@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks All-Star Break catch-up with Tyler Jones (Part 2)

Atlanta Hawks All-Star Break catch-up with Tyler Jones (Part 2)

On today’s show it’s part two of two myself and Tower Jones talking all things Hawks part one is available in your feeds right now and part two is coming to you here we go you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Hello friends welcome to episode 1656 of the lck on Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Monday evening into Tuesday here in February and this is actually part two of two with myself and Tyler Jones good friend of the podcast so if you missed part one

I recommend starting there it should be available in your podcast feed of choice right now on Apple or Spotify or YouTube Etc but if you already listen to part one part two should be coming to you now just more of a freepr conversation with myself and Tyler we have fun always when

Tyler comes on the show and no further intros for me here here we go diving in straight to part two with myself and Tyra Jones let us discuss the rest of the season for a minute because as we sort of talked about it ain’t over like we’re two-thirds of the way through the

Allstar break is not really mid-season uh people always say first half second half it’s not really first half second half it’s actually first two thirds and last third but if the season ended today they’d be they’d be in the postseason they’d be in the playin they’d be the 10

Seed but they’d be right there um and I don’t know if he knock on wood or whatever they’re probably going to be healthy in the next week to 10 days um there’s a chance that they have their entire top eight available within the next week you know Kong might might be

Still out in on Friday when they return to action capella is seemingly going to be close to getting back if not if not on Friday everybody else is healthy knock on wood so like you know we’ll see the team behind them by the way the Nets fired their coach today they’re they’re

Trending in the wrong direction so like it will surprise me I don’t know about you if they’re not in the playin at least at the end of the season barring a tray injury or something like that um does that actually excite anybody I don’t think so but that’s kind of the

Reality of the situation um putting the try stuff to the side how do you feel about the last 25 games because like it’s it’s gonna happen either way like what are you looking for what what what what are you watching for what are you prioritizing I have a feeling the words

Ona and aong were going to come up pretty soon for you uh what’s what’s on the radar for the next you know two months well I mean before the last two games uh before the break you thinking you think you thinking six seed you and I talk you

Were thinking six seed until about I mean they were playing good basketball and it was sustainable and then uh one injury then one injury and it’s like well it’s back to the back to the toilet with this that’s Char that’s that’s charl the game uh I don’t want I don’t

Want to overstate it but Quinn you could see it in Quinn’s I’m not sure if you saw Quinn’s postgame after the Charlotte game he kind of he kind of get give the like he he didn’t blame like the 123 Cancun thing but he was like I don’t

Know I don’t know if it was this I don’t know if it was this I don’t know if it was this and he was the whole thing and I’m like yeah it was bad man it was it I hear you Quinn but like uh that’s why

You play your young guys and just have them it would have been good okay let’s that now if I wanna if I want to be critical of Quinn like bro you know how people act you’ve been an employee of a company yeah if if vacation is coming you’re not

Getting your guys’s best effort period doesn’t matter what the job is especially if they’re tenur if they’re not they’re young and dumb and don’t know better and like I just want to play coach I really wonder if they like Jaylen Johnson did they won the if they

Had won the Bulls game I wonder if they had shown up if they had shown up more we we’ll never know but I I wonder if that would have changed anything if theyll I mean the Bulls game like it felt like they got just hit with by like

A wave of fatigue after the first quarter because it it just became yeah CLE it became abundantly clear nobody can stay in front of anybody and I’m like yeah and I wish the cooking yeah and the def it’s the the problem was you know it was the defense

Of both games and the defense has been bad most of the season so it’s not like you know on one hand I am inclined you know me to go Broad and be like look it’s it’s it’s one game it’s the last game it’s the last game before the break

It’s a weird sleepy game in Charlotte where nobody you know it’s not like it’s a great test for you it’s like kind of explainable that you would no- show that game it’s just unfortunate because they can’t afford to no- show games like and that’s that’s the whole they theyve dug

For themselves that they they can’t afford to do that and if they were you know the reverse if they were 31 and 25 or whatever they are it would be a lot easier to be like all right you know they’re still the six seed no big deal

But that was a game that you’re supposed to win and they they just and they they didn’t close they they lost it in dire fashion that was really gross so you mentioned the young guys um I It’s always important for me to like keep people in line that it’s these are

Humans and like Quinn is not gonna suddenly pivot away from the veterans entirely at the same time I’ve argued and you know it’s you know it’s even aggressive when I’m arguing for it like there thought there was no reason not to play Kobe in the last two games

None that was I couldn’t I couldn’t find a reason and the thing is like would he have been playing more than 10 minutes a game maybe not but like he’s you called him up he played really well in a tiny role but played really really well helped he helped your defense and then

He stayed up like I’ve defended them playing him in College Park a lot because I think that’s a real development path for him is play 35 minutes a game in College Park have the ball his head all the time reps reps reps reps reps Quinn believes it I

Actually believe it’s a real thing but when you have him up in Atlanta he plays well for you you praise him a lot postgame and rightfully so and then the next two games he’s still with you and he dnps back-to-back games when you are you know The Season’s not over but

You’re the 10 seed like I I couldn’t I couldn’t Jive those two things together I I didn’t get it yeah I think I I mean I think Quinn’s battling the fact that he he feels his team is way better than his record like I think they should be

Like the Hulk should be 31 and 25 yeah and he’s and he’s not he’s maybe not as bad as Nate but Quinn is definitely a I want to win the game that night coach but like it’s it’s not quite as narrow as Nate was but he’s still

Very much in that way compared to a lot of coaches but and and the reason why I mean but the reason why they haven’t been is that they’re just thin they’re just thin so injuries derail whatever like Quinn’s trying to build towards um the good news is that the

Three forwards the only three forwards on the team are all healthy um and if as long as one of capella or kongu is healthy that should be enough but they’re always you know successful to they can’t afford another injury like they they literally cannot afford another Jayla misses five games that’s

Can’t afford any injuries it’s misses any time it’s over DeAndre Hunter misses any time it’s over like they can’t afford th those three guys in particular because they don’t they just have depth at the the position in the NBA which is Ford which is which is what Hur them

This it’s it’s killed it’s just flat out killed them so long they’re healthy they’ll win more they’ll win more than they lose how much they win depends on you know a variety of factors one being uh a conu and Jaylen just playing more minutes together more um and uh Trey

Continuing his play recently um but like and yeah you’re right they got theend some margins right now they have to win it’s it’s frustrating because and we won’t do this because we know did it before about like the team building issues like we’ll save that for

The offseason right now like we all get the the reality is in the NBA you can’t build it you shouldn’t build a team that can’t operate with the Hawks injuries they’ve had so far this year theyve not had bad injury luck they actually haven’t that this team is not built for

It at all somebody like DeAndre Hunter who’s been you know he’s been he’s been he’s play well this year well and he’s play since he’s came back he’s like he’s been really good yep but losing somebody like him and your season just cratering because after after your starters you

Have literally nothing and you’re you’re you’re basically like we can’t optimize any lineups because I gotta have one of jayen or sadique on the floor at all times so I’m staggering them I’m I’m I’m forced to play lineups I don’t want to play I’m forced to play uh two Center

Lineups I’m I’m forced to throw out a Garrison Matthews here A A Patty Mills here just to buy minutes like get some shooting out here so that we can just outshoot the team but if we’re not making shots we’re gonna get killed on defense especially in transition so like

I to me I I think you know a lot of the Hawks problems happened in offseason like just you’re right with combined with the gamble they made with Deon Murray which hasn’t panned out in large part because they miscalculated what he was as a Defender oh yeah very much that was uh

Out there just say you brought it up by I meant have mention it earlier at some point there was a um I think it was I think it was David Lee somebody had a a bunch of Graphics about dejonte and it was it was actually I think it was I

Think it was from basketball index if I recogize the graphics but it was essentially what we talked about a lot that like they they just fundamentally misevaluated deon’s defense pre-acquisition to the point where like he’s not an on ball Defender Today’s Show is brought to you by our sponsor better help sometimes you

Actually need the opportunity to get something off of our chest big or small certain things really start to get to you it’s more let that stuff out especially to those who are unbiased on your life so today I want to tell you how I feel about something and maybe for

A few of you in a similar space you might happen to understand that and that is that I have some unease about the next steps in the media right now I’m not just talking about what report on the Hawks of course but whether they going to be jobs available for me

Whether the work that I do different ways will be able to continue how it is now across the media landscape and of course not the most important or in Intense or life offering topic but therapy can be different for everybody most of us including me have much bigger

Problems than stuff involving Sports and media but it is quite important to get things off your chest every once in a while if you’re thinking of start a therapy give better better help a try it’s designed to be flexible sued to your schedule it’s also entirely online

This loock on MBA to get 10% off your first month with betterhelp that’s better lockon NBA the place to go is betterhelp lockon NBA is it they or is it Nick wrestler like can be honest like I mean it’s one of those things where I’m like the the

GM at the time told him that is true the lifelong Scout said hey he’s not a point of attack Defender it’s a dumb trade it’s not going to do anything it’s shown up because in large part on the offensive Jon is’s not big enough to take advantage of the the four

On five opportunities that Trey young generates for him like he’s just not physically big enough on these drives and he’s not as good as a shooter as bogy so you’re just not get like you you’re you’re getting neutral value from him as an offensive player while you’re not getting anything on defense that

That that’s that’s the reality with the Trey de Jon period yeah it was it was it was a misevaluation uh a Mis misevaluation and like you said once earlier at least I’ll say it now like it’s not about Dante not being good because Dante is good he’s

He’s he’s very good it’s just it’s the way it match together anyway to the side all that said about the roster construction being not great uh it is it is the roster the rest of the season there was a Patrick Beverly uh report today I’m not sure if you saw that

Patrick Beverly is an active player um and he has been doing this kind of Spiel where he’s trying to be an Insider he’s currently on a roster bizarre but he mentioned Daniel house could be going to the Hawks I haven’t heard that but maybe those things he they just play with I’m I’m

Not I’m not piling on he might be right um but all I know is the Hawks don’t have a roster spot very at this very moment so as we’re record this podcast we’ll see anyway ignoring that for a second the roster is the roster right I told you and then I actually

Shared it publicly that the last couple of weeks was the first time in the entirety of the kangu capella partnership in which I actually thought there was a chance the Hawks might start a Kong wo with a heal capella now of course aong went down right after that and that the natural

Progression I thought might be hey we’re going to close the first half strong with a Kong wo playing Center he’s playing really well which he is and Clint’s hurt so we we we go we go to Clint we say all right Clint it’s really worked for us to have a Kong wo start

We’re going to go ahead and slide you to the bench we’re gonna ride with a Kong wo and then a kongu went got hurt so I I don’t know what they’re gonna do I know how you feel about it this is like the second time this has happened though the first time it

Happened was like K’s second season when he had and they were gonna do it then photo surgery yeah but but no but capella if you remember correctly he was out yeah he he had the Achilles thing yep and he wasn’t he wasn’t like he started the season but he clearly was he

To get back he should have he shouldn’t have been playing at all and I think like aangul just not being there to start the games to show what I’ve been saying about aong with they he needs to start his value is as a starter you can’t expect a six foot eight Center to

Have like a massive impact playing 24 minutes a night that’s just not happening like it’s just like they’re just because he’s not the lob threat that capella is even though he’s a pretty good lob threat but capella just being bigger gives Trey an easier Avenue that’s why Trey likes playing with

Capella so much but um that in the screen setting I mean aong was a much better screener I I that I I I understand it’s a chemistry it’s just a it’s a chemistry get I get it but like Trey’s having career Year from the three-point line because the con was

Setting real screens and getting them open to shoot jumpers which isn’t what Trey wants to do that helps the team win games so like personally on my end I don’t really care Trey that you love playing with capella because guess what he he makes like there’s no line like I

Looked at it again there’s no line of with capella with the starters any of the starters that that’s that’s good it’s it’s all bad it’s all in the Red in large part because his lack of skill level is heightened because he’s playing alongside somebody like Jaylen Johnson who’s while his percentages are good

Isn’t a high volume three-point shooter Sadi Bay struggling from the three-point line this season and de jonte Murray not a high volume three-point shooter even though he’s been better and and you know K take more take more it’s just one of those things where it’s like the starters with Trey Deonte Sadi Jaylen

Capella the only shooter really is Trey that teams fear that teams are to leave open is Trey young and so what that leads to is just a tightening of the paint on offense and then defensively we’ve talked about it no point of attack Defender you got Trey dejonte Bay sadik Bay sadik’s been

Better recently but like he’s not actually I do wonder by the way I do wonder if they’re gonna go to Hunter coming out of the break that would be I I that I only say they might not because they usually they usually do that now

I’m with you I’m not I’m not sure if they’re going to or not they usually have defaulted to if Hunter is not restricted by minutes he’s going to start and that’s been the case for four years he’s been the starter in pen I’m not saying that’s correct but he’s

Always been the guy at the three this time around number one Quinn loves sadique Bay I don’t know who needs to hear that Quinn loves sadique Bay and like the the the other thing I wanted to bring up with sadique I actually wanted to bring that up is like the Hawks win

When sadik’s in the game the Hawks win like he’s a winning player I wish he could make a jump shot but yes I get it but no but I mean like so many Twan liners with sadique Bay are are like the best line of on this Hawks roster period

Yeah his his on offs are are some of the better ones on the team now it’s it’s the offense actually that improves even though he hasn’t made him make a jump shot it’s it’s the offensive numbers that go up with sadik compared to the def the defense is bad and he’s

Not very good but like in addition to the jump shooting because I you know me I was probably the guy who was seen as being super low on sadik 10 months ago because of his defense right and now I’m trying to convince Hawks fans that like

No he’s not bad CU he’s missing jump shots like he he does he does a lot of different things he’s the only guy on the team that plays with the physicality he plays with he’s the only one right basically he’s basically just turned into John Collins well was I almost say

The same thing he’s just with worse with worse defense uh and he’s he’s lot he’s not allive to I mean that’s a good player he’s been a good player and that’s why I’m like that’s why I’m like and also combined with I wonder if they they if

Glenn like a couple weeks ago made a good point if if this is DeAndre Hunter They’re Gonna Get Off the Bench maybe he needs to just come off the bench full time not because he’s he’s not better or worse than sadique Bay but just manage him I would love to know the science

Behind that like yeah I don’t I don’t know what the science is I don’t think I don’t know I don’t really think there is any science other than there’s they’ve gotten it I just feel like ba Jaylen and Trey got a good chemistry together yeah yeah I’m not saying you gotta change it

I’m just saying they might they might but but I’m not saying they shouldn’t do that I just think I think it’s a more like it’s one of those feel things we gota we’re not in the locker room like I don’t I you know I’d have to ask Quinn

Like it is and just have B just because especially if um you’re gonna continue to start capella which might be the case with aong was in today’s show is brought to you by priz piix and demons and go the newest most exciting ways to play at prize

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Made a second ago there are locker room Dynamics you have to manage it always matters and I’m not saying that should or shouldn’t happen but that’s part of it um and that’s why you like you know this year especially I’ve not been like banging the table that capella has to

Start personally it’s more of a like I’ve just never heard that they’re ever G to go away from it and I think it could change now I think I think if there was going to be a time this season it would be now like this would be the

Time to do it when he’s already been out it’s post deadline all right big fella you’re G you’re still GNA play 20 minutes a game no big deal we’ll manage you but we want to see what this looks like with Ana and Jaylen so you got you

Got that Dynamic you got you got sadik and Andre because you know Hunter they’ve committed to um he’s played very well this year but like maybe they want to manage the knee they haven’t actively manage guys as much as I thought I thought they might this year

I thought they might uh avoid bogey mats on back Tob backs for instance or capella on back to backs they they haven’t really done that they they’ve been kind of pushing other than when they’ve been made by the performance staff to manage guys like with Hunter

The last few weeks it’s been like hey you can’t play him more than this and Quinn’s playing him this much um but you know I mean fans don’t even like it very much but like Quinn is there’s been nights where he’s played like a seven

And a half M rotation like Quinn is not fooling around still I don’t know if that’s going to change post post deadline post deadline but like he’s still playing you know to the wall to win that night playing guys 38 minutes playing playing eight guys and seven in

The second half like he’s coach like every game matters yeah to me my only thing is I even if aong who comes back later I think Quinn should just go with a cono and Jaylen because it it it just works like I I you know it’s it’s one of

Those things you they could do and the current starting lineup is just bad like starting lineups have been horrendous and they need to they need to now they have they found some success before the break with a kongu starting he was playing really well I think if I’m the Hawks management and coaching

Staff I’m like Quinn we have to go with a here we got we have to get some we have to build this guy up it’s information too that’s something I was arguing on Friday like even if you don’t think that it’s the best thing to do if you’re

Quinn someone in the front office can go to you be like we need the information on Kobe we need the information on Ana and Jaylen and how it works and maybe the solution is the half solution which no which wouldn’t excite anybody maybe you just take Clint out of the game

Earlier and you kind of do the I’m not saying it’s going to work I’m just giving you another option I’m not saying this what they supposed to do but you could make it to where you have aong playing with starters more often if they’re just dead set and I don’t I’m

Not reporting that I’m saying if they’re just dead set on like Clint our starter okay let’s find the middle ground here and be like okay have have you know because right now they basically play it’s it’s it’s essentially one long stint for a Kong Buu most of the time in

Both halves right it’s Clint Clint in for a while Ona in for like 12 minutes and then Clint closes the half that’s the rough rotation and occasionally you’ll see it and I call it out when I see it in second half when I’m like hey they’re going to close with the Kong

Tonight because he brought him back in early that’s what happens but roughly it’s one Clint onea and then two Clint right what if they did a little bit of Squish aoo on that and you end up closing with a Kong more often like just I’m not even say it’s Poli you know what

I mean it’s just locker room or whatever it is and just married to it you could there’s ways to get around that and still have Ona playing 26 28 minutes a game and closing BR to me I think the split just needs to go like enough with

The split play a kongu 30 minutes tonight like I Jay if Jaylen but if jayen GNA play 33 plus minutes every game why you starting it why you playing so many of his minutes next to Clint capella who’s a bad fit like they they play well together even I agree I’m like

I’m like I don’t I don’t care how good or bad you think capella is Quinn right the math the math is undeniable seasons of this too right and that’s why by the way this summer last year you knew better last year not to do it you you knew better started Jing this

Why yeah yeah I remember you remember this summer I was like again I wasn’t saying it was like my opinion I had Intel it was like hey they’re gonna start Clint and sadique and it’s not going to be jailing and they did that and everybody was pissed

Off that they didn’t start jailing and then they they CH they did to their credit they Chang that fast but even as resident capella Defender he and Jaylen don’t make sense together they never have they don’t make sense together so once you decide once you decided

Jaylen’s to be the starter go be starter period guess what Capella’s not good enough to demand these minutes he’s not next to Jay period that it’s not it’s not about his caliber player is about his fit and at some point quinnn needs to wake up and stop stop caring about

Like feelings or whatever if you’re trying to win a basketball game then you play jayen a conu 30 plus minutes together every night and capella plays the rest period I think it’s gonna be they’re so bad to better they’re so bad together it’s like it it anything they do well or poorly

Doesn’t matter I I think that they’re probably going to play a Kong Moore out out of the break then they have been playing him when Clint is healthy now do I expect them to do what you’re asking them to do I don’t uh but again I think there is a this is

The biggest percentage chance how do I put this yeah the biggest percent of chance since Clinton and Nea have gotten here for them to kind of make the make the change that everybody’s looking for and again starting I don’t care about but to your it’s just it’s more about

Just playing those guys a lot together playing Clint less with Jen if not at all with jayen you don’t have to make it a pure a pure literally tying jayen and Kong together but when you are fully healthy you really could do that you really could be like we’re gonna have

Jaylen and Ana be at package and they’re gonna come out they’re gonna come out together they’re gonna come in together and Jaylen might play a little bit more because he’s just he’s not a center and guys that are centers play less but you know what I

Mean like they could do that and then you have Clint try to piece it together on the second unit when he’s playing with guys that are smaller and do whatever and whatever um they’re going to do but Brad it’s possible to me that capella will be better in a smaller role

If that’s the case better more consistent get the positives more you you get you you potentially get Trey and capella more often because he’s he’s coming off the bench I do I do think that would make sense too if you you did that like yeah like this this would just help the team

Like I think dejon’s Deon the one who’s really hurt by playing Longs capella as well I know we not talking about him but like you look at numbers you look with de and capella it’s it’s horrific well and it’s it’s the same as Jaylen it’s not the same exact thing but their skill

Sets don’t overlap they just don’t overlap you know and it was a great move when they brought capella in I’m Not Gon go back four years but like Clint and Trey skill sets match really well um and that’s helped Clint it’s helped it’s it’s helped try especially not not as

Much lately but especially early on Tre needed that and now he’s now he doesn’t need it anymore tre’s where he is but yeah Deonte and Clint have zero chemistry zero none and then you know all that said so we cover that but I mean that’s that’s the whole thing like

I play more Kongo but like I’m like if if they want to win some game like if they we’re about we’re about winning about winning let’s get bie out here more like hey B’s got going right plays less they’re not gonna do they’re not gonna do that though the team’s not

About I look at I looked at I at two player lineup I I see I see who’s the difference makes on this team I see who’s not it’s not that they’re not good or bad it’s about fit relative to the other players on the team so I’m like if

We’re about winning how about we play our best lineups in our best players which I’ve been talking right I’ve been crying coping and moaning about this since October I know it’s been October and you know I like you know whatever we’re not trying to win this season so whatever

Like it’s a it’s a uh quote unquote uh fact F fact finding season or whatever I thought I thought what that’s what the last 25 Games supposed to be last year when they got Quinn but needed 82 more games of that uh so that’s curious but like I don’t know I’m like I’m

Like I’m pretty sure there’s some people this this ain’t analytics by the way this ain’t analytics oh straight on off this no it’s not what where do I get my winning margin from these lineups where do I lose my leads it’s always the same two guys and

It’s like why why are they losing even though they’re good oh because their skill sets don’t line up maybe you should have did and that’s where that’s where we go to the offseason where they have opportunity to improve the team based on by the way I have I have uh I

Have one more stat and we have like five minutes left um you might you might know you might you might know the answer here do you know who has the biggest onoff split on the team positive to negative it isy bogy yeah the Hawks the Hawks have a

Negative eight point4 net rating with bogie off the court this year yeah it’s obvious and and they’re plus they’re plus one .7 with Bogi on so but they have a 10-point swing bogie on off he he has their best net rating and the worst net rating when he’s off

That’s actually hard to do for a guy for one guy because while you know sadik is a good shooter even though he’s not shooting well this season even though is is a fire a fire drill shooter even though DeAndre Hunter has been a good shooter even though Deon

Murray has been an improved shooter and he’s actually been solid not Elite but like he’s been he’s been League average to slightly above League average in that department Boi is a true Difference Maker out in the perimeter in the way that Trey young is a true Difference Maker as a player

Overall and so it’s just one of those things where it’s like we’re trying to win some games I have bie out there I have Ona out there so B and by the way before anybody yells at me bogi’s defense is really bad and I’m not I

Won’t argue with you it’s very bad but the numbers are what they are bogi’s been very good this year because he’s a really good offensive player um all right so C Center just is it is the moral of a story again we literally have a couple

Minutes left just I’m hoping to see Kobe I don’t I’m not saying it has to be every game I like I like Kobe to play play basketball and by the way if he’s not playing in the NBA he should be in college cour I think yeah I mean um I

Feel like there there is a role for Kobe uh should be a role but that’s on that’s on like ultimately that’s on Quinn I don’t think KOB has the ninth Kobe is the ninth man okay assume for one minute in this perfect world that they’re actually healthy right and they have a

Clear top eight they had their top eight guys the ninth guy this year often has been Garrison Matthews right I like Garrison Matthews Garrison Matthews is a perfectly fine NBA lower end rotation player right just play Kobe yeah there’s no to me um and that’s that’s where the

Charlotte went up up stream I’m like why why is Garrison Matthews playing alongside bogy yeah you don’t need do that what’s Point G Garrison should be honestly Garrison should be the guy that you play if Bogi is sitting on the back toback or something you know what I mean

And they’re not they’re not exactly the same player but they have similar offensive characteristics um anyway I just it’s a very short you’re right by the way it’s not really anything Kobe can do because by the way he did exactly what they wanted him to do and the game

The one game he’s played in he played exclusively as a wing he he play the best perimeter defense defense I’ve seen from Atlanta haulk player since Dylan Wright that’s what I’m saying so like he he played exclusive as a win he ran he ran zero sets on offense

He was he was just he was playing the two the entire game that he played and he played defense and and he took three or four threes catch and shoots that’s all they need him to do long term they don’t want him to do that long term they

Want him to be able to handle the ball and that’s why he’s playing Point guarden College Park but right now his pathway with try and de Jon both healthy is to be a wing and play defense and to me there’s plenty of minutes for that

Sadi Bay and DeAndre Hunter I know I was singing their praises they’re not so good that they can’t lose minutes to somebody like Kobe to give them a different element especially against teams where they’re getting really hurt by you know get somebody who can set a tone as a perimeter Defender with their

Athleticism and there you know their talent level on the defensive end that that’s where Kobe I thought really shined against the Rockets I feel like they won that game you know that like I said that’s that’s ultimately on the coach like I’m not you know I’m not the coach of the H

I’ play me either how about that it’s sometimes sometimes people forget that I don’t actually get to make the decisions um well Tyler thank you for doing this as always we’ll do it again soon I uh neglected to do this earlier which is my my apologies I do I I wanted to make

Sure we talked about some stuff during the allstar break so here we are um anything to plug on the way up you got recommendations or what’s going on I don’t think I have anything new um freen if you’re not watching it you should be watching it you really like honestly if

You if you’re um a Jiu-Jitsu kaisen fan you gotta read the Manga it’s free on um Jump Plus is the app shown and jump as well like it’s just it’s just the chapters are free because it’s so popular but like you You Gotta Be You Gotta Be folling along it’s it’s the

Best thing I’ve seen in a Shonen series gosh probably since hunter hunter really like honestly like it’s it’s it’s brought it on these these uh sequences that that are currently happening has brought back the feelings I had reading Hunter Hunter and that’s the highest

Praise I can give I can give uh a piece of fiction so if you like if you’re a fan I’m I’m imploring you to read a manga I’m imploring you to read don’t don’t just watch it on TV pick it up after the end of season two pick it up

Where right right where it lefts off I forget Which chapter it’s around the hundreds um but um yeah that that’s that’s really my biggest recommendation and follow this man on Twitter if he lets you at Jonesy 2×4 he might not he might not let you but not my fault man

It’s not lock I ideally I I I’d be you know free but these jobs I I understand my friend uh thank you for doing this also you can catch Tyler on a it seems like a more regular basis these days it’s 18 on 29 the return you’ve been on you’ve been on

A lot recently so yeah my regular appearance there uh people should always listen to that show I as much as Kevin and I joke about it I spent a lot of time with Kevin on media row and that’s a fantastic episode podcast all of it listen to that listen

To us there’s there’s time for all of it there’s all kinds of podcasts you got Hawks spe Edwin’s podcast all all kinds of shows Jam we talked about Jam earlier does a great job room for everybody thank you Tyler I appreciate it my friend as for everybody else please

Subscribe to the podcast and we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland, DIME on UPROXX) hosts episode No. 1656 of the Locked on Hawks podcast, and he is joined by Tyler Jones (@Jonesy2x4) for Part 2 of a 2-part discussion. The conversation includes Trae Young trade buzz, the state of the Atlanta Hawks at the All-Star break, where the team might go from here, realistic expectations, and much more.

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  1. Yea I saw that tweet from dlee4three about the advanced stats showing that Dejounte always specialized more in off-ball than on-ball defense. What confuses me is how an NBA FO couldn’t spot that considering it could be inferred from accessible data by regular NBA fans.

  2. I wonder what archetype of center pairs best with Trae. The lob threat offensive rebounding big like DeAndre Jordan, Clint Capela, & Mitchell Robinson. Or the stretch 5 big like Onyeka Okongwu, Myles Turner, & Brook Lopez. 🤷‍♂️

  3. "Then this team is not about winning." Thank you, Tyler. I wish the coaching staff and front office knew the obvious. They need to wake up.

  4. Your team is not winning . Play your young players. Find you a power forward in the G league to back up Jalen or another small forward to back up Deandre. Starting a 6' 8" center is not a good idea what center is he going to stop.

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