@Denver Nuggets

Jamal Murray LOVES Nikola Jokic’s New Shoes

Jamal Murray LOVES Nikola Jokic’s New Shoes

Feel more refreshed after the time off yes sir what uh what was your favorite part of your time off what’ you do uh I went to Anaheim watch the fights and uh yeah just have some me time just try to relax much as possible by the way you

After that fight what did that guy I mean that was crazy how it ended I mean he found something what what did vaski say to you after that did did you guys talk about the fight how it ended uh no I mean he was uh I think he was winning

The fight for the most part um he just at the bad bad spot in the octagon and um Ilia threw like six punches and I think he just uh made the wrong read and um got caught it as simple as that you know but for the most part I think he

Had he had the fight the way he wanted it um so we’ll get him back in the rematch isn’t that the part of that sport that you have something in common with him it’s about making reads there’s more smarts to it than just physicality sure do you guys talk about that being

Smart in the in in the moment yeah you got to be in the moment and um obviously you know you change for for a long time and it doesn’t in that sport it doesn’t take many uh mistakes to to lose so you know it’s not like basketball you can

Turn it over and get it back so um no I think he be he’ll be just fine though I don’t worry about him at all on a scale of 1 to 10 what’s your body at right now good enough are you good to go tomorrow with the Shins and everything yeah hopefully

We’ll be good I guess how do you balance kind of having that big picture that youve got the 27 games but trying to get that play as hard as I can and be ready to go each game I guess I mean as a team knowing that you want to get back on

Track after the three losses head into the break but knowing I mean it was 10 days ago that’s long G hey I like your shoe line I got a pair of your shoes what do you think about Joker and new shoes think they sick a little too heavy for me but but uh

They’re nice sure how much work goes into a player developing his own shoe like how much did you have to say for you I don’t have my but you have you have New Balance you have weight and what you use in them and all that stuff

So just colors and themes and stuff like that so it’s whatever I can come up with and ideas I have that I can put together and try to collaborate uh to make it come out in the best best way I envisioned it as possible CB said he

Watch a little bit of All-Star Weekend how much of All-Star Weekend did you watch I much with how competitive West is this time for you how can that help you in the final 27 games how close it is at the top say what was say with how

Close the western conference is just in terms of records and getting the first place how can that help you guys down the stretch here um I think keeping us Focus for the most part you know when you have teams fighting for the same same thing um it brings out the best in

Both teams so I think we’re going to be engaged especially you know against those teams that we got to got get wins against and uh we’re going to fight for that first spot you know I think that’s huge going to the playoffs you want to have home court advantage and um yeah we

Rely on the fans a lot so it’d be a lot of fun to have homeb Advantage again this play is they been a specific Focus for you guys in these last two days of practice or even just for the next 27 games no not really just uh just try not

To turn it over I think the biggest thing don’t beat ourselves um and just give an effort you know we want to go into every game with uh a winning mentality you know we don’t want to slack off or anything like that so I think just bringing the right energy and

And not being ourselves is is probably the most important key place thanks Jamal

Jamal Murray after Denver Nuggets Practice. Discover Jamal Murray’s admiration for Nikola Jokic’s latest sneakers in this exclusive clip from a Denver Nuggets practice session. Witness Jamal share his refreshing break, insights on the parallels between basketball and fighting strategies, and his candid thoughts on Jokic’s new footwear. Dive into the synergy between teammates, Murray’s perspective on physical and mental preparation for the game, and his unique involvement in designing his own shoe line. This is a must-watch for Nuggets fans and sneaker enthusiasts alike!

#nba #jamalmurray #nikolajokic


  1. Man just stop interviewing the nuggets let them focus instead of asking questions that they will omit . Who cares what they did during all star game if you can’t ask questions that don’t get rejected you shouldn’t be a sports journalist . Zigic for example pretty much asks the same question every time with jokic . It usually starts like you had this money points and you did this and that what are the next times and what you can improve something along those lines . Usually it starts of with the stats .. as in you did good .. fuck these journalists are snakes asking what they did . Jamal should just say I was watching Pokémon for 5 hours or some shit . Why don’t you ask when he took a 💩. It’s so weird knowing that they where watching a fight journalists are stalkers lol . Honestly I would just leave it up to the denver players if they want to talk or not . Just listen don’t ask . Fuck

  2. Reporters rlly do these interviews without doing any research they asked him about his shoe when he doesn’t even have one….awkward LOL

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