@Cleveland Cavaliers

THIS CANNOT BE The Same Cleveland Cavaliers Team

THIS CANNOT BE The Same Cleveland Cavaliers Team

Not too long ago the Cleveland Cavaliers were faced with a record of 13 and 12 and at the time they got some very unfortunate and untimely news that they were going to have to play a healthy amount of time without both Darius Garland and Evan Moy two guys in my

Opinion who are Allstar caliber players now when this news broke it’s like the NBA vultures came down from the NBA media and they started pushing their Donovan Mitchell agenda once again and we all know what that agenda is for some reason the NBA media a lot of those guys

A lot of those figureheads they want to see Donovan Mitchell traded to a big Market team and the team we are hearing 95 99% of the time is the New York Knicks and of course the front office of the Cleveland Cavaliers they said hell no we’re not going to trade Donovan

Mitchell we’re going to let our great head coach JB Baker staff and his staff figure this thing out we’re going to let the players figure this thing out and that’s exactly what the Cleveland Cavaliers have done and not only have they done that but I should say they’ve

Done that times 10 because the Cleveland Cavaliers since that since those injuries happened they have been nothing short of spectacular now they have to go 18 games without both Darius Garland and Evan moley and for a team that was already struggling on the season that could have been super dangerous but the

Cleveland Cavaliers they figured it out and over that span they went 14 and four so that’s 18 games without those guys they only lost four times and then there were some there were some talks about when Darius Garland and Evan Mobley when they come back how are things how are

Things going to be with the Cleveland Cavaliers and guess what things kept on rolling they in they’ve been integrating those two guys back in smoothly since they’ve come back Cleveland Cavaliers have a record of 9 and one so they’ve been playing at such a high level

They’ve been able to climb all the way up back in the Eastern Conference standings um forgive me I don’t know what place they were in when they were 13 and 12 but now they have a record of 36 and 17 and they’re sitting at second place in a very topheavy Eastern

Conference so these guys have been spectacular and I’m sure you guys saw the title of the video that no way this could be the same Cleveland Cavaliers team and that’s exactly what it is they have the same nucleus of Donovan Mitchell Darius Garland um Jared Allen

And Evan mobl they still have guys like Carris Levert Dean Wade and Isaac ororo and they did make some key additions this season with guys like Max stru and um georgees Nang but what’s been really the thing for the Cleveland Cavaliers not changing the makeup of their team

Not changing their roster but simply just by changing the way that they play and when we look at the Cleveland Cavaliers that drastic change has really come on the offensive side of the ball and if I’m being honest it’s been one of the hottest topics in the NBA this

Season this playing style has gotten the Cleveland Cavaliers from towards the bottom of the Eastern Conference and now they’ve climbed all the way back up into second place and it lead everyone to ask him this question what have the what has the Cleveland Cavaliers done to optimize

Their offense in this fashion and when coach JB bicker staff when he gets asked when he gets asked this question and I’m paraphrasing here but he says he doesn’t want to oversimplify or over complicate things but the Cleveland Cavaliers are just moving the basketball more they’re making the extra pass and they’re making

The smart basketball decis decision and of course they’re still running plays and they’re running their sets to get guys in the right spots in the right um the right spot and the right time to be successful but they’re just making sure the ball is moving everyone is touching

The ball when they’re running these plays and this has been super successful for the Cleveland Cavaliers and there’s a few stats that really support this claim for Coach JB Baker staff um in the Cleveland Cavaliers new offensive philosophy right now at the allstar break the Cleveland Cavaliers they rank

Six in the NBA in total passes per game and I also read a stat that when the Cleveland Cavaliers when they get 30 assists and they’ve had 16 games where they’ve notched 30 assists they have a record of 13 and3 in the those games so when the ball is moving and everyone is

Scoring the basketball the Cleveland Cavaliers are virtually Unstoppable and I think this is going to be big time for them down the stretch of this season and come to the playoffs because it’s going to keep the defense honest when your offense is not predictable because all Five Guys on the court when the

Basketball is moving all five guys are a threat to score the basketball and also the front court for the Cleveland Cavaliers they have been outstanding this year as far as playmaking not only with their passing and both Jared Allen and Evan Moy they are very skilled passers but something JB bicker staff

Has in Incorporated more into this Cleveland Cavaliers offense is the dribble handoff and you guys know the dribble hand off with two bigs usually immediately turns into a pick and roll situation in the Cleveland Cavaliers that’s perfect for Darius Garland and Donovan Mitchell also perfect for Shooters like Max stru georgees Nang Sam

Morel so with um Jared Allen and um Evan Moy being in these dribble handoff situations more these two guys are averaging a combined 15 screen assist per game so the Cleveland Cavaliers they have such a will oil machine on the offensive side of the ball right now and

What’s scary is that this offense is going to get even better because they bringing in a point guard and Darius Garland who’s going to help them excel in exactly what they’re going to do and I know um Darius Garland since he’s returned from his injury his numbers haven’t looked the best but that’s

Literally because he has to whip himself back into physical shape he hasn’t played consistently at all this season so I can imagine how tough it is for him to try to get integrated into this new playing style for the Cleveland Cavaliers but the talent that Darius

Garland had and the mindset to want to win and help his teammates win I think he’s going to easily get adjusted to this offense and when he does the Cleveland Cavaliers are going to be even scarier on the offensive side of the ball and as good as the Cleveland

Cavaliers has looked offensively they’ve been even better on the defensive side of the ball they rank number two in all of the NBA when it comes to defensive rating and they play great team defense but they also have some great individual Defenders on this team and when you have

Great individual Defenders and then when you have a defensive personality or defensive identity it leads to some very great things and that’s what we’re seeing with the Cleveland Cavaliers and a fun fact right now the Cavs have six out of the 25 players top 25 in the league and defensive win shares and

Coming in at number one you won’t believe it Donovan Mitchell Donovan Mitchell has been excellent on the defensive side of the ball this season and he ranks number one in individual defensive win shares and the other guys that are in the top 25 is Jared Allen Evan Mobley Max stru Dean Wade and

Somehow I aoro Isaac aoro is not top 25 but he’s top 31 in the league he comes in at 31 in the Cleveland Cavaliers they have their team perfectly to play the defensive Game Stop um game play that they Implement and that’s having Jared Allen and Evan Moy protect everything at

The rim and having everyone else Fight Hard over screens and try to force everyone into that mid-range area because according to the numbers the mid-range shot is the most unefficient shot right now in the NBA everyone is trying to get to the three-point shot or get to the rim in the Cleveland

Cavaliers they have a situation where they have two guys that can nullify everything in the paint and also those guys are pretty mobile and pretty versatile they not slow footed um I don’t know if it’s slow feet or slow footed I feel like it’s slow footed so

I’m going say I’m going go with I feel like those two guys aren’t slow footed at all so it causes a bunch of problems on the defensive side of the ball so the Cleveland Cavaliers they’re playing Elite offensive ball um Elite offensively and even more Elite on the

Defensive side of the ball so yes guys there you have it it’s like this is the same Cleveland Cavaliers team but at the same time it is not they have really revamped the way that they play on the offensive side of the ball and it has been really really successful for them

So far this season so um I love how good they they are offensively and then we know how they get down on the defensive side of the ball and one more thing before we end this video I think Donovan Mitchell I think he really deserves some some MVP consideration because what he

Has been doing so far this season has been nothing short of spectacular the run that he just went on with Darius Garland and Evan Moy being out and I know Jared Allen was playing fantastic as well but Donovan Mitchell I feel like he’s on a a different level right now

And is not getting talked about um and I hate to be that guy that says but it’s not getting talked about um enough and I also thought it was crazy that he was not an Allstar starter and I know Tyrese halberton has had his coming out season but um I don’t think

He’s having a better year and I don’t think he’s a better basketball player than Donovan Mitchell and the same thing with Damen Lillard but um Donovan Mitchell I think he has a shot at that mvp depending on how he plays and how the Cleveland Cavaliers close this

Season but that’s going to be it for this video If you guys enjoyed please leave a like comment down below in the comment section I love reading what you guys have to say and then subscribe subscribe for more weekly content we do this all the time man and that’s curtains

Todays video will be on the cleveland cavaliers! And we will be talking about how the cavs have been drastically high level.Please enjoy the Cleveland Cavaliers news today and subscribe for more weekly content.

THIS CANNOT BE The Same Cleveland Cavaliers Team

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