@San Antonio Spurs

One storyline for the San Antonio Spurs final months of the season

One storyline for the San Antonio Spurs final months of the season

Let’s look at some story lines to end the last half of the Spurs season and then talk about you the lockdown Spurs fan you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey this is hot rod and I’m RC from

The Cyber Tron and you’re listening to lockon Spurs with Jeff Garcia welcome back to lock on Spurs lock NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs rider for K FR San Antony glad to have youall back happy Tuesday everybody thanks for making lockdown Spurs your first list in

Each and every day free and available wherever get Podcast you guys are the every dayers today’s episode is brought to you by prize pick the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to Lo go to lockon NBA and use that code which is all ler

Case locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to 100 bucks hey what are we talking about today we’re going to be looking at the last stretch of run of the Spurs season season what is like one storyline that we’re interested in to seeing how the Spurs end this season

Then also talk about you the lockdown Spurs fans and some comments yall are leaving on the locked on Spurs YouTube page by the way we’ll be joined by Michael jenez of the acquired taste part of the locked on I’m sorry part of the animal City Sports podcast he’ll be

Joining us in just a few seconds but before we dive into the last stretch Run for the Spurs season they are still on the rodary road trip so and I know y’all are itching for some spurs action guess something right see wmy but let me just

Quickly give you the last few games for the Spurs before they get uh they call it a day at the rodo road trip so they’ll return on the court February 22nd this Thursday at Sacramento then they go to a big game in Los Angeles versus the Lakers that’ll be on Friday

So they have a back toback right there then they go to Utah on February 25th and then they go to Minnesota on February 27th and they end the rotary road trip uh with Minnesota so just four games left they’ll return back home on February 29th against the Thunder what a

Way to welcome the Spurs back to San Antonio so there’s your quick little end of the Rodeo Road Trip uh report there so let’s go ahead and talk about the stretch run of the Spurs season it’s GNA bring in our guest he is Mike Jimenez where is Mike there’s Mike mobile Mikey

Menz from his car today what’s going on Mike oh doing well man how you been doing all all right make sure to follow him on xmj acquir taste he’s part of the animal City Sports podcast you’ll be talking about that later on on this show

Now as you could tell Mike St from his car why he’s a busy man he’s at work so he’s between uh jobs right now our client calls so we’re going to try to get him out of here ASAP um Heen is this is it the stretch

Run for the Spurs uh you know just what about little over 30 30ish games left and that’s it that’s all she wrote but if you’re looking at the Spurs last part of their season what is one story line you’re looking forward to seeing or develop to close the season well I

Actually have two one is on the court one’s off the court okay on the court I want to see if wmy hits the rookie wall that happens a lot because he’s never played an 82 Game season before and I know he’s not gonna play all 82

Games but uh this is a lot longer of a season that he played in France uh I want to see if he hits a wall sometime around March or so where he’s not as efficient because man he’s been balling out man ever since January 1 oh yeah

He’s been doing very very well playing at an All-Star level and I’m worried that might he might get tired down the stretch for the end of the year so I want to see his efficiency and his and his style of play to end the season so

That’s on the court off the court the rumors about Trey young going to the Spurs yeah and how the Spurs are going to react to that because you know they’re going to be hit with questions about it after seeing the All-Star break weekend where you see uh uh Wy sitting

Down next to Trey young Trey young being asked questions about hey what does Wy need to be successful and he starts detailing what is needed and he’s basically describing himself right so those are the two storylines that I’m most following right now yeah yeah I’m

I’m I’m gonna be doing a lock on Spurs uh thing about Trey Young and the Spurs later on this week but yeah that’s something great to see in the offseason but as far as wrapping up the current season in the last half of the Spurs 2023 24

You know one storyline I’m looking at is who will stick around you know papovich has been making it very clear you know part of a rebuild is seeing what players will stick now we know Wim is not going anywhere so what players are going to stick with wimy moving forward so you

You know the chances are high The Usual Suspects Kellin soan vasel well you know those the odds on fav to maybe stick with the team moving forward with Wy after the season but I’m look at The Fringe players Zack Collins Trey Jones champ Penny uh you know the list goes on

And on Barlo you know these guys are practically auditioning to continue with the rebuild continue with the Wy era and I hate to say this he men is well I hate to say it but you know I guess the reality is man this roster could look completely different next season your thoughts

Oh most definitely I think some of these players are playing themselves out of not only the Spurs roster but maybe out of the league in general Julian champany my goodness man he has had an awful six week span where he’s been starting and playing about 20 to 24 minutes per game

Putting up two points and zero points and Three Points he he is doing absolutely nothing on the court offensively or defensively not even rebounding um the guy is uh as as someone mentioned on Twitter uh doing cardio out there he’s not playing basketball uh so that’s Julian champany

And I hate to say that because I was really high on the guy yeah me too when the season started uh because the way he ended last season Zack Collins got that two-year deal got the bag and then what been playing ridiculously bad this season uh Barlo you mentioned Bar’s name

That is a player that might actually stick around uh he has a little bit of a motor in him there is some upside he does well in the G League uh so I can see that but you’re right you know two-thirds of this roster is probably

Going to be flushed out when it’s all said and done and one or two of these players might actually be traded if the Spurs were to go after a a big Marquee name like a Trey young so I like the way that you phrased it it is an audition to

See who’s gonna stick around the problem is is that very few of them are passing the audition uh City Osman I mean that might be one that is passing the audition that’s basically about it on that bench would would you throw Trey Jones in that list passing the audition yeah well Tre

Jones is is passing as a backup um it it’s quite obvious that the Spurs don’t see him as a long-term solution at point guard he is a good backup point guard and I know that the numbers the metric is might might be out there saying well his assist turnover ratio is really good

Uh you might look at certain stats and go well this isn’t that what a starter is but the guy is not a star he is not a a a player that’s going to take this team to a higher level I like him uh the Spurs got him at a good price point

Because he was a second rounder uh but the fact of the matter is is that I don’t see Trey Jones being somebody who’s going to be starting starting and I like the way that they when they resigned him at the price point that he was at because that’s a that’s a good

Salary to pay for a competent backup point guard yeah I mean I like Trey Jones I can see him sticking on the roster but in that second unit role so again you I I can see him traveling continuing on with the rebuild and the thing about it too is

That we all know you do the listener Watcher everybody knows that this offseason the Spurs can make major moves they can flip some of these players they can flip multiple of the players are currently on the roster we know how many draft picks they got they got more the

Trade deadline they got one more second rounder in their bag now so then there’s the draft itself do they trade out of it you know and kind of collect more assets I think they that’s probably the smart thing to do but so this roster could look completely different which is why I

Think the that’s my biggest storyline is seeing which players are going to be performing well in their last few games in the Spurs uniform before they close the season to continue on now you mentioned about uh when be hitting the rookie wall I think he already did he

Men is I think he hit it he had a string of games where he was doing good but not wimy good and he admitted himself that he was being a little run down he he did go through that allergy thing he had in Texas allergies uh but after that pass

He just exploded right before the um All-Star break is started going on but I I think the I think the rookie was behind him because papovich and the team did say before the All-Star break that they’re gonna Spike wy’s minutes your thoughts oh that’s interesting because

If he’s hit in a wall why are we spiking his minutes I mean I’ve wanted the guy to play a lot earlier in the season when he was more fresh uh but you know he rolls his ankle in December and then they they load manage him or they they

They limit his minutes thereafter uh I don’t see the Spurs doing that I think the Spurs are going to keep them at that 26 to 28 minutes per game kind of level and uh just end the season there there’s nothing to gain from having them out there the Spurs are not making the

Playoffs we’re guaranteed a losing record uh so let’s just make sure that he gets the Reps and that he gets the experience and that they Tinker or experiment with certain plays uh but I I don’t see a spike in minutes at all I don’t see him doing 32 34 minutes in the

Season I don’t see it at all all right well those are a couple of or a few storylines that we’re looking at to in the Spurs season Once the All-Star break uh is over and play resumes when we get back we’re going to be talking about you

The lockdown Spurs fan and your comments we’re going to read a couple with Jimenez and myself what are y’all talking about we’ll discuss that in more just in a few seconds hey I want to talk to you about prize picks prize picks is America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with

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On Spurs with Michael heenez follow him on xmj acquired taste make sure you do that right now so he met is we know you’re a bit of a rush right now so I want to keep you too long but let’s go over some lockdown Spurs fan comments by

The way luckily there’s nobody’s cooking you so you’re okay nobody’s cooking you on the comments you’re are safe all right so let’s go with the first comment here let’s find it get you get you a good one here okay this is comes from FX

Pus p i r i s thank you FX he says just enjoy why look in the future when you have the present do you always need a bigger cake is it is that why you know uh you know Bic you know I’m not going to read the last part of his comment

Here because it might offend people so I’ll leave it at that but basically he’s talking about building why are fans in a rush why can’t they just enjoy what they have right now your thoughts he menes well what we have right now is a Spurs team that has the worst record in its

51e history okay so there’s nothing to enjoy when it comes to that aspect of it all uh but I think that the whole idea about looking to the future is you know there there’s an old saying that says uh if you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there

There and there needs to be a benchmark of how do we know whether this team is on Pace during the rebuild you know what are the benchmarks that need to be hit how do we determine what is the success for Victor wanyama what’s the success for Greg

Papovich for Brian Wright you need to have a certain Benchmark there and always look towards the future because as it stands right now as we mentioned in the last segment the Spurs have a roster right now that probably two-thirds of that team won’t be here next year so there’s really it the the

Focus is all on the future because that’s all that we can look forward to that’s all that we can hope hope for and we’ve had this hope since the Spurs won the lottery last year so there’s some disappointment there the Spurs are having the worst record of all time uh in franchise

History because we expected more we now some expected more than others but we expected something so the idea of just take it day by day and just enjoy what we’ve got no because if if anybody is successful in life you’re always looking to the Future set a goal you set up a

Plan in motion and we we just want to make sure that Spurs fans that the Spurs pop in the front office have a coherent plan for the future not only for the near future but for the long-term future of this team so it’s always about looking forward no it is yeah and I

Understand what he’s trying to say you know because basically he’s echoing what the Spurs been saying is don’t skip steps you know we’re going to let Wy develop on his own timeline and hell even before the Primo debacle what did they talk about Primo you know he’s

Going to develop on his own schedule so the Spurs have always been about this taking their sweet time and I I think here he I don’t know if you agree or disagree with this but this newer generation of Spurs fans that’s all they were used to was winning and now this is

Their their first rebuild and perhaps there’s some impatience involved what do you think what do you think oh well there’s a lot to be said about that you know the the Spurs went goodness 30 years with just mostly winning records I mean except for the one year where

Robinson got hurt you know you go from 1990 all the way to like 2018 2019 the Spurs are winning year after year after year and In Contention year after year after year so there is a bit of selfishness a little bit of we’re spoiled as Spurs fans um I think the

Frustration lies in the fact that we didn’t begin the rebuild process earlier uh you know we’re we’re bottoming out this year as opposed to bottoming out a couple of years ago now people come at me and say well Michael uh if we hadn’t have done that we wouldn’t have gotten wemi but that

Doesn’t necessarily mean that that is a positive thing to say either because you know yeah we got wemi but did we luck into wemi or did we get to wemi simply because we didn’t know any better and we didn’t Bott him out when we should have

In the past uh I’m looking forward I’m optimistic on this spur team I’m I’m hopeful that Brian Wright pulls the trigger on a on a good trade in the off season uh because that’s what we need uh we we need to get more Talent OB here better Talent Allstar level talent and

Before Allstar Weekend if you had asked me what percentage did I think the Spurs would actually get a Trey young I would have said 20 25% but after seeing what transpire this this past weekend I’m of the belief that there’s a 70 75% chance that the Spurs actually do land Trey

Young somehow some way yeah we’re definitely going to be discussing that later on this week on lockdown Spurs but you to uh counter that whole Trey young thing he did also say at Allstar break that he’s committed to Atlanta for the Long Haul now I know he has has to say

That you know he is wearing their colors right now but you know he did mention that too but yeah you know and I appreciate the comment what FX left because I get you know I also get that side if you’re just a fan and you just

Love the Spurs you know you want to see the team grow I mean there are there is a segment of Spurs fans that do appreciate the not skip the step method uh and you you just go on social media that’s usually the spark for uh civil war between Spurs fans you know

The pace how this team is developing so but if anything you want to sit back and smell the roses on is just maybe individually like wimy you know look you know reflect on that as the season goes on how he started his game one in the

NBA till who he is now and how he’s going to finish it and that’s something I think all spur fans can appreciate it’s just smelling the Roses along the way of wy’s pth but collectively as a team I also understand the majority of Spurs fans don’t want to wait around because as the

Spurs are trying to rebuild Himes other teams are lapping them they’re lapping there’s the Kings there’s you know Dallas you know they made a good deal at the trade deadline we see how that works out in the second half of the Season you know obviously there’s the Clippers

There’s Denver so you kind of want to keep up the Joneses and the best way to do that is use that entire cache of picks and players and money they have they’re sitting on right now to make things happen but we appreciate your comment there FX when we get back we’re

Gonna have one more comment for you and uh yeah hopefully he menz doesn’t you know take off in his car right now and leave me high and dry as he hits the office so him minut you got time for one more I do let’s make it happen let’s

Make it happen all right coming up next one more comment from the lockdown Spurs YouTube page hey I want to talk to about better help this show episode is sponsored by better help and we always appreciate them right here on lock lockon Spurs hey look sometimes we all need the

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Yourself 10% off your first month that’s better help lockon MBA and we’re back right here on lockon SPS with Mike Jimenez via the Jimenez mobile is that what we’re in right now that’s right just it’s almost as nice as the Batmobile almost almost yeah and again

Everybody um heenez is on his tight schedule right now so we’re trying to get them here out here as fast as possible all right we’re continue our lock on Spurs fan comments you’re all leaving at the YouTube page and the last one for today is from Allstar he says

Let’s not put all the pressure on his shoulders man him being wimy um then he’s going to want to take off and make his legacy elsewhere you know that’s interesting do you think there’s a lot of pressure on wimy right now to change this franchise pretty much making it do a

180 well I don’t think Spurs fans have gone after wemi and I’m glad that they haven’t uh I think that there’s not a lot of pressure on him yet I think that we understand that he was 19 when he joined the team just recently turned 20 uh he is showing on All-Star level

Capability uh the oo and the Oz and you see fans from like Toronto and Dallas stop what they’re doing and actually cheer for wmy so when I take a look at it I don’t think that he has that yet I think that if we do have pieces of the

Puzzle placed around him and it doesn’t gel then there might be some cause for concern later on but right now I don’t think there’s any pressure being thrown at him from the NBA or from Spurs fans or even from Pop I think that right now

We’re just happy to see him play at an All-Star type level and know that we got the right guy yeah yeah I don’t think there’s any immense pressure now I do you think maybe there had been pressure if he had already made team like Robinson did and TD did I think maybe

That changes things like okay guys you know wm’s here he’s your guy let’s let’s do this but I think he came into this season knowing that he’s on a rebuilding system slash team right now so there there’s a lot there’s not I think if anything he puts pressure on himself

I’ve been in that locker room I’ve been in the conference rooms with him it feels like he he always he’s if you listen carefully he’s always saying you know that that self-reflection like ah you know if I did this I did that I mean he even make a joke joke about it saying

How he almost had a u a quintuple d double you know saying like almost had 10 turnovers so he’s aware of that but I don’t think all the pressure is on him I think right now as of this recording the pressure is really on Brian Wright to make uh things happen moving

Forward you know and I think he’s on the clock this off season so it’s like okay you got your P Spurs wimy now what are you gonna do to build around it uh what do you think about that do you think the Spurs are on the clock this off season

Very much so uh they there is a the Spurs have the draft Capital to make something happen you know they didn’t just get wmy and not have draft Capital behind them they already had that and then they got wmy so it’s a little bit of a different thing um the Spurs are on

The clock for a lot of different things Spurs might have two first rounders this year because we have our own and we have a top six protected pick from the Raptors so this is going to be a very defining off season for the Spurs because what do we do with the one or

Two picks that we get what are we doing in matters of free agency and are we going to trade for a star we are on the clock because if the Spurs just bring back the team and just run it back again we’re going to be back in the same

Situation next year with a 2025 win team absolutely all right there we thank you for the comment there Allstar good comment by the way yeah again I I I disagree with you I don’t think all the pressure is on his shoulders right now if anything he self inflicted pressure

And the Spurs obviously I don’t think they’re putting pressure on him getting pop Brian Wright everybody’s been saying you know we’re going to rebuild we’re not skip steps so that includes not rushing SLP putting pressure on wmy so we appreciate that he menz we thank you

For making uh some time here to join us on lockdown Spurs but you got things cooking on YouTube the uh you know MJ acquir T show Alam City Sports podcast what’s going on well Alam City uh Sports podcast network is expanding uh we have

My show that goes on uh with me and Joe Garcia goes on from about 10:15 to 11:30 U Monday through Friday uh it’s also available on podcast plat platforms like Spotify uh later on in the day uh Rudy compos Jr has started sweep the league on our Network also uh beginning uh well

Started last week but it’s from 2: to about 3:30 or so and again just go to YouTube and subscribe to the Alamo City Podcast Network Sports podcast Network and you’ll find us it’s been fun uh you know we we’ve been growing so quickly that dare I say we’ve been skipping steps along the

Way because we want to be successful right away look at that you couldn’t just exit the show huh little shot there could you again make sure to follow him on xmj acquir taste hey we thank you for making lock on SP is your first listen each and every day iTunes Spotify KFI

Plus app I pick a platform we are there and subscribe today we appreciate it lockdown sports today 247 streaming Channel only on YouTube all the local shows Regional National shows are there lockdown sports today 247 streaming YouTube channel go subscribe to it right now we’ll be back tomorrow with the fan

Episode yes we have a fan episode tomorrow we’ll see who the mystery Spurs fan is going to join us talk all things silver and black wait for that for tomorrow so for Mikey menz I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to put a lock on this episode of lockdown Spurs a oh

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia and Michael Jimeenz of “MJ Acquired Taste” YouTube show give their one storyline for the San Antonio Spurs’ final months of the season.

Also, reviewing some Locked On Spurs fan comments.

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