@Miami Heat

Alekxei J. Pino, the man injured in the unfortunate accident involving Haywood Highsmith, has hired a personal injury law firm and has filed a civil suit against Highsmith. Man remains hospitalized after partial amputation. No charges against Highsmith; no drugs/alcohol involved.

Alekxei J. Pino, the man injured in the unfortunate accident involving Haywood Highsmith, has hired a personal injury law firm and has filed a civil suit against Highsmith. Man remains hospitalized after partial amputation. No charges against Highsmith; no drugs/alcohol involved.

by brackhimpton


  1. dreamerkid001

    Damn, knew it was coming but boy does it suck.

  2. OblivionNA

    I mean wasn’t the report the guy was outside his car in the dark with no hazards or lights. While not technically at fault, I’m not sure how much he can really expect to get.

  3. TheRatchetTrombone

    How much of a case does he have considering the circumstances?

  4. Accident or not, if a millionaire made me lose a part of my leg I’m tryna get my money. I feel for both tho

  5. Prudent_Move_3420

    Man from went outside it’s really tough luck for him unless there’s something we don’t know. Hope he will be able to find some support. Im grateful to know Im getting my bills paid in Europe in case such an accident happens

  6. readndrun

    Highsmith cited for reckless driving and man loses limb as result. Saw this suit coming a mile away

  7. StayYou61

    There will be a settlement and Highsmith will be fine

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