@Phoenix Suns

Perk DISAGREES with Austin Rivers & Windy 🍿 Can Kevin Durant lead the Suns to NBA Title? | NBA Today

Perk DISAGREES with Austin Rivers & Windy 🍿 Can Kevin Durant lead the Suns to NBA Title? | NBA Today

Let’s check in on Phoenix because Kevin Durant he’s a star that might need a little bit more love Kevin Durant is averaging 28 points per game in year 15 and the big three in Phoenix are finally clicking but take a listen to this conversation with his manager rich

Kinman on the boardroom where he shares his thoughts on his ability to lead I don’t feel like I need to I don’t feel like I want people to call me a leader but I also don’t want people who say I’m not one either and they don’t

See what goes on behind the scenes or what I talk about all my intentions when guys like that say that I just got to chalk it up to them just not being aware of what goes on instead of like wanting to push a narrative for myself maybe not

A narrative or tell a truth on myself I don’t feel like it’s necessary I’ll just chalk it up to those guys not being aware of who I am how do you not know who he is now everyone has different styles of leadership no Superstars really operate

The same way so the question is can KD lead this Phoenix Sun seem to a championship off I think it’s very possible and you know to your point CH there are different types of leading you can be a Draymond who’s very vocal or you could be a Steph who kind of goes by

Example you could be a quiet Leonard who doesn’t talk a lot but had a huge impact in running that Raptor team to a championship that year uh was that 2018 or something like that so there are different types and styles of leadership to sit here and say that Kevin Durant

Has never been a leader to a team would just be a slap in the face and a disservice just considering the type of player he is you don’t do what you do you don’t do what he does on a basketball court and not have a say on

What goes on in the locker room or in huddles or in the final final moments of a game uh leadership comes like we said in many forms and I have seen this guy night in and Night Out year in and year out perform for his team and Lead his

Team uh we talk about him going to the finals him winning championships a lot of it with Kevin Durant I think a lot of people hate on him or don’t view him as a leader just because of that move to the Warriors but people understand only thing he did with that Warriors Dynasty

Is just make it yeah he was a two time Finals MVP with the Warriors he was an MVP before that and that team became unbeatable when he went there I’m not saying the Warriors wouldn’t have won again but they let’s be honest here it is what it is and that comes from play

And Leadership man I mean that’s why him and Draymond had times where they got into it because vocally they both would voice their their concerns or frustrations within the Huddle that starts from him being a leader he definitely has leadership qualities I mean perk you can speak on you play with

Him well well well uh well well well here we are again didn’t you and I had this conversation about two or three weeks ago when I specifically told you just because you’re the best player on the team doesn’t make you the leader that’s when you

Said hold hold on hold on hold on talk about I said okay just ke Kevin Durant I played four years with him I know Katie you could assume and see what you want to watch he leavs by example right he’s going to go out there and perform he’s

Going to show up and be a gym rat I’ve never seen a team a championship team that has won a championship without having a vocal leader in a locker room and you need that and right now I can’t point at the Phoenix Suns and say who is their vocal leader and sometimes you

Have to step outside of your comfort zone you know what was one of the best moments at this past Allstar Weekend I’mma tell you because it wasn’t too many of them I tell you that much but the one of the best moments was actually when Damen lill was sitting up there and

Shaq gave him advice where he was basically telling them up your leadership hold guys accountable that’s how you’re going to get to the top hold yourself accountable he was basically calling Dame out and telling them to be more vocal and you can see Zam soaking

It all in and accepting it so if the Phoenix Sons are trying to take that leap and Kevin Durant is the only player on there with the real Championship experience cuz he finished the mission he’s the oldest guy on their team in my opinion

For US Vet wise he has to take that leap and get outside of his comfort zone and become more of a vocal leader if he hasn’t already well Wendy I know you’ve seen penix play in in person a lot go ahead Wendy perk I I respect what you’re

Saying so much about vocal leader you are a champion you’ve been on multiple teams that have been Championship contenders I respect what you’re saying but the fastest way to upset me is people who disrespect Kevin Durant this guy’s career has been absolutely spectacular he has earned everything he

Doesn’t need for anything I don’t care what anybody says the 2017 Warriors do not win without him I don’t care what anybody says that was arguably the best C there was the best team that that maybe LeBron was ever on they got whipped and I’m not even talking

Directly at you perk I’m just saying in general the only flaw that I’ve ever seen in in Durant’s game and by the way you want to see a leader how about if you ever have a Jones fracture in your foot or you ever ever torn Achilles tendon there’s a leader Kevin Durant he

Came back from those injuries like nothing those are devastating injuries came right back from them the only thing that’s ever been an issue with Kevin Durant is he’s too worried about what other people think and the fact that he’s talking about worrying about people think of him as a leader is another

Verification of that everything else he is almost Peerless and his hard work pays off and if you want say that the Suns can’t win because they don’t have somebody who can rally you the locker room you may be right on that but I I nobody has anything to say anything to

Me about Kevin Durant quick final word here perk are y are y’all picking them are y’all Pi pick them but I’m not act like they don’t have enough fire but I’m not but I’m not disrespecting Kevin Durant even with even with the Denver Nuggets they had Jeff Green and Carwell Pope as they

Vocal leaders [Applause] [Applause] p

On NBA Today, Austin Rivers and Brian Windhorst debate against Kendrick Perkins on whether Kevin Durant is a leader and can lead the Phoenix Suns to an NBA title this season.

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  1. We were going crazy for Lebrons performance in year 17
    but like look, remember when he was with the Nets and they had all the Kyrie and Harden controversy? KD kept his cool, did not complain and played hard the whole time. If you have KD on your team and as a player you cannot motivate yourself to give 110% then no pep talk from KD is going to help you

  2. How exactly does Kendrick Perkins know what being a leader of an NBA team looks like? NBA media doesn't even talk about actual basketball, just narratives where everyone repeats the same opinion they have had and will always have. Drives clicks I guess, look at me commenting.

  3. How long are ya'll going to talk about this?!? It's been 3 years now. Get of his d*ck. Find something new to talk about.

  4. Kevin Durant for me is a definition of a great player and leadership is not an issue for him,he leads by example…And what windy said is sooo true love for windy❤❤

  5. Just because he ain’t putting on a show for y’all to see don’t mean he ain’t a leader

  6. Booker himself said this year that he and the Suns take a backseat to Kevin Durant.. everyone does.. except Russell Westbrook and later towards the end Draymond and that’s the problem.. even Steph took a backseat.. KEVIN DURANT IS A LEADER!!. He is just not a selfish leader who needs to make his presence felt because it speaks for itself

  7. Comparing KD to KCP and Jeff Green leadership is willllddddddd. Either one of them have a Jones Fracture or ruptured Achilles is out the league IMMEDIATELY

  8. Many forms of leadership but sometimes certain teams doesn't need a vocal leader to be successful. Example would be the GSW when Green was missing and Curry was leading by example and not vocally and they were struggling until Green came back and his vocal leadership boost the team winning percentage.

  9. O k o k so you say all the hard work He Pullen pays off where in golden state was Steph Curry and then boys I didn't see that in Brooklyn, I didn't see that in. Okay, see, I'm not seeing that in Phoenix and I'm not gonna see it there a vocal leader is a different with a regular leaderlike you'll say he lived by example. Okay, I guess that's an example, right? When you lead a team 31 in the Western conference final you got beat by that team, then the next year you go join that team that's lead by exampleo K he's been trying to win by himself now or with another star. He can't do it. He got 2 superstar with him now. Good luck. he's a great player like everybody has been saying, but he hasn't proved that he could win without Golden State Warriors. And yes Basketball is a team play Game, so one man cannot do it by yourself. Okay, I understand that, I never heard of all the players astherefore what they deserve decent that they go out there and show it and prove it. He's been doing the wrong he's just keep doing that. You're not a vocal leader, that's the truth. You could lead by other way, but you're not a vocal leader. That's why you haven't win. Without golden state, it's a fact.

  10. By the way, how much money are they getting paid talking about? He came back from this crazy injury. Yo. You're getting paid to play basketball millions of dollars yo, what the f*** Those guys don't love basketball just because they go out there and play. It's just a job for them. Yeah, that's all it is. I don't know why so many excuses.

  11. I get what perks getting at, KD probably could've achieved more – but what he's done is better than a lot. IMO, Bron, Curry, and KD have nothing more to prove – at this point, it's just stacking chips to put them in the Goat convo.

  12. Lmao imagine a 2 points per game scorer a guy who played kd acting like he ain’t a leader but when he was on Brooklyn with kyrie and harden he was the leader the main guy and same with the suns

  13. I don't know why people say he leads by example 😂. The man ties his shoes and delivers, just like everybody else, he just happen to be very good. That's not the definition of a leader and it's ok. He's a lethal scorer

  14. Kevin Durant was never a leader. Just because you’re the best player on your team does not mean you’re a leader. KD has never lead a team ever

  15. Kevin Durant is definitely more of a leader than people think. He does it in his own way: by not making a spectacle of it and just going out there and handling business. Just because we don't see him act like it live doesn't mean that he isn't.

  16. Nah, As knicks fan, this lightskin dude s right they hate him cuz he stop bron for winning 6 rings. i mean what s leader?
    When Kevin Durant played half a season without Westbrook and ended up winning MVP,what was that?

    When he risked his career for the fools at GSW,what was that?

    When he went against Milwaukee playing 48 minutes and almost willed them into the CF,what was that?
    The only person to say he not a leader is us fans and ppl who have no credibility.. none of his teammates have said he’s not a leader yet this the narrative we try to spin on

  17. They keep mentioning him winning with gs when draymond is the vocal leader. Just because you’re the best person on a team doesn’t make you a leader . Perk said that and it went over everyone’s head

  18. Windy, the warriors had the best record of all time before KD joined them. How can you definitively say they would not win if KD did not join them??

  19. I'm w Perk on this one…..KD is an amazing player but he has to provide what that team needs in terms of vocal leadership as the elder vet and only star w championship pedigree

  20. At times, it is good to employ the real journalists rather than taking a bunch of ex players who are full of jealousy . Especially those who didn't make a lot of money like JJ and Perk. You should be glad that ESPN has safe your F life , if not I would see how you would pay those bills

  21. KD ain't a leader, some say He lead by example so what. KD need to teach and guide his teammate so he can win a ring.

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