@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Expectations Post All Star Break

Miami Heat Expectations Post All Star Break

How we posted these two blocks but go ahead Dave tell us what your post Allstar break expectations are for the Miami Heat or the heat culture um my expectations are to get um to either be in the playin or get some good playoff seating on like be 6C at least five or

Sixc and maybe go after someone in the bio Market um I know we haven’t really made any moves than trading for Terry rosier um I am glad that Pat Riley finally didn’t take a nap um and you know we finally got Kyle Lowry out of here he is now Philly’s problem so

Philadelphia you’re welcome um I’m not really expecting too much um right now for me it’s just waiting to see what we do when it comes to playoff time that’s why honestly I wasn’t so upset this if you compare if you look at how I was reacting last

Season to this season I’m not as upset or even you know really complaining about anything because I’m waiting to see what happens during playoff time katal Hero has stepped up this year I believe he’s averaging the career high right now um bam was also also averaging the career high Jimmy has been doing

What Jimmy does when he’s healthy um haime High Cas the rookie has stepped up tremendously um not exactly what I expected when we drafted him I knew he was going to be good but I didn’t expect him to be this well he he is in a dunk

Contest in Allstar so I want to see how that goes I’m not expecting him to win but I just you know glad to see that he’s in it and um really I just wanted we just got to get healthy you know Terry Roser and um Josh Richardson both got hurt in the

Same game against the Celtics and you know luckily no neither one of them tore anything so it’s just a week toe basis so glad that they’re you know gonna be here they they’re gonna be healthy when it when it matters the most and honestly I just want to see how aggressive bam is

Going to be in the second half uh for me that’s what that’s what’s going to tell how our season’s going to get better um because bam is kind of sort of what starts um the the team when it comes to um how aggressive we are offensively and

Defensively honestly um I like the fact that Tyler herrow stepped up this year and he’s not afraid to to go against good Defenders now he actually drives the basket no matter who who’s who’s on him and you know duckin Robinson still still getting his play time and

Everything I’m just for me I just want to see what we if we’re going to make a move in the bio market and if not what are we going to do with these rotational pieces to get us back to where we were last year and um and that’s not being an

APC but be a contender in the in the playoffs because I mean honestly I I realized this we don’t necessarily care about seaing when it comes to Miami Heat because when we made both time we weren’t a top four seed um we were the five seed in 2020 in the bubble and last

Year we were the a seed so I think seeding doesn’t necessarily matter for us it’s just it all depends on what we do when playoffs count and we all know when playoffs come Jimmy Butler just turns up another level so for me that’s all I’m really waiting on I’m

Just waiting to see what happens when playoffs start so what’s going on with Jimmy Bella right now I know he’s taking time away yeah uh it’s uh from for me I think it’s um I I originally thought it was an injury but um I think it’s something

Personal going on um honestly I’m not not necessar a definite family I think was a def family so um he just you know he he gets that he he he gets that he he’s able to he’s the leader of the team he’s here more more likely than not he he’s the

One that guid us through everything so if something’s going to his family then hey take time off you know take time off the team is able to win without you we we’ve we’ve shown that throughout the years while you’ve been here so it’s fine um I didn’t expect us to blow out

The Bucks uh the other day without him but hey hey it happened um it’s the Bucks as as as as Teddy would say the joke team in the in the East so um for me it’s just for me it’s all about us competing against the top

Teams in the East um and I’m I’m the top teams in East to me are you know the Celtics the 76ers the Knicks you know those teams I’m not worried about the Bucks because I feel like no matter what we have a good chance to beat them just

Because they just they play to our level when we play them the only time they beat us is when we were injury Riddle after the 2020 season when we it was co co battle injury Riddle and they swept us other than that we’ve been able to to

Get them in the playoffs no matter what um in a reg season the I think the only other thing is um when we play the Celtics how are we going to play are we going to play like we played in a regular season dir or are we going

To play like how we did in the playoffs and actually be able to compete against them so look at Teddy sitting in a big chair right now he knows what’s up he he knows when it comes to playoff time I he’s different that that’s fun that’s fun but

Um I got something for you Dave Hold look uh oh uh oh you gonna go get the broom because you swept us and he got dust P that was that was wow so so original no original it’s not like I predicted us to beat y’all this in the regular season

Series I’m not worried about the regular season n man I think you more so need to be worried about the playoffs when it comes to us this rivalry wor about the playoffs when it comes to themselves oh my bad yo that’s the second one of you get

Off you think you think you slick man you think I’m sorry man I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s the second one that’s I was wait for my segment to to to respond to you all we can do that we can do I just want to ask da one question right you

Said the top teams in the East are you going off of the historic them being historically great because right now the 76ers are still trying to find their footing without Joel and beid and again with the Bucks they’re just trying to figure out who they are because right now you know

After they traded away their best player to the Celtics they haven’t really been themselves too much they got a new coach and everything and then you said the you didn’t say the Knicks did you I don’t think you named the niick I did I didck that’s I think that’s the toughest

Battle for y’all I mean even though y’all can get them but you also didn’t that’s the team you didn’t name the Pacers and I know T somewhere watching you gonna be like well you don’t think the Pacers are a tough out for you all this season no I don’t um right and

That’s not and that’s no disrespect but no I don’t I don’t think so no next question I don’t think so and this comment right here I don’t understand that you do know that we owned the Orlando Magic they haven’t beaten Us in the series in a while you do understand

That right there that’s why I say you’re the most delusional sports fan I’ve met you know you lost a bat to me you and Taye both owe me a shirt now because you lost the bat 3-1 and you got dominated in the last game hey hey D to take two

Days off more often man I like I don’t I don’t understand why you be in the comments like that and and and Von called us trash also he called us trash after we lost to people know they like let people know what team they like they like the Orlando Magic Orlando

Magic they were they felt so good because they were a top top five team in the Eastern the beginning of the season they all they were were the Utah jazs of last year that’s all it was Utah Jazz of last year now look what happened now their season has gone down the real

Season started and they started going down and look it’s you can say injuries we had injuries too but look at where we are compared to you we you know we we we injury Riddle and we weren’t all the way up there and we still competed with y’all and beat

Y I got a question Dave all it’s like a twac question um Tac last year when you picked y’all to beat the Celtics was was it like you really felt like okay I’m okay was it like all nonbiased or was it some bias to it when you pick y Would S to that

Year it was nonbiased um only because of how we were playing that playoffs how we were playing in the playoffs okay all right it was more so because of that it wasn’t because it was Heat versus Celtics it I got you I got I when I say

Not bu I’m at like I don’t know but because I’m a Heat fan I’m gonna go with heat type type deal but I’m ask you let ask you this though uhuh out of all the teams in the East what team what teams would you say if yall go to a playoff series you

Like we might not win this one Celtics Celtics is one um the Knicks honestly the Knicks the way that they’re playing this year I think the Knicks might be a team that we might not be able to to win surpris what about the Cavs N I

Think we’ll be able to get to I think we I think we’ll be able to comp compete with them the only thing the only thing that that gives me a little question is um Jared Allen I think he’ll be able to contain B so that might give give us

Some issues but I don’t really see anyone that to be able to stop Jimmy yeah they are the Easter Conference version of the middot symbol was kind of they got like yeah Twi Towers out there um and they’ve been playing the best basketball since like they have I think they’re what uh

Like 17 and two or 18 and two in the last like that and Donan mitell should be an MVP candidate in my opinion he should be he should be he should be um but he was on the gone from now I’m not I don’t know I don’t know T you don’t

Know Miami man you to say that you don’t know Miami can we please get a right now y y’all the playing match up yeah I know in Miami I know oh that would be I would love for Defenders that way just so we can end their end their play

In their playoff hopes yeah it’s funny that to happen technically you could say the heat kind of run Orlando cuz wasn’t the bubble in Orlando yes it was didn’t you all make the finals in Orlando yes we did and Orlando was in the Bubba too they were the AC

Exactly and they didn’t make it keep call us little cousins and little brothers man please yeah y’all barely in the family the way y’all keep losing us he put him out that’s crazy the talahasse magic that’s crazy so so basically s and Nick all the teams you like all right we gota

Get we got get back yeah s next and the Cav slightly those are the I’m really like uh so no bucks I can’t wait to tassi this moment I’m not the Bucks the Bucks to me is just they they seem like they gonna fold the way for me is the

Way that they played this year if they if they if this was last year then I would all right if they were the same team as last year and they and they were still a great defensive team and everything then I would be a little cautious about it but they their defense

Is still terrible they’re three and seven since doc RZ became the head coach and it’s not on Doc honestly I mean it’s not even a do I feel like this organization just they fumbled they fumbled they should they should have for me I think they should have gone they

Should have went and tried to sign Nick Nur in the offseason I I I agree with you that I didn’t like the do rivers move but for their defense whenever you make a change M season like that it’s gonna be remember they clipp a tra with James Harden bro they lost like they

Five games yeah they it was losing like crazy every like oh terrible trade they d Carl came on the show and said that was a dumb trade shout out to Carl and oh I think I was on that bus too you know so I’m pretty sure if

Missoula got thrown into the fire mid season they would have struggled the first few games that’s true and T I never I never with my nine wins though T I ain’t delusional and Tay I wasn’t talking like we were a top three SE I clearly said we would finish

Five or six maybe even seven in and be in a playing tournament all I’m saying is y’all got nothing against us that’s all I’m saying but the magic have no chance to against us yeah I I agree with you and I’m I’m gonna say this Cavs Knicks I I

Think I got them in the playoffs the game slows down when I look at y numbers in regular season this year y’all are the same team of last year literally like like yeah I think I think after after 45 games we had the same exact

Record 24 and 21 it was the same exact record remember last year I was ter rebounding ter Point shooting all that stuff same thing this year field goal percentage y’all B them in the league but in the playoff it’s a whole different game it slows down like you

Said Jimmy but takes it to a different level even ter Ros played good in the playoff last night we saw him in the playoff know about that J blesso right so all I know is that like the Celtics yes because I do okay this we gonna get to the Celtics

Yeah I know what you about say because I was going to say the same thing about that’s why I keep taking my shots and Teddy understand why I’m saying well I’m good about I’m good but I’m wait till there I got I got a question okay besides Health what is one thing

That you um you want the heat to improve on um defense okay defense is the thing I want them to improve on because I feel like it at times when we play certain teams we allow them to just do whatever they want offensively and that’s not Heat

Basketball we have to play defense and play it consistently and the effort is not there all the time and that’s what I that’s the that’s the one those are the two things I don’t like defense and effort that’s the one thing I don’t effort is something that just comes

Naturally that’s that’s a want and the thing is if we’re not wanting to play defense we not wanting to give effort then that gives me a lot of caution yeah and I heard you had like a players meeting and then like after y had that team only players meeting or something

Like that y’all went on a six and two record so it sound like somebody stood up and said exactly what you said in that locker room I’mma tell you was he not even he not even a player on the team anymore KY no I knew the bench say something I’m

Telling you I already know who it was but they’ve already know the playoffs they G they G right now they are Y eigh in defensive rating but I feel you though Miami Dave I’m proud of you bro because last year you was killing Miami and like you

Said you ain’t doing it this year I think you know yall gonna flip a switch in the playoffs yeah it’s just something that has been has become normal now but but it is frustrating to know y gonna do that and then the regular season you watching BS I get it yeah that’s the

Only I all right come on I know y’all can play better than this it’s like it’s like y’all waiting for playoff time to come at least get a playoff seating at least yeah Jimmy just Jimmy don’t play serious at all in a regular season for real he be missing when he

Miss it’s maybe like 10 15 games throughout the year where he actually plays Jimmy Butler es in the playoffs other than that he just be chilling like I’m average a good 22 23 points and I’d be all right yeah he he he know he know

The uh deal he know how it is even when y number one see y’ were low managing the whole year remember y’ were like missing guys the whole year yeah yeah I know not to put Jimmy Butler on the fu tickets during the regular season Teddy I told you that I told you

That I hav’t put year in the playoff you tiet you put them on a ticket after they lost yeah when they lose he always come back Jam BR he a playoff player bro he a lowbudget car Leonard I don’t want to say lowbudget Hey low budget I want do

That like that but he like a less version of k k is a playoff player also but he been Bing though that’s ver hey KA for me Kawai been playing MVPs this he been Bing this yeah he been Bing the fact that he played more games is why he

In MVP talks for me he said it he said people think that I’mma play more games because of the rule if I can play I will playing because of that rule that’s why if I can play I could play but we got talk about one thank you for staying to the end if

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