@Philadelphia 76ers

You can’t make this up

I thought it was fake at first lmao [Video](

by Bloody_Corndog


  1. iam_soyboy

    I go back and forth between my hatred of Rivers and Doo Doo Collins as Sixers coach.

  2. WraithTwelve


  3. amJustSomeFuckingGuy

    This guy is all about the shaggy defense.

  4. ranchsauce13

    I had to do some quick checks because I couldn’t believe this was an actual quote but yes it is lmao

    Didn’t he consult Griffin and was plotting to get the job anyway? How does this guy keep track of all the lies I’ll never know

  5. BabaBrody

    Top tier stuff throwing the entire organization under the bus for even hiring him. Completely without blame.

  6. nugcityharambe

    “My brother in christ have you seen my playoff record”

    These teams out here just handing this man money he doesn’t even think he deserves

  7. shortwavetransmitter

    I honestly can’t believe he’s doing a whole “yeah I don’t know why I’m here either!” media tour

  8. Next-Western43

    This dude needs to get fuck gone never coach again unless its the local high school

  9. We may have had yet another injury-riddled season and look like a hospital half the time, but the Bucks have gone full Bozo the Clown and have a three-ring circus going on over there.

  10. LordLucasSixers

    Tobias Harris when the Sixers resign him

  11. Thuro_dHoreb-4050

    He thought pop would be asked this question, so he jumped to answer it

  12. bigchallah

    I’ve dealt with my share of people like this. Delusional narcissism is a hard thing to be around day in and day out. But the most frustrating part is the person will literally NEVER KNOW. They don’t know, you think they must know, but they actually don’t. It’s fucking bananas.

  13. sirgrotius

    It’s a bit unfair to take the quote out of the general context which was Doc was standing up for Adrian Griffin’s performance.

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