@National Basketball Association

[Doc Rivers] “I told [Bucks ownership] when they called “I don’t understand why you’re doing this.’”

[Bucks HC Doc Rivers tells @TheFrankIsola & Ryan McDonough about his conversation with ownership after Adrian Griffin was let go.](

Full quote: “Personally, to be honest I told [Bucks ownership] when they called, ‘I don’t understand why you’re doing this.’ And one of things they said was, ‘Well it doesn’t matter. We’ve done it now and we want you.’ And that was a tough one. That’s where you had the hesitation.”

by RulersBack


  1. I can only assume that Doc has a fully guaranteed contract.

  2. A_SandlerthaGOAT

    There is no fucking way lmao

    Doc is an absolute dumb ass. Acting like he wasn’t helping griffin and likely had plans to take over before they fired him

    I apologize to anyone I’ve argued with about doc, this dude is fucking stupid

  3. Lmao even Doc doesn’t think hiring Doc was a good idea.

  4. jbenson255

    I simply don’t get what he benefits from going and saying stuff like this out loud lol

  5. EatDeeply

    Did he say that when he was a paid consultant brought in to supoprt Adrian Griffin?

  6. BradyGalaxy

    $40m and he doesn’t even understand why he was hired 😭

  7. dustinharm

    This couldn’t be going any more like how everyone joked it might.

  8. blobthetoasterstrood

    Doc you are supposed to say this after you get embarrassed in the playoffs

  9. Platinum-Peasant22

    Doc: “hiring Doc Rivers would be a bad idea!”

  10. CanaryContent9900

    Imagine if he was as good at coaching as he is at being self aware

  11. whymedschool

    This doc doesnt take any accountability. He needs his licensed revoked

  12. ThrobbinRicke

    It just feels like this Doc thing is going to go down as historically bad. Like potentially the first domino in giannis asking out bad

  13. c_c_c__combobreaker

    Doc: “WTF is y’all doing over there?!”

  14. CookieMonsterNova

    then he had a choice right? he didn’t have to accept the coaching gig.

    not like the bucks said if you don’t sign we are holding you hostage lol

    wtf is doc smoking with this stuff

  15. Man publicly shits on employer weeks after signing 40 million dollar guaranteed contract

  16. I don’t understand why you are doing this either Doc

  17. IgnorantGenius

    Doc Rivers is an industry plant or something. This is pure comedy. What do Bucks fans think of all this?

    Where do they come up with these narratives?

  18. OriginalBus9674

    lol Docs agent needs to tell him to shut up.

  19. urfaselol

    Doc is a pro at throwing people and organizations under the bus

  20. PantiesMallone

    So I said “Gee, this seems like it could blow up in our faces.”, but they said “Doc, we don’t give a fuck we already fired his ass, let’s jump on this fucked-up train together.” So they had me at a crossroads

  21. StreakSnout

    he wanted to coach lebron and ad not giannis and dame

  22. DeerMan99

    PR has to sit this man down & tell him to shut the fuck up. Just stop talking

  23. BucksFan654

    Doc why would you say this 😂

    I’m still waiting for the Griffin tell-all article to drop. He had to have been a mess to get fired. Right?

  24. Doc is a smart guy, gave himself plausible deniability here. After the Bucks lose in embarrassing fashion in the playoffs, a reporter will ask “did you think the Bucks job was the right fit for you?” And he will go “yeah I did but at the same time, back in February I told the ownership that giving me this job wasn’t a good idea. I don’t know what they expected.”

  25. cricketrules509

    He was advising Adrian Griffin. Please. He pretty clearly orchestrated this. Advising the coach and then seeing him fired and replacing him in 2 days is pretty damn obvious. **It was so so obvious he orchestrated it, that they pulled back the Doc announcement (CNN of all places confirmed it) the same day to make it look less diabolical.**


    I’m kinda tired of both players and coaches saying clearly false things to the media and trying to re-write reality with their coping mechanism.

  26. asianxxurlacher

    Lmao is he trying to get fired after 10 games? wtf

  27. JackCrafty

    Doc to management: I’m the guy you need to take you over the hill, pay me millions

    Doc on podcasts: lol wtf were they thinking?

  28. shifty4388

    It honestly feels like he is under the “liar liar” spell

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