@Utah Jazz

[Post Game] The Utah Jazz (26-32) fall to the Charlotte Hornets (15-41) 115-107

[Post Game] The Utah Jazz (26-32) fall to the Charlotte Hornets (15-41) 115-107

by 16patterjo


  1. Hendricks not playing in the 4th over Clarkson while we’re “prioritizing development” is insane. Tank move or not wtf was that

  2. JoeIngles

    No game more tonight, I had the fortunate pleasure of meeting Williams, okur, Boozer, and AK47, and the unfortunate pleasure of seeing the game live

  3. tesellate98

    Maybe unpopular opinion but Kessler was unplayable tonight. Totally invisible out there.

    I know everyone wants walker to get more minutes and loves to blame Clarkson for everything but Kessler was the worst player on the floor tonight in my opinion.

  4. giantcorngames

    Let’s lose the rest so we can have a chance at Zachary Risacher, seriously

  5. FERFreak731

    Will Hardy was with Luka during all star break. What if he sold Utah to Luka, and he said he wouldn’t mind playing here. Will then told Danny, and he told him to tank on purpose to keep our pick, hope it jumps to the top 4, and have a good asset in a Luka trade.

    Or Will Hardy is a Clarkson fan, and hates Taylor Hendricks

  6. Dasmith1999

    The Rookies outplayed the vets not named Lauri in my opinion

  7. fakeaccount787

    What was the actual plan at the deadline? Did no team want Clarkson? I know there’s a play here but I can’t see it.

  8. I had fun tonight, regardless of the final score. Rooks were real impressive and the future is bright.

  9. giantcorngames

    Charlotte absolutely dominated the trade deadline

  10. epoch_fail

    We’re now a team of bigs and smalls and almost no one in between, with 3 rookies in 9.

    Every competent wing-sized player will have a field day against us.

  11. munki_flip

    Hendricks +10 and Clarkson -19. Guess who played the entirety of the fourth quarter while the other sat.

  12. bobcrackchuc

    Man, call us the Utah Spouses of Miles Bridges–because he just beat us

  13. MadMadMad2018

    So I guess we are gifting the Thunder the 11th pick lol?

  14. I’m just waiting for the post game interview on jazz plus to see what in the fuck Will Hardy has to say for his Teams performance for tonight.

  15. CallMePeePz

    Clarkson got too many minutes and Hendricks not playing the last 18 is garbage. George sat too long in the 4th too

    I refuse to believe Hardy did that intentionally, he had to get the call to keep Hendricks out, there’s just no way… Which means this was another bait and switch season.

    If Clarkson is on this team next season, I will be upset. He’s gotta get traded this off season.

  16. -Moondog8679-

    Growing up a Jazz fan my entire life, we may be the most reactionary group of fans for a small market I’ve ever seen in the NBA. Win a game and we’re on top of the world, lose a game and everyone’s head should be on a pike.

  17. thehelpfulcamel

    One positive: Brice minutes instead of THT minutes. And they were pretty good!

  18. thebhopexperience

    An interesting detail of the night:

    Keyonte George – 16 pts 3 reb 5 ast

    Brandon Miller – 16 pts 3 reb 5 ast

  19. ChaseBank5

    Collins is a monster on the boards. 16 rebounds.

  20. coolguysteve21

    It was our fault we lost but I still got some issues with NBA reffing.

    In the fourth quarter Lauri hit a three that put us within two but it was rescinded because of a offensive foul called on Sexton it was a moving screen. Sexton did foul so I was okay with the call.

    Literally the next two possessions Williams does two moving screens does not get called and the Hornets hit one open three.

    Then with our final attempt to make a run Collins gets a rebound holds onto it while two other defenders are holding it as well, and it definitely felt long enough to be called a jump ball. But i guess it wasnt.

    I am seriously fed up with reffing in the NBA all I want is consistency!!

  21. chris_b_critter

    I record the games because I get home from work late. Someone convince me to watch this one. I’m already mad we lost to Charlotte. I’m not sure watching will improve that.

  22. ChameleonWins

    Decided to stop watching the jazz after the trade deadline and i think i’ve made the right decision (i had hope something would be better post all-star) 

  23. There’s really no justifying Clarkson’s minutes anymore

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