@Brooklyn Nets

Sean Marks speaks, Kevin Ollie sets the tone for final 28 games in Brooklyn

Sean Marks speaks, Kevin Ollie sets the tone for final 28 games in Brooklyn

Coming up Brooklyn Nets GM Shawn marks addressed the media covering everything from the departure of one jock vaugh to the expectations for the team going forward we also look at Kevin Oly and the type of tone that he will look to set over the final 28 games we dive in coming up

Next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Bro ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there you’ll find Doug Nory I’m Adam arre we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we are

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And Doug where we get started is what we expected sooner than later to hear from Shawn marks to hear from new interm head coach Kevin Oly and also get some takeaways from M Bridges as this organization tries to reset some portion of the narratives over the final 28

Games of the Season yeah the reset is probably the operative word here trying to get back on reset get back on track you know just or you know all this is probably part of say the right things as they enter the final part of the Season

Which is GNA be really important I think for a lot of different players on the team for the new coach and Kevin oi and really for Shawn marks uh in his perch above the whole thing and the press conference that was done on Tuesday evening really sort of Lent itself to a

New theme around the team though I will say a lot of this is going to be the proof and the pudding too so while I think everyone said all the right things and we’ll go through what some of what was said here between marks and and bridges

And Oly um there are just gonna be games to be played and I think that that’s probably gonna end up being the the major talking point over the course of the rest of the season yeah for sure and there’s a couple of key things we’ll talk about because there there were

Comments from Bridges also we got maybe a clear sense of what Kevin oi will be bringing to the table as the head coach for Brooklyn but from a Shawn Mark’s perspective accountability was one of the big takeaways first and foremost Shawn Mark said we all need accountability for this I need to take

Accountability the roster is my responsibility I’m not I’m not shying away from that when you have to make decisions like moving off a head coach it’s not entirely jv’s fault here and I will just add that he went on to say that’s the Hope in terms of going

Forward that we’ like to see over the next 28 games and that’s probably to be quite Frank some things I haven’t seen the level of effort and the level of compete has not always been there so I thought that Shawn marks he also said by the way I’ll paraphrase I mean he said

The words I’m not an idiot I understand like what what the perception is what hasn’t worked and and how I am Cable in that but it seemed like he did the both and here and not in a necessarily bad way this isn’t just that Jack vongh failed it’s that roster construction and

Everything matters and I am the GM so I take a big part of that and then also looked at the players and said part of the reason why Jo Von got fired is because it didn’t look like maybe he was motivating the team the right way but

But I always think that there are certain things players can control and effort is one of them and it looks like that’s a big part of what Shawn marks in the organization has not liked over the first three quarters of this season yeah well sure I mean the GM’s Never Gonna

Fire himself so like I feel like there are things I could look at internally at the end of the day it did feel like coach first players not so great and we’ll see how it goes I’m not even saying he should be fired but it is just

Funny how sometimes it’s like you know you these guys end up falling on I mean the coaches are the first to go right like in these situations you can’t fire the players and the GM is not like I said not going to fire themselves so um while he’s correct in that there’s blame

To be passed around here um he’s not wrong in that sense I I do sometimes wonder like how much if he’s giving himself the proper hit but but again like it’s it’s unreasonable to think the guy’s just gonna get up there and just do a performance review on himself and

It’s all going to be negative because if you’re in a place of self-preservation then of course you’re going to probably try to tow the line between hey everyone’s got something to everyone can take some blame here but if we’re going to put a lot of the blame in different

Places it’s going to be on the coaching the players and not really on myself and you know the the when it comes to Shawn marks over these last few years or really since his whole tenure we’ve been very complimentary of him in the p in

The past I think right like of the moves that he’s made of just like digging this organization out of the the Meer when he for when he took over over um but it doesn’t take an independent auditor to know that like these last few years have gone bad in a pretty spectacular ways

Right like Kevin Durant TR you know ass out traded Kyrie Irving ass out traded James Harden ass out traded bring in Ben Simmons been mostly hurt has fired three coaches in his tenure I mean these are the highest profile moves and when it doesn’t work in the highest profile way

Those are places where you probably have to start being concerned about your own job you know he mentioned in his in Mark’s quotes he mentioned how you know the process around finding a new coach going forward because Kevin Oly is still only the interim is only the interim

Right now and was asked you know who’s gonna be part of that process and he says something like well Joe’s giving me no indication that it’s not going to be like us you know kind of going together and doing it though I did find the wording around that interesting because

It was the first time I felt like there was a little bit of quote that there’s like a sliver of Doubt around like sort of what the longterm future here is for marks again maybe that’s reading a little too much into it but if you take that plus the context over these last

Couple Seasons I don’t know how you can look at it any other way like the biggest moves have gone wrong I again I do not think he’s a bad GM but at some point at some point you can only have X amount of things sort of not go in your

Favor before there’s like no one else left to blame right and so and I think that’s I wonder if that’s sort of where we’re sitting with Marx now yeah you mentioned there the sentiment was there’s no reason to assume I’m not no reason I would assume I’m not going to

Hire the next head coach at least at it’s kind of at this time like as of right now I assume I’m a part of that and you mentioned there’s a couple things here just from a Shawn Mark’s level um most of the media members pressed him going back to the Bucks game

And sitting everybody and that seemed to be like a pretty big Turning Point here he B he essentially said that’s it’s a full organizational decision it’s not something that that just any one component makes he tried to scurred away from the idea that that had an impact

But as we’ll talk about male Bridges coming up in a little bit it it seems like that permeated down to the players and the last quote that I’ll get from him before we move into Kevin Oly and takeaways that we had there is the again the sentiment around the roster which

Again he constructed whether it’s executing trades or otherwise we’re not going to be the most talented team out there uh in the league Mark said and this is the I’m not an idiot I totally understand that but at the same time this is a talented group of young men

Out there and I think there are plays and my expectations and think their expectations should be to hold each other accountable to do the little things the effort plays the loose balls the contested shots and so on and so forth diving on the floor it got like I

Read that verbatim because it got a little Meandering in terms of it seemed like when pressed he didn’t necessarily have the curated response to some critical questions which is a little bit surprising given that some of the pressure around the Bucks decision around the lack of confidence in JV

Around player frustrations that’s been building that’s been building for a little while here it’s not caught off guard but he seemed to be willing to kind of say yeah you know it’s a lot of this little stuff and hopefully it all sorts itself out I’m I’m no fool I I get

It but also let’s see what happens which continues that narrative around a team that sometimes feels like they are reactive rather than proactive in how they want things to carry forward coming up here in a second we’ll still round out one additional thought I had on

Shawn marks and then turn over to Kevin interm head coach big opportunity here for him what is he setting as the tone for the final 28 games and do we think this could be the Catalyst for some success for Brooklyn we’ll dive into that coming up

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Apply all right so as we continue the lock on Nets episode talking about the presser from Shawn marks Kevin Oly and even male Bridges we do remind you to get over to weegot sign up for the free ebook with your email it’s five stories in five days you can even reach

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To get to here on Shawn marks before we move into Kevin Oly is this quote from him near the back end of his what was a 16-minute press press conference we’ve shown the ability to put this franchise at the top of the map that’s the plan to

Do again we want this to be a destination where not only free agents want to come but where we can develop our own guys when when you hear that and I think I’ll tie it into the the overarching third you know interm coach now could be a fifth head coach that

He’ll ultimately put in place here this offseason do you how much weight do you think Joe Sai from an ownership standpoint puts on you did do the thing you developed us you made us attractive for Superstars and then everything that happens with that group of superstars between restrictions and City

Limits and covid and S and Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant James Harden everybody’s attitude and different personalities all that stuff I don’t care about re litigating it but do you think that Joe says yeah there’s kind of a gap here where I don’t associate your success or failings in the same way that

You might in quote normal circumstances but he gets a little bit more leeway here because everything had not just the Superstar era but then also six other layers of nonsense on top of it I mean I think that’s the only thing that has him still on the job honestly is that like

Around the guys that left there have been examples before and after where they’ve done the exact same thing that’s actually probably been the biggest piece that saved him marks in general over this last because like when I when we talk about this high-profile stuff now

He brought them all in right so like you have to take that and I think look and I’m not I guess we are retiga it when it comes down to it I would we would have made every single one of these moves so it’s not I know some people want to say

They never should have and all that stuff you have to be true to your as we always say true to yourself in that moment we both agree all the right choices like we can tangle about like the Harden trade in and out and stuff

Like that I think at the time I think we were we said that was all made sense right but I think what helps marks I think it’s actually the biggest thing that helps marks is that ktie had already that was his third stop he’d already and he left the championship

Organization in the Warriors so you’re like hey this guy left the Warriors he’ll leave anywhere okay well that saves marks a little bit Kyrie I mean it’s been nothing but things that throughout his career right um if if you’re just talking about the general talking points right like this isn’t

Even my opinion this is just this is just known stuff right so like the Kyrie piece it’s like well he couldn’t be trusted in other situations he wanted to leave LeBron he left the Boston team that make the playoffs every year he’s gonna leave here that’s not what are we

Gonna do and then Harden who’s now on his third or excuse me his fourth team after being ask asking out of three places right so it’s like right okay well if all these guys are gonna do this then how much blame can we put on the

Guy now he brought him in so you should be blamed for that and and all all this stuff was known but I think yeah I think that’s the number one thing that’s saving him probably more than anything else is that you can look to each even

Simmons it’s like well he sat out all these sixer games and he was hurt and he was in he’s injury-prone and what are you gonna do right I think all these things add up to each on an individual level you could say yeah like that how

Can that be Marx’s fault and I it’s probably not wrong it’s probably not wrong but but but but the problem is in the aggregate he brought all those guys in too so it’s it’s a little chick in her egg I actually before we move on to

Kevin olly what I actually think is is that Joe Sai knows his own cability in it too right if if you wanted to dial back to hey you had Kenny ainson you’re developing something strong if he was a part of that hey we want to be we want

To be sexy we’re we’re in New York we want the stars and he goes let’s get this done Shawn Mark says hey if this is what you want me to do I’ll make it happen right like I do wonder that closed door conversation where Shawn Mark said listen these could be volatile

Personalities they have track records right like this is a little bit of a risk high high reward but there is risk here if joose I was the one that said n no let’s go for it that also gives Shawn marks the wigg room to say Hey Joe if it

Doesn’t work out you understand that that I’m going to dial it back and try to reform it so and that isn’t necessarily by the way a bad thing like sometimes I think it’s okay to have people in ownership and in the general manager position who get to try things

Have them work or not work out and say okay like let’s try to reconfigure this is the long one of the longest 10-year GMS that has gone through the most tumultuous 10year but I don’t hate the idea of keeping stability it does sometimes come down to obviously being

Results oriented we’ll see how it unfolds Kevin Oly let me go ahead and give this see you Doug because we’re going to talk about some there’s another interesting part coming out of his uh comments but how could he get away from I want Hunters if you hunt You’re Gonna

Play if you don’t you’re not gonna play point stop this is a guy who’s been around the NBA circuit played with a dozen teams has gone through the coaching Carousel at the college level gets up here this opportunity is that just cliche 101 for you or do you feel

Like he he genuinely is trying to change a mentality and tone for a team that is filled with talented but not Superstar level players well it could be yes it’s it’s mostly cliche but it does ring true for this team who might not have like the not have like not set playing Time

Forgot Ian we’re post trade deadline now like no one it might just be not about like who needs to get their looks or who’s a veteran and who deserves to play because they make more money I think that probably counts right like they say hey just because you have a contract

Here for whatever doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guaranteed playing time and we’re going to start formulating maybe rotations based on effort a little bit more than we’ve done in the past now I think pre-trade deadline and some other stuff when you’re trying to like you know make sure guys keep their full

Value and keep everyone happy and try to figure out what you are but now that it’s going the rest of the season there’s really no impetus to do that right it’s it’s just it’s like why we want to win games and if you’re not going to be part of the system then

You’re going to be part of the bench right I think that’s a real thing that we could see play out here and maybe these guys did need a little like kick in the butt around effort and because I think we’ve said many times in this podcast that the effort has been

Completely lacking there’s been so many games where they just they were like nah not tonight right Kevin you’re on the coaching staff so you’re still sitting there going like you’re still frustrated even under Jack vaugh watching these players not be committed on the floor of course and like he had some other quotes

Too about just and we can you know we can read through them around like where he sort of maybe lands with taking the blame but also on the players because he says it’s not all on JV we’ll have a part in this right like um he took a lot

Of bullets right and so he he kind of throws some other pieces in there to say we’re all part of it but he also goes into like sort of why he’s built for it too I don’t know if you want me to read this whole quote or not maybe we can in

A second but like the overall I do think that there probably is I do probably think that he’s been giving some latitude here around it doesn’t need to be the way it was you can run new systems you can play different guys and if guys aren’t meeting meeting the level then they

Don’t need to be played either I do think that’s probably part of it yeah let’s we’ll dial into these quotes here in a second from him because there’s a couple of good ones including the egbs got to Def find those bad boys for everybody out there but but to your

Point I I the the probably the nice thing here for the Nets and for Kevin Oli but specifically for the Nets is to say the maybe the onus of what we were going to accomplish to start this season we’re going to make the play in

Tournament right we want to try to be a playoff team that’s still the agenda but the path to getting there can look different it doesn’t feel like you’re beholden to a certain ideology or agenda and maybe that ends up just helping you learn more might not be about Kevin Oly

In the long term but it can help the organization learn more about these players on an individual level let’s get into the quotes here in a second and also takeaways from Mel Bridges coming up in just one moment all right before we get to that tell you our friends over at eBay Motors

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The coverage here unlocked on Nets with the official press conference from Shawn marks addressing what went wrong with JV who’s cable who’s responsible and then handing the Reigns over to one Kevin oi I do want to hit these uh egbs the seemed to be a big talking point for the

Fan base and that was quote from Kevin Oly we’ve got something called egbs which is energy generating behaviors and it’s 17 behaviors of those things we went through the list extensively today they have nothing to do with talent but everything to do with heart and will and

I think that’s what it comes down to remember I played 15 years professionally 13 years in this league never once did a coach call a play for me I had to get it with grit I had to get it with determination I had to get it with a mindset that we’re going to

Get better each and every day okay let’s just I I like the mentality and he’s bringing like I was never the star so I had to hustle and earn it 17 points though that’s a lot of egbs I mean you know it’s hard to compartmentalize those especially when they don’t actually

Pertain to basketball this is just uh personality associations this is maybe getting a cup of coffee for the coach in the morning we don’t know for sure but I want to add these up over the final 28 games that’s every other game have a new

Egb did he let did he give the list a 17 or he just said there’re 17 I can’t remember 17 don’t worry about it there’s 17 of these and they will he went over them extensively with the players and I’m assuming there’ll be a little bit of

A follow-up Pop Quiz you know day-to-day practice to practice all right so like obviously we’re kind of like tongue and cheek here but the I will say that anytime there’s a a shift in um leadership right usually that shift comes in the form of a of a big pendulum

Swing around s like tone right because like and if we wanted to think that jacqu vaugh was more of like sort of a cerebral coach long long thoughtful answers seemed like you know by all accounts like a legit great guy maybe a little too maybe a little too LAX when

It comes to just like a free will and on the court style or maybe just like maybe exuding positive and cerebral Vibes more than just you know get down and scream at somebody and and stuff like that those aren’t pejoratives by the the way I’m just saying like everyone’s just got

Different styles and some guys are more fiery and some guys are more thoughtful and I think that there’s not one way that works in one way that doesn’t but it’s not surprising to me to have Kevin oi exude a different vibe that has been coming out of here because where vau is

Like hey we got to come together we got to work together we got to do these things you know and he would give those kinds of answers if this one’s like my way or the highway and I’ve been here and you either got to do it do it my way

Which is like fight every single night and this is how you do it and nothing’s given to you in this league you have to earn it that is for sure a different vibe I mean 100% it’s it’s so different than what we’ve had with with vau and

And honestly with Steve Nash too and so it’s been a while since there’s been this I mean I hate to say this because it sounds very cliche but the the Brooklyn grit idea right like that has not really been exuded for a while now although it’s been said a lot like I

Don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s been something that they’ve actually but this actually does feel like that at least in quotes right it’s like you do these things it has it’s mostly about effort and if you do those things you’re going to be successful like me all those years

Where I was not a superstar but had a career one a very long tene career in the NBA because I worked my butt off and I think that’s a good I think that’s a good example yeah yeah and I think you know you mentioned it sounds cliche the

Brooklyn Grit but guess what that was representative of a time when a team was overachieving based on all of those kind of just gutsy you know gritty hardworking plays right and the other thing too that I’m that’s interesting about the way that they’re they’re approaching this is you heard Shawn Mark

Say yeah ultimately we think we can be back at the top again and attracting Superstars but then from a coach level it’s getting back to some of those core principles that we think this team was successful with and your point Ali seems to be giving the the you know C ball get

Ball mentality like see the play make the play like that’s all that’s what I want to have happen first here now off of that that’s not going to be enough by the way because that goes in the same vein as Jac vaugh right cliche non-basketball related Vibes well guess

What effort and energy can also fall into the category of great you guys ran your butt off but nobody ran the actions or the sets that we wanted to so we didn’t score any points on the offensive end so it’s all always going to come down to results here hopefully though

It’s funny man when you mentioned that about Steve Nash we know personality manager back even then sorry follow that up with jock vaugh it is funny like they haven’t had that kind of guy since Kenny ainson yeah who ended up getting kind of ridden out of town because he was too

Hard you know was getting in too many players faces when was never I I’ll answer my own question Jack vaugh never got in a player’s face around I don’t mean aggressively just hey you missed the action you didn’t you weren’t where you were supposed to be it always seemed

To come with this passive energy around it and then met in post games with yeah you know he’s learning trying to come along got to see this or that I’m not talking about throwing players under the bus but accountability kind of matters and these are cliche things but it looks

Like Kevin Ali at a minimum is gonna say hey there’s accountability here if you don’t make the play that you’re supposed to make I’m just gonna pull you out I’ll probably let you know about it on the way to the bench and that’s the deal and

I think players at least to a certain extent respect that because then it is it’s on Merit it’s if I’m working my butt off I’m getting playing time and if I’m not I have to make my own excuse for why I didn’t do the thing I was supposed

To do it’s also easier to have accountability when you have a set system in place to which you can point back to right so like there’s one thing to have just neous idea yeah like right if you have a nebulous idea around effort okay that’s one thing like I can

Just like I can know it if I see it right like that can be a you didn’t put enough effort I know and I see it but also if you have a system offense defense with clear markers of what you’re supposed to be doing within those systems it’s much easier to have

Accountability we’ve heard from it too many times now and this is just this is sourced right is that the players said that there was just too there was too much of a loose flowing structure to the offense it was unclear sort of like even what they were supposed to be doing on a

Game- to game basis when that’s the case you it’s impossible to have accountability because you hav’t established the structure by which you can account for everything and so I if if there’s just if there’s Baseline structures of like Hey we’re going to be running these sets these are the plays

Oop looks like you didn’t run the Play You’re Now being held accountable for not running the play oh look we’re doing this on the offensive end we’re doing this on the defensive end you I it doesn’t seem like the Jac vaugh um the Jac vongh tenure was sort of grounded in

Those systems and then so then what happens is you can’t hold anyone accountable and then by the way it seems really confusing when guys don’t play right right and like so we and we’ve been talking about this forever it’s like yo why isn’t cam Thomas playing nobody has any idea right it doesn’t

Seem like anyone has an idea except for maybe it’s just fields and that’s not good enough so I having a structure in place around a system and having it around effort should lead to at least more a sense of like uniformity around who should be playing and what and who

Should within the organization and probably to the fans also right eliminating the postgame quotes when cam Thomas is asked does it seem confusing not knowing if you’re yeah seems weird right I I don’t understand I don’t know what my role is night tonight I don’t my Ministry night tonight at least in this

Version of it I’m using him as the example if he get sat down well it’s it’s going to be because Kevin Oly said this is what you need to be doing and you weren’t doing it my guess is that they say it too my guess is that he

Probably says it right and so and again if you’re doing the if your style and maybe this is being too like sort of simplistic around it but if your style is I’ll know it when I see it like that’s going to have problems on an organizational level because maybe

Sometimes it will be correct and other times it will just be super confusing and if there’s anything that sort of Define the vau area it does feel like that it’s like why’d you do this kind of just felt like it kind of kind of seemed like that’s what we should do because

There was like lots of analytics that would show that things that he did didn’t make any sense so then you have to just and then if you hear from the players too now it all kinds of adds up to you know if we’re on the Good Vibes alert around like whether someone should

Be doing something or not you could see why once the results started not being there everyone’s just I’m out I’m out because they don’t know no one knows what to do to have success it’s impossible Bridges is essentially cuz we’re not going to get to him here he

Said it’s tough on everybody tough on Jack vaugh everyone’s here for the same thing wants to win felt like the tone in the first practice was big we heard that cam Thomas gave Kevin Oly the biggest hug in the world it’s all it’s all good quickly before we get out the door since

They’ll play on Thursday night over the remainder of this season do you feel like this is a real showcase for Kevin Oly to be the head coach of this team long term or is this just a Showcase of that this roster can be better and maybe make it attractive for the actual head

Coach that could come in the door yeah so I think they’re going to do with Ali what they should have done with vaugh which is let’s see how it goes over a long sample size with this group of players right and then we’ll make a decision so I think he’s for sure

Showcasing if they play all out here and have a great record you’d have to probably bring them back right based on sort of the track record and everything else if they don’t and they don’t respond then it’s it’s an easy cut the ties they didn’t do this with vaugh I I

Know why they they wanted to lend stability to the organization at a time where it felt like they were completely flapping in the wind it ended up being the wrong choice end up being more chaos and instability if anything of course and and it really and it and it hampered

Your ability to do other things long term or to just you know maybe honestly fire him last season or something I don’t know or fire him early on in this season right like I think they went on they they played the string out too long because of the initial the initial

Problem but um I think that I think for sure this is a showcase I think if they’re great over the the over this last stretch that he he’ll be the head coach yeah right because because it’s not like this he’s he’s checked off all the other career markers up until this

Point college coach training level stuff with overtime Elite assistant coach like this is the the timeline that you usually follow and if you are able if everyone’s able to respond to you I think he’ll just have the job but if he doesn’t and they’re bad I think you’ll

See a Full House Clearing I and I do wonder if that would be the end of marks too like I’m not sure so I I don’t I think there’s a lot riding here on this last on this last push through the end of the season to show that there’s like at least

Something we can hang our hat on yep 28 games you know 28 games for the rest of the season 10 seat available playing tournament available so there’ll be a lot to evaluate here and it’ll start for Kevin Oly and potentially some new looking rotations for the Brooklyn Nets

On Thursday night with the Raptors I listen as we always say the Nets if nothing else do not stop short of giving you content and things to talk about so we’ll continue to see how Kevin oi looks as his interm role gets on their way on Thursday night all right buddy we are

Going to get out of here make sure you go to weot grabb that free ebook over there tons of great feedback from that more stories to come for sure go to weot we’re gonna kick you in the teeth and when you punch us back we’re gonna smile

At you and when you knock us down we’re gonna get up and on the way up we’re gonna bite off a kneecap oh baby that’s Dan Campbell I’m telling you who it is because that’s the kind of Vibes you want from Kevin olly in the Brooklyn Nets one of the alltime great poets

We’ll back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn Nets basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball bite off your kneecaps basketball yeah

Kevin Ollie sets strong tone for final 28 games in Brooklyn

Sean Marks spoke at length about the reasons Jacque Vaughn was ultimately let go as the head coach of the Nets, while also detailing some of the areas he expects to see improvement over the back end of the season. Doug and Adam discuss the immense job security Sean Marks seems to have, and why his failed superstar era is unique in outcome and responsibility.

Kevin Ollie also provided a potential blueprint for how he will coach this roster. Accountability will be a two-way street and hopefully one that gives Mikal Bridges, Cam Thomas and the entire roster a clear expectation on a night in, night out basis.

As with all changes to an organization, the proof will be in the results on the court – where by all accounts we should see a more organized and dedicated product to close out the 2024 season.

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  1. The time for talking about hoping things finally happen needs to stop…

    It's time for action and consistency to show out on the court…

    Obviously the Brooklyn Nets have a long checklist for this summer but as far as these final games go it's time for Brooklyn to regain their fundamentals on the court….

  2. Never seen a gm in any sports have a chance to hire and fire now going onto coach #4 usually a gm has 1 chance bring your coach maybe 2 chances marks now will hire his 4th coach what dirt does he have on tsai???

  3. I've been a Nets fan since '95. I put Marks up there with Mr. "In Rod We Trust". He turned us around when we had no hope. And made us attractive yo superstars. Period. And its not just because we're in BK. Ask a Jets or Mets fan about that

  4. Marks has two of the top 5 worst trades in the last 4 years and 2 of the top 5 worst coaching hires how does this dude still have a job he must be black mailing Joe tsai

  5. The proof in the pudding is poison with this roster.Sean Marks traded for Ben Simmons who was the locker room nightmare for their division rival.There is absolutely nothing to look forward to with this franchise at this point.

  6. @LockedOnNets Kevin Ollie literally repeating the same sentences and strategies of Vaughn in his interview. More ball sharing, more effort, 0 mention of Xs and Os, no mention on decision making, player hierarchy, or defensive schemes.
    Kevin Ollie is copy/paste of Jack Vaughn

  7. I got a bold move for the Nets. Go and get the kid Mat McClung who is tearing up the G league for the Magic. He has Jalen Brunson talent, but with hops. You want to sell tickets? Go and get this high light reel!!

  8. I will reserve my opinion on Kevin Ollie until the season is over. Sean Marks needs to get this one right…his track record hiring coaches is poor. He should conduct a thorough search before making a decision, regardless of what happens over the next 28 games.

  9. I wanted to believe in JV since the Nets started playing so much better when he took over, and specifically on defense since Nash era with defenese was atrocious. I even had some expectations raised at the beginning of the season. Hopefully, Ollie can do an above average job for the remainder of the season

  10. Marks on the hot seat, he better get it right this off season. Would love if they got Budenholzer as HC for next year.

  11. I’m not sure and wouldn’t blame Adam and Doug for not bringing it up but I’m going to.

    There are reports from Forbes that the Nets are in negotiations with the Koch Brothers for them to purchase a stake in the Brooklyn Nets.

    Boy oh Boy is this incredibly hypocritical if they take the money. The Koch brothers whether you like them or not are highly controversial political engine that funds some very conservative policies. This is an organization that in the end of the day parted ways with Kyrie over his political and social beliefs that they thought were a distraction to their organization and then didn’t sign Udoka because of nba and other pressures. They have an owner in Clara who claims to be big into progressive social justice etc. However, you are completely fine negotiating with an organization that has far more social-political impact on our society than Udoka or Kyrie will ever have?

    That makes no sense whatsoever and it shows you if this report is true that this is all about narratives and optics. Why didn’t we just keep Kyrie and Sign Udoka then? Listen I generally agreed with the decision to part with Kyrie. It was a massive headache. I probably would have signed him anyway given the state of the Nets now but I understand moving on. However, if your an organization of principle than be consistent in these principles. Don’t wave the finger are Kyrie and Udoka and then form partnerships with other controversial groups. What it says is that we are principled at a cost. If you can fill our coffers we are fine.

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