@Brooklyn Nets

[Shams] Kevin Ollie has emerged as the leader to be the Brooklyn Nets interim head coach and sides have begun discussions, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

[Shams] Kevin Ollie has emerged as the leader to be the Brooklyn Nets interim head coach and sides have begun discussions, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

by Venez21


  1. He was pretty bad at UConn after his first year or two. Would definitely not want him to be the coach after this season.

  2. Goosedukee

    He’s the best choice for an interim but I hope he’s not the permanent HC

  3. BelonyInMyLeftPocket

    Kevins have done well for us. I’m in.

  4. Padulsky21

    Felt pretty obvious for interim, just gotta hope whoever the long term coach will be that they take their time and make sure it’s a right fit.

    Dudes on the team like Mikal and previously Spencer talked about how they went to Ollie for help before so maybe they’ll play hard for him

  5. Being a ct resident this man cost a lot of tax dollars but I’m down for the interim title. I still don’t trust shams though

  6. pete17100

    Eh I’m a bit iffy, after all of calhouns recruits left after the title run in 2014 I don’t remember anything good until Hurley got hired… interim is fine but let’s see if he can coach this team for the rest of the season

  7. FajitaTits

    He’s a great pick for 28 games, like the cool uncle coming to watch over the kids while the parents are on vacation. But for next season, would love to see a more solid choice.

  8. BushidoBrowneII

    I say Will Weaver

    Dude is former Gleague coach of the year and has been on and off with the Nets since 2016

  9. johnjohnjohn93

    Interim is fine then get a better name in summer. Hopefully we run an actual offense now

  10. TheMoorNextDoor


    Now don’t extend him.

    Get Mike Bud in the offseason.

  11. pinchyfire

    We should sign him to a 2-year deal and then fire him over the summer so we can be paying four coaches next year. 😂

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