@National Basketball Association

Johnny Manziel: “When I was in Cleveland, LeBron James would text me every week to come over and watch a game or play poker with the boys… I was so depressed that even the biggest role model in my life couldn’t get me out of bed to hang out with him.”

Johnny Manziel: “When I was in Cleveland, LeBron James would text me every week to come over and watch a game or play poker with the boys… I was so depressed that even the biggest role model in my life couldn’t get me out of bed to hang out with him.”

by WhenItsHalfPastFive


  1. Moist_Walrus5413

    Is there an NBA equivalent to Johnny Manziel?

  2. LukaDoncicfuturegoat

    I only know this guy because of an old Drake song « Draft Day » so random lol

  3. RapsareChamps_Suckit

    “your worst days prepare you for your best days”

    – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott – u/RapsareChamps_Suckit

  4. BossButterBoobs

    I saw Johnny Manziel absolutely zooted in Cleveland around 2015/16, iirc. Dude could party.

    This was a great interview though. You rarely see people take accountability like he did.

  5. manziel used to date a girl whos sister was dating chandler parsons

  6. Greedy_Nectarine_233

    Such a sad waste of talent. If he gets help and enters the league in a good state of mind I really think he would’ve have been special. An electric player at times who just had “it”

  7. cheeseandrum

    Poker parties with Lebron weren’t going to change the fact that dude couldn’t make nfl throws

  8. CaliforniaHurricane_

    Bet you 20 bucks if LeBron had texted him “let’s go hang out with frat bros and drink cheap liquor” he’d run right out of bed

  9. Party_Fly_6629

    Waaaah i was so high i couldnt leave my mansion to go to lebrons mansion waaah.

  10. Imaginary-Tourist-20

    Lived in CS during the Johnny years. Even kicked him out of a bar I worked at because he was 19 lol. Interesting story of a guy. Kinda sad, but definitely not as bad as it could’ve been. Glad to see him getting some clarity on his life

  11. LovelyButtholes

    I saw a guy review his college film. He was likely never going to be that good. He got bailed out a lot by A&M’s receivers and often made a lot of bad reads. He didn’t have the legs either in the NFL to outrun guys. In college. god damn was a show. People say that he partied his way out but there is a very good chance that even if he tried, he was either going out ,too, or deep on a bench. He just made bad reads and had a lot of bad habbits he developed in college.

  12. damn. i know he’s talked openly about how he wasn’t working hard or anything but i didn’t know he was depressed like that. that’s really sad but it’s cool how open he’s being about everything, also common W from Lebron trying to pull him out of it

  13. Tex_Skrahm

    Quit giving this loser the attention he craves.

  14. SuperDoubleDecker

    As a Bama alum, I don’t think I’ve seen many dudes in college ball as hard as Johnny. Dude was a freak. Goes to show how important mental health is.

  15. FluidDreams_

    If LeFraud was his biggest role model that says everything.

  16. I can’t diagnose anyone with substance abuse issues, but after watching the Netflix doc & being an alcoholic in recovery myself, I feel like he’s using mental health as a scapegoat to his alcoholism, maybe I’m reaching idk

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