@Cleveland Cavaliers

Without Donovan Mitchell, Cavs lose to Magic | Cleveland Cavaliers podcast

Without Donovan Mitchell, Cavs lose to Magic | Cleveland Cavaliers podcast

No Donovan Mitchell was a problem we’ll talk about why and how the Cavs lost to the Magic in their first game post All-Star break on a new locked on Cavs are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs helped you

Find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster poster job for free at lockn that is SL lockdown NBA to poster job for free terms and conditions apply I am Chris Manning that is Evan damal we’re here after Cavs magic where Cleveland loses its first game after the All-Star break

In a game the really have Donovan Mitchell but Evan I still found to be a somewhat disappointing Cleveland performance what did you what did you make of this game I think disappointing is a good way to put it yeah there is no Donovan Mitchell in this one but this is

Pre All-Star break against the Bulls they came out flat but they’re able to put together just enough to got a win but it feels like ever since they lost to Philly it feels like their mind has been in another place or maybe just like the general fatigue of things is kicking

In but JB vicker staff did stress this pregame and I do think it’s the right thought process like it’s not going to be an instantaneous thing um it’s going to be a gradual ramping up process like this is the first game where Darius Garland and Deon Moy were no longer on

Their minute restriction I think Moy played really well in 34 minutes Garland um not so much I’d say but this is just like a lazy game for the Cavs I think um you know the lack of three-point shooting could be something people point at but the fact to me is they turned

Over the ball 20% of the time uh in this game like that that’s just a recipe for failure especially when Orlando scores 28 points off of those turnovers so the Cavs more or less shot themselves into foot um all throughout this game I think they were competitive in the second and

Third quarter and then you watched it kind of just slip away from them and it was like a they kept shooting themselves in the foot it wasn’t like Orlando like yeah Orlando beat them but like the Cavs really did not set themselves up for success in this one and you just kind of

Have to let this one roll off your back for Cleveland and now shift your focus to Philly on uh Friday night and the second give him a back toback yeah and and I think if you if you look at if you look at this job and you look

At the what they did here and you look at this game just a lot of the Hallmarks of what worked pre- Allstar break are just kind of gone and and I I want to get kind of deeper into the three-point stuff as we go Evan but I think that just speaks a

Little bit to how Donovan Mitchell is at the core identity of this team and there’s some darus Garland flashes in this game we’re going to in segment three talk a lot about just where he’s at and kind of rehash that a little bit and what he looked like in this

Game but you think about the the kind of shots it felt like they generated the way they looked just the way how hard or or not easy things just came for guys in different spots I think that all goes back to just no Mitchell like Mitchell is the engine of so much

Of what has worked this team the last several weeks and you take him out of that you can try to run some of the same stuff Orlando just credit for being a good defensive team and big and all of that but it it might just be as simple

As you didn’t have Donovan Mitchell and he defines the way you play plus post austar break and that’s how you lose a game like this it might just be that it could be a product to that I do you think just not having Mitchell the

Center of this like you said like he is the the guy for the Cavs on just what they need to do on offense especially with Darius Garland having such an up and down start the season and also just you know having uh just you know injuries just

Kept getting in the way of just things with the jaw injury being the most devastating one for Garland but Max Tru is actually asked about this postgame like did not having Donovan changed the economy of things he’s like yeah it did but we can’t they can’t use that do an

Excuse most nights either this Cav team is also too talented to kind of come out this just just this poorly and I think yeah they they didn’t take enough three-pointers I leaned over to Jackson Flickinger at one point there was a possession where Jared Allen was at the

Top of the key I thought for a second like oh he’s wide open he might rip this one and then he looked like he was about to pull it and he kicks it off the Garland who then drives to the basket and either turns it over gets fouled or

Just you know it’s just kind of one note I think with Garland it’s still a work in progress with him getting back to feeling comfortable with himself and I thought at least in my eyes like hey there’s no Mitchell in this game this is a really good way to get Garland a

Little bit more comfortable get his feet wet and what the Cavs are trying to do stylistically and there were moments of it sure but it’s it’s obviously not to the level of success you know is grown accustomed to without Garland out there and I think those are just going to be

Part of the growing paints for these last 20 plus games until the postseason comes down if anyone can also just like I think I can believe that they truly believe by the way that they say that they don’t care if you can’t make an excuse cuz the guy is out I believe that

Max dreu would just like feel that in his soul heat culture never die yeah like honestly it was actually Jackson flicking Jass and he’s just like he did not having Donovan out there make a difference for you three-point shooting wise he’s like I he’s like I mean yeah

Like you know kind of bluntly like yeah Donovan takes a healthy volume I mean he Sho takes almost 10 three-pointers a night on his own but he’s also just like yeah we can’t make excuses like we can’t like make our entire core identity like lean on one guy like other people have

To step up and I think shu is a dude who stepped up in this game especially down the stretch but it was just um or Orlando just mucked this one up pretty quickly and they never really let the Cavs get comfortable at all during this game and I think that was another big

Part of it too like TI your cap to the Magic The Magic played this game very well and use their length in athleticism just to kind of fluster the Cavs quite a bit and maybe some with Mo Vagner didn’t help either but um you you know you can’t like get in a

Fight with the refs you can’t let that be the deciding factor either like if you want to be a team that is or at least wants to be perceived as Elite in the Eastern Conference you can’t let the little things be the reason why you lose you can’t you can’t

Let it get to you because that’s the mental edge of this this game the other thing too is just like some of the sharpness just felt very post allar Breaky to me like Jared Allen you mentioned him he also had like a Mis dunk in the fourth quarter where Moy

Found him in a really good spot under the rim and he just like smashed it on the on the rim and it’s like if one of those things good doesn’t go your way okay that’s going to happen that happens every game but when it five six seven of

Those go against your way you kind of just end up here like I I I find this a very boring thing to say about the game and the three-point stuff we’re going to get to in segment two to me is like the Crux of the interesting part of this

Game to me but sometimes you just don’t have it and we’ll see if they have it Friday but they didn’t have it here yeah they just they didn’t have it and that’s just the reality of situation like I don’t think that’s boring at all it’s just you know it’s

Um just it is what it is like you know there’s there’s things that are going on off the core like it’s supposed to all start break like fatigue like guys are still trying to get back into shape you know physically and mentally and also like it is a momentum stopper too like

The Cavs were a little Topsy tury against Chicago maybe their minds were elsewhere heading into that game but um yeah like you could tell like there there there was a little bit of rust after having like almost a week off and the cevs were only like Isaac aoro said

Like we only were able to practice twice like yeah there’s a little bit of like rust and like awkwardness that we kind of have to refind out there and like hopefully it’s just you know sooner instead of later and I I am curious like we will record and talk about the Philly

Game Friday night going into Saturday I’m curious to see they bounce back and respond in this upcoming matchup against the Sixers cuz this is a team that ented their winning streak and really like took the win out of their sales last time they met the Sixers yeah and it’s a

Really good chout because that was the first time we saw this team I think feel kind of like deflated by performance in recent memory all right after this three-point volume I’m going to give you some numbers and we’ll talk about Mo no Coro because both of them I think were

Bright spots in an otherwise odd game but that’s going to come up after this today’s episode is brought to you by Linked In when you’re hiring for a small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for your role that’s why you have to check out

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Apply so three-point volume EV to me is is really the story of this game and why the Cavs three-point volume wasn’t where it has been of late so 33 32% of the Cav shots were from three 223 in terms of just the raw number only once this year

Before this game had the Cavs taken fewer threes in a game than 22 and if you that that was over a month ago and a random win over the Detroit Pistons that I I have a hard time like get like frankly play the Pistons like

I’m not going to you can throw that one out of the the data sets and everything that’s just like a a game you win and you move on you don’t think about it again but this was just such a even though they were efficient from three

They were 10 to 22 the fact that they only got up 22 when in recent games before the break they took 37 37 41 37 35 41 44 35 the last several weeks they’ve just been letting them fly it has made them better it has made them more dangerous

It has loosened things up and I I have some theories as to why they couldn’t get them up in this game fully but to me that’s that’s the Crux of why they lose in some ways it’s that they didn’t play to the in the same style I

Think we’ve seen them play in the last several weeks and and that it’s kind of LED them to a lot of wins yeah um I agree the three-point shooting was a big part of this I I still just Hammer home the point that like caress turnovers really did just hamstring the Cavs like

Sure not having Donovan Mitchell takes away a hypothetical 10 three-pointers in this game but the fact that the Cavs are so careless at the basketball like Jared Allen said like there’s a few possession where like he’s like yeah I was just careless with it like Darius Garland

Wasn’t he had 10 assist for turnovers in this game like you know not terrible but it’s also like not like you know super careful with the ball either but you just kind of have to keep working through these growing pains and figure out like ways to maybe not shoot

Yourself in the foot and I think to me like that was the big one is just like they kept they kept being careless with the basketball and giving the magic opportunities to either widen the lead or just um get keep themselves in the game the brief moments the cast maybe like

Kind of swung things back in their corner and if you’re trying to find stability and balance without your best player on the floor and Donovan Mitchell like that’s just not a recipe for success to in my eyes I think just no Mitchell is also just like why this happened to some degree

Like Dari Garland who we’re going to get to just can’t generate or couldn’t in this game or can’t this year whatever it is is generate the the the fear in defenses that or the the respective defenses to open up threes in the same way he just can’t do it in the same way

Mitchell can and you all the cutting streu in particular did was great all of the stuff they were working on I thought really really worked in a lot of ways but at the same time it’s like you take on Mitchell and it’s like what like that’s kind of like you you change your

Whole system without Mitchell change like the your danger level in that case right like and so it kind of just like that happens there you go that’s kind of just what you have to to deal with for a night and you Pro it’s probably you know he’s back Friday let’s say and that

Probably gets fixed and it’s a one game off thing but I think again it’s another reminder of just how vital Mitchell’s going to be yeah and especially when Darius scarland clearly isn’t like 100% physically like I think there are glimmers and flashes you notice at the top of the show like there are

Moments you see like yeah this is the Darius Garland we’ve grown accostumed to but then there’s also moments like he’s kind of passive or at least for me I think the most I don’t want to say disappointing but maybe sometimes frustrating thing was yeah there’s a clear lack of offensive production in

Scoring because you don’t have Donovan Mitchell on the floor like this was a game where I expected Darius Garland to take more than I believe he took 12 shots yeah he took 12 or no yeah 12 shots in this game six to 12 from the floor three of five from three-point

Range like I this is a moment where I’m like Darius I need you to be a little bit more selfish when you’re trying to score and like mitigate the loss of not having Donovan Mitchell and his you know nearly 30 points per game on the floor so like you got to find compensation

Elsewhere like you weren’t getting it from Caris lever George Yang was getting picked apart on the bench Sam Merill had a four-point play and then like other than that was kind of one note and blle um Craig Porter Jr played for a cup of coffee in the first half like the Cavs

Were kind of hoping somebody would step up and yeah Max dreu had like some big hustle plays down the stretch to kind of keep the Cavs competitive but to me like if you want somebody to step up when Donovan Mitchell isn’t available the guy has to be Darius Garland and

Maybe it’s a comfort thing maybe it’s a physicality thing because like he looked Gass at points just because like he played more than just four to five minute burst that he had during this minute restriction he was under but those there are moments where like I

Wish Darius was kind of ripping it a little bit more just to kind of like compensate for the lack of his uh co-star out there let’s just finish talk about him we’ll get to we can do moino Cor in segment three I I think I agree

With you he just needs to like let it rip and yet there’s times in this game where I watch the way he’s creating passes and creating assists for guys and creating good shots for their guys particularly inside the paint where I’m like oh that looks like the Darius

Scarland that we know that looks like the a version of the Darius scarland the Cavs need but he just still I mean physically I don’t think he looks all the way back yet which which makes sense and yeah and also he he’s also just not

Wired that way I think we can both agree like he is not a guy who will just hoist up shots for the sake of hoisting up shots like he doesn’t really Chase scoring numbers he’d rather just pass the ball and like yeah the 10 assists

Are great like the fact that he had a double double with scoring and assists is great the fact that he had a five to two assist to turnover ratio I guess a 2.5 to one assist to turnover ratio in this game is encouraging um but more so the fact that

Like you just want him to rip it more but like he’s just also not hardwire that guy that way either sometimes and that I think that is just like you know something you have to kind of roll with with Darius Carland as much as you may not want to

He there is a balance for him that he found I think best in his Allstar season where he was aggressive and he took shots well he’s also the only dude running the offense to so that that’s part of my point is that like I don’t know if he’s ever quite found that

Balance again with Mitchell there’s something to be said of like I kind of just expect more from him to to be able I just I’ve always thought of him as a really malleable guy maybe maybe we’re learning he’s not as malleable as we thought I I don’t know

There’s something like we have to maybe just take away from this at some point um and and do something with it I I guess I I also just think Evan as much as like I kind of feel right now we know I feel like Moy is figuring some stuff

Out and we’ll get to him oh yeah um he was awesome in this game in my opinion like I agree let’s so let’s save it yeah let’s save awesome like yeah if Mo is going in a certain direction where we feel like we know what it

Is and are confident in that let’s say mhm I think figuring out Garland becomes the most like up in the air thing over the next six weeks in the build to the playoffs I agree I I wonder how the Cavs navigate it um I know Mitchell did not

Play against uh Orlando due to an illness he was listed as questionable after missing practice on the their first official like media availability practice after the All-Star break that he practiced Tuesday from what I’ve gathered um but either way um the Cavs may have to do a trial by

Fire thing too we’re like Darius we need you to kind of figure it out a little bit because there are I guess possessions where they played him off ball where like Moy was running the point and like a s foot point guard like doing some of the stuff he did in the

First quarter was just like insane like the I’ll talk more about it in a bit but like even like Caris LT like is kind of like your backup point guard in these scenarios too and like there’s ways to kind of creatively make Garland feel more comfortable with this new offensive

Approach where it is much more Centric to Mitchell and you only have so many games to figure it out because like you don’t want this to hamstring you come playoff time because like that’s the most inopportune time to let that happen could not agree more all right

After this Isaac aoro Evan Moy will start with Moy had some really stand up performances we’ll talk about her optimism for those two guys to wrap up the show after this today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel the official sports book of locked on and the an official partner

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I start is yes he took a three yes there’s some good offensive stuff I thought this was as good as his defensive timing has looked since he’s come back from from the knee surgery yeah I think despite maybe some of the fouls that he picked up I think I

When he picked up his third foul um it’s actually his last foul but it was in the first half you can tell like there’s a little bit of frustration but to me I’m like despite the fact that I had JB biger voice like in the back of my head

Like the best way to be Orlando is to defend them without fouling I think that’s just the case for defending any team but the magic or the opponent but um you ideally like you want your best defensive player in Moy to not be in foul trouble kind of have to deal with

That uncertainty but yeah defensively like he looked a little fresher he looked a little faster like there’s possessions he was defending um either Vagner brother there’s times he’s defending I mean like shutting the water off Palo banero who was like such an interesting match up for him at times

Too just because like that is a stretchy big man who is also big in terms of just size like can really bang with Moy and kind of make him uncomfortable just because Moy isn’t he taller but he isn’t as thick like B Caro is but like Moy

Handled the assignment very well and you saw Orlando kind of like find ways to mismatch that and like get him Moy off of him just to make it easier on banero too but yeah Moy was all over the floor in this one defensively like he stuff the stat idiot steals blocks assists

Points rebounds and for me at least like the the scoring stuff is just so exciting still like the fact that bringing the ball up like I had was I alluded to it in the last segment but he grabs a defensive rebound brings the ball up and then just like drives at the

Basket like looks super fluid doing it looks like a guard doing it I’m like okay there’s a little bit of sauce on this I’m like I like this like I want know the taste of it and like I think we’re going to get more of it the more

Comfortable he gets with it of course but you’re seeing Moy just kind of doing the stuff that he was always hyped to be able to do heading into this season we’re finally starting to see it click whether it’s on defense or offense for him and it’s fun to watch

This is budding Superstar Evan Mobley here’s his statline in 34 minutes in this game 14 points five and N from the field took 1 three 44 from the line eight rebounds six assists against just one turnover two steals two BL shots three fouls maybe you want more shots I this

Was a pretty even just evenly dispers shot game for the Cavs um so maybe just force feeding him more would have been cool or whatever but pretty great two-way game and this is this is the kind of guy he’s going to be the rest of the year we’re we’re in

For something very fun uh Evan let’s finish on Isaac aoro say like twoa games like Isaac aoro had a really good night tonight too he’s just good like dude that circus shot he made I was just like I I thought of you when I saw him like

He stops on a dime doesn’t fall out of bounds attacks the basket does like an Up and Under circus shot we watch should go up down and then bounce right into the cylinder I’m like yeah Chris Manning like let out a Yelp or some type of

Noise when he saw that play happen yeah yeah now now that take files have been abolished like that’s kind of like my thing um I I am wrong about a lot of things like I will admit that um life basketball whatever I’m wrong a lot that’s cool I was not wrong

About Isaac okor like being a good basketball player and I feel I’m feeling extremely Vindicated for for holding on to my stock options on on the in the Isaac Gore IPO like I’m just I’m doing great big money Chris using all the big money terms now but yeah in 30 minutes 7

To n from the floor two of four from three is encouraging the fact that like he’s ripping it is helpful the fact that he has 17 points two rebounds and assists four fouls two turnovers like not ideal obviously but you take the good at the bad in this one

Like you watch aoro more and more and you think back to last year when he was kind of on that hot streak hits that gamewinner against Brooklyn and then has an injury against Houston that like completely derails things then he comes back in the playoffs and just

Does not look right does not look comfortable looks Rusty like was a non-factor and like you know just a liability like Ricky Rubio on offense for the Cavs um and this year like he is finding his Groove he’s finding his confidence again whether it’s starting or Off the Bench and he’s been

Consistently bringing it for Cleveland like he’s just a lot of fun um and I think maybe the third-year leap doesn’t apply to everyone maybe if you’re drafted in the co year especially when you’re like drafted then training camps two weeks after the fact like you don’t really have a summer league or anything

To get your feet wet um maybe I mean I’ll admit I was wrong maybe we everyone should just myself especially should have been a bit more patient with a Coro in his development the biggest thing is like he’s confident and I think that’s all you really can

Ask if you’re Cleveland is um to be confident and just the assignment of defending the best perimeter threat like in this one it was either Gary Harris or Jaylen sus to start the game he spent time defending fron Vagner Apollo banero um then also defended like Anthony black

And like you know a lot of different mismatches and things like that that Orlando could kind of exploit but auro was phenomenal in this one I think offensively he was better than he usually is defensively which is something you usually don’t say about Aur most Knights yeah absolutely not

Um he is just locked in as like the sixth or seventh guy in this rotation now like and some I think you’re going to trust him more than Levert just cuz like I think Levert if he’s not making shots for you and maybe Garling play starts playing better Mitchell plays

Better there’s just less of a role for Levert to be Levert there’s just a lot of room for aoro to be the best aoro and I think if you just Evan you look at the minutes in this game yeah actually I wanted to talk about this Cory wrapped

Up they more or less went nine deep in this game like the minute distribution was interesting because this is something we talked about exiting the allstar Break um but go ahead where we going with us yeah like so like Nang only plays 15 and change Dean Wade plays

Just a little under 13 you get Sam Marill for almost 12 you as you mentioned earlier Craig Porter junr gets like a cup of coffee in the first half you don’t see him again and then Moy plays 34 okoro plays 30 Allen plays 34 Garland plays 37 Shu

Place 33 it’s very heavy in One Direction and you’re seeing it feels like you’re seeing JB bicker have go back into his rotation comfort zone a little bit here I think it’s a little bit of that actually big staff has asked about this um game by uh Joe Von from

The athletic about how during this ramping up process to getting ready to the postseason like you know you expect starters to play heavier minutes your rotations get shorter like guys who I.E like Levert and Aur when it comes to like this fully healthy in complete rotation like are the guys who also get

Some heavy minutes as well maybe they’re closing games just depending on the matchup or things like that but um biger staff said this won’t be the case every night because they have five games in their next seven days they have a back toback then they’re off Saturday then

They play Washington then they’re off then they play another backto back and then it’s just it’s a lot going on leading into March and then like they have a tough march with a lot of two five games and seven night scenarios and they also play the Knicks and the

Celtics and the timber wolves all in the same week so um like it’s going to be some tough sledding but yeah if you can afford these opportunities to play your starters heavier minutes especially guys like Garland and Moy who Darius leading the team in minutes doesn’t really

Surprise me because you want him to kind of just you want to run him into the ground a little bit to get him back in that ing game shape like I said like he looked Gass like I joked with my one of my buddies I said he looks like me after

My freshman year of college when we would go out like on a Thursday night and then we’d go to the gym or the wreck the next morning after or something that we go out on a Friday night and go to the wreck the next morning after and I’m

Just sweating Kaka like you can smell it in my sweat because like it’s just like that kind of sweat like you’re like you have no choice in the situation I’m I’m having palpitations like just thinking about come ghetto gallon right now yeah like a good old $ five handle kids don’t

Ever drink it it’s awful um but like Garland just looked tired and that’s it it’s staying but I think that’s what you want to because you need to get him into ingame shape as quickly as possible because he was a little bit further behind than Moy was because the

Limitations of his recovery and so this is what you want to do but like let’s say against Philly let’s say Mitchell’s able to go it wouldn’t surprise me if maybe you saw a reduction in minutes for some guys and maybe an increase for others too because like biger staff is

Probably going to find ways to like minutes on as many dudes as possible so that they can make sure their depth 1 through eight Maybe nine if they really want to get freaky with it come first round time has their legs underneath them and they are jelling and kind of clicking when

They need to it’s end there I’m Chris Manning that’s EV damal thanks again to Jake Stevens as always we’ll be back as Evan said before after Cav Sixers we’ll talk that game we’ll get you ready for Cavs Wizards on Sunday and we’ll look at the standings in the East heading into

Saturday after that Friday night game until then have a great day talk to soon

On a new episode of Locked on Cavs (Friday, Feb. 23, 2024) hosts Chris Manning (@cwmwrites, The Just Basketball Show, SB Nation’s Fear the Sword, Forbes Sports) and Evan Dammarell (@AmNotEvan, Right Down Euclid) discuss the Cavs’ Thursday night loss to Magic in their first game post All-Star break, the team’s lack of three-point shooting without Mitchell, Evan Mobley’s performance, Darius Garland’s play and more.

This episode was produced by Jake Stephens. The intro music is from our friends at Astral Radio.

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  1. Cavs not doing anything in playoffs, too weak and soft at Pg, pf,c. Wagner as always was bullying our starting bigs on the block

  2. DG was missing Sam Merrill for 3pt opportunities…He is also very weak dealing with defenders who are physical with him

  3. DG is a very good player. He isn't a great player by any stretch. Koby gave DG and Rich who got Richer Paul the absolute last dollar MAX….By far the worst contract on the Cavs and a real potential Salary Cap killer moving forward.

  4. Poor JB rotations…where the hell was Wade alot more to match up with the frontcourt size of the Magic?
    Was hoping to see Wade,Mobley and JA upfront in a rotation or 2….DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!

  5. Garland had his big opportunity with no DM to have the ball exclusively and layed a BIG EGG in the first half that set the lackluster tempo the entire night.

  6. The second DM signs an extension..fingers crossed…Cavs MUST move Garland and get more size and length at the 3/4 positions…..BIG WINGS!!!!!! DM is at his best when HE has the ball in his hands!

  7. Some of the posts are on point, cavs will not win in playoffs, Garland is not going to take them no where, Philadelphia is going to be a problem tonight with Donovan

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