@Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors Are Interested In Bringing Back DeMarcus Cousins

The Golden State Warriors Are Interested In Bringing Back DeMarcus Cousins

Will the Golden State Warriors bring back the boogeyman DeMarcus Cousins serving up a facial his cousins has 21 the last two c the house down after being shadowbanned from the league DeMarcus Cousins could potentially see his way back into the NBA the question is would the Warriors

Do it hey what’s happening everyone this is swis culture the Warriors went dark at the trade market deadline despite having obvious issues with the positional depth the only move they made was to get rid of a player with zero value on the market it is obvious that

This move was meant only as a temporary measure for salary but could mean something big for the buyout Market Monty pool of NBC Sports reported that after constantly hearing that the Warriors needed to add a big man they might actually do it on this buyout Market Cory Joseph left the team that

Opens up an opportunity for the Warriors to fill that spot every year the Warriors get this question we get to get big get a big man get a big I get a big man this year I’m told they’re actually thinking about it what that means is

Cousins might have a way back into the NBA but he’s not the only one on the short list of players available in this slot for the Golden State Warriors alongside cousins there are four other players the Warriors could seek and if all else fails there is a sixth option

More on if the Warriors make a change by the end of allar break but before that be sure to like the video and subscribe to Swiss culture for the most analytical and entertaining NBA content on the planet so get ready you’re about to get bro I just want to play basketball

I’m not caught up in any narrative I want to play basketball like I enjoy this game I want to end my career like on a good note 100% and hopefully I can ride off into the sunset a little over a year ago DeMarcus Cousins had called up

Bob Meyers and asked the Golden State Warriors general manager why he was having such a hard time getting back into the league this was how Bob Meyers responded to cousins Demarcus called me a month ago and he said uh he said why am I not in the NBA and I

Said you want you want that answer he’s like yeah I said because people are afraid of how you’re going to act but that was over a year ago since then there are at least three reasons why this might no longer apply the first is that the Warriors have a roster spot

To fill by the 22nd the second is that the organization is looking to fill that spot with a dire need of size and the third Bob Meyers is no longer the general manager according to Monty pool there are a few options for Golden State but those options aren’t necessarily

Equal opportunities he discusses them briefly but I’ll take it a few steps further on what each of these options means for the Warriors hold on a bit there buddy back up a little bit before you fall off the cliff there’s no way golden state is

Adding a big man in the buyout Market no matter what the media says but IR rest this is Monty P we talking you don’t get any more credible than a franchise beat Rider could be a French friy meat Rider I don’t see it happening do you know how

Deep this problem is for the Warriors adding a player over 6’9 are you saying that we should be starting Looney wait why is there an elephant in the room start Looney you must be higher than me up here in out of space look Steve isn’t interested in getting size he wants guys

Who can pass not just finish guys who can make reads not just run and dunk unless it’s the official run and dunk but you get the point in a nutshell players with a high level of basketball knowledge and IQ but I’m getting another call so let me get back to you on that

Wait what about the elephant in the room the problem with adding size to the Warriors is as deep as the Mariana TR French Steve cerr is probably opposed to adding a big man for the sake of adding a big man the problem is any big man

With the IQ it takes to break into this Warriors rotation is leading their team to the playoffs Steve cerr does not like pure athletes and doesn’t think they can truly impact winning see Jonathan kaminga so when evaluating these big men for Golden State this is something we should take into account the problem

With that thinking is that all the IQ in the world does not replace the impact of tangible characteristics and you’ll see that later on in this video a seven-footer giving effort on the offensive board mixing it up is going to win nine times out of 10 against a

Smaller higher IQ player this is something we see happen all the time and it has been the single most obvious reason that the Warriors have ended up blowing leads in the fourth quarter that means as mighty P says whomever they go with is likely just going to get spot

Minutes the player obviously has to be agreeable to that and they’d have to buy in defensively while also bringing size and experience so with that being said here is the short list of big men the Warriors are looking into right now the first player is thadius young young is

Currently on an $8 million contract for this season with the Raptors but since they’re rebuilding he doesn’t fit their timeline and is a big buyout Market candidate at 35 years old and 69 however I’m not even sure why the Warriors would do this considering they have tjd but

Let’s see what the Warriors could potentially use him for on the plus side he has quick feet providing much more Mobility at the five than cavon Looney he’s averaging 2.2 assists this season in 15 minutes so he’s not a ball stopper and actually is a very good passer he

Can put the ball down drive and finish strong at the basket and if you need him to he’ll also take and make the occasional three at the same time he has the ability to run the break thanks to his quickness young is also a lefty and

The warrior is just can’t seem to get enough left-handed big men on the negative side while he does take threes he doesn’t make very many connecting on only 177% of his attempts he’s also a very below the rim player this means he’s not going to be getting many blocks

And this also shows up in the box score this also means that defensively he’s not going to help the Warriors down the stretch considering what they need is a player that is aggressive on that end of the floor .1 blocks per game for a big man is simply lethargic and essentially

Not present gavon Looney is without question a better Defender who averages the same number of assists so while you win with a playmaking big with high IQ what’s the point if he’s not stopping the other team from scoring my take is that there’s too much overlap between him and Kavon Looney while not

Addressing the core issues with golden state the next player is someone Warrior fans are all too familiar with uto Porter Jr was instrumental in the Warriors 2022 Championship run now he’s playing for the Utah Jazz Porter Jr is currently on the second year of a two-year 122 million contract and

Becomes a free agent this summer he was recently traded to the Jazz at the trade deadline however he currently serves no purpose on the team even if he was healthy since they’re no longer competing for a playoff spot that trade really was to give the Raptors a big man

In O’Shea abaji and Porter Jr was just filler this makes him a candidate for buyout as the Jazz are looking to get some value out of the 30-year-old former NBA champion He’s listed as being injured but a couple of weeks ago when asked he said he was healthy so who

Knows maybe he’ll come off the bench for the right team if the warriors were to make an attempt to get opj back he’d basically slot right into the same role that he did in the championship season this would be a dream signing for Steve cerr a small ball five who rebounds

Wealth and also spaces the floor very well for a player of his size for those of you who don’t know Porter Jr is listed at 6’8 with a 7′ one wingspan while shooting 40% from three after leaving the Warriors at the end of the championship season the Raptors signed

Him but injuries derailed his progress with the team his pluses are pretty obvious being a veteran that brings you Championship level experience and despite what it seems he’s a player that knows how to win and makes hustle plays makes winning plays and does all these small things necessary he’s similar in

That sense to thus young but gives you so much more on the floor while he’s 2 years older than when he played for the Warriors he still got plenty left in the tank as long as he can get a clean bill of health the issues with opj are he

Wants to get a better contract so expect the repeat of the championship season if he does well he’ll get a better offer elsewhere if he doesn’t do well then the Warriors probably have to let him go he’s also only played 15 games this season and his numbers are down all

Across the board while he might play up with golden state what the Warriors got from him was As Good As It Gets and by the looks of it he’s not exactly the same player it may be worth a shot if there are no other options however as

He’s ranked as one of the 40 best defenders in the league the third player we’ll cover is Robin Lopez Lopez was recently waved by the Milwaukee Bucks prior to the deadline to send a message to thanasis look I be my in I mean uh uh as

They look to fit the best players around your two stars in Lillard and Giannis Robin has always been well the robin to his twin brother Brooke who’s found a lot of success in Milwaukee while Brooke would be a dream addition to a team like the Warriors Robin is just a little bit

More Seth to Brooks step a little more Jello to Brooks mellow and just a bit much the nasis reason the Brooks Yannis oh w w w w oh man get my drift the 35-year-old who’s listed at 7′ 1’s best years came as a Trailblazer where he

Averaged 11 points and 8 and 1 half rebounds in 32 minutes 10 years ago so how long ago was 10 years couldn’t have been that long ago could it well for starters Tim Duncan won an NBA championship that year and Stephen Curry was just a scrawny Kid In A Warrior’s

Uniform to be clear that entire decade encapsulated the Warriors rise from being a mediocre team to being a dynasty so yeah pretty long ago back then the three-point shot wasn’t a part of his game that was the first year he attempted threes and he didn’t start making them until four years later with

The bulls and he’s been all over the place with his shooting percentage from distance ever since that said where Robin is effective is inside the paint where he uses his size to his Advantage punishing teams with his hook shots we see in this one particular matchup against the Warriors where he lived in

The paint and with the young James wisman the Warriors stood no chance while his brother is ranked as the sixth best defender across the league Robin isn’t ranked as he doesn’t get nearly enough minutes to have a measurable impact despite his age he may be a good

Pickup for spot minutes at the five if he could provide even half of what his brother does for the bucks it would be a significant upgrade for the Golden State Warriors the fourth player that might be available could actually move the needle for the Warriors in the most significant

Way of any player I’ve mentioned so far are 611 Andre Drummond is a player I’ve talked about joining the Warriors before but aside from the fact that his best years are past him he’s capable of coming off the bench for the Warriors and playing like a true big man at only

30 years old Drummond is already in his 12th year in the league and his per 36 is still where it’s been ever since he first became an All-Star his fourth year at 22 years old per 36 minutes Drummond is pulling down almost 19 rebounds and dropping in over 17 points per game

He is still a massive lob threat as he seemingly hasn’t lost any of his athleticism has as many steals as he has turnovers doesn’t shoot threes and doesn’t foul too much either just his presence alone will provide a deterrent for the Warriors in those crucial moments when they’re getting

Outrebounded in the clutch by other teams who’ve taken advantage of the Warriors size down the stretch teams have notoriously done their best to stay with the Warriors through three quarters and as long as they’re within 20 points this season instead of throwing in the tow like they did six or seven years ago

They battle back using their size advantage against cursed smaller guys a strategic usage of a big man like Andre Drummond who inhales rebounds at an astronomical rate would be a night and day difference for the Warriors giving up so many points into the paint during those tough stretches the only problem

With acquiring Drummond is the fact that he’s currently signed with the bulls for the rest of the season the Bulls are also a very fickle team as they either massively overrate their players or just don’t follow through on player availability if they’re not getting the inflated returns they’re looking for

Since the deadline has already passed there’s no more value left and they either keep him or try to save some cash Drummond is currently in the second year of a two-year contract and if the Bulls don’t make a move he’s gone at the end of the season anyway a buyout will give

The Bulls some cap flexibility and save some money in a year the team is not competing and finally the last player on this list DeMarcus Cousins just over over a year ago I made a video explaining the Banning of DeMarcus Cousins from the NBA while this wasn’t an official League Banning the results

Were no different cousins attitude was not sitting right with front offices across the league in addition to that he suffered a number of injuries that set him back from his All-Star days he was a late addition to the Warriors roster in 2019 to help the dubs chase a three peat

But a quad injury with an a minute of entering the game after having been out on an Achilles injury for the entire season gave the Warriors more reason than not to forego resigning cousins to another contract his last season in the NBA came with the Nuggets where he was a

Part of a second unit that would punish the Warriors and keep the Nuggets afloat when jic was resting on the bench in a particular game versus the Houston Rockets that Year cousins dropped 31 points in just 24 minutes which was the lowest minutes he’s ever taken to get to

30 points in his career and the lowest minutes any Denver Nuggets player has ever played to get to 30 points a franchise record following that Year cousins was out of the League last year he went on to play in Puerto Rico where he averaged 20 points 11 rebounds and 4 and a half

Assists in 25 minutes per game shooting 44% from three he led the team to the semifinals but was injured at the beginning of game six and his team lost in game seven in December of 2023 he signed with the Taiwan beer leopards this means cousins is also readily

Available to play healthy and could impact the team competing in playoffs this season while those numbers are clearly not translatable to the NBA he seems to be healthy enough to participate in stin I know he’s dying to get back into the NBA hence the reason you see him playing in overseas leagues

To show he’s still capable of playing at a high level the consensus however as Monty pulut said while cousins isn’t known for being a great defender especially post ailles tear he’s a high IQ player that would fit in Steve C system he knows how the system works and

What would be required and outside of the politics seems like it would be worthwhile for the Warriors if this team is willing to go after LeBron James I’m not sure why they wouldn’t give cousins another shot let me know which one of these big men you think the Warriors

Should pull the trigger on should they go with young for a high IQ undersized big man I think we already have two or Porter Jr and even more undersized big man but one that’s proven he can roll with the warrior small ball Robin Lopez to try their luck or Andre Drummond for

A Surefire kick in the pants how about DeMarcus Cousins for a former All-Star who at 33 years is younger than the Warriors veteran core and still projects as a high level player post your thoughts in the comments below but don’t forget to like the video subscribe to

The channel and turn on all your notifications so you don’t miss any of my latest uploads thanks for watching till next time a

The Buyout market is LOADED with talented bigs.

Music: Death Clock by Soundridemusic
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Music: Equalizer by soundridemusic
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Music: Cinematic Tension by soundridemusic
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Music: Cinematic Tension by soundridemusic
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  1. No he wont because he talk shit against the coach and the system of the offense that was made for curry and klay so he wont be coming back shit.

  2. I will be surprise if Kerr allows the addition especially Cousins, who when Meyers speaks comes from Kerr, last time Cousins express his feeling on the Raptors final. Cousins kept quiet for a long time he could have been sign long ago for cheap 2 month ago he finally said his true feelings that W needed a change clearly pointed problem was Kerr. That was the nail in coffin so he isnt going to be signed. Signing another 6'9 unless it is Bill Russell stop it!😂

  3. Somebody should share whatever it is they're smoking to think or believe that the Dubs are looking to re-sign DeMarcus is ludicrous!

  4. Demarcus cousins is cooked . He was never good on defense and now he’s older with multiple leg injuries . People need to stop falling in love with names

  5. I feel bad for Looney because I feel like the Warriors are gonna trade/release him because of his limited abilities. He doesn't even shoot the ball. Most of the time he's at the rim already, so he does layups and dunks. I'd love to see him take more mid-range shots. He was doing that a lot in high school and college, so I know he's more than capable.

  6. Boogie was too slow down the court and was not in the rhythm of the starting vets. But actually, he might would work well with CP3 in a more controlled bench approach.

  7. iso-heavy, back to basket, soft, shi-ty defense, no athleticism, can't run on transition, can't shoot 3s, no hops….NO THANKS. he has no value unless he's the jockstrap cleaner.

  8. Even though I love to see Cousins in Warriors Uniform, he recently called out Kerr for Warrior's struggles and suggested they get rid of him. So that's about it !. Kerr would never allow it to happen.

  9. Had a friend think when I was saying Demarcus Cousins; that there were two cousins with the last name Marcus. Ie the Marcus cousins. Still makes me laugh today.

  10. 16:06 "If this team is willing to go after LeBron James, I'm not sure why they wouldnt give Cousins another shot."

    AMEN TO THAT!! 🙏
    Cousins > LeFlop

  11. This man plays no defense and needs the ball to make a difference. He's an iso player and holds the ball. You don't want that. Again….. Cousins would ruin the ball movement and you don't want him shooting jumpers.

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