@Toronto Raptors

Will Pascal Siakam get his no. 43 retired by the Toronto Raptors? | RJ Barrett’s defense | Mailbag!

Will Pascal Siakam get his no. 43 retired by the Toronto Raptors? | RJ Barrett’s defense | Mailbag!

On your Thursday episode of lock on Raptors the Toronto Raptors return to the court tonight against the very bad Brooklyn Nets and to bring in the occasion we are going to answer questions from you the listeners will Pascal SE aams number 43 ever get retired why is RJ Barrett seemingly so

Bad at defense all that and so much more coming up on today’s show with ktie hindle thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast cast network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to

Another episode of lock on Raptors part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day it is Thursday February the 22nd and I’m your host sea Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the

Horrible website at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us in the locked on Raptors Discord server the link is in the description of the podcast come hang out we’ love to see you there become part of our locked on

Raptors listener Community a great place to be during games which we have again tonight that’s fun and of course in between games it gets uh you know a little deed with uh you know insane fake trade ideas and all that good stuff but it’s fun it’s light it’s friendly come

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You want to talk to faster poster job for free at loock innba that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply and here today to answer a great many mailbag questions from you the listeners digging through the backlog from the last couple of weeks or so it

Is the wonderful Katie hindle freshly returned from the Wilds of Indiana at Allstar Katie how the hell are you I don’t know fresh freshly is generous feeling seemed like you were there like for a very long time no like well past the end of Allstar no I just

Was there for an extra day because it was $11,000 to fly back on Monday to Toronto from Indianapolis might as well bike home if that’s the case damn that’s crazy yeah um so I had a nice day in Indie I got to do all the stuff I didn’t

Get to do all weekend and check out some cool places meet some cool people eat some good food so yeah awesome well we’re glad you’re back uh and we’re glad you’re going to have Allstar Tales to regil us with as we dive into the first of our listener questions today

And I promise this will be the last Allstar discourse you hear on an NBA podcast but you were at Allstar you feel you’re also I think what I would qualify as an All-Star connoisseur and I think you’re a perfect person to ask this question from Duncan which is when does

The NBA finally make some changes to Allstar Weekend to get the product to a point where people are gen Ely excited to watch it uh I’ve made my thoughts on this pretty clear I think if you don’t like the allstar game go on vacation do something else for that weekend it’s

Fine not everything has to be for everybody and I’m of the mind that the All-Star game is mostly outside of for the executives and the children of the executives of corporate sponsors it’s mostly just for the fans in the city in which it takes place uh Tony East on

Locked on Pacers did a great episode following Allstar just about how great it was which was a nice refreshing B bit of allstar content I’m not the kind of person who thinks Grand sweeping changes need to be made here Katie but where are you at here obviously you were there you

Saw the LED Court you saw everything that went down with the lack of trying and the 2011 points scored by the Eastern Conference are there changes you would make to make Allstar more appealing to a broader General audience I was there and I saw Tony shout out to

Tony ran into him a few times what a bright sunny face what a funny dude um and you know to Echo Tony’s points I was really impressed with how alive the city seemed kind of like the energy just around it even the you know like I said

I stuck around an extra day even that day like people were still there was like a bit of an Afterglow going on um I absolutely think these kinds of things are for the city that they take place in I will say in Star comparison to Salt

Lake City last year which like was like oh yeah these these guys are kind of into it but like you know Indianapolis blew them out of the water just in terms of General excitement it’s the home of basketball Katie how could you be surprised uh I mean I also think the

Allstar game is for children um you know had a have conversation with some people down there where you know it’s a little bit like a visit to Disney World like you don’t you you you do it once you see all the you see all your favorite characters right like you you’re not

Going to have like a really you’re having like a tailored experience but you’re really not going to have to see well I mean you not go to Disney World to see meaningful basketball this is obviously where we stopped the analogy but well it depends on what year it is

Katie perhaps 2020 and we’re uh right back at Disney World for Meaningful basketball there you go um it’s just that’s not what the All-Star game is for and I mean you know to go back to the point of like being there my favorite thing is to always take a couple laps

During the All-Star Game around The Concourse and see everybody in different teams jerseys mostly children but also like adult freaks like really getting into it like this is what it’s for I also think there’s a caveat in terms of the question of how do we make this something people are excited to watch

About again um because I was thinking about this a little more like why does it seem maybe not as special um not just the All-Star game but perhaps the whole weekend is I think the way that we interact with basketball has changed so fundamentally and that it

It’s all on all the time we know what people are doing you know we’re following like trades down to the minutia of the numbers um and how long people are going to be in certain cities we do like flight tracking we follow people’s personal profiles you get to

See stars paired on teams like to see it was like weird Deja Vu to see like Giannis and Dame coached by doc on the same team like you know like but they won this game K someone pointed that out too great for Doc but to that point it’s

Like it’s not as much of like a standalone event I think as it used to be it’s not the only opportunity to see a lot of these people for yeah for the people in the city probably it is but um it it’s changed because the way that we

We interact with basketball has changed you know by necessity some of that is to the NBA’s own like they’ve pushed it to be this way they want it to be a 247 365 days a year Pastime and game and like hobby for people and we’ve kind of

Gotten there so in a way they’ve perhaps created their own problem um if we are talking just like strict brass tax of like what I think could be done shorten the quarters maybe make it like 10 minute quarters I think that would be fine um start bump the game up a little

Bit earlier because you’re gonna have these giant broadcasts like you need to cram in all these commercials I guess uh during the game and there’s going to be all these stops even if they this year you know like they did it away player intros because they listen to the

Athletes they didn’t want those anymore there’s still a million stops in the game because they had all these in-game activations and honoring people in the stadium so that stuff’s still going to happen in the background maybe you can’t get away from that or maybe they do get

Away from that and just actually treat it like a basketball game but I think you know the game the All-Star game is no longer the focal point of the weekend MH but to me I will also say this All-Star game wasn’t fun of mentally that different from any of the others

I’ve seen live in that like the first five minutes are the most exciting and then you kind of tune out yeah I felt that way before I even started going to games yeah I’m with you though I got a lot of flak for that take but I I’m with

You um yeah I think you know we don’t need to you know keep on going over it but just to kind of expand upon the point you made about it being a different world I mean Ben Chapman our pal on the Discord made a really good

Point this week uh that I’ll bring to the podcast shout out Ben he gets really mad when I talk about how the Raptors should try to convey their pick this summer we love Ben um but his note was like you know in 2000 you didn’t have league pass you didn’t have access to

All these guys all the time it was like a novel thing to see them in an All-Star game because it might have been one of the three times you get to see them all season long and so there was a little bit more import placed upon it I also

Think too just like the way discourse has gone on the sort of quick jumping to meme anyone who screws up and look am I upset about Jaylen Brown getting Meed to death shout out Nate Robinson that’s what he told me and then Jaylen Brown

Said it on the podium so I hope you read the article um but yeah like the the fact that the um the just like you can’t have your cake and eat it too where you want to have this discourse that’s constantly CR critical and knocking dudes down and

Then ask why they don’t want to put themselves out there for you know the potential of failure on the biggest possible you know stage in front of the most potential eyeballs like you can’t have it both ways I think the deterioration of the quality of discourse has also kind of led to um

Just an an apathy towards the approach to all these events and until we change that which I don’t see changeing anytime soon I don’t see like that’s a lining up yeah I was going to say that’s not a that is not basketball specific unfortunately yeah yeah uh the world is hell and the

All-Star game has been brought down because of it I think is the closing point on this argument uh we’re going to get into more Raptors Z stuff coming up in just one sec here Katie uh Pascal sagum is he gonna get his number retired also if you’re someone who’s budgeting

Time what game should you prioritize in the Raptor schedule down the stretch we’ll get to the all that coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals

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Haven’t read this yet uh what what his like is he like an underwear in the shoes guy well so small plug for me I went I went to Allstar with the Raptors so yes that was nice uh and you know a lot of a lot of like lead up to the game

Like in like a couple weeks ago even in post games you know when he was announced people were asking like oh how does it feel how does it feel and he’s like I don’t really know and like with Scotty I do feel like you got some of

The stuff he says it is face value he’s not trying to be like you know skirt the question at all uh and when he was on his Podium he said it hit me yesterday so when I got to chat with him in a little quiet area after his hectic

Allstar Podium I was like well when what did what hit how did it hit you and what were you doing and he was like I was packing actually and there was something about that because I was like that makes perfect sense it’s just this minutia thing where you start to put in your

Suitcase all the things you’re thinking about wearing what you’re going to wear to certain days you know and just like time actually slowed down for him for the first time I just thought that was a really lovely and also very relatable detail 100% uh packing has a way of

Making you evaluate your entire life choices I think wow I don’t know maybe when you’re unpacking that’s more for me I think for me it’s like uh you know I’m packing for the person I want to be and not the person I am where it’s like oh I’m going to pack

All these luxurious shirts and all these different outfits and I know I’m going to wear exactly two things while I’m on vacation and be a slob the whole time I like I like that Sean though maybe next time like lean into the impulse and like actually be the person you pack for uh

All right let’s uh go to from one to Raptors uh Allstar to a former Toronto Raptors Allstar psychic ask a question from the Discord does Pascal’s 43 get retired uh lots of number retirement talk Vince Carter yesterday saying he wants to go into the Hall of Fame as a

Toronto Raptor where it all started obviously Kyle Lowry we’ll see what happens after this season perhaps this is his final go-around in the NBA um I have a feeling Kyle’s going to want to play till he’s like 46 but who knows um so Katie pass ask el seum number 43 is

That getting retired by the Toronto Raptors someday It Feels So premature to talk about this I like I but I genuinely want to say like I like that people are thinking about it this way because it shows a level of endearment I think that felt occasionally absent during his

Tenure um and and obviously a nod to the importance that he had like in Toronto uh sure just given the fact that he was a hom own star in the sense that he came up you know through the developmental program um one really big with a 905 one really big with the Raptors

Um yeah I’m also probably the worst person to ask about this because in my mind I’m like why don’t you just retire every person you liked that play for the team which some franchises do because there’s not that many people to choose from and others you know you’ve got like kind of a

Wealth of options you’ve got to be a little bit more picky I guess but I’m same with the Hall of Fame I’m like put everybody in there except the jerks you know so put everybody up in the Raptors luckily the Raptors haven’t actually had that many jerks so yeah sure yeah I I

Know there’s like a sort of you’re kind of one of two ways right where you’re very sort of exclusive with who you want to see either in a hall of fame or retired by a team or you’re just like I don’t know that guy was cool I was happy

Watching them put them in I’m and I’m definitely in the latter half like I would like to appreciate more players whether it’s for the Hall of Fame like I think there should be a hall of fame for like cool role players like I think Reggie Evans belongs in the Hall of Fame

In some way shape or form whether it’s just like a respect for his rebounds or uh just like the full-on role player Wing um you know memorable dudes I I think belong somewhere in the museum about the the NBA and sort of that tells the story of the league and all that as

Far as number retirements I do think I feel very strongly that the first Raptor’s number retirement has to be Kyle Lowry um I think over Vince over Vince because I think the tax you pay if you’re Vince Carter for the way things ended is you don’t get to be the first

Guy with your number retired and they’ve waited long enough at this point he’s been retired for a few years now Kyle’s ining closer towards not being in the league anymore one would think just as the you know the slow Crush of time buries us all um I I

Think I I think uh Kyle because of his contributions to the championship and the best run the team ever had has got to be first and then I think you start to do it a little bit more sort of all right now Vince and then whenever Demar

Retires probably Demar and then SE AUM after that uh I do think SE AUM should get his number retired he was part of the championship team he was the number two scorer on the championship team he hit the literal Championship winning bucket and as we talked about a bunch he

Was emblematic of everything that worked about the Toronto Raptors during their best run as a Fran franchise and so I’m fully on board with retire Pascal SE aams 43 and yeah you know if some point we get to the time where all of the numbers have been retired and everyone

Has to wear like number 93 or something I think that’s fun and cool that’s like the one admirable thing about the Montreal Canadians is they are like we’re going to retire all of our former Legends and all of our current players are going to have to wear number 56

Because none of the cool numbers are left and I think that’s pretty fun okay but the last thing I’ll say is the Raptors do have a big anniversary year next year in so that’s why I feel like I I hear what you’re saying about Vince

Carter I feel like he has his his the end of his career was a bit of a tax for him enough he got booed to smithin all time but like every time but once since he he came back to Toronto so I do wonder if that might be something that’s

Cooking yeah I I mean that’s very possible that like I look I am all for fun Nostalgia next season Katie and ultimately I won’t be upset if we get going get hard night like what what else do they have it’s gonna be L Nostalgia we need purple jerseys um we need to go

Back to the original scheme and logo and all that we need to reh hatch the Raptor uh all that stuff I I think yeah it’s got to be a uh they’re gonna uncover the bones of stripes like an archaeological dig they set like the opening scene of Jurassic

Park where they’re digging up the Raptor oh it’s poor Stripes everyone hated for Stripes Stripes you know Stripes had a tough go right like you know the Raptor goes out with the Achilles injury everyone’s like this guy come on but yeah I think Stripes went onto a noble

Career isn’t Stripes still working for the 905 I haven’t seen stripes in years and not buried in the ground uh hopefully the paleontology talk here on lock on Raptors uh let’s go to another quick question here before we CI another break this one comes from Green Giant JG which

Is I’m very limited with what games I can watch due to time zones and having a one-month old what three remaining Raptors Games should I have in the calendar or should I just give up this season and watch seaka and the Pacers for the rest of the season uh I’m going

To say yeah watch seaka and the Pacers is probably the answer here Katie but at the Raptor schedule oh yes we’re gonna do some good looking at the schedule today the best kind of podcast content there is um for me Katie look I’m a big proponent of just like

Watching cool players against the Raptors and seeing how admirably they play against them and I do think the Raptors this season have been the type of team that tends to play up to their competition so I’m not saying go tune in for a game against the Pistons because

They’re probably going to lose that game um my first First Choice here I think is probably I like a late game I like when they play the Denver Nuggets I’m going to go Monday March 11th in Denver at 900 PM eastern time I think that’s a perfect

Time to watch a basketball game you could still do some stuff with your day and then go watch Raptor’s nuggets uh I’m not sure which time zone Green Giant JG is in but maybe if they’re more Western this is a more conducive time to watching with a one-month-old um so

That’s my first choice here is March 11th against the Nuggets a team the Raptors have traditionally played pretty well although of course you know it gets a little Haier when you don’t have OG and Obi to guard niic as the Raptors learned when they played Denver earlier

On in the year um where are you at Katie what’s what’s a game that you have that’s that’s peing your interest if you’re uh kind of scouting the schedule here yeah uh I’d say fir I’d say probably first the Suns game if Scotty’s on KD or something like that that could

Be like a fun proposition Thursday March 7th 900 PM Eastern Time Raptor Suns at the I probably won’t be watching that game you know I don’t I don’t really like a late game no no also I guess La let say 900 PM’s late but hey I know myself um we need to

Accept when we’ve become washed I think that’s all good yeah uh I think that’s good I also think like you know it’s a team you haven’t got to see them go up against too much this year so that could be a fun that could be a fun

One yeah I think also you know tomorrow night Raptors Hawks in Atlanta and the the Rivalry between Devon Booker and the though this is on the road and I guess the Raptor probably won’t be there but there could be like Phantom PTSD they should travel the Raptor to Phoenix to

Haunt Devin Booker from a Full Arena um although I don’t know if there’s like I feel like the Raptor has some sort of diplomatic immunity at Scotia Bank Arena probably not so much in Phoenix but we’ll see um I think this is a great call though I I’ll also say tomorrow

Against Atlanta the rap always play totally insane games against the Hawks and if you’re the type of person who is hoping for a miracle run through the playin uh for the Toronto Raptors down the stretch which at this point I think they’re five games back of the Atlanta

Hawks tomorrow’s kind of The Last Chance Saloon this is the dying moment of the playin Chase for the Toronto Raptors if they can beat the Nets tonight and then take down the Atlanta Hawks on Friday all of a sudden maybe they cut it to three and a half three games something

Like that and you’re looking at oh okay maybe there’s something cooking here if you’re a little sicko like me who is very invested in getting one single playin game and a Revenge date against the Chicago Bulls so I think that’s where uh where I’m at there Katie um you have a couple

Of games against Miami down the stretch those are interesting KY back town I don’t mind the Sixers I would pick the second night of the back toback against the magic okay because that could get squirly and that’s a fun team um the could like energy match with

Toronto uh and then I probably pick to me it’s like between the Sixers and the bucks right the Bucks are a bit of a drag to watch so um I would say the Sixers because in all likelihood Kyle Lowry will be uh the new addition and playing at that point and

We haven’t seen him there yet this season uh and Tyrese Max he’s fun as hell to watch and embiid might be back by then could be back by then so that I think that’s probably that might be my top pick that’s a good one also we best if

We didn’t say Wednesday March 27th against the Knicks uh hopefully OG’s return G game as well that could be some fun times if he’s back on the floor uh we got a couple more questions Katie we’re going to get to to round out the show we’ll get to those coming up in

Just one second I’m talking about Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett and our hopes for the rest of the season coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at FanDuel the number one sports book in all of the land get

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You can be uh you know a medium who can predict the future and who’s going to win the NBA championship maybe you just pick the Nuggets again because they’re pretty darn good even though they played not so great lately you can go and do that over at FanDuel just visit locked on and shoot your shot FanDuel official sports book partner of the NBA and of course the locked on podcast Network and we round out the show here with Katie hindle of dime and basketball feelings rounding out the show with a few more mailbag questions from you

Lovely listeners out there this question here comes from Skip to My L and the question is what would you like to see out of a manual quickly for the rest of the year Katie uh we talked a couple days ago with big V about the sort of

Scotty IQ Tandem and what we want to see there but is there anything beyond that or you know tied to the Scotty Barnes on court chemistry that you are hoping to see from Emanuel quickley down the stretch of the season I think there’s been a lot of good with quickly there’s

Been a little bit maybe that’s not quite been up to what people had hoped where are you at with quickly his performance so far and what you’re hoping to see for the last 27 games out of the Raptor starting point guard I don’t think my generosity towards him has changed in

The sense of he needs time to climatize and I think yeah I think he’s shown that it’s like it’s tough I think you get you fallen with a new team you can kind of hit your stride really fast then there will be growing pains and adjustments necessary so I think really

That’s what we’re seeing I also you know he was never it’s like such a dream to think you know this person’s going to come in that will turn the team around and they’re going to just be playing a whole different style of basketball uh so you know I don’t think that’s not

What I was expecting but I’d love to see more oncore chemistry with Scotty but I mean I’m stoked for him I’m stoked for what this could look like going into next season of course it would be so fun to get into a you know play in situation

I don’t know how likely that is but just to extend the runway highly unlikely Katie a little bit probably not going down yeah I know I know I’m why not I’m flying high had a really strong coffee this whole show so uh feeling good but I

Think just generally to see how he fits and to see you know it it might be not enough time for the rest of the season for him to like kind of step into new roles or like you know whether that’s defensively somewhere else so I think just yeah

Explore the chemistry a little bit more that feels realistic yeah I I think I don’t think it’s been quite understood or like played up enough that the change in Quickly’s style of play has been so vast from what he was asked to do with the Knicks right

Where he was just this electric off thebench scorer who wasn’t even really asked to pass all that much he was just like all right come in and score for us please cuz we need someone to carry the bench while Jaylen Brunson sits and his just switch into okay now you’re the

Lead guard running the offense you are everything’s flowing through you you’re also a really key off-ball Player working off of our foundational piece in Scotty Barnes you’re adding this element of vertical three-point shooting that the team has not had in a long time you know it’s just like a huge change in

Role and I think it’s totally understandable that there have been some bumps in the road as he’s gotten accustomed to the job and I still think the way he’s performed specifically as a playmaker has been well beyond what I thought he’d be doing this soon into

This new role and job it’s been really impressive the way he’s adapted to the playmaking and point guard stuff you know the the sort of working off ball from another player and building the chemistry with Scotty Barnes that’s going to come in time he’s 24 years old

Right guards take some time to come into their own like I think the sweet spot for most guards is like 26 27 28 29 30 and so I still think there’s plenty of great stuff in front of Emanuel quickly with the Raptors and just because it hasn’t been super smooth and really

We’re talking about two-point finishing that’s kind of the only place where it’s not been impressive he’s at 39.7% on twos he want better than that but his entire career he’s been better than that you would think that’s going to stabilize it some point here and when it

Does and you combine it with what he’s done as a three-point shooter as a as a Creator I think it’s really going to gel into this really really exciting fun player who I think is a totally warranted guy to bank on as a number two next to Scotty going forward so um yeah

A continuation of the learning of the gig is kind of where I’m at with quickly and yeah if he can finish through contact in close a little better that would be nice too um next question here from comes from KJ on the other newer Toronto Raptor why isn’t RJ a better

Defender he works hard I assume as a smart basketball player is it effort or something else this one’s kind of baffling me Katie because he’s not a good defensive player right now he seems strong and athletic and powerful and smart and like should have all the tools

To be a very good defensive player he’s had moments with the Knicks where he has been in the past but also moments where he’s not been I this one’s I’m scratching my head a little bit on this one Katie and like it has to come along

This is something that this is like a swing skill for RJ Barrett I think as far as like long-term upside and all that especially on a team that needs Wing defense it needs bulk on the wings where you at do you have any theories as

To why RJ has been so lackluster on that end of the floor you know contrasting the incredible work he’s been doing on offense since he became a raptor yeah I mean I think it it goes back to something you just said which is um you gota like he’s being asked his role has

Expanded again so much is what the dimensionality of it on the Knicks um I would also say and you and I have talked about this earlier this season def like defensive identity and defensive schemes are still a little bit of a question mark you know for this

Team not in that can they do it they can do it because we’ve seen them when they dig in and understand the assignment but like it can be a bit spotty um the whole team I would say has issues some nights switching from one to the other I think

Partially that is due to their age partially that is due to yeah like brand new assignments and kind of understanding the flow of things some of it has to do with urgency um they’re you’re more incentivized to play defense I think when you I have stuff to play for and are

Good when you’re winning yeah and and I don’t want to say like I’m not gonna pin it all on that but that you know it’s got to fold somewhere yeah um so I think it’s probably a combo I don’t think it’s it’s like certainly

Not a l cause he is a pretty like he’s not pretty he’s a very intelligent player uh who didn’t really get to Showcase I’d say bad intelligence all the time with the N it’s been nice to see him where he can like step out into

That with the Raptor so I think it will come this probably is such like a my answers are very boring in terms of they’re always like yeah just give it some time which is like antithetical team right now yeah I know but uh I just yeah I think that’s it

Because when you see the flashes you can you see it’s there like you can recognize it so it’s putting all of those pieces together and making them work at the same time which is which is difficult like you don’t necessarily think of him as a young player in the

Sense of like you think of Scotty Barnes as a young player but in what he’s being asked to do it’s a he is a young player he’s kind of relearning as if he he’s joined a new team it’s a little bit like he’s in the league again for the first

Time so yeah he is 23 uh 23 old B at defense yeah he’s a it’s crazy how he’s only 23 but he’s only 23 so yeah I think a little bit of Grace and time is what this whole group kind of needs uh in a lot of respects and yeah I think you

Know do I ever expect R.J to be a wing stopper type no but can he be a perfectly cromulent guard at the two you know to to defend and not get blown by I think that’s there for him with a little bit more sort of again defensive

Identity I think is a really big thing and figuring out exactly what the plan is for this team which I don’t know if they have a plan right now and hopefully over 27 games with the same roster they start to carve out some kind of plan

That you can build upon be a big help for everybody it would answer actually probably a lot of these questions 100 percent uh that’s gonna do it Katie we do have one last quick mailbag question but I’m going to add some drama to it

And do it after I ask you to plug some stuff before we get out of here what you got uh the Scotty Barnes piece which we already plugged so that is on um if you would like to it’s Evergreen to me though it was about the dunk contest but I interviewed Nate

Robinson um and we talked a lot about why it takes courage to dunk uh and his own experiences personal and professional I also interviewed Giannis uh the so the Giannis piece and the Nate Robinson pieace are both on dime and you can subscribe to basketball feelings at basketball

Do it it’s the best it’s my favorite email the only email I read frankly uh sorry to people who are trying to get in touch with me but if you had basketball feelings as your header I would read it uh no sorry David lock but basketball feelings in your he

Knows to text me and not send me emails at this point uh we’re gonna leave it there uh we do have one last question here from loquacious Drew before we get to it just a reminder you can follow the show uh you know tell a friend Etc on

Your favorite podcast apps and on YouTube it’s always appreciated when you do that we’ll back again tomorrow to talk about Raptor’s Nets but this question from loquacious drew around it out what’s more likely our favorite parlor game here the Raptors is getting the number one pick are you making the

Over-shoulder shot at the end of your pod uh for the video viewers you know what I’m talking about the listeners at the end of the show in my new office my basketball net I have on the wall is like very close and I’ve been doing the Michael Scott catch you on the flippity

Flip at the end of every episode I think it’s been like 15 episodes I’m 0 for 15 and I’m starting to get really mad and have a bit of a complex about it the Raptors right now have a 9% chance of winning uh the draft lottery in their

Current station uh I am not shooting 9% but maybe with this end of podcast shot I’ll get closer we’ll see thanks so much for hanging we’ll talk to you again tomorrow bye-bye no

In Episode 1581, Sean Woodley is joined by Katie Heindl (DIME, Basketball Feelings) fresh off her trip to Indianapolis for All-Star Weekend to answer listener questions about your Toronto Raptors. Off the top, Sean and Katie chat about All-Star Weekend, whether it can or should be fixed in any way, and why we should all probably adjust our expectations for an event that doesn’t carry the same weight as it did in the past for a bunch of pretty understandable reasons. Next, they chat about whether Pascal Siakam will get his #43 retired by the Toronto Raptors, Vince Carter and Kyle Lowry’s own number retirement cases and more. Plus, which three Raptors games should time-strapped fans prioritize down the stretch? To wrap, Sean and Katie answer questions about Immanuel Quickley and what they’d like to see from him down the stretch, RJ Barrett’s puzzlingly poor defense, and whether Sean will ever hit the end-of-podcast over-the-shoulder shot that he so far as been skunked on.

Get your mailbag questions answered on future episodes by submitting theme in the Locked On Raptors Discord server!

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  1. GreenGiant here. I'm in GMT so a 9pm west coast game will be one to watch the morning after.

    I white-knuckle/drink a lot of caffine and stay up until 2:30/3am for some east coast games. I'll try and get that Philly game watched live for the return of the GROAT.

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