@Utah Jazz

Are The Utah Jazz Ready To Develop Their Young Players?

Are The Utah Jazz Ready To Develop Their Young Players?

Are the Utah Jazz ready to develop their young players now I guess it depends on who you ask MH I have been telling you that Walker kler and keonte George and I know I don’t know about basketball just ask well you don’t even watch Jazz games I don’t watch Jazz games

Yeah now I believe that I have been advocating for keante George to be your starting point guard for I don’t know how long weeks how longer than that will hardy the head coach of the jazz keante is a big part of our program um I think that playing with Lowry and

John and Walker all three of those guys need facilitators to get them the ball and I think that um to this point in pick and roll um and even some of the off ball stuff with Lowry I think that Keon has been a really good facilitator

On the whole um you know Chris knows that his his role is still the same for our team um it’s still going to be about playing anywhere from 17 to 20 minutes and trying to guard the best player on the floor um but I think that Keon stepping into that role is

Ultimately what’s best you know for our team moving forward so let me get this right trade deadline passes you don’t trade JC incredibly you trade oin and agbaji and now you want to say it’s time to start keontay and Walker Kessler I I am I am at a loss you got

You got bot raced by one of the floundering franchises in the NBA whose head coach was in Europe at a funeral Steve Kerr did not coach last night and you got crushed by 22 points and you play key 29 minutes and he’s a minus 32 you start Walker Kessler who plays 26

Minutes 11 points nine boards an assist two steals four blocks and he’s zero like he’s level right these are your two guys that are your future in my opinion Walker Kesler and keante George you see it already they’re special players Hendricks is a project Taylor Hendricks is going to be a

Project but it’s frustrating to me that we’re in a situation now listen Steph Curry is an incredibly difficult player to to handle MH their defense is abysmal on a nightly basis the Jazz they’re terrible defensively what what have you gained by not starting keante George and Walker Kessler because I don’t understand it

And I know I’m just little old simp Monty right I don’t understand where this organization’s going I have no idea oh wait yeah I do Ryan Smith is not going to spend money to win Ryan Smith is not going to empower Danny a to a

People he is not going to spend money he is is not going to take on significant payroll because his his focus is not winning an NBA championship mhm his focus is bringing an NHL Franchise to this city his focus is trading away your veteran players and then using the

Development of his his young as an excuse as to why you don’t win and I don’t think it was any accident that you traded your your two most expensive players in Rudy and Don then you hired a coach that was young and inexperienced so let me get this right

You saved money on the Quinn Snyder move you saved money on the Rudy and the dawn move and you have contracts in guys like Lori marinin who’s got one of the most team-friendly contracts in the NBA you don’t have a Superstar on your roster you don’t have a guy that’s the

Best player on anybody else’s team and now you’ve decided that you should start keontay George which is not will Hardy’s decision I’ve talked to my jazz guy about this repeatedly right Will Hardy has in-game control he does not have he does not have starting five control this was a core decision to

Start keante George now and it I this is this season my biggest fear for the jazz is this season will go down as one of the Great Lost seasons in jazz history I just don’t know what the goal was like like again if you remember after the Don and Rudy

Trade we got sold a package of hey yeah we’re gonna we’re we’re retooling rebuilding you know and that’s going to be a a three to five year process so here we are and year one was nice you overachieved like everyone felt good about it it was year one didn’t know any

Better in year two to me hasn’t really been much of anything I mean yeah you’re hovering around 500 you had the one run you had the one streak yeah but like which was nice but you’re not a playoff team you’re not this is not even a playin

Team there’s no point in being a sacrificial lamb as a playing team and you’ve lost five of of seven now and you lit Klay Thompson on fire who has not been hot for a year right and this a guy that’s been benched in the fourth quarter this a guy who has

Not been able to hit water from a boat and he came out last night and made you look foolish and now the Lakers are here tomorrow followed by Golden State followed by Charlotte San Antonio on Sunday and then you got to go Atlanta Orlando in Miami or excuse me after the All-Star

Break yeah you end the All-Star break with the Golden State game Thursday look all I’m saying is that I I just think it it it makes you as an organization look a little bit silly that you waited until after the deadline to start these guys

Like it’s one of the things I give San Antonio so much credit for right and I know that Victor’s a little bit different obviously konay George is not Victor wanyama but but the SP were like yeah we’re we’re going to draft Victor we’re going to play him as much as we

Can and we’re going to close that development window as fast as possible that’s what I think you have to do in the league I don’t know why you wouldn’t I there’s no no there’s no impetus for them to win now because it’s expensive winning in the NBA is expensive

Yeah you either do it this way or you go through what Oklahoma State’s gone through right where you spend an En an amount of time developing your talent yeah right and you you look at their you look at the the roster SGA Jaylen Chad Josh giddy lugan

Stort Cason Wallace yeah you know the major core of that team are their players that they’ve drafted and are developing and it’s working for them and they’re 36 and 17 or you can be the timber puppies and you you do the exact same thing but you make some bad decisions

Along the way and Anthony Edwards cat you know Jade McDaniels and you also have Rudy goar Naz Reed so you develop your best players and you trade for the worst contract in the NBA and a leader in Mike Conley so who’s playing 29 minutes for Minnesota which is crazy yeah I don’t

Know do how long and how many years until the Jazz win a champion ship it’s at least another five I think it’s at least the and the only thing that changes that is Ryan Smith opening up the pocketbook to change the trajectory of the build you would have to have a

Complete change in philosophy yes at this point to win a championship in the next five years your best point there is that it was it’s a team decision now it’s an organizational decision to start keante now and that’s the part that bothers me the most if this was Will

Hardy being a young coach and he made this mistake and you know it was like oh hey Will Hardy said not to and now he’s saying to that’s different but the fact that it was you know Jay-Z a will hardy I’m sure Ryan Smith was in the room

Beyonce bodis uh the fact that it was the group of them that made this decision tells me one of two things is happening Ryan Smith is not actually letting the basketball people do the basketball or Danny a just simply has lost his mind and doesn’t can’t recognize a rebuild yeah I don’t know

Talking with Raphael podcast find it wherever you get your podcasts uh at what point does the player have to say enough is enough and take action on getting development on their own and not wait for a team or am I getting something wrong here that’s summertime that’s it’s the old Doan

Mitchell thing go go summer runs why is Devin Booker now one of the better defensive Wing players in this league yeah because he he spent an entire summer working on footwork why is Donovan Mitchell one of the most dominant players in an MVP candidate this year because he spends every single

Summer building his his skill set always comes back with something new that’s why but you’re not wrong in the summer you got to do that but the only way to win in this league at the development level minutes and a lot of them why is Walker Kessler in the Team USA USA Basketball

Pipeline got a ton of minutes last year mhm people took note right to take note so see what he did that that was like a jazz reference and it’s Walker CER keante needs more minutes yeah and he the the other the other thing is is what do you do with Taylor

Hendricks because he does not look ready for the NBA how could he be because he’s been in the G League all year yeah I think you have to suffer with him and he’s got to play 20 minutes a night yes suffer let the pain sink in let him learn trial by fire

Man you know what I’m saying uh wait Jazz got Lowry Kyle Lowry for Miami no he’s going to the Sixers nope uh if they would have tanked for Victor here we go the Utah Jazz would have no problems and they would be a complete meeting for home quarter vanish throughout the

Playoffs if they would have adopt Victor Victor’s the way they were never tanking for Victor yeah never uh with the cap space if they can trade a star this summer when they can trade picks for salary like they did with Collins is the only way but they’re not they don’t want

To take on big salaries they don’t so I’m telling you man it’s not Ryan Smith is not engaged on winning a championship he’s engaged on getting a hockey team to split a building with that’s what he’s engaged in honest to goodness which to me I and I’ve pondered this as an owner

Of an NBA franchise I understand why you would want to try and pick up an NHL Franchise to split a building with on some level but you’re new in the game you’re not like an old head who’s been owning these teams for 50 years you know

What I mean like I would have thought that Ryan would have come in bought the team and said okay let me establish my knowledge and my ability to go out and win a championship and then go out and and do these different things yeah a couple more uh Chris says Kyle Larry got

Bought out and will sign with Hometown team in Philadelphia he’ll probably retire after this year I would think correct finally Derek Rocher J jits uh you guys make me hate Ryan well I don’t think you should hate him I think you should be disappointed in him yeah and I think we should be

Honest about what he’s actually doing this is but this is the danger of allowing a guy to completely control his own narrative in an entire Market yeah Ryan Smith owns Utah nobody will say a cross word about him nobody the media will not call him out the media will not

Ask tough questions oh when they don’t add a significant star of financial leverage nobody will say why they’ll just write it off to oh he doesn’t want to play in Utah that guy doesn’t want to be in Utah that guy doesn’t want to be in Utah that’s what Jazz fans will write it

Off to not we didn’t want to pay the money and make a deal we didn’t want to pay a guy yeah well we’re develop lari marinan is the best player in the NBA who would be third on any Championship caliber team Monty you don’t know the

Jazz do you even watch Jazz games nope not one time I’ve never the Utah Jazz that sounds familiar

Are the Utah Jazz ready to develop their young players? Utah Jazz head coach Will Hardy, Utah Jazz General Manger Justin Zanik, and Utah Jazz Owner Ryan Smith have moved Keyonte George and Walker Kessler into the starting lineup. Should the Utah Jazz go full rebuild mode?

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  1. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again. The Utah Jazz has done just that. Either improve and spend the money or lose fans.

  2. I completely disagree with the show. I believe Ainge/Jazz have a plan. Not sure if it's a package deal for a current player or to move up in this draft for someone they are liking. I think Ainge is just ahead of what these two buffoons are crying about.

  3. These dudes seem way off to me. KG has been playing 20+ mins a game and developing. It was in Hendricks best interest to play a ton in the G league. Looking back at past Ainge teams…he collects asserts, drafts players…aka Tatum…etcand THEN makes big trades. Like he did with Kevin Garnet, & Kyrie for example. Also according to Ben Anderson on the Jazz Notes podcast, Ryan Smith is ready to pay and has had to be more patient than he wants….because he is trusting Ainge and JZ.

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