@Miami Heat

Cats Rolling! Miami Dolphins Cap Issues, Miami Heat Highest Seed Chance | Tobin & Leroy

Cats Rolling! Miami Dolphins Cap Issues, Miami Heat Highest Seed Chance | Tobin & Leroy

That’s not no that’s not that’s true you do got me get over here Mar they don’t want this they don’t want it lerer proed him I never hat him I nevera know what is a like the city the driver you know going up you guys quibbling morning everybody hello

Leroy up you sound like Vegas I do um you sound like Vegas uh took you a few rounds uh no not not entirely it was the crew that you know F and his cousin and his friends The Whipper Snappers oh yeah they how do they enjoy their

Hiking well so I told him don’t plan all that crap because you lose track of time and so they he wanted a Tesla so he could go through like they have a Tesla tunnel which is supposed to be cool but whatever I ain’t there for that nonsense so they took the

Car and went to Redrock so they didn’t stay too long so because they wanted to get back um but the cool thing was is that these Knuckleheads and fans and his cousin they went to like all the way up to Vegas they went went they were watching

This guy on Instagram or YouTube or whatever talking about all the places to eat off the strip right so we went soon as we got in we went to In-N-Out burger and it was the cheapest meal we had there cause if you go super loaded everything double cheeseburger it cost

$540 sure and it was delicious right then they went to this um place that make these ginormous burritos on the way back from Redrock so we had that then we went to herbs and Rye so the food portion of it you know sounds Prett good yeah yeah it it it was solid

Um but I had to teach them how to play Blackjack a that’s cool hold on so like where we stayed it was was way too expensive for them right like the minimum tables or whatever oh the Arya yeah yeah so we went to our old Nemesis

New York New York oh baby don’t sleep which I’m like I don’t want to go here like come on that’s not super close to the Raa either right I’m like all right let’s go so we go there and we playing Blackjack thought you guys would have gotten to like Planet Hollywood I don’t

Know dude I was just foll at this point I was a passenger in my own life yep right so I say all right let’s go and we go there and they’re playing and I’m like here’s the basic concept of blackjack always assume the dealer has a 10

Underneath right so you play your hand accordingly so if dealer has three four five or six right you assume they have you know a teen under there of course 17 you assume they have 17 they’re gonna stay and you hit accordingly the very first hand finds has

14 dealer has a five he hits him bus I’m like what do we doing we just it I literally just said he said I was feeling it I’m like I got I like that I like the feel I like the feel of the method yeah so I’m like sometimes you

Gotta feel it no so I said I do a show with Mr feel it guy and gut guy yeah right sometimes sometimes you do sometimes you gotta feel it right so that wasn’t even the most interesting part it’s literally how I go to the Hard

Rock app every single time I get it to plus 900 I’m like boom I feel it we we walking through the ARA right because Lil John is performing at the ARA Monday night still there from the Super Bowl so does he have a residency there

No that was just no no no that his catalog could fit in my pong onean show well no little John like I’m not in I’m not saying he’s not talented but you know what I’m saying he’s got a catalog okay yeah so anyway as a residency so we

Go so so all of a sudden I hear Leroy Leroy I look back I ain’t gonna even tell you who it is cause you a how you gonna say you can’t do that come on so so so my uh nephew and F go somebody calling you I say oh snap what’s up Ty

Turn like wait what yeah tyo how do you know tyo from Cleveland huh I thought he was from Missouri no he coached in Cleveland no coach inel so you just came across him when he was a coaching the Cavs yeah but I knew a whole lot of people that work

For the Cav so did you ask him is he calmed down from wanting to beat the holy hell out of a referee no he don’t like have you seen that like I all I asked him was was you know are you enjoying the break he said well deserved

I said because I tell you what he’s got a good team basketball coaches have the worst job in coaching for this reason it don’t matter if your owner like you and you doing well it don’t matter it’s the only profession where if a player don’t like

You and it’s the wrong player your ass is gone true and so you not only have to watch how you coach but but you also have to perform the funniest one ever I think is Marcus Saul not getting along with David fizdale and him getting fizdale fired when fizdale was like the

Toes of the T take that for data right and Marcus Defensive Player of the Year with fizz I don’t remember I don’t remember if he did but they did not get along but they were winning they did not get along D it doesn’t hey did you see

What happened earlier this year and I’m pretty sure he was a raptor the next year anyway which was funny wait wait wait Ian I get it with Adrian Griffin Yannis but that’s different why why they were second in the Eastern Conference bannis no bannis is not a

Leader I told you that we we’re coming to see this I wanted him I mean did we think Gasol was we think that’s the leader of that team no that’s what I’m saying wasn’t the lead he was the I mean he was the best player on the Grizzlies for sure

But I I don’t I just don’t picture a Gasol making a power play like that you know right but that’s that’s what I said you got as a as an NBA basketball coach you got so many landmines right that that you gotta maneuver through in order to have a

Extensive stay where you are he did not it’s amazing he did not win Defensive Player of the Year under fizdale by the way he that was 2013 when he woned so Fizz was still with the heat I think but other than that it was uh great time uh we have

Fun how was herbs and Ry oh look I took them to they didn’t know how to act wow they did they did not know how to act because I told them meet happy hour and they were taking back a little bit I also told them turn on your phone

Lights because it’s gonna be like a concert oh it’s crazy it’s so dark glad you can’t see it there I think to like do that wait a minute you can’t see me in there no no dude it’s dark hey it’s dark dude look you got you you got first

Of all even to read the menu everybody in the in the the thing got their their their phone lights on yeah they should have glow sticks at the table right pretty much so we we had a we had a good time we you know walked around a little

Bit went through you know when when I didn’t realize cuz I would have liked to go and it’s go and it was the only place I would have liked to have seen is the Fountain Blue it just recently opened I didn’t know it was open yet but I wanted to

Check that out but other than that that’s it it was fun um I managed to get some sleep right um when I you know what just think of we got there oh my goodness I almost got kicked out before we got a room so we get the with who the front

Desk the Bell hop no not the Bell hop the front desk so here no no no you tell me if I have a right to be upset all right so you go I get the reservations a month and a half in advance they make you

Pay a month and a half in advance right you got to pay half I get to the thing and the guy goes oh you guys are checking in late we got to check and see if we have rooms what yes yes how late can one check in I’m like we flying from

Florida yeah but also my address what is what time is it check what’s a cut off checkin usually it’s like doesn’t it begin at 3 it starts at 3 and we got what the late checking we got there like 10 10:30 get out of here we definitely

Checked in later than that that right what did we check in the last time we checked in uh our last flight to Vegas here here’s the problem though it was just us and it didn’t matter when I said here the way they do the the the the

Casinos and and and um Vegas is you use your key to get to your room and it only allows you to go to your floor yes that’s a new if it’s me and you it doesn’t matter I requested that our rooms be on the same floor yes

You don’t have to go two different ways yeah I right so we so the guy goes well we can’t find rooms you’re you’re not GNA I’m like wait a minute hold up why do I pay a deposit if you’re gonna give the rooms away and how fast are they

Giving the rooms away like like like you get to a time like when is it when does it go into the garage taale that was my argument and guess what he said he stopped talking he said do you want the rooms or not oh my God this is what I got

When I got there I’m like are you bleeping kidding me because it is an ultimate trump card it’s like well no I don’t want a place to sleep but everybody so he didn’t say another word he would not talk to me wow and the people behind were going I would

Kick his ass the people like in foreign languages for sash everybody I’m like are we are you kidding me I’m looking at this dude are you kidding I don’t have a right to be up said I said you pay a deposit so your room’s not given

Away that’s C but like hold on I’m very confused by this isn’t it isn’t that what reserving a is for yes what do I need to pay a deposit for again that was my point I’ve never heard of such I’ve heard of early check-in I’ve never heard

Of too late checking that was my whole point and then he said to me you’re making a scene I’m like so I’m just supposed to eat it did did F film this because he films everything no he was like what’s taking so long I sat there with him for

An hour while he tried to find rooms that was crazy so so did he end up getting you a room yeah we were on different floors so here’s the deal we went and got in and- Out burger right we were on different floors we had to go

All the way back down to the first floor and meet up like a drug deal just to get our food because nobody could go to the other rooms man well sounds like you could have done to him what Sergey babski did last night to brother wa guess what I

Saw I saw the text and I’m like uh oh uh oh and I saw it when I when I it almost ended very poorly because the cats almost uh blew it in the third but Sergey B was not to be trifled with Essa we’ll uh we you got the call that Vlad

We’ll get to that coming on up we take a break back after this W broasting live from the edore Sass Auto Mall Studios shop exceptional Cadillac offers now at the three-time Cadillac dealer of the year at L I’m gonna log in visit Ed morass you’re always backed by morse

Ah man could have a residency if you wanted to he can definitely like host like a pool party in Vegas like every day well all the pools were closed so we couldn’t even do what we did when we went oh yeah was it cold it was still cold there what

And was and and you may never hear the this phrase again it’s sunny in Florida and raining in Vegas that’s what the conditions were when we left my good uh last night the Florida Panthers overtime win over the senators in a not a wellplayed game by

The cats kind of felt like they were uh they were going to thought they were going to stroll in there and get an easy one and that in that third quarter Ottawa dug in started playing a little bit dirty as one with the kachuck team is gonna do and

Bob Bob was not happy with Brady kachuck because he gives up his first goal and God knows how long since because he’s been a freaking wall Sergey bosski lately uh and he was I mean he what he 17 saves in the first period I mean he was he he’s he’s been incredible with

How good he’s been playing but Brady kachuck Bob was pissed because he felt there was goalie interference felt like the stick was uh was was in the pad area Leroy and he was not able to make a clean save and so he gets very Furious you have the call yesterday uh Vlad here

Was Doug plagens on the call with uh Sergey bosski giving the old Siberian two-piece to Brady kachuck the teras cruising in top of the right Circle f on it recovers he can save made with the right pan of barosi a stemble in front and the puck cross the line but they

Whistle this one and now we’ve got a dust up babski went in there and gave a blocker toy kachuck and now babski had his mask knocked off from the little frus that developed at the side of an Ed and with 1351 left in the third and the Panthers up 2-1 the temperature is

Rising here man first of all that’s game my my favorite part of that is goes he goes but brow’s had about enough we got ourselves a dust up D there’s no dust UPS in in yeah do you know it’s either a brawl a Kuru a frankus yes it’s not a dust up

Dude it was I was like of course the kachuck like you’re not gonna have the kachuck be on their best behavior the entire game um and he’s just like he’s had enough of his ant and the and the and the and the extracurriculars that he has after the play should be over

Because Bob’s like I got the puck stop smacking at me it’s over plays dead that’s not how the kachuck are gonna go and so Bob I mean he just goes straight one two punches right to the face like helmet’s off we’re ready to go I was

Like wow look at our boy Bob even he’s got the uh he’s got the the the the rying to them that this Panthers team has but uh they end up winning an OT I believe right now they have uh they’ve they’ve leaped they’ve leapt the uh the

Boston Bruins Le and I think technically even though look at the standings and it says they’re in second but they got more points and they played the same amount of games yeah they have uh they 78 points yep and Boston has 77 they played the same amount of games why is Boston

In front might have more wins than the other no the one team the one team I think that has more points than them right now is Vancouver and the West in the East the Panthers have the most points yeah but but they Li list Boston in first not anymore they oh not anymore

They changed it okay Panthers are up Boston and New York have 77 Panthers have 78 in the Western Conference the Canucks have the most most points at 80 but Leroy the Panthers don’t say it don’t say it I don’t want to hear it you don’t want that you don’t want that you

Don’t want that trophy you don’t want it two games in hand you don’t want it it’s a different Panthers team Vlad everybody that wins that cup gets swept in the first round it’s different though we we’ve already had the experience of having that trophy the president’s trophy we’ve had the experience of it

This is a this is a different Panthers team understand your pain I so understand your P let me finish something about my boy he will you could give him 70 years of history of how this works and he’ll always say if it’s my team it’ll be different right the president’s trophy

Is cursed you don’t want it so Panthers are just supposed to take a dive no I’m just saying I’m just saying you try to win the games but if you don’t win it it’s not a disappointing thing is there any rules to two president trophy in

Three years like does it knock the curse no it doesn’t are you sure it doesn’t you see blad I’m telling you my boy tries to find reasons around all of the curses that apply to his team right so you want them to have the president’s if

I told you that in the last 30 years and I don’t know this I’m just saying it to to make my point if do it every team in the last 30 years that won the president cup President’s Cup nobody won the Stanley Cup you still won it you know

The last you know the last team to win the President’s Cup and then the Stanley Cup who what was the 2012 2013 Chicago Blackhawks that’s not too long ago Dude That’s 10 years ago that’s 11 years ago but did they have a situation where they won multiple president’s trophies in

Three years they won multiple Stanley Cups look I’m not scared of the president’s trophy C oh my you’re the mush this is why you’re the mush they had hoo on that team that guy wasn’t built like a Chuck you’re going against all that is Holy and

Hockey there it is put up the mush your mush is back let me ask you this no I got him Leroy you know who had the most points last year Bruns and who did they face Panthers and what happened Panthers beat him okay okay but do you want to face the

Light so what so what it’s there’s no conference president trophy right so can we just be number one in the East you could be number one in the East that’s to be number one overall wait wait wait wait said we clarified there’s a big difference in being first in your

Conference and winning the President’s Cup well right now there’s not a big difference because they’re very I mean they they they have two games in hand okay but guess what they at this point they don’t have the President’s Cup but they do have the number one seed I don’t know how that works

Because if you have two games in hand boy we go wait here’s when you know something ain’t right in the world sman just agreed with you you guys s like children who still believe in the boogeyman grow up so SM is agree with toin well look you got to know something’s wrong

If sm’s agreeing with you yeah this been a weird day Wednesday started off weird if you have right you have to know something ain’t right toin what happened on February 21st what’s going on here I know man I just saw Bob fight last night I was fired up jayf said I’m convinced

Sman is Tobin it wouldn’t surprise me it would that’s my burner this entire time J so just avoid it that’s it you guys are telling me just stay the hell away I’m not I’m not saying go out there and purposely lose games but I’m saying don’t no dis there’s no

Disappointment not to get it in fact you might be a little relieved no but last year like kachuck said what was it they won the conference trophy when they won and moved on to the Stanley Cup and they’re like oh Superstition is you don’t touch it he goes Superstition now

They did get their asses kicked in the so so wait wait wa let me ask you a question wait wait wait wait I would like to say I bet you his ass don’t touch it this year that’s a good question CA wait his his teammates gonna tackle him

Right you might be right about that oh come on so understanding that and what we just told you about the President’s Cup you still you gonna pull a kachuck it’s not a cup it’s a that’s what we called it we called it we calling it The kachuck because he also

Believe okay I also like learned last night I was listening to the broadcast do you know that he only goes through five of those mouth cards a year that’s disgusting no I dude I use the same M mouth C guard yeah but he doesn’t use it he chews on it the entire everybody

Chews on it I put it in my sock I put it in my belt like my Loop yeah M mouth cards have been in some nasty places bro no you clean them you clean them but I’m saying you put in your socks that you’re playing in already your socks are sweaty

You know I’m pretty sure I gotta steam my my son has a mouth guard for flag football I’m pretty sure I gota like that thing already looks disgusting two gam you gotta you gotta um you gotta there there’s a a something you soak it in or whatever take a break back after this

But don’t understand why see is burning me to hold on to this I know this is something I got to do but that mean I want to what I’m trying to say is that I love you I just I feel like this is coming to an end and it’s better for me to

All right welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqm Leroy back from Vegas barely as we had a nice brisk morning get a weather update for the deves and Over Law Firm your ACC free conation 247 call at 866954 more I’m gonna make an assumption

Here because I have can’t really see outside but I’m G guess it’s a Northerly B Northerly Breeze um I’m gonna say it’s out of the North West but I can’t see or confirm it because I can’t quite see outside uh it’s probably around 60 65 degrees and uh it is a beautiful sunny

Day man don’t see any cleans I can’t tell the wind dude right that’s what I’m saying nice day though nice day I do see a few buzzards down in the window they’re circling something oh circling something over there dude circling the mush you s one he’s like ah let’s Circle him he

Wants he wants to be the president he wants to win the president’s trophy let’s C I do I’m not scared of any any jinxes out here dude worried about it I don’t understand why as a fan you set yourself up for this all the time I just don’t believe in it I don’t

Believe in it okay it’s it’s nonsense I used I used to be crazy about it and then I just had at one point I just had to let go okay I can’t do it anymore it’s almost like the number one seed in football right how often do they win the Super

Bowl I don’t know I don’t know but I you know it’s now it’s just annoying because now now the Chiefs are at that point where they don’t need the number one seed I mean that again we got to start giving the we had on we got to start giving them the Brady

Treatment very very if he’s on the other team then then he has a chance Antonio pierce the Raiders new head coach wants to give wants to do the mahome rules like the Jordan rules he yes he wants to treat Mahomes like the bad boy pissa whatever they can do that they can

Get away with yeah but here’s the problem oh we all know what’s the problem here here’s the problem no no no no no that’s not the problem you think other teams haven’t tried to do that right let’s get after him get him on the ground early let’s make him

Feel our weight and our pressure that’s a game plan a lot dude that’s not just because he said it out loud there’s a lot of teams that want to do that right there’s a lot of teams that say Hey if Lamar Jackson’s gonna run we got to make him

Pay but you can’t get him dude you can’t with the with the way pass roughing the pastor these days first of all it’s a wild card what they call wait wait wait but you you misunderstand what I’m saying take the L to get the hit early right that’s look that’s a

Tactical plan for some hey this guy he builds and gets better as the game goes on let’s make sure we rough him up a lot early and see if he’s still G yes they want to do that every team wants to do do that what makes him so great as you

Can’t I’ll tell you what’s wrong with say what you want I’ll tell you what’s wrong with Antonio Pierce you see what just happened with them hired Joe filbin what he’s still coaching apparently so I learned this yesterday line uh what position did he give H Joe

Filbin let’s see I saw this yeah I laughed at the Tweet because the Tweet was like uh allows some experience next to Antonio be I’m like a bad experience uh what is Joe filbin’s position oh here it is Ian Rapaport uh Raiders are hiring former Dolphins head

Coach Joe filbin as their new senior offensive assistant sources said after spending time as the Cowboys o line coach and Ohio State senior analyst filbin is back in the NFL to lend experience to Antonio Pierce you know what you know what that is let me tell

You what that is that is a job that says we going to bring you on the staff you going to be in the coaches meetings please do not interact with the players what is that job offensive assistant so he’s probably in all the coaches meetings and and the offensive

Meetings lending a hand as to like when they go over schemes and stuff and you know every time you have one of these meetings you kind of say how are we going to get past this if they do that right and the more experience you have

In the room the more voices you can come to a solution with that yeah philin looks like he he likes to digest A good rule book you know like if he goes hey can we do that filbin filin like off the top knows like a rule 1237 doc but it’s

Not it’s not even about the rules it’s about the scheme and the game plan like so many times coaches design plays and when you go to work them out there’s there’s a defense that the defense could play that they’re going to be two unblocked guys he spent his

Entire career just not calling plays for Mike McCarthy like that’s that’s all he’s done hey again it it it’s it’s why every you know here I look at that the same way I look at coaches who get jobs off of a coaching tree and you don’t even know what they

Did on that coaching tree you know what I’m saying like everybody who gets was not offensive coordinator but they come from that coaching tree I got to tell you him being an offensive line coach is hilarious I just don’t picture that guy like I always picture an o line coach as

Somebody who’s got to be like loud you know I just don’t I just don’t I got I got one better for you Kurt Fen the iway head coach yeah he was my offensive line coach in Cleveland he bar he he was very calm the whole time good excellent coach didn’t raise his

Voice didn’t yell no and that’s one of the positions where you got to get the big Oaths going at times he always managed to do it right just I mean you ask anybody that played on those Cleveland teams and they go who’s one of the most respected coaches D tell you k

For do you think like when these many stops that Joe filin has had since he’s been the Dolphins head coach do you think like any of these people that are still asking him like you know what did you teach Aaron Rogers back in the day he goes excuse me

Like is he still rolling off of that one Super Bowl that that he was giving Aaron Rogers notes but let me tell you here’s what get you you go in the meet room and they announce all the coaches and they try to give them some bonafides if you know what I’m saying

They try to give all the coaches Bonafide so so if one guy goes up there play 13 years in the league coached here coached there right responsible for five pro bowlers right they gonna say that Philman was a former head coach and work with eron Rogers right you don’t necessarily know

The capacity in which he worked with Aaron Rogers because the head coach who’s the head coach was um McCarthy yeah mcarthy McCarthy could have very well said that you have you are to have no contact with Aaron Rogers right you don’t know that so sometimes when when when they start talking about

Bonafides of coaches the players in the back going all right right because we know Joe filin probably laughing he goes then when they Super Bowls without me though I mean I’m just saying like like so sometimes your uh credentials to get a job can get picked apart so you gotta kind of be

Careful right kind of gota be careful with the the bravado you go in there with because guys will be whispering D South says Google image search the canes o line coach yeah Alex Mirabal he’s very tiny he’s very T but that he seems like an intense dude remember he was the only

Guy who had sanity during the the damn kneel down he’s yelling at Christal hey hey nobody listened to him well because he was little well it’s not fair I tell you what uh you know who else was little uh when old boy went after Kevin Gil gilbride buddy Ryan was it buddy Ryan

Yeah it was Buddy Buddy Ryan went after to Kelvin gilbride Ain nobody say run the damn ball did uh did Christ ball and and did they recruit this uh this this Oregon Center that everybody wanted that like all the doll fans are fing over it’s pretty amazing

Because um one these guys know how to recruit some beef I’ll tell you that much one of the cool things about what Chris Ball has done is you now have access to a part of the country you never had access to right because you keep in mind he has

All those relationships with all those schools out west and he’s recruiting some of those guys and he cherp picking some of the guys that he coached and so uh from that standpoint to see a lot of these West Coast guys um who’s the quarterback who’s coming

Um oh to the kinges cam well he was with um he was yeah so so that if if Chris Ball was not here or hadn’t gone out there in coach Oregon you wouldn’t have access to that side of the country I think also the the fact that the can’s

Got some access to some old scratch that that always that always that helps that that helps that helps that helps like I mean a lot of people saying that’s why Nick sa got out yeah I don’t blame him like because you want to know something he’s old he’s old if the game’s changing

If you dominated it one way why do you wanna it’s it’s a tough thing to have to I mean like you know what I hate though here’s what I hate about all this because now here’s what we’re gonna say and here’s what coach is gonna say

They won because they have more money to give the players and that’s not true but but that’s what this why watch all the conversations and watch what all the conversations become from coaches and from fans right that oh they got this guy because they got oh they their their team is

Stacked because they got money right and that’s not the case for like teams like uh Alabama now I will tell you who’s falling a little bit behind Clemson better get into that nil or you gonna get run over well you know because they have Gods n well listen we all got guys

Nil we all got it but that don’t pay for lights well uh buy you a car God’s image and likeness does not buy food so y’all need to keep it real we’ll take a quick break when we come back dolphin’s hypothetical trade that was thrown out by a top bum that’s next

To hell to aong Dolphin quarterback Daddy loves you guys our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history of to of the program ladies and gentlemen Tolman and Leroy here with you 560 wqam take you up until two o’clock here on the program appreciate uh Vlad in for frog

Boy today where is frog boy is he back vad I don’t know did I run into him he’s back tomorrow he’s back tomorrow where did he go I don’t know haven’t heard from frog boys I been off the the grid maybe ever since uh he said he wanted big booty quarterbacks we haven’t

Seen him I’ve been just dying to get to I’ve been dying for for four days to just get his take on what do you think of sham saying that thp oh my God I really wanted to hear his comment may maybe he in concussion protocol cause his girl got

Him oh man um all right let’s get to this some headlines here brought to you by the newal metal for truck Super Center why byy your truck at a car store P medal for we know trucks Panthers win last night 32 overtime Anton londell the Finish flash getting it done I gave him

That nickname I don’t know if that’s really his thing do you have that call last night Vlad we had Doug plagens on the call last night the Panthers they let up a couple of goals in the third period but they were not going to leave their Barn last night without two points

And that’s what they got now matuck right Circle Cuts in down low back behind the net Matthew kachuck off to to the far Circle leaves it for londell londell left side scoots in sharp angle top shelfy scores Anton lundell wins it and the Panthers take it 32 and overtime

The Panthers have won six in a row sheesh six in a row for your Panthers 10 out of 11 they’ve been killing they’re going for what 12 straight road games thday on Thursday against Carolina right that that’s record they would I believe they would tie the record man for them

No I think NHL NHL yeah oh so I mean listen toes here’s where I’m gonna give you a bit of a pass even though I don’t want the president’s trophy right and I’mma say this maybe they just that damn good it seems like it right now dude right like

I like I’m every time they’ve hit like a rut they’ve turned it around with vengeance like maybe they just that good that being said it’s one of the few sports that plays a different style of game during the playoffs so says uh the 11 game regular season Road streak is

One shy of the NHL record held by the 20052 2006 Detroit Red Wings and the 20145 Minnesota Wild Detroit did they win the Stanley Cup that year uh I don’t know I don’t think so because I think the last time they won the Stanley Cup I was in college I want

To say or right around when I was in college yeah I don’t know they were really they were really good they were really good when I was in college they uh they they they’ve just been awesome they’ve been awesome right now and they’re tons of fun to watch they have a lot of

Attitude and uh I love it I love what they’re bringing in right now they have a nice mix of last time Detroit won was 2002 they W in 2002 okay all right you you were not in no no no no no but I’m saying like they they had a rut when

They were just bad oh yeah then they went on a run yeah then they went on a little run um let me think I would say like with with with the Panthers like I’m excited to see how this style of hockey and and remember we got on Maurice last year

Because the team didn’t look as good as the year before and then the playoffs hit I apologize though I know but I’m just saying I’m just stating facts dude and then when playoffs hit it looked like a different team yep so I’m wondering if that carried over and now

They’re combining both because they are scoring a bunch of goals but they are locking it down on the defensive side they’re getting some incredible performances this year their go tending hasing unbelievable Rob and stolar have been on point but here’s the thing tremendous is because when you hear them

Talk about it they talk more about the guys in front of them and and how they’re playing and how much easier that makes it for them and maybe that was the problem before is that too many uncontested shots if you will yeah it’s just much more controlled

Like there be so many times in years’s past where like Bob would allow big rebounds and then they get beat on things just it they’re keeping it simple because it’s like he’ll hunker down on and be like we’ll stop him again but let’s not have these wild dumb scrambles

Where we can get beat on it right just uh they’re playing everything on their terms I gotta tell you it’s fun to watch because you’re on the edge of your seat but it’s something about being on the edge of your seat watching a hockey game knowing you got the better team right

What is it like for for do you think Matthew kachuck makes fun of his brother last night night because uh you got snuffed in the face by a goalie yes yes I bet you called him in the locker room granny kachuck is definitely gonna be upset with Brady because

Matthew was on his best behavior last night he listened to his parents he listened to his family great IND wait the family got a problem with but Mama we’re the fighting kachuck that’s what we do the last game got out of hand and the last game got out of

Hand and apparently the the the mama kachuck and Grandma kachuck wanted them on their best behavior but In fairness to Brady like he was trying to get a little life out of his team because they had the Panthers in a winnable spot he almost it almost worked because the

Panthers got out of their head a little bit and they tied it in a game they were playing pretty bad and you know the Panthers just could not could not put some consistency together like they normally had but they still had the two go defensemen were scoring goals they

Scored the first too I know that is when you know your team is good when you saw them play one of their worst games in a month and they still win all right so I want to get to this so do you wna get to Mike Tannon bomb

All right oh boy boy so come on you know he he’s a home run hitter right that’s all he cares about he is wait wait by the way can I just say this Vlad you’re gonna agree with me on this y’ I’m already gonna while you sit here

Criticizing Mike Tanner bomb you know you do the same thing right you want to take the big porn hack at everything every team every trade every everything you know you do this right I’m Tobin and I’m allowed to this man is supposed to have some level of credibility I’m you’re right Leroy but

I’m in Tobin’s defense this yeah this guy’s he’s coming up with some wacky stuff see this is where Jets fans and dolphin fans think Tan’s a bum we all hate tanom everybody hates tan because after we play what Tobin has set up then I’m gonna tell you his response on what the

Jets should do yeah he’s got he’s got ideas for everybody he’s got ideas for everybody and his ideas aren’t good but this was a little hat tip to Barry Jackson because I didn’t know about this up until I saw Barry’s uh I saw Barry’s report he says former Dolphins executive

Mike Tannon bomb who is excellent as an as an ESPN Studio analyst offered an interesting Jaylen waddle trade suggestion today and I was like all right what did he offer you got me Barry and so here was what he said on get up this was his fictional trade first off I

Don’t feel responsible to take off for my dad he’s a grown man he could do his own thing this Riv we have Mike tanon bomb you know what that’s labed as what did I did I label that wrong is is that on me I’ll get this one hey I can take

Accountability if that’s on me that’s on me I was trying to cut things fast this morning I will send you the correct one we’ll take a break and we’ll see what a boob this guy my tanon bomb is I apologize minus one for show Pony for deception I’m like

Bu take a break back after this all right welcome back everybody welcome back to leoy here with you 560 WQ hey we got a great contest for you a chance to meet and get an autograph and photo with none other than haime hakz Jr he is going to be at Hollywood

Collectibles on Sunday March 3D for your chance to win that meet and greet and autograph and photo with haime hawz JR text the word Miami to 20357 that’s Miami to 20357 and just my win if you don’t win you still want to go to Hollywood Collectibles go to Hollywood to purchase your

Tickets it’s a text contest message and data rates may apply bonus points to any of our listeners who get uh hakz to sign his new GQ pictures uh if J could bring those up for us uh we had haime who is sexy on a flamingo on the cover ofq Mexico was

Going crazy this was amazing I mean he’s coming out of the water he’s got nips out oh this is almost like uh when Aquaman does it right he’s got to go he’s got to go shirtless vest to uh to a game I mean Jimmy went

Topless he did he did he has he’s done that on seven occas good to see Jimmy by the way uh back working out on Instagram he’s been uh pretty Zero Dark 30 ever since he took a leave from the team Jimmy was uh working out late at the the

Local gyms yesterday uh the heat are back at practice tomorrow first game uh Friday Friday Friday there’s a lot of action tomorrow but the heat don’t start up again until Friday yeah a lot of basketball players to see Lil John really a lot of them came I guess they

Stopped on the way back to LA including uh was so was tyo with James Harden I feel like James Harden’s always no he was with um was it Brian um SC Brian Shaw Brian Shaw and um it was another another um another player uh that I knew him when I saw him

Because I saw him first and I wasn’t gonna go up there and say hi to him because well like yeah you know he have it like that but no you you like you know what I’m saying like here here’s why he ain’t have it like that is funny man because I

Ain’t have a tie in I ain’t just gonna go holler I gotta have a a connection I got you I got you you see what I’m saying so even though I knew who it was I didn’t know our tie in so I Ain just gonna go Rando fan on

Him lero don’t do that I get you you know and in most cases like dude I ain’t gonna lie as Tobin I just be minding my own business ain’t like I’m like looking for no interactions with nobody and you’re just here in the in in the distance

Wherever we are they right they I’m like I have no idea to I no idea appreciate though SCH and schol because I have my Marlin’s hat on back is now referring to me as fried Durst it’s good um all right so point for so here’s tanon bomb we were talking

About this end the last segment we got the sound now so Mike tanon bomb I saw this from Barry Jackson yesterday Mike tanon bomb apparently had hypothetical trades that he was doing and one of them involves our very own jayen waddley Roy he has an idea for jayen I’ve heard I’ve

Heard people suggesting this but because here and and and here’s the problem because of Tyreek you don’t realize how good Jaylen is but ain’t a whole bunch of people doing what jayen wild in the Le is doing either but you just overlook him because of Tyreek well here is uh here is tanon

Bomb’s suggestion on get up yeah I love this one two great young players Trent MC Duffy straight up for J uh Jaylen Wadd and here’s why if you’re Miami you’re probably going to cut xaven Howard as a cap casualty so you get Trent McDuffy who is a great young

Player so that’s for Miami obviously you still have a great receiver in Tyreek Hill on the other side of it for Kansas City you need a number one receiver Jeff alluded to earlier the show jayen Wadd really has a chance to be a number one and under this scenario Dan I’m assuming

You’re going to franchise lerus sneeve and then you have some other younger corners and Jaylen Watson and Joshua Williams so these are great young players traded to fit needs on the other team all right so there you go trading for All Pro quarterback Trent McDuffy in exchange for Jaylen Wadd this

Was here’s what I would say and and and here’s the problem with this it sounds great and you feel a need while creating one and you can’t do that because now you you’re going to have four or five guys scrambling to beat jayen Wadd and who’s

Going to end up suffering for that is Tyreek for sure and and so if you do that and then tyre’s numbers drop you’re in real trouble yeah and I think the other thing is the whole point of it is I would say by the time Tyreek Hill whenever it is

Two more years three more years that he’s got left in the tank um that’s when it’s you’re still gonna have a young in his prime jayen Wadd who going to give you some more years yeah you’re probably going to have to maybe have some overlap on when jayen w wants to get

Paid but I get the KN that that is there at corner because you’re gonna get rid of xaven Howard but here’s this was honestly my first reaction to the trade if I’m an AFC team why in God’s name am I gonna give Patrick Mahomes weapons right it’s the

Only hope you got he’s still doing it without weapons but now I’m going to go give him jayen Wadd if I if I’m a conference opponent I think that’s lunacy I don’t care what my cap situation is or what my need situation is giving that guy somebody with the

Talents of Jaylen Wadd seems insane to me here’s here’s the other um I get what you’re saying that doesn’t apply football as much it really doesn’t dude it really doesn’t dude it doesn’t apply the football that much it’s not like you trading a a a a a ace on a pitching

Staff or something like that or you trading you know a 20 20 and 10 guy in basketball that can make an immediate impact he would make an impact but not to the point where you all of a sudden got to be afraid of what you doing and hurting yourself I think

First of all I think it makes your offense a lot worse it it does I I the conversation off by saying that I know but you’re but I’m in addition you’re making you’re giv the best quarterback in the league who’s you already can’t beat now I’m solving his biggest problem

Now can I give you the other side of that what here’s the other side of that is that Patrick mommes is great okay but you got there because of your defense and what those that secondary did are you really willing to give up a piece on that defense so you

Can improve a offense that was already good enough to win a championship that’s where I I would have more of an issue with Kansas City doing it because the other teams all 31 other teams are gonna tweak the roster because they know what they gotta beat if you in

NFC you got to find a way to compete with San Fran right if you’re in the AFC you got to find a way to not only compete with Kansas City but Buffalo you gotta compete with uh the uh Ravens right and you’re you’re right there so how much stronger is that Gonna Make

You by getting rid of an offensive weapon for a def defensive weapon and keep in mind the only reason why I would even consider it from the Dolphins is because you got a lot of guys that rush the passer that’s going to be out so you better

Be you better be solid in the secondary when the season I get well first of all this is another thing that I would say is you know on on the doorstep of Chris they also have their draft Yeah my with Chris Greer is hey man they took a they

Took a a cornerback second round last year who didn’t sniff the field you’re bringing in a a DC that’s supposedly going to put more of a tilt towards Player Development that dude better be able to play I Can’t Go two years with your second round pick not playing at

All it could be a bad pick and and from what I was hearing that he has some issues coming out because he was supposed to be a first round pick he has that talent but it’s the other stuff right can we get you where

You need to be can we get you with the right frame of mind can we get your word worth work ethic to where we can depend on you those are all things that uh I have heard needs to improve to get him on the field but could you imagine though dude

If you if you like if the news hit today that the Dolphins had traded Jaylen Wadd to Patrick Mahomes like how people how how people would be going nuts oh it would be a clown show and people would be mocking the Dolphins for this and

It’s not and I get it like TR was an all bro he’s got he’s got more credentials right now as far as his position than Jaylen does as far as accolades are like Jaylen wles put up incredible numbers but I’m just saying the idea that you

Would go give You’ go give the goat and act you would solve his number one receiver issue here’s what I would also say if there’s been questions about the players that you’ve drafted I sure as hell wouldn’t trade a person that I drafted that’s playing well cuz messes with your numbers you

See what I’m saying M it messes with your numbers your good draft numbers so yeah I don’t know I don’t think I would do it I don’t think I would do it no I wouldn’t do it you’re but what were you mad at Vlad because

You uh you have this vad Vlad got his own problems come on back Vlad he’s he’s got his own issues that he’s mad at tanon bomb over but tanon bomb was just he’s like I got I got some crazy ideas I mean if if let’s let’s think of it this

Way if sorry I had to talk to the good to the great Joe Zaki oh here’s here’s what I would say what makes this very interesting is that you’re gonna be depleted defensively temporarily yes and you’re gonna need something to hold you over um and I look at it like this

Without that pass rush it don’t matter who you have in the secondary so whoever you bring in to replace X if you go that route how is he GNA help that defense if anything I would bring in a rush guy right to kind of hold down the

Fort guys get back or maybe it’s draft the guy something along those lines there’s been some suggestions of them going and getting some pass first helping the draft in the first round uh most I mean most of the mocks I see them going o o line gentlemen yes sir if you

Get rid of as good as that Dolphins offense is it’s because it’s sort of topheavy you got Tyreek you got Wadd you got mostard you got CH you got a like come on now you get rid of wad that offense is not the same yeah your next

Next options are not are not that great the I know you’re I know you’re banged up defensively Leroy but right but here’s what I would say about that here’s what I would say about that and and again let me reiterate I would not do it I wouldn’t

Do it I wouldn’t do it either but sometimes in these situations they evaluate from top to bottom at the position and they may think they they have a way or a player or players that can pick up that slack that we don’t feel maybe as good about right and

And I’ll give you an example o line this past year when we came into the year we had a lot of question marks with guys who hadn’t performed and the old line held up pretty good and it was basically with the same guys even with injuries they

Still held up pretty good so they knew something about that old line and the people developing and the people coming up that we did not nor did we expect because we thought that was gonna be a problem but who’s gonna be the guy they trust Chase Claypool no I don’t know

That’s what I’m I’m not saying I’m not I don’t know of a specific player yeah but I’m saying based on what they did with the offensive line have they earned a little Street Credit with the game plan that they came about dealing with that offensive line and how productive the offensive line

Was I’m not saying I would do it but they also we also kind of raised the eyebrow when they really didn’t do anything with the offensive line what yeah which they’re probably gonna do this year I mean they might lose Robert hunt so they they’re gonna

Have to probably listen to tanom man no we’re not but I’m just listen you still it’s that time of year Vlad absolutely stinks hey that time of year where you got to kick the tires on a lot of things I get it but it’s some ties you don’t

Need to kick this tell tell tell tell Leroy what what tab bomb also tab bomb’s genius idea is the jet should make a trade with the Denver Broncos to have Russell Wilson as the backup of Aaron Rogers what exactly the backup the backup exactly the the $40 million

Backup ex yep so you pay you gonna pay what what 75 million to your quarterback that’s tanon but what what so so wait a minute hold on exactly also like didn’t go great for Russ andani right clearly he doesn’t think that’s what I’m saying don’t listen to

This man can I can I say this he’s a now the Cleveland Browns and the New York Jets had very similar situations both had a very good run game both had very good defense and both had a quarterback that they thought was gonna get them over the HT one guy got hurt four

Play waad hold up one second Cleveland went through five quarterbacks they won still made the play did a great job I get that okay but I’m saying but I’m saying that maybe all those Jets pieces weren’t as good as we thought could be and so I’m not gonna risk trading any assets and

Giving up picks when you probably got to go a little deeper into you know replacing or getting better at positions than you previously thought I’m not giving up anything I gotta keep building well so that’s a move point we a no is Russell not gonna get

Cut oh I think he probably is I think they’re rats off a ship on him for sure they over they they they’re so over the cap is ridiculous but like do you imagine how crazy that is like do you know what a distraction it would be to have Russell

Wilson as your backup to Aaron Rogers who’s already a distraction well Russell he’s gonna be the third man on like he’s not even gonna be the most important person in his family wow cararo would take over New York she’ll be on The View and all of that do Broadway shows the

Whole nine uh one man who was always a great person to trade for was Bernie Kar Leroy just tell us uh what old Burn’s got going on with his Kar coffee yes sir I’m back to my Kar coffee and they have Kar coffee in Vegas and and believe me

There were a couple of nights where I needed to get a little pickme up but now I can get my Kart coffee because it has a little bit extra it has some vitamin D and Resveratrol which is Nature’s Miracle antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and this combination

Is exclusive to only coar C cfee and is a perfect way to start your only journey to healthier life now I’ve told you all the stuff that Bernie’s been through with the 40 surgeries and the 100 concussions and now he’s into what he puts in his body so that’s why he

Created this coffee there’s more you can go to Kar coffee and get you some apparel that’s Kosar and get an exclusive discount use cold Leroy and as Bernie says you deserve to be healthy because you m matter with Tobin and Leroy all right it’s time to mix it on up here

On Tobin and Leroy on a hump day frog boy who’s mixing it up for us today got some stuff for you here today manically his mixed bad but I’ve been telling Vlad we’ve been we’ve been marveling at this JJ reick who is unhinged unhinged JJ reck’s gone wild

Bro he really has uh the mixed bag by the way brought To Us by Broward Health well into your future so I don’t know if you heard this Leroy this happened during our show yesterday so I’ll play this clip for you but JJ reick has had

It with Doc Rivers has had it with Doc Rivers now remember JJ reck used to play for Doc Rivers play with him on the Clippers yeah uh during the Lob City days with uh Blake rer now he was not part of the lobs he was part of the the

Shooting he was but uh here was JJ Reck yesterday on first take just taking a blowtorch to Doc Rivers side note real quick no one’s going to react to Doc’s audio there we’ve been seven minutes since we showed that audio nobody’s going to react to Doc’s audio do you

Want me to get it for you to repeat it I’ve seen the trend now I’ve seen the trend for years what’s the trend the trend is always making excuses get doc we get it taking over a team in the middle of the season is hard it’s

Hard we get it just like getting traded in the middle of season is is hard for a player we get it but it’s always an excuse It’s always throwing your team under the bus they lose to Memphis oh it’s his players Memphis was playing g- League guys and two-way guys you look at

His quotes over the weekend now he wants to take credit for the James Harden trade to the Clippers working out he wants credit for that there just no there’s never accountability with that guy there’s never accountability there you go JJ reick unhinged at Doc Riv doc what do you have to say to

That I’m I’m I’m appled I’m Bamboozled speechless I don’t know what to say about this guy well we’ll allow his son to respond Austin Rivers also works for ESPN still has his voice though uh still has his voice soon as he start coaching he gonna be like a young do Riv I not

See why my daddy lost my voice lost voice do you remember uh Vlad do you remember who Austin Rivers told uh Orlando’s my city you got to come see me do you remember who that was who who he was talking to I want to say was it

Paulo he said that too I don’t think he was playing for the magic at the time no oh let me find out hold on we gotta figure that out but anyway do you have Austin Rivers Austin Rivers yesterday on NBA today uh stuck up for his old pops against JJ

Reck to take off for my dad he’s a grown man he could do his own thing uh but in this regard I just simply don’t agree with it um for someone who’s not accountable he seems to always be held responsible considering he’s a guy that’s always fired when things don’t go

Right he got fired in the bubble uh for a 3-1 lead versus the Denver Nuggets which in half his team didn’t want to be there they had players saying that their mind wasn’t there he had guys leave that happened then he gets fired for losing to a team that was favored over him

Which was the Celtics last year um seems like he’s always responsible it’s just a strange coming from JJ and I have some love for JJ you’re my dookie you know that you’re my bro I love you um it’s just you’re best years were with the Clippers I don’t think he saved your

Career I appreciate you Pat but I don’t think it I mean I this just seems a little bit weird they they’re three and seven Dam’s missed most of those games Middleton’s missed a lot of those games they haven’t even had their full team yet we’ll see what happens the pressure is there they

Do have to perform but in terms of accountability like what are we doing here your best years in the NBA where when you played for him in the Clippers let’s not forget that I don’t know if there’s like frustration there or there’s tension there between you I know

A lot of times we had to sit you towards the end of the game due to defensive reasons but you had your best years as a starter there especially our whole system was drafted around you because you’re a shooter you’re not a guy who could put the ball on the floor you a

Strictly shoot guy you’re not like Klay Thompson or Steph who could put the ball on the floor you a guy who could catch and shoot and you did it at a high level hell of a career by the way big fan but your best years were under him it’s just

Very ironic and kind of weird that you have this energy towards him in terms of him never ever being accountable considering he’s always been responsible all right there you go Austin Rivers yesterday responding def I gotta tell you that’s kind of factual he said things that but here’s what happens but here’s what

Happens there’s really nothing that a coach can say in those moments that’s not gonna point the finger more at him and have people comment on his his issues they’re not g to look at the reality of the situation right here’s all we know about Milwaukee they were number two SE

While playing no defense they were still winning right and now they’re three and seven now you can look at all the circumstances surrounding it but then you’re G to seem like a Doc Rivers apologist right kind of like his son does or you could go scorched Earth and

Not look at those situations and it’s going to seem like you got an issue with Doc Rivers why can’t we just call it for what it is well yeah but but like look whatever you want to say about JJ reck’s career his point is true the guy has made a ton of

Excuses for what he has made out to seem like a bad situation most coaches when they take over say it was a bad situation it was a bad situation he wouldn’t take it Leroy he said when he took the I wouldn’t wish this on most people yeah to coach a two-time MVP and

One of the greatest Shooters we’ve ever seen in Damen Lillard and you were number two in the East it’s a crazy thing to say most coaches would would would sign up for that in a heartbeat but you got to understand why he said it yeah I want because he said it because

The only thing that can the only thing that can happen in that situation that he takes over is bad there’s nothing good if they end up winning the championship it was like okay you took over a team that was number two in the conference you should have did that the

Only thing that can come out of this is negative and so that’s why you could keep up with what you were doing like if there really was some type with all this with all the circumstances with d missing all the games and with listen I’m not I’m not doc R apologist he made

It seem like Damen Lillard’s missed all the Damen Lillard I think missed two games at do rivers like midet out Middleton’s been out but not Dame Dame hasn’t missed all these games okay he’s making it seem like he’s never had Dame in all of this not all right the other

Here’s the other thing I would say to his critique he’s like well my got blamed for losing in the bubble losing a 3-1 lead because the players didn’t want to be here hey man that’s that’s part of the coach that’s part job that’s what his job is is to have them and motivated

To be there well you were motivated enough for them to win three games all they had to do is win one simple damn game the the other thing the other thing that I would say is is that basketball is the hardest sport when it comes to this right that the inmates run the

Asylum so if any one player the wrong player gets a bad Vibe it m matriculates through the through the team and so as a coach you got to keep that one player motivated which is Doc’s job yeah that’s what he’s supposed to be player connector right so so from that standpoint

Yeah is it’s gonna it’s we we can you can take whatever side of this you want right I would say this if you’re trying to make a team play a different way in the middle of the season this is how it’s G to look for a

While do we disagree on that it’s not going to look smooth because you’re asking them to change who they’ve been for half the season now the other circumstances yeah I get but the reality of it is when you chain who you are I give you we have a perfect example down

Here with Maurice yes do we not I yeah but I didn’t feel like Maurice is not the excuse machine that that no no again that Doc Rivers has been cing it’s one thing but here’s the thing it’s one thing to struggle it’s another to struggle and then you got a n 100

Reasons as to why it’s it’s struggling here’s what I would say here’s what I would here’s what I would say and I know this is probably not good for what we do okay I don’t care about what a coach has to say about the circumstances I don’t we know what the

Circumstances are okay this was not going to be a smooth transition by no means you’re asking God who didn’t care about defense to all of a sudden start playing defense and playing a true though Leroy they have two defensive all defensive players on their team like uh Brook Lopez and and

Giannis has won the Defensive Player of the Year Award right okay again but you don’t think you so you think that that change of system and and whatever should happen smoothly it was already smooth they had the second best record of the East yeah but they didn’t that’s the thing I think

Here’s the thing that I think people have a tough concept with is okay you’re acting like they came into a broken situation if you would if you would have come into a situation let’s say the Bucks were struggling and they couldn’t get it together okay maybe docs got

Something to him he comes in here saying wouldn’t want this situation to anybody be like you guys are behind the Celtics that’s it dude what’s the problem no I got and I think that’s where JJ reick is like this is probably early similar to what people used to say about Lob City

Stack team full of talent why the hell can’t oh it’s every excuse Under the Sun it’s something he’s used to hearing about and that people got to go poking fun of JJ reck’s career which was a decent career I mean like see I also I also hate that right and and I hate

That instead of like listening because I I listen to what JJ reick had to say right and and and I heard it and and and I understand what what he’s saying but when you talk about a coach that get fired he’s being held accountable right

Um but it’s not only JJ reic though no I knowers that but but I’m saying this I hate when we take analysts right and instead of listening to what they have to say we start criticizing their career and one has nothing to do with what he’s it really

Has nothing to do with it it has and so and so and and and so I would also say this though to criticize a coach when you played your best basketball under him seems weird well I think there’s probably some quibbling with that too like he had good

Philadelphia right right like I don’t like so I don’t know all I know is this I didn’t expect it to go smoothly right and so when he got the job I thought there’ be some bumps in the road and I thought they fall back a little bit just because you’re trying to

Get them to to play the way you want to play and they haven’t been playing that way and it’s gonna take some time I don’t know how much time I’m not saying that that’s an excuse but I’m saying that going into it that’s what I thought

Did I think it was gonna look like this I don’t know well my I’m saying I didn’t think they were gonna be seven and three yeah but my thing with with Doc Rivers is Doc Rivers you know won a championship many years ago at the Celtics and yeah you want to say he’s

Been held accountable like he had a very long run with the Clippers with a tumultuous situation with the the weirdo owner with Donald Sterling and all that before uh you know the the the less creepy weirdo and Steve Balmer took over but he’s always gotten good jobs you

Know he’s absolutely he’s gotten handed some pretty he’s gotten handed a lot of All Stars a lot of MVP candidates yes and they have not gone very far he he’s been able to cherry pick his jobs and I think here’s what the question should be and I and it’s a fair

Assessment based on what Doc Rivers has accomplished in his coaching career is he the guy that should have cart blanch in any job he wants no okay that is and I think that is the issue that people are having it’s not and and then on top of it is making it

Seem like you’ve been put in a bad situation which I don’t think he was I don’t think he I think you know what to be I don’t think thinks he’s in a bad situation I wouldn’t wish this on anyone the circumstances I don’t think it’s a bad job

Though no I don’t think if he thought it was that bad of a job he wouldn’t have taken it well right again he’s been able for reasons I can’t explain and and if you have a question with this I have no problem with with it is based

On what he’s done in his coaching career how is he the guy that everybody goes to to play Captain sa you know what glad you know you know the song Captain sa garden tool yeah look up in the sky it’s a bird it’s a plane take a break back after this h wo

Ah welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you it’s get to the team of the day man your Florida Panthers and some cat talk brought To Us by friends over at Celsius hockey fans don’t sit this one out when it’s game time make Celsius a part of

Your play and get that energy up game day is fueled by Celsius essential energy drinks the official energy drink of your Florida pit this SE you got that fruit punch yes oh that’s good is good there’s a new one that’s there’s a new one I see on their

Instagram I think it’s Galaxy Vibe but I haven’t seen it yet I haven’t seen it in stores so I’m wait that is Galaxy Vibe no this is Cosmic Vibe way different I’ve seen it I don’t know what the flavor is because I’m watermelon something you know I’m all look here that

Peach that peach is for change my life change your life the peach and the the uh Cherry Apple those two right there that’s wood yeah galaxy Vibe what the hell what flavor is this it’s sparkling strawberry watermelon that’s hey glad that sounds not hey let me just put it I got it let

Me tell put it this way not an intangible flavor they going non intangible flavors got fruit punch you got watermelon hey they just might as well just do this they might as well hey come on it’s okay well say it’s like Arizona it’s Arizona yeah I’m I’mma say this I’m

Black and I like watermelon hi Leroy they so what ain’t nothing wrong with that I ain’t afraid to admit it and then you throw some strawberry in there come on the cats are rolling right now they win last night in overtime 32 ever SE Leroy by the way when is he

Playing is he playing soon twer well yeah I would assume he was supposed to start I mean like he was supposed to be back conditioning so that might take three weeks let’s see when do they play tomorrow they play tomorrow against the Knicks oh okay there you go oh you know what the

Problem is though he got Brunson on the other side Philly’s favorite in that game really without Joel surprising I tell you what that maxy is something special he’s fast oh my goodness but it it’s like Vlad it’s not even that he’s fast he’s fast can stop and pull the

Prettiest pull up J and it just looks effortless and that’s what the thing that’s how the speed kills you well the thing you should definitely do is give the ball take it out of his hands and give it to another speed St Kyle Lowry hey so Vlad you know what our bet is

Right Vlad you know what our bet is right what’s the bet that he’ll have 50 points in six games in six games wait you think kyar is gonna have 50 points in total in six games that’s right Leroy Leroy is Leroy has to have him at 50

Points in six games uh if he does it I throw the dark Bard do if he doesn’t Leroy throws you you’re expecting KY lry to average nearly nine points a game in these next exactly because I’m I’m guessing this he thinks he’s coming out guns blazing with no Joel yeah because

All he gonna do is spot up three I don’t know if anybody uh is afraid of uh BBL like that anymore he just doesn’t shoot it’s not about afraid like he just doesn’t do it okay just sits there he runs around he takes charges I would say this run and this

Was this is what I I’ve said that I think he reads he tries to read the circumstance too much instead of playing basketball right and but he can still do it well one team that’s doing it right now is the cats it’s here from Paul Maurice after the overtime win yesterday

Panthers cool as the other side of the pillow as my man would say yep he rest in peace yep rest in peace he made a good decision because the the angle wasn’t there originally and he waited for it and showed some patience and then so he’ taken the shot earlier if he had

Taken the shot in the original angle we wouldn’t think too much of the opportunity uh but he showed real good presence there because the goal he dropped on that probably expecting a pass across the crease and that was pretty fine shot so good for him your teammates found so many different ways

To win games over these last several games uh what yeah but none of them prior were was was poorly right we hadn’t like played poorly in one today we did so um that was we’re not that’s not like another style that we’d like to kind of nail down we’ve been really good

We’ve played very very well we weren’t very good tonight and you I think you can almost feel it coming you score nine the game before and you score in the first minute and and it’s just you know finding that it felt a little bit like

The first game back off a road trip you know we’ve talked about in the past but it’s not something we’ve really suffered from so we just weren’t very good and I mean this as a positive it’s a good thing when you have that many

Guys bad if you have one or two guys are off then you’re kind of you half your team’s right that’s that but when you have a a group that’s not as good or not really close to where we would expect them to play there’s something else

There um I think we got a pretty good handle on so found a way to win a game when things were not easy for us and our goal tender was very good and uh you know there was a play in the late in the third where Anton really really back

Checked hard and and it won’t get noticed but he killed the play in the corner then broke the thing out and and that’s why he went over in overtime because he had done something good you know he had kind of it’s not about earning it even you as a coach you’re

Thinking who’s got a chance right Lundy was going in the third period so good for him I I would say not not thrilled with the effort but happy with the win I would say they were up to they were up to nothing going to third period guys I

Think he said but you know what he is right though like you come off a game where you score nine against the lightning and then 20 seconds into your game you get up one one nothing on the think you’re score nine again like easy from your defenseman too right I would I

Would say that one of the things that has been so impressive that in years past they would have lost this game five2 right because they wer they weren’t playing well and and and the goalie wasn’t covering up all the mistakes but what bosski has done this

Year is every time Paul Maurice has said those words we didn’t play our best game and we found a way to win it all started with bosi he uh there was a one of those those Panthers they put out a stat today on Bob because there was times where wait

Tell me about this year when they’re playing poorly there were times where Bob stopped open two on ones right open shots and then he go he’s like yeah hey guys what are we doing he’s uh yeah Panthers PR tweeted out today serg babski 28 saves last night against

Ottawa to earn his seventh consecutive win behind only Roberto Lang Longo’s niname streak in the 20156 for longest in Panthers history but brovsky has not allowed more than two goals in any of his seven wins yeah that boy’s hot right now he’s hot right now and and here’s the kicker more

Importantly that’s what you need in the playoffs right absolutely so oh they don’t go as far without him last year he was my question my question is and and from what we know about him and from what everybody tells us about him this is not just gonna die we get to the

Playoffs no he works he’s he’s a he’s a machine no he works out like crazy works out like crazy he loves playing he doesn’t like being he doesn’t like days off I mean it’s not a young guy either like he doesn’t care though he’s he you wouldn’t know it because he looks he

Looks pretty youthful he doesn’t have that that he has that that that boyish Siberian Uh Russian look he’s the friendliest looking Russian you’ve ever seen in your life he is and more importantly he has had no contact with Tobin the media day hey so so that’s it is it is it one

Of those things like for example for example if Steph plays the first game of a back toback and he’s scheduled to have off but he makes 10 threes doesn’t he want to keep playing because I think that’s what like Bob gets in a Groove and he’ll almost go to

Ex exhaustion and have to force him to take a night off he does not like taking kns off right but stolar has been playing great too so yeah there’s a there’s a comfort level there right now with the with what they got in the back

Of but last night I don’t think that has nothing to do with Bob oh oh look oh he quau him with a good that might have been the second best punch uh I’ve seen since uh UFC in 298 man oh man K Chuck how many times you

Think uh Matthew is sending that to Brady last night V just the still shot boom you think Matthew sending him his dad is sending it you got you got roughed up by the goalie dude hey so Tobin I’m sorry because I was keep in mind during during the uh

UFC yeah I was on a plane yeah yeah so what happened what was what main event uh at Vulcan oi he got knocked out in the second round was he was he favorite it he wasn’t a favorite SL he was slight slight favorite it had flipped that that

Line was flipping a lot okay um but toore uh pretty good first round between both of them pretty even but Toria just walked his ass down and just hit him up against the cage he hits him with this hellacious right right on the chin and that that ruined good day mate let me

Tell you how bad the punch was bro you know when you get knocked out and you act hey why is the back of that person’s head bleeding I think he didn’t get hit in the back of the head that’s how oh my goodness so brutal he got

Blood from the back from the fall he got yeah from the fall I don’t know if his head hit the k I don’t know if his head hit the the the you know the mat but you he got he was Dazed like for a minute like for more than a minute like couple

Good couple minutes and then when they showed him you like you look at the back of his bald head it’s like oh wow it’s a like this the one thing with the sport that’s so brutal and there’s this whole thing about there’s this a stat now

About fighters who are 35 and older are now I think uh in title fights winless from 55 pounds uh 15 15 and under in title fights but this guy goes from he has this fight against makev where he’s about to become the 155 Champion I thought he won the fight I

Thought he won right by decision loses a razor thin decision comes back defends his title at featherweight then takes makev on 10 days notice but he’s drinking every other day not in shape for this fight he says he’s C he’s a crazy Australian gets head kicked and then he goes you know

What I’mma take this fight on two months notice probably too soon to come back from a head KCK but he doesn’t care and now you suffered two Knockouts your first two knockout losses of your career in the span of three months and you’re talking about the pound-for-pound best

Fighter on the planet because Jon Jones wasn’t really active when he was fighting right and now he’s now he’s you know gotta search and GA you think and and and and I don’t know if they would do this you think there should be some kind of mandatory rule for either a

Knockout um or a a a brutal fight where the commission comes in and say will do that at least you need at least three or six months or you you know what I mean I I understand like this is tough for a fighter because this how they make their

Money it’s prize fighting but because you see what happens as they get older should the commission step in and say we need to put more of a delay on these fights and not just have these guys fighting every three months to get or every two months or taking fights on

Short notice to to to to to get the money they will do things called medical suspensions but I don’t know how strict they are like I don’t know how hard it is to get away from hey no no no I’m good and they’ll wave it so so they do

Try and do stuff like that but it’s not always uh I say the only video I could finally were on Twitter because a lot of them been scrubbed is this one where uh usman’s reacting to The Knockout he’s been there recently he’s another one like th Usman was this close I think to

Match in gsp’s resume this mother bleep and I say that like 45 seconds away K head kick now he’s lost three of four oh my good it’s brutal anyway take a quick break 15 minutes of heat is next 15 minutes of heat is sponsored by Kendall Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram start

The new year in a new ride with no payments for 90 days Kendall Dodge welcome back toin and Leroy here with you 15 minutes heat for your ass right here on 560 wqm oh hello Jennifer Jennifer got screwed me because because I told you

When I went to Vegas the first time when I went with toes I didn’t know what size shirt so I text you and I was going past the Harley-Davidson’s store and it was closed off for remodeling I think Harley Davidson just doesn’t like me man

Well so did you get her anything no I was gonna get a Davidson shirt that was the whole thing uh Miami Heat they’ll be back in action on Friday against the pels New Orleans Pelicans he got a tough little road trip to start off they got

They got the Pelicans and they got hey don’t lose to the Trailblazers okay we we got some Joe Cronin making fun of to do when we get there oh and God knows your narrative needs to stay stay of course of course I need N I need Nico and Hae

Having big nights that night just just to rub it in just to rub it in his nose then you got the Kings and then they they’re gonna end the road trip with a loss to the Nuggets I’m just calling it right now you don’t oh step road trip oh

Yeah is it a back to back no it’s not but ending the road trip with the Nuggets it’s no they’re not remember used to always be a backto back oh second night of a back yeah they get that more than anybody the the Nuggets they get that more than anybody it’s

It’s ridiculous the heat will be back practicing uh Leroy talked about this a little early in the week did you see while you were in Vegas the heat made a signing they signed Delon Wright they signed derell Wright’s little brother does nothing for you defensive minded guard he could

Steals the ball a lot he could come punch me in the face and I wouldn’t know who he was they put out a video yoy him in the corner with dunks and Nico lighting it up in the heat facility yeah sh you know what’s funny and we’ve seen

This you’ll be amazed that how many threes a person can make just shooting them with no people I’m talking everybody what is he doing now now he reads my message I just saw oh my God that was an hour ago I just saw it my bad

Notice just trying to do it the video producer says to do yeah okay but try wasn’t an hour ago she said it 10 minutes ago I’m not checking the channel time my bad it’s a long time but I was busy I was cutting stuff

Up my bad I said my bad what sound would we did we uh get all the sound we needed or we still uh yeah I think we got all the time we needed I got some more Doc Rivers excuses if you want to hear that

No I’m good I don’t I don’t want to because I don’t want to see um I don’t want to feel like I’m being apologetic for Doc Rivers because I’m really not right I think a lot of times the situation and the circumstances are what they are and people talk and make them worse

Right and and and I think this is might this might be the situation that Doc Rivers is in because he has to talk every day that he’s trying to give explanations and the problem is is that nobody wants to hear that because they’re three and seven and and and so

If he just I don’t I don’t know like you have to have the makeup to answer everything like SPO a lot of coaches don’t how SPO answers things and goes about things is unique and I think people don’t really understand that like when you have a conversation with all coaches they all

Kind of Hell who was it the coach that threw uh his whole team under the bus say we uh talking about Chris Finch had that uh that game with the w With The Wolves where he said immature and his yeah we scor where uh Town Tom scored uh

What 62 mm-hm right so lost though he was right right but but I’m just saying like I think certain people and sports and certain coaches and players just no matter what they say it gets everybody going I think Doc is one of those people so I just try to look at the

Situation and and and I always had in my mind that this wasn’t going to be a smooth transition look it it’s fine he can make all excuses he want all the all that need to know is he took it on the chin right before the All-Star break

Because Nia yovic uh throttled him and the inevitable is happening which is the Miami Heat are going to be the three seed okay they they’re right there they’re nipping out everybody’s heels people don’t want to know this people don’t want they want to IGN this Jimmy Butler’s coming back with an absolute

Vengeance and I don’t know what to tell you guys like I I we tried to make this case last week when you guys you know were were going for oh success is great when Success is Not great it’s a liar and so we’re going to get to the point

Where fell for it welcome back Leroy he set up that’s why I that’s why I Dr the coffee I was like he set you up because you you’ve been you’re a little rusty took a drink Cofe so he wouldn’t comment right and I fell for it dang

Turned away last7 games as a matter of fact I think that’s the reason why he put the blinds down cuz he was ready for this that’s why I’m just letting you guys look it’s it’s it’s the 27 game tuneup for the real deal all right and

Myi he got a pretty light schedule the rest of the way all right pretty light schedule that don’t mean nothing with this team though you know that I know they Mator you know hey you okay okay hold on the thing that’s great about the Heat and that sucks about the heat is what

I’m about to say they can beat anybody in the National Basketball Association and lose to anybody in the National Basketball Association and it’s both exhilarating and frustrating at the same time yeah but that was before the Breakthrough and the Breakthrough is we do this every dude we’ve been doing this

For for a few years stop I’m not I don’t have just just one season of of of of uh history here we’ve been saying this for a while and so when we get to the playoffs you have this angst I don’t have the angst this year I think that

Wait wait wait wait it’s not that I don’t have confidence okay here’s what I’m telling you and this is real I have The Angst because they’ve beaten the best teams in the league and they’ve lost to the worst and anytime you have that you always have angst when they

Play a basketball game because you just don’t know definely what they’re gonna do I feel like they’ve put a lot of their woses behind them and so I since when since the break since the seven game losing streak all right they’ve turned it around okay I they’ been six and two one

Of those losses wasn’t a true loss okay and and and Vlad here’s what kills me about this guy right after I just said what I said you make points you didn’t say something wasn’t a true loss it wasn’t a true loss okay all right is it on the is there a

Quicker number on the ELC for that Heat team on that game that game it’s a loss but it’s not a true loss like we all know Vlad like you got you know even Ben Stiller your guy was out there one day and I forget who they the Knicks had

Lost to but I think it was the Lakers and he should be like should be the headline Lakers beat depleted Nicks I’m like oh look Ben Stiller he’s out there and he’s saying not a true loss so then Philadelphia say that is not a true loss

With Joel and beid out yes no because Jimmy Butler was out you got to go tit fortat that that’s how you determin so for example the Celtics they had their full their full boat when they beat the so that lost not a true loss Jimmy was out Terry

Roier went down Jay Rich but then they beat wait but then they beat a good team with all their guys out of course it’s different when you get the game plan this is why I can’t have grown-up conversation with you if you have time to plan for it then yeah and the Miami

Heat by the way it took him down to the wire the only reason they they won that game was because of a BS rebounding foul you know and let’s not forget about it we we we may have lost that game I I have never here’s how can I put

This this may come out a little sketchy be nice I’ve never loved somebody so much and wanted to kick their ass at the same time why you do this to me on a daily basis we may have lost that Celtics game but it but we won the mental Warfare

Because Duncan Robinson embarrassed Jay I don’t give a rat’s ass about mental Warfare win loss add him up at the end and let’s go n I’m telling you right now dude we we we took a piece of the Celtics with that day did he’s still shaking up Jaylen Brown embarrassed

Himself Allstar by the way by the way I was on a plane watching the dunk contest can I just tell you Jaylen you can’t dunk and then cover your face he went like this he went I’m like we see what you doing it’s incredible it was went from a dunk to a

Dab it was was the singlehanded worse meanwhile you got mclung spinning around boom and and he does I’m like oh all right let’s let’s get let’s that terrible even more upset it’s a it’s a a shame that they P pushed Jaylen Brown to the final know while Hae had better

Dunks I know Jaylen Brown yes it’s Celtic you know it’s it’s ridiculous I I told you yesterday it was like it’s like a boxer who has the promoter and the judge in his back pocket you know the best you know the best part of the NBA Allstar Weekend

Was yes Sabrina versus Steph Yes that awesome that was UN because keep in mind she shot from NBA 3 I know right I I mean it like oh my goodness he tied the high score of everybody in the contest Steph was the only guy who had higher score right

Everybody their high score that day was 26 that that oh my goodness it was amazing just watching it and then watching Steph right and you look at that Steph making these shots you go oh he good he the best like there’s no doubt no that’s let me tell you how great Steph

Is Dame left that weekend with the three-point title and allstar MVP yet he left there as the second greatest shooter yeah in that build right that’s what he’s loved his life with damn stuff see this damn stuff it was am it was amazing wasn’t it crazy did oh did I like the LED

Court it seemed like I should have been on that Vlad while I was watching it take a break R up game six rats off a ship oh man time to get to our favorite Wednesday game r before that though if you guys want to go get a meet and greet an autograph and

A photo with haime hakz Jr at Hollywood collectibles on Sunday March 3 you guys could text the word Miami to 20357 that’s Miami to 20357 and you just might win you can’t wait to win go to Hollywood to purchase tickets it’s a text contest message and data

Rates may apply if you guys want to go see haime hakz Jr I gotta catch you I saw our boy Wes Goldberg wrote a feature for him for the ringer the ringer on highe Haw guys I gotta go check that out for my boy Wes I’m sure it’s great um Leroy what’s up

Are you ready to hear rats off a ship from Jennifer of course jfig what do we got for rats off a ship today all right guys we spoke about him earlier Russell Wilson on the Steelers according to Chad Johnson he’s heard that there is interest in Pittsburgh really yeah lot

Of this because it feels like most of the fodder has been Justin fields to the Steelers Russell Wilson to the Steelers I would take Justin Fields I’m rats off a ship on it I can’t see rats off a ship for whatever reason Russ and Tomlin does not seem like a

Match for me right does not you feel like you got like one of the realest against a phony in Russ I don’t feel like they would vibe very well here’s what I would say we have a situation with Russ where we call it feeling yourself that is you came into the

League all humble you start winning and then you start feeling yourself and you thought you need to be something that you’re not right and the players the coaches anybody who has long has a longl lasting career has done one thing stay true to who they are improve who they are but at

The end you always knew who they were what what they were about and and that is what consistency is in not only football but all sports in life which is one of the problems when remember I told you one of the problems I had with Josh

Allen when he was talking about oh I’m gonna be more of a pocket passor you ain’t never been a pocket passor yeah you are who you are right and so from that standpoint he’s got to be who he is he has always been a quarterback that extended plays take shots down the field

And made things happen with his legs and with his arm because he has a good arm right when all of a sudden he tried to play Tom Brady quarterback that ain’t what he does and so for him to act like he’s that dude and can do that

Is being unfair to his career and anybody who would think that that’s what he could be so somebody yeah somebody will take a chance on him because he definitely wasn’t as bad last year but you’re saying he wasn’t bad last year he wasn’t as bad as he was his

First his first year Endeavor he was aw can I add another variable to it there’s a lot of people that’s been having a problem with his attitude yeah lock room well that’s why I don’t think him and Tomlin would would bu so so not only we talk about the things that I just

Mentioned but now we talk about and I haven’t heard this firsthand but this is what you’re hearing yeah that’s what you’ve heard for a while you know from the attitude which is LIN of feeling yourself highest stepping on a plane right so so so yeah so so so yeah

When can I just tell you when a player says something like that I lik the way when a player says when a player says something like that the other players look at him like are you serious dude come on where are your Rats on this Jay

Fig they’re swimming yeah I think we all rats off the chip I I don’t know rats off ship I think the team that’ll take a flyer on Russell Wilson is gonna be a team that’s in the same situation that Denver was in yeah yeah Atlanta he should go

Home he should go Sierra Atlanta Atlanta goingon to draft a quarterback yeah but all right but you you g to draft a quarterback and throw him right now or you going to draft a quarterback I don’t want here here’s the deal you think Russell Wilson gonna come

And hold the fort down till you develop a quarterback if that’s what you thinking you don’t need Russell Wilson right if a team that’s gonna bring Russell Wilson in is a team that thinks he’s going to play for three or four years so like he ain’t holding at that

Amount of money he ain’t holding things holding things down for a couple years Vlad where are your rats oh I’m rats off the ship on this man rats off the ship what are you showing me on TV here Vlad are you showing me the kid stripping Jaylen Brown at no they showed

Uh yic and his daughter at an avalanche game and you know joic was uh was he having fun yeah he was having fun good for him they’re doing they’re doing everything they can in Denver to keep yic happy can I tell you can I tell you something I don’t care how

Miserable I don’t care how miserable my day is if I’m doing something with my daughter even if I’m having a bad day I’m faking it oh yeah man you know what I’m saying so you you like yeah uhuh no you you don’t want baby girl to ever

Think Daddy having a bad day my daughter my daughter loves the Panthers man that’s her favorite to go to she’s Badger me to go uh what do we got for number two JF Pig Machine Gun Kelly I don’t know if you’ve heard of him but he has a new

Tattoo still with Megan still with Megan still Megan Fox yes he has a tutu and Megan a tattoo with Megan Fox are they drinking each other’s I think that’s how they said they were engaged I don’t know I was excluded from that conversation a long time ago I have no interest in finding

Out but this is a tattoo tangibles the caption reads for Spiritual purposes only and is this man what in the world is this hold on dude hold on okay is he allowed to do that no he’s not what are the rules here I don’t know I’mma tell you what the rules are you

Can’t go in Irish and come out African that’s what the rules are this man came in Irish now he looks like a Spiderman swung from the stair that’s that’s that’s the rules okay he looks like burnt toast that’s the opp so that’s a trend now and I don’t really

Understand this what I don’t get they don’t want to be they don’t want to be tangible and then all of a sudden they do everything they can to be a tangible right from music to dancing they already have street cred as a rapper the man is trying to be black

Spider-Man how he started out what happened to this guy Leroy you know what he’s Cleveland you need to defend this can I just say this like look hold on I’mma try to be I mean like like hold on TW you’re great man here here’s the thing you can’t just undo that

No right so there’s not a thinner there’s not a rag I you oh unless he unless he get that Michael Jackson you don’t got vato whatever that this that that that condition is I honestly I also do see the thing where you said Spider-Man because of his arms

Like on it like right now he going to Spring a wh he looks like Venom yeah Venom there you go Venom got everything but his midsection but like but like when he says for Spiritual purposes no did you not see the cross what what did

You guys see the cross though I did see the cross but like can I just say this when you do stuff like this to your body and that’s like the people that get they face tatted up and and all this right you gotta go home to

Mama right doing here I don’t care what I do like when he comes I still gotta go home to Mama yeah what is does Megan Fox just say brilliant MGK or does she say I always wanted to be with a black man H yeah probably this is our way of being

Interracial this say blame Eminem why Eminem oh because a long time ago I forgot who started it but someone wrote about of them in the song it was a then they went ahead and they just went back and forth in disses yeah they they the joke

Is Eminem made him switch genres well he made him switch colors right now apparently so D I mean so he made him go from rap to emo but I don’t claim him as emo guys we don’t claim him in rap we’re not claiming him as a Brother D sa says

This is the reverse Sammy Sosa yeah so what do we so so we like we I’m I’m wondering would have you looked through the comments I mean um you can’t really understand them actually I can go I can go check like on his actual page because

Those are the ones that came up on his IG but uh what is he machine well for those who have not seen this tattoo basically he had his body’s basically head to toe tattoos and he decided to go over and black out his top half

And his oh wait it look like it’s on his lower half too though no I think he’s wearing pants no I think that’s pants oh is that why you were concerned yeah I’m like wow that’s why I said all he left was his core he committed he committed yeah that’s a commitment There

He Man Hey listen wow hey can I just say I’m I’m so rats off a ship that hey this is this is just not no like he has found a way to bring black people and white people together because everybody pissed I just like one guy named Dylan Portell

Who goes okay I can’t defend this guy anymore right that did he he he pissed all Races off right not a lot of positive results on these these comments Leroy oh I I I mean I get like but but oh man you know what I hope he’s

Happy with the results of his tattoo because that is Regret totally rats off a ship dude rats off a ship as well it’s gonna cost him s million to be to what to be white again no no it makes sense he’s gonna transform he’ll transform to White he’s

With Megan Fox he’ll transform to White it’s all good he’s good man go why wait can I just say this yeah why do famous people have to take that next step too much you gotta keep the man you gotta keep be different it’s like it’s like

Women you can’t just have a nice tight dress showing off your figure something got to be showing it’s got to be seeth through right it got to be cut up who’s complaining there I mean who’s complaining I’m speaking for Vlad here no I’m just saying I’m just

Saying like just in general little the imagination Leroy you gotta go over the top we’ll uh take a quick break get you caught up with your headlines back with more after this the new truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store palal Ford we know

Trucks cats win last night 32 in overtime Anton londell with the game winner let us get to our inter Miami update which is brought To Us by Kettle One Kettle One vodka made to cocktail the pinks hey I got onight I got on a lemon drop

Kick you dou like you D what got you into lemon drops lemon drops I saw uh somebody I was playing I got with they got a lemon drop and it was like I’m like oh that looks refreshing I’ll take a lemon drop because you know you can’t listen when

You in Vegas you can’t go too hard too quick understand it’ll concuss you for the whole trip you didn’t have any daquiri uh flumes oh no but here’s the thing Fonzi that was one of his things he wanted to do but they was on the go

So much he never had a chance to get one oh man uh but no we uh let’s see where we have I’m surprised there’s no place in the Hard Rock that has those anymore remember they used to have the Wet Willies oh yeah the Wet Willies they don’t have that like nobody’s replac

That in the I mean I haven’t seen it I haven’t seen it no but it seems like every Casino has like a Wet Willies little bar right um yeah so no we didn’t do that um yeah that that like yeah so I had I did mostly Limon drops till of course

Until we got to um we got to uh uh herbs and rye and then we uh I actually had in that picture I’m drinking a lemon drop I let me this straight hold on herbs and riy make you a lemon drop but they’ll scoff at you for for wanting apple

Flavored yeah V I almost that’s a lemon drop yeah AR mainly shots I mean whenever a drink it’s a drink it’s a drink it’s a drink yeah so so when they when she brought the the waitress brought it in that glass I’m like hold on player hey yeah that’s gonna F you up

Yeah Leroy can’t I say I listen I’m already partially concussed from Vegas and you got me holding this little I said can you bring it in a regular glass I’ve never heard of it as a drink really never I’ve always heard shot I’ve heard I’ve heard no uhuh it’s delici

What’s good refresh what whiskey sours yeah but but here’s the thing jig the great if you if you going for the if you going for the long you know the long journey you can’t go back and forth like I I’m I like Manhattans right because I

Like the cherries and all that but once I did lemon drop I’m off of Manhattans for the whole trip whiskey s does it make you sad because of Kan Brown J fig no it doesn’t make me sad that song makes me sad every time so yeah so that’s that’s where that’s where you

Never heard whiskey sour no I don’t think so oh it’s a sad one I’ll send it to you oh so yeah that was that was it but yeah lemon drop yeah uh I didn’t I didn’t really you know what I didn’t really drink that much

Because they had me on the run and we was going from so you went on the adventures you went on the adventures no no I didn’t I’m not no wait wait wait toin the funniest part so they went to Red Rock right yeah and so I send y’all

The picture we got two intangibles and the three of us right yeah they get back we eating I say so what y’all think of Red Rock oh it was cool you know we didn’t stay that long but you know it was cool F say he got some nice pictures and stuff like

That I look at uh Brian and Kyle their brothers right I call Kyle boy band you know which one if you see him look just like a boy band when you say the brothers were both intangibles they were the Plumley yeah and they go so so Brian

Says you was telling me about road runners and coyotes and whatever all we seen was a damn lizard a little bitty lizard like I’m like you had nothing to worry about I’m said no so I said dude only an intangible would say that right all we saw was a lizard did

They know what the intangibles was code for of course course they know uh all right let’s get to this so some interesting tweets from your Miami Dolphins this morning uh really Tyreek Hill okay he has commented on the fodder of trading Jaylen Wadd because Tyreek Hill can’t help himself he can’t and do

You have is that our go-to guy though that’s our go-to guy for comments on on the lunacy of basically Goron Miami Dolphins uh offense he is the social media and uh public voice of the Miami Dolphins yes so jig do you have these tweets from Cheetah y commenting on it

He said uh my boy Wadd is the future he is better than I was at this point in his career for people in this fan base to want to trade him as ludicrous him and Tua was special before me and will be special after I leave with happy

Crying tears Emoji you know what that is facts facts so while we sitting here while while we sitting here having this conversation the numbers don’t lie so let me get this straight people are okay with trading a guy who’s done something no Miami Dolphin has ever

Done I’m not down with it no I just saying I’m just saying and and and if you say if you say he’s only putting up those numbers because of Tyreek oh that’s crazy he actually had better numbers before Tyreek um no his best season was the second season with the first year with

But it’s uh but I think it no I just think it’s wild to first of all you’re gonna Lop off one of the best parts of your offense what makes you special is that speed you can’t just throw that blueprint away from me and also I’m not helping the best quarterback in the

Mother bleeping League I’m not but it doesn’t it listen here here’s what what I’ve learned once the fighter gets out there right the teams are not the issue it’s the fact that it’s happened or that it could happen agreed that’s that’s what I’m that’s what I’m concern I’m not

Worried about who or where I’m worried about the fact that we even having this conversation all right so we have that no bigs I like the fact that Tyreek is guy but he he was he was accurate he was GOI in it he was think what do we think

Of this all right let’s go what we got Javon Holland has tweeted out something today a guy with no words no words he’s not a word guy and he’ll you know him he’s a denier kick rocks no probably better it’s a SpongeBob Meme okay okay but SpongeBob is holding a lot of cash

Put this up here for the People Jay fig now he’s entering the last year his got a stack under that ocean what do you make of that Leroy um I’mma tell you what it mean oh no we all look let’s not be ain’t no secret it’s like pay that man his money

He uh is in the final year of his rookie deal because he was a second round pick not a first round pick which which which guess what he has a bigger claim than anybody else because he been outperforming his contract yes go ahead Vlad him not playing the last couple of

Games of the Season bothers me really he had he had two sprained MCL I never heard he didn’t have a sprained MCL when he kicked that rock oh so that was wait a minute you know what this is how people think this is what you got

This is what you got to hey so he said that this guy who who has shown none of this right he has shown none of this I’m not playing to protect myself you don’t have to do yeah you don’t have to do it you don’t have

To say it but you can act it how I mean bro so you you don’t how long those knees out like those knees were did he ever play he missed a he missed a month he came back uh and then I think he missed I think he missed the last two

Can I just can I just say this glad we ain’t talking about a boo boo dude two sprained mcl’s heard of somebody doing that a man just played a Super Bowl with a with a sprained MCL not two two okay he’s an offensive lineman he’s got other banged up parts

He was banged up nobody played in the Super Bowl was banged up I personally think I’ll say it he didn’t want to play for Fang there you go really so you think he was rats off a ship on fangs and then that it the minute listen he might listen L I know

These guys get hurt and everything like that but to me this is how I look at it it’s the playoffs it’s down the stretch your team needs everybody and they were losing people they were losing people left and right you can make if you here here’s what I love

Here’s what hold on hold on here’s what I love I love how people could take an injury and determine right and determine that he could have got some kind of Miracle treatment and sucked it up okay you think he didn’t get to that point in the season and want to

Play yeah I’m claiming that wow I ain’t I I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t go there with you you don’t have to my thing is is we’ve all talk we’ve all seen players and coaches go at it Tobin you and I have been talking during the during the breaks

About the OG show with Mike Miller and Udonis great podcast it’s a great podcast Tim Hardaway was on there uh this week Jay will was last week and they were sharing stories about P RI going at it with with members on the team yeah right he was fighting Shack

Fighting Shack and everything but yeah you could do that but here’s the deal they all they all want to win and at no point in time vad no matter how much I hated a coach or didn’t want to play for a coach or dislike what a coach was doing I have

Never thought to myself right it ain’t about winning I would rather not play than go out there and try to win he went out he missed four games because of the two MCL sprs they stunk up the joint and that second last game they got killed by uh by by

Baltimore and then um and then they had the the Buffalo loss and I don’t think he was able to go and then and I don’t think he was able to go in the uh the playoff game I’m I’m I’m not I’m not I’m not in the business and and here’s what

I would say blad there’s one reason why I will never ever ever go there even if it’s true the reason why I won’t go there is because we are too quick as far as fans other players and coaches to tell people about their injuries right and that that ain’t cool

Man that ain’t cool because you don’t know how much a person is hurting you assuming and and and I can I give you a perfect example and I’ve mentioned this a bunch of times you remember how everybody got after Jay Cutler yep because he came out of a game

A playoff game and everybody said he was soft and whatever and then the dude needed knee surgery that’s something you can’t you questioning how tough a man is well I just think the the thing that’s gonna be interesting with Javon is like we see them just do this with

Christian Wilkins like they have a lot of guys they got to make decisions on but he’s interesting because he’s a second round pick so he’s going into this last year you know so are you going to be in a position where like let’s just say they don’t pay Tua waddle

And Well w would I guess have his fifth year for next year because he’s a first round pick like you could be in a situation where you have Tua and Javon Holland like if you don’t pay Tua then like who are you gonna franchise for

Next year so yeah they they do have a choice to make there when it comes to to Holland because you don’t want to end up in another Wilkin situation right um I think they take care of Tua Wilkins and Holland and I think they rework some

Contracts and then come back and try to take care of Wadd but those three guys you got to take care of now right yeah W’s not as eag Wild’s not important as you got he’s gonna be making what Holland hopes to make Holland Holland makes under two million he’s

Gonna probably make around what 10 12 probably right so and and that’s what Wilder would make next year in the fifth year right Wadd yeah his is I mean it’s a little fugazy because it’s it’s uh cap numbers and whatnot but his uh is that like

Four for next year so right I’m sure they’re going to put that option out there for him right so so like yeah I I don’t I I don’t like man we like I like one of the the biggest arguments and I got fin for it one of the biggest

Arguments I ever had Vlad was over what you’re talking about I went in after a game and told the doctor something’s wrong with my knee and he jiggled it around and said structurally it seems okay and I said this I just played the game I’m telling you something’s not

Right with my KNE find out what’s wrong you’re the damn doctor exit dude right and so another thing is is that one of the reasons why I also push back on this is for this you know when you get hurt during the game the coaches the medical

Staff have a meeting about your injury without asking you so the wrong Vibe could get in the building before you’ve even had a comment on your own injury so yeah I’m not not like everybody’s different everybody’s different some that that’s why they have such ranging uh times for the same injuries

Right sometimes four to six sometimes it could be a couple of months you don’t knowbody different different sit here and and question if somebody couldn’t play couldn’t play and say oh I would have played with that I’m like I hate when players do that knowing what the C circumstances

And situations are well uh take a quick break you guys can get at the show 30556 70560 or right on our twitch and YouTube live chat Miami 560 wqm hey if you guys want to go to boxing coming on up on March 1st the rodeo Rumble at Tropical

Park Equestrian Center March 1st had the boys in yesterday for Mundo boxing we had uh our boy sense Boy Leroy who’s fighting for the 122 pound strap I know you you would have loved him now that dude made me cry he was I mean he was telling us about leaving his father

In Nigeria his father passed away I was like it was a story it was a hard Tugger it was yeah so we got a lot of cool local stor if you guys want to go see some local boxing plus they got a mechanical Bowl they got some top-notch

Barbecue food going on there lemon lemon drops maybe who to say jfig if you guys want a pair of tickets right now 305 567 0560 305 567 0560 caller three we get a pair of tickets to Rodeo Rumble presented by Mundo box if you guys want

Your tickets you can get them now Mundo but if you want to win a pair call her three right now to 305 567 0560 will’ll get a pair of tickets to Rodeo Rumble coming up at Tropical Park equestrian center on March 1st two title fights plenty of great boxing action 305

567 0560 caller three wins the tickets 50 minutes 15 minutes of heat is sponsored by Kendall Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram start the new year in a new ride with no payments for 90 days Kendall Dodge Chrysler all right welcome back your Rascals 15 minutes he for ass right here

56 WQ a.m. he’ll be back in action on Friday against the Pelicans back practicing tomorrow and uh be Delon Wright’s first practice with the team although he has been working out with some of the guys at the facility they put out yesterday he was working with Nico and Duncan

Robinson so good to see that Jimmy Butler back on the gram putting in some work so looks like he is uh getting himself ready to make a return for the Heat after he missed a few games because of a death in the family so he took a

Leave of absence from the team but it appears like he is uh on his on his way back I’m sure we’ll hear some more news tomorrow during the show when uh they are practicing but uh Leroy would I want to get your thoughts on this a legend of

Miami Heat lore Tim Hardaway some say the best point guard in franchise history tit fortat with GOI you know um what it’s Clos to the than you think it’s not it is we’ve done the research it’s not Let It Go all right go ahead go ahead it’s closer than you think we know

Ler I’m telling you let me ask you a question okay the Miami Heat need a point guard yeah and there’s two players that are available in their Prime in their Prime Tim Hardway Yeah Tim Hardway or GOI that’s said GOI GOI got you Wilding had two primes he’s had two

Primes st stop stop this is why I say let it go it’s my fault L it’s your fault come on are we really talking Tim Hardway had two primes you Run TMC Tim Hardway and then the Tim Hardway who was missed like literally missed a big shot before

See you guys are brushing aside a couple of things here and I don’t want to hear about finals appearances why because nobody was going to beat the Black Black Jesus hold on nobody was more holy water than Goron drage okay he was gonna go in

There and all of a sudden you take away the Heat’s leading scorer just like that and rayan Rondo is hitting threes like come on dude like let’s let’s let’s let’s not act like it doesn’t matter I know everybody just likes to brush aside history but that’s the facts of it the

Other thing is so so let me get wait wait let me get this straight let me give my one point on on Goron real quick you can get thousand points in you are crazy I’m not crazy you guys talk about two primes okay Goron dragic’s first

Prime with the heat was taken away by Chris Bosch’s blood clots and that’s the facts that’s the facts that all to Deon waiters you think GOI is gonna be in the Hall of Fame uh probably not but Tim Hardway took a long time and if you really looked at his International criteria

Goron drish took a small country of Slovenia as their MVP and he brought them and won Euros do do you understand that your argument is 90-10 with the 10% wait with the 10% being all intangibles that’s not fair that’s not fair this has nothing to do with intang

It’s not it may not be fair but it’s real it doesn’t have anything to do with intangibles oh okay okay do you realize the last time you got mad at this argument was a better point guard than Tim Hardway it’s closer than you think no answer the question I love you are

You are you are so annoying bro because you know what he says he doesn’t want to say he doesn’t say true but he said it’s closer than you think it’s closer than you think though meaning like I’m siding with you that Hardway is better but it’s

Closer than you think I hear I would say he won’t say it I would say he’s probably better but it’s closer than anything and Goron’s Goron’s big accomplishment that would have been taken away was taken away unfairly like his foot exploded that’s it that’s what he just said verbal slipperiness that’s a new

Newas anyway Tim Hardway was on the OG’s Udonis Haslam’s podcast and he was asked about his thoughts on this year’s Heat team uh would you like to hear what Tim hard has to say on this year’s Heat team Leroy I mean according to you we what

GOI has to say I wish should have twerk man you’re such a wiggler you mean you wiggle so much you twerk I wiggle it TW you know what I want to do every time he starts doing this to me Tas him we just stop playing booty shaking

Music dude we looked up the numbers it’s closer than you think okay remember last time you guys had this argument he went on Google and did all his little research I did and it’s closer than you think and I’m telling you right now you guys would just

Dismissed the fact that Goron dragas has had two unfortunate Strokes of luck one of them being Chris Bosch’s blood clots the second being his foot exploding in the NBA Finals okay those are two very unfortunate things here agree here here’s the here’s here’s one thing you can’t blame an injury on somebody else

For one success okay just what I said what did you just say you’re BL you are blaming or saying that part of the reason why GOI wasn’t better was because of the blood C blood clots that’s absolutely a huge hold on no no in a salary captim Hardy Tim

Hardyway was great all the time with whoever we playing they didn’t dude they had plenty of embarrassing playoff exits they were they got they got bounced by by by an eight seed we’re talking about they went to the fin Tim Hardaway Tim Hardaway was great from the

Second he got into this league till his knees gave out okay I don’t need to set up situations right I don’t need to set up circumstances I’m I don’t need to set up anything there is nobody explaining the greatness of somebody saying he would have been better if this dude wouldn’t

Have got hurt that’s not great if you got to explain the circumstances surrounding his career okay but it’s the facts but that you’re acting like you’re acting like Tim Hardway has three rings on his finger he doesn’t I I didn’t no we’re not talking about championships

That means if that’s the case Robert Ory is better than Jordan no I’m just and like you’re acting like I’m you’re acting like Tim Hardway went and had like these incredible runs all the time that’s not what happened I’m not we’re not even talking about success I’m talking about who was a

Better point guard that’s it I’m not saying who’s better most accomplished I’m not saying who but no the question was who was the better point guard period that’s it you’re setting up circumstances hypothetical situation in all this no that’s not what I did what I no because Vlad went to the finals he’s

Better no that’s not what I said you’re being you see this isn’t where you’re being a child I’m being a child you are because I’m being a child Vlad brought up Run TMC and I said yeah it would have been nice if Goron drage would have gotten his Run TMC moment with Chris

Bosi unfortunately didn’t because Chris BOS has had blood clots that’s the facts they made that trade hold on no no no no they made that trade with the idea of putting Goron dwade Chris BOS together literally the day after they make the trade Chris Bosch career [ __ ] over right

Okay you’re gonna act like nothing no here’s what I’m gonna say to you a great player is still a great player regardless of his circumstances okay dude so can we hear what happened can we hear the sound now n we don’t we don’t have time come on we don’t have time we

Don’t have time Leroy was sitting here defending the honor of Tim Hardway which by the way I didn’t dismer Tim Hardway what now all sudden you B goodness all the by the way all I said was very likely the best point guard in heat history but it’s closer than you

You didn’t say that that’s what I said you never you said at the end of the conversation the whole time you was fighting sming you were fighting and smirking and doing the little to like I got him it’s closer than you think like what look you know how he does jfig stop

Acting you know what he does yeah back there giggling gigling he got his hat pulled down so we can’t see his face but we know the expression you making got I’m making any expression I’m not making any expression all I’m telling you is it’s closer than you no

It’s not we could have been heard the sound you realize that it is though I want to hear the sound I want I want to hear the sounds we’ll have to say it for next segment I’m have time right now but before we go to break break get

Leroy out of here because I got I got to tell you guys about Mundo boxing because this Leroy he’s a real he’s a real Bob and Weaver when it comes to his arguments you know doesn’t really stick to one thing it’s tough it’s tough out there here’s my one thing Tim Hardway is

A better point guard than GOI you might be right but it’s closer than you think and that’s the first time you’ve said that you fought it all the way up until now I mean well he usually does it was the same thing though like I me we were

Saying the same thing no we get to your read okay we time just letting you know I mean it’s closer than you think anyway uh Mundo boxing presents Rodeo Rumble at Tropical Park Equestrian Center which is going to be great you guys can witness two thrilling title fights in a clash

With a bunch of great local boxers on there you got the 175 IBO title 122 youth IBO title and we’re turning up the heat with the entertainment even for the non- boxing fans out there you can immerse yourself in the rodeo Spirit show off your Rodeo gear ride a

Mechanical Bowl save South watering barbecue Delights it’s going to be an unforgettable country themed Fight Night full of adrenaline entertainment and camaraderie get your tickets now at Mundo that’s Mundo this just Clos to than you think dude that’s all I’m saying welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560

Wqam all right I’ll get to this sound here Tim Hardaway was on the OG’s podcast great podcast Udonis has the Mike Miller uh they’ve been doing a fantastic job with some of their heat stories uh highly recommended listening if you have not checked out the ogs but

He was asked Leroy on this podcast episode Tim Hardy was asked to give his assessment of the Miami Heat season so far and what he thinks about their style and uh I’ll give you a chance to hear what you think of what the heat Legend has to say about this Miami team what’s

Your what’s your thoughts on the current Heat team um stay healthy yes yes first of all yes stay healthy they pass up too many shots all this pump faking and one dribbling and pass over here take the shot that’s given to you take the shot that’s given to you and it’s another thing

Uh me personally Terry Rosier you gotta let him go you gotta let him go he knows what to do he’s a guard yeah saying go be him he’s a point guard he’s a young guy that go out there and get it done yes and he’s gonna find the people and

Make them you know hero he gonna get his 20 30 whatever Robinson gonna get his but he’s the only one that could really break somebody down and make it work and make it happen so I think you gotta let him go do what he needs to do in the

Confinement of the offense yeah I always like the Miami I like how they play they some sometimes they play too unselfishly I want I I I just want some guys to play a little bit selfish what do you think Leroy valid points from the best point guard in get him get him

BL hey you know what I like you know what I like he went and and he said a lot of things that a lot of people have been saying sometimes everybody’s too unselfish right yes and what happens is if you don’t have somebody to break the defense down

Then everybody else can’t eat and Terry roier is that guy give him the ball and say run run get yours and he know what to do with the basketball but gentlemen you know what the problem is right with is when your Superstar doesn’t want to

Run right that’s but but but here I will say this when they play at Fast Pace Jimmy does get up and down the floor but if you put here Vlad here’s what happens if you put the ball in Jimmy’s hands first we ain’t running yeah Jimmy’s almost Jimmy plays almost like LeBron

Does like the Lakers want to run LeBron can’t run because he’s 39 and I already told you Jimmy’s 39 in tips year but LeBron runs in spots and Jimmy’s still gonna do those things where he’s gonna get into passing Lanes he’s gonna try to get on the break by himself because he’s

Gonna Gamble and try that’s that’s different that’s the other side creating creating shots creating he’s gonna he’s gonna have the ball in his hands I mean he can still create for for other Shooters he’ll he’ll get into the paint but not but not breaking the defense down getting the defense whereas you get

Somebody to break off break that guy off in front of him and get the defense scurrying you get more open threes everybody gets a little bit open if you got somebody to break break their guy off Jimmy is one of the best one-on-one basketball players in

The league but the way he does it slows the game down and everybody else SE tends to watch Jimmy he like I agree with him I agree with him that’s closer than you think that’s all I GNA say but you might be right you keep talking like that all

Right dude H you gotta love your fans man you gota love the listeners they saying that you’re closer than you think is your new yeah say hard to say not a LW close set these are the phrases that you live by that’s what silly yeah all I’m saying is he’s probably right it’s

Just close like I felt like he was very dismissive of GOI I think I don’t I don’t think he should be dismissive of him it’s close than dude which wait but let’s just be clear one’s a Hall of Famer one isn’t so what it took him a

Hundred years get into the Hall of Fame who cares still a Hall of Famer so you’re saying it’s Hall of Famer but it took him a long time Goron just got in the hall just just retired we’ll see what when that time comes yeah all right that’s our show for today

Everybody Welcome Back Leroy we’ll talk to you guys tomorrow the number one sports

00:01:00 – 00:16:00 : Leroy is back from Las Vegas!!! Leroy goes in to inform us about his trip and of courseeee he tells us he had problems with his hotel reservation and he ran into Clippers Head Coach Tyronn Lue.
00:22:55 – 00:31:47 : Florida Panthers Goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky had ENOUGH of Brady Tkachuk and throws punches! Presidents trophy is cursed, Tobin isn’t afraid and he wants it!
00:38:35 – 00:50:20 : The Head Coach of the Las Vegas Raiders Antonio Pierce, wants to use “Jordan Rules” against Patrick Mahomes
00:58:15 – 01:07:20 : Florida Panthers continue to go on a winning streak after winning in OT against the Ottawa Senators 3-2, to take over the top seed in the Eastern Conference. Tobin sets up Vlad to fail, gets a minus one for deception!
01:14:33 – 01:32:52 : Mike Tannenbaum hypothetical trades! He offers an interesting trade, Trent McDuffie for Jaylen Waddle to Kansas City!! He also suggested Russell Wilson as a backup QB to Aaron Rodgers
01:38:20 – 01:52:45 : Mix Bag – JJ Redick has had it with Doc Rivers!!! Austin Rivers responds to JJ Redick being unhinged, comes to his dad’s defense!
02:00:25 – 02:14:40 : Cat Talk! The Florida Panthers are rolling with continuous wins! We hear from Paul Maurice and his thoughts on the game feeling like a game after a road game.
02:21:35 – 02:34:17 : 15 Mins of Heat – Miami Heat are coming back with the highest seed chance. Leroy has some things to say about Jaylen Brown and his Dunk… is he still stirred up about Duncyard Dog?
02:40:45 – 02:53:30 : We play our favorite Wednesday game, “Rats off a Ship!” We find out where everyone’s rats lie with – Russell Wilson on Steelers, reports are there is interest. The crew gets thrown off by Machine Gun Kelly’s new tattoo, this takes over the chat and segment.
03:01:24 – 03:19:25 : Leroy intrudes on the Inter Miami Update with his new interest in drinks. Miami Dolphins Tyreek Hill tweets out about Tannenbaum wanting to trade Waddle to KC. Jevon Holland takes it to twitter to get “cryptic” with another message.
03:26:25 – 03:36:53 : 15 mins of Heat turns into a “closer than you think” in careers debate of Tim Hardaway vs. Goran Dragić… again!!!
03:42:39 – 03:47:53 : Tim Hardaway takes it to the OG’s Podcast to give his take on the current Miami Heat team

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM

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