@Milwaukee Bucks

What do y’all think?

What do y’all think?

by BashDash_Lol


  1. fastattaq

    ~~It works for Major League Baseball and their All-Star Game. It gives them a little something to play for.~~

    Nevermind. Apparently MLB stopped doing that in 2017.

  2. FormerShitPoster

    No. Go the pro bowl route and make the whole weekend consist of events ranging from skillful to silly. All star games are so pointless now. The origin, or American origin anyways, was in baseball back when there was no interleague play or nationally televised games. It was you’re only chance to watch some players. The NBA doesn’t have either of those problems.

  3. LurkerKing13

    Worst concept ever. Why would we reward a team for an exhibition game that almost none of their guys even played in instead of for having the better regular season?

  4. snowstorm608

    I’m not sure why anyone who isn’t Adam Silver cares about making the all-star game more meaningful.

    Anything which ends up devaluing the regular season even more would be idiotic though

  5. TotallyNotMyBurnerAC

    Don’t think everything’s gotta have an incentive, the All-star game is meant to be fun not just for the fans but the players too. Everyone that complains needs to grow up

    However they do need more events for the weekend, more stuff like Steph Vs. Sabrina.

  6. That’s an awful idea. That’s punishing a team for a game where either most, if not all, of it’s players didn’t even play in.

  7. No. But IMO there is a better way to do it than the current:

    Give it to the Conference that won more games in East vs. West matchups.

    If that’s a tie, *then* defer to the team with the best record.

    IMO it’s not “fair” to immediately go to team record when the two teams don’t play a balanced schedule.

  8. Aggravating-Pin-4588

    Absolutely not. Regular season games are already suffering enough from seeming unimportance. To limit the impact that leading the league in wins could have is anti-competition for the actual NBA games, in an attempt to manufacture competition in what will always be a singular unimportant game.

  9. IndependenceApart208

    No, I thought it was a dumb overreaction when MLB did this and it would be even worse for the NBA to go this route.

    I personally want to see a USA vs. the World ASG, it was a good idea for the Rookie-Sophomore game and would be even more interesting for the main event.

    The easy answer is to just give the winning team members $1M each and I bet you start to see some real defense at the end at the very least. Go back to the Elam ending too, the ending to the 2020 ASG with Giannis defending Lebron was awesome.

  10. fannamedtom100

    I viewed all-star mvp as the most important individual award (besides MVP/FMVP) during eadly 2010s. It’s the best players in the league going against each other, whoever wins mvp would have somewhat reasonable claim at best player in the league. All-star game won’t be interesting until players start looking at it in such way.

  11. post_ostertag

    No. I’d rather Giannis and Dame have a full week of rest than going to participate in that layup line. I can’t remember the last time I watched the ASG. Just let it die

  12. Absolutely not. If you want to incentivise them to actually play hard in the All-Star Game, have the winning squad get a million dollar bonus per player from the league. Putting home court in the Finals on the line will just lead to even less incentive to play in the regular season, which is a *much* bigger problem for the NBA than the All-Star Game.

  13. theerealobs

    Do a tournament of 21 3v3 with like 4 teams or something. Top 4 vote getters get to assemble their teams. I dont know. Anything is better than the actual ASG they have right now lol

  14. No, just make it a series of skills competitions. Frankly the all Star game is for the young fans anyway, I truthfully couldn’t care less what they do with it as long as it isn’t what OP is suggesting

  15. Hard no. That game should have no bearing on anything season-related.

  16. No. Give the whole conference an additional cap space or higher tax bracket for the next season. That would much better and not game breaking.

  17. BossAnderson

    Might be a dumb take but… losing team pays other team out of pocket. This will put the stakes higher…

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