needs to go back to college and there’s one major reason as to why and some people are sort of writing this

Season off in terms of the bad stats because he has these NBA ready skills but he’s a poor finisher around the rim he’s not attacking the well Rim well and he’s Miss like not efficient shooting the basketball here now at this point but he did miss a chunk of of uh you

Know the prep for this season believe he missed a chunk of games for uh in college as well this season as he did suffer a cardiac condition you know he had a cardiac arrest earlier this year scary moment you know when it initially came out but he was in stable condition

He was able to return to basketball and all things like that but again you have that sort of happen currently this year then that you that has to be taken into account in terms of the numbers they putting up in college and that’s why some people have been calling for him to

Go back to college but obviously you know for another year next year where he has a full off season to really get healthy to be in the swing of and have less sort of turmoil with his health you know out there on the court and yes that’s probably the smart move if he

Wasn’t LeBron james’ son but he’s LeBron’s son LeBron might end up going to play for whatever team that Brony James gets drafted by so there’s a there’s probably good reasoning why especially while LeBron is still in the league for him to go into the NBA draft

You know get his bag get his immediate NBA paycheck and you know get get his foot in the door with an NBA team and then really earn his spot you know when LeBron James is sort of out of the mix out of the Le League you know there’s no

Chance of recruiting him to your team if Brony James is not if uh Brony James is not there so I think that’s still a reason why I expect him to declare for this year’s NBA draft but even though it’s probably the right move for his basketball development to stay in

College but should the Toronto Raptors do this because again sham says we’re scouting them pretty directly I mean if it ends up leading us you know LeBron James you know even though he’s in the Twilight of his career I’d say do it it’d be a cool moment in NBA history you

Know lebronto sort of turnaround time we have those later first and stuff you know are you chucking up first or maybe keeping LeBron yes but I don’t know it’s a it’d be cool if we could get LeBron other than that you know if there’s no guarantee or Assurance is that you could

Scout or recruit LeBron James if you draft Brony then uh I’m less inclined now again a point guard that can play defense can pass two very attractive skills you know at that guard position in today’s NBA but going to want to see more in terms of scoring in terms of

Dribbling and stuff you know from the scouting reports I’ve read regarding Brony to use him with you know we don’t have a late second we have uh we have potentially an early first a mid first as well as a very very early second so those are valuable picks you can get

Solid players out of that so I wouldn’t be just throwing it away for bronnie James if it’s too much of a risk but again I trust the Scouts of the Toronto Raptors way more than I do me who’s read just a few scouting reports on the internet regarding bronnie and watched a

Few highlights and games but let me know what you guys think would you guys like to see bronny James uh selected by the Toronto Raptors in the draft but next thing we’re taking a look at is Scotty Barnes cooking in the allar game now the allstar game is a complete sort of uh

You know it’s not something we’re going to read too much into I’m not going to talk on it for too long in this vid because uh the All-Star Game no defense is played it’s getting worse the scores I the East scored over 200 points in this game so it’s uh you know Scotty

Barnes having a solid showing is not an indicator that hey he’s the next superstar in the NBA or anything like that but the one thing it does show and makes me happy about sort of watching it looking at the stats looking at the numbers is he belonged in that game you

He played really well he fit alongside all these other stars you had the opportunity to chat and we see videos of him coming out in the skills competition you know talking to other NBA Allstars potentially recruiting for Toronto maybe in the future who really knows but in

The game Scotty Barnes ended up having 16 points at eight rebounds three assists in just 18 minutes seven of 10 shooting two of five from the three-point line so you know Scotty looked confident out there he didn’t feel out of place he took a bunch of

Shots so you know I’m I’m proud of our guy Scotty out there doing his showing his thing for the off uh you know representing the Toronto Raptors in this year’s in his first ever allstar game hopefully many more to come but folks let me know what you guys think about

All this Toronto Raptors news you guys the best Mak this far again subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already anyways I’m signing out cheers

The Toronto Raptors have officially begun their roster reconstruction with all of the moves ahead of the trade deadline, and a new report reveals the team may do something wild this summer. The Raptors have reportedly scouted LeBron’s Bronny James, which has many wondering if the Raptors will draft him with hopes of luring LeBron to Toronto. Ben Rogers breaks it all down.

0:00 Toronto Raptors News
0:48 Raptors SERIOUSLY Scouting Bronny James
7:27 Scottie Barnes Cooks in All-Star Game

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  1. Bronny james makes for an interesting prospect, but obviously we have to talk about LeBron, since the whole narrative is whoever has Bronny has Bron.

    TL;DR: Going for the two in one would be cool, but not necessarily great for the franchise.

    My take on this is that I really like LeBron, but even considering the father son thing, it would be difficult to get LeBron on the roster. Either that'll be a huge contract on the books and/or a mega trade package. Even if he begs his way to Toronto, a team would try to leverage him a ton, because he's effing LeBron.
    While I do like his game, as well as his impact being a seasoned vet, I dont necessarily like the fit. Sure, he can do everything, but his specialty I'd say is being a slashing point-forward who plays great help defense and has a transition game. He demands the ball a lot, which takes it out of Scottie and Quickley's hands.
    Especially since we don't have that good a team yet, it doesn't really make sense to get Lebron on the roster. Yes, he's a top player in the league, but he can't just make a bad team into a contender on his own at this stage of his career. The Lakers aren't considered the top dogs of the west right now, so what would the difference be with Toronto.
    I think if he and Bronny are really on the table, then might as well get the superstar, but I don't think it'll lead to anything too special other than of course, LeKing playing with his son. That's always gonna be special.

  2. Bronny james sucks. And why would we want lebron for one year? So he can mess up all the growth and chemistry? This would be a stupid move

  3. I don’t want Bronny and his media circus. First of all he’s not that good! Just because his dad is Lebron it doesn’t mean he’s even close to his level. Look at guys like Scottie Pippen’s son and the countless other ex stars who have son’s in the NBA that are complete doo doo. Curry is really the only one that’s a superstar. Also Lebron is almost finished and he’s going to command bing money. He’s not bringing us a championship. . PASS!!!

  4. This is bull shit. If we are scouting USC. It’s to see Isiah collier. He’s projected to go 10th-18th. Right where the pacers pick should be. He was projected first over all before the year started.

  5. I love it. Draft him, then publicly declare they won't play him unless LBJ signs with the Raps for a vet minimum.

  6. Just about the only thing I can think of that that would stop me being a Raptor would to sign LeBron. The kid I could care less. Not interested in watching a racist China disciple. Whose heroes are with BLM or Antifa. I watch sports to get away from that crap

  7. Keep Lebum out of Toronto. If you are suggesting to bring him in Ben, it's like I suggesting us to bring in Paul Pierce on our team, how does that make you feel? Yes, Disguesting.

  8. Bronny is g-league calibre at best… no way that’s happening… we don’t need lebron to retire here for top rate

  9. Cause Toronto needs Bronny who is a terrible shooter and 400 year old Lebron on his last leg. This does nothing for Toronto accept waste a draft pick and screw up the entire locker room and future for years too come. I'm sure liberal supporters would be on board with it tho.

  10. If Toronto got Bronny, the only reason to get him would be the trade him bcuz Lebron does NOT want his son in TO.

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