@Golden State Warriors

Steph Curry addresses his AVERAGE Warriors comments 👀 | SportsCenter

Steph Curry addresses his AVERAGE Warriors comments 👀 | SportsCenter

Three pointer how about the Finish step the greatest shooter the game has ever seen so who can stop Steph K hopefully we’ll never find out we at all-star weekend it’s your 10th Allstar does it make you think about your own basketball mortality at all definitely but it’s a motivator for

Sure cuz like it does remind you that this isn’t going to be around forever I’d never take it for granted but as a reminder of you know how hard it is to you know be acknowledged as an Allstar every year I feel like you know I still

Got a little bit more left in me do you think about how long you want to do this I do but it’s it the more I think about it like I said The more motivated I get I work as hard as I’ve ever worked to maintain this level so you’re trying to

Redefine what that could actually look like I think the lesson I’ve learned is not to put any limitations on it but you know approach every year like this could be the last year Curry for three oh what a shot from Curry as you continue to race against that clock to

Want to win more championships because you’re one of the most competitive people that I know do you feel like you’re as patient as you once were with how this team goes through ups and downs you around this league long enough you know what goes into building you know a

Championship DNA and like with me Draymond and Clay we’ve been doing this for over a decade and you know since the 22 final you understand like the margins decrease as you get a little you know deeper into your career like the little things that impact winning are so precious and you

Know reminding ourselves of it and also you know bringing along you know the younger guys to get them to that level so there’s always patience within that you look around there’s so much talent in the league right now you have to embrace it and I think the patience that

Comes with that is I know we still are capable of doing it you called this team average recently why is that our record was were one game above 500 and you are what your record says you are so until we truly get over the hump and get real momentum that

Allows us to climb up the standings a little bit and you know we I know we’re capable of it you know sometimes you have to be real with yourself that where we are is not good enough uh even though it’s better than where we were you know

A month ago sta ready to put everybody to bed he’s putting on the show this is what we all came here to see you’ve always said you wanted to go out with the same folks you rode in with with with Draymond with Clay do you still

Believe that the three of you will be Golden State Warriors and that’s it for life 100% And I think that’s always been a motivator for us and I think the way that we talk about it is we want to not only end our career as a warrior not

Like continue to you know compete at a very high level but you want to end it the right way I think we’ve been through a lot this year and uh you know the three of us especially with draymond’s uh absence for a while with Clay you know taking on a new

Role um the new cast of characters that we have that are you know right alongside Us in this journey I think it’s extremely possible to accomplish both um you know we just have to you know protect the identity of who we are um as best we can I think

We’re we’re moving in that right direction

On SportsCenter, Steph Curry catches up with Malika Andrews to talk about the state of the Golden State Warriors, his future alongside Klay Thompson and Draymond Green and delve into his “average” comments about the Warriors.

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  1. He's got 2yrs left to play this high level. Just like all the other greats, he will have to adapt his game as his skills and health diminishes.

  2. I still remember 2015, my friend showed me a magazine with Curry as the cover and told me that he was really good at basketball, that was still before the playoffs and then I started rooting for Curry and the Warriors and from thereon with their success and failures I was still a fan of the warriors. This guy will make more milestones before retiring, I'll be proud to be alive seeing Lebron, Curry, Durant and the rest of these all stars. I just hope I could see them live at least once

  3. I realize there's so much talent constantly coming into the NBA but man when the likes of LBJ and Steph retire it'll be really hard for me to watch 😢

  4. His wisdom answering tough questions makes me awe of how he keeps to be in tip-top shape both physical and mental. 😮

  5. If Curry and Bron retire, as a genuine question who are like the average watcher who's not much of a basketball fan of any team going to watch

  6. Curry’s fairwell tour would be like Kobe’s. Steph’s retirement would be a huge change in the NBA. He will be missed more than Lebron. His impact and the way he change the game inspired so many unathletic, slim, not that tall kids that perseverance and dedication can make you great.

  7. I think his desire to win another championship is equal to his desire to keep the core 3 together. You heard him, he doesn’t want Dray or Klay going anywhere but Warriors.

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