@Golden State Warriors

Shaq Sounds Off: Warriors DOMINATE Lakers 128-110, Curry’s 32 Points Steal the Show!

“Shaq Sounds Off: Warriors DOMINATE Lakers 128-110, Curry’s 32 Points Steal the Show!”

Anytime there’s no Chu there’s a round of applause for the two guys on the Marquee with LeBron James a no-go tonight with that left ankle stpp with 25 ad’s got 15 and n and it’s an 11o advantage for the Warriors why isn’t Chuck caran he got the day off what what about

The day off me and Shaq and you work the exact amount of days he’s work so far so why do he have a day off what’s the big deal zck you want to day off next week nope nope me either CU we we Gamers me either um good so Vince sitting in for

Charles oh my bad have it um good I don’t know what else you can say about Steph Curry had 25 but man it’s just the same stuff we’re seeing night in Night Out absolutely he does his job he keeps the boat afloat with all the eyes and

Pressure on him we can say what we say what to say about this team he’s the constant and he continues to play I think there’s a lot of pressure put on him to be the verbal leader and he’s he’s like a like a Jason kid I play with

J kid J kid led by example he comes out and he’s consistent he gets it he ain’t lead by voice V he lead by buckets by buckets that’s exactly correct and he gets it done on all levels you see it doesn’t matter where he is on the floor

A going shoot you have to step up if anything you make Steph take twos not threes because his three-points ability is dynamic because now when you allow him to get going it opens up the doors for everyone else which we’re still op up and you know what we like to say he

Makes it look stord oh look at Vince jumping in on that okay ad’s first half listen we know ad was going to play well and you know he’s been he’s been doing that have no problems with how he’s playing he’s been there most of the year

He’s really been I don’t throw this word around that but he’s been dominant right here on the defensive end you know when he’s active he does that and right here on offensive end you set a good pick right there there and you roll right there last second row but listen high

Percentage shot right here spin move right there Hy he’s playing well I wish somebody else would play with him you know Austin has 11 D’Angelo has 10 but you know you can’t let a guy like Steph score 25 you know they have to play a little bit better you know usually when

When one of the stars are out it’s auditioning time for everybody else so you know if I can have an other have a have a great game it builds up confidence and I’m going need that confidence going into the playoffs and availability with Anthony Davis playing in his 53rd

Game out of the 57 total for the Lakers normally it’s Shaq who does the others you’re kind of got the others uh unsung heroes yeah you already won Vince you don’t have to beat me twice you have to beat me tce you have to beat me one night come on man let you

Know yeah he’s like I’m good I about down I about no I would have got you I would have got you come on let’s go cut it out it’s too late now yeah half man not amazing today I tell you right he was amazing in that

First half he definitely did he did but we’re talking about the unstung heroes these are the guys who are going to have to if you want to win a championship you’re going to your your Superstar player so to speak can get you two wins maybe possibly three but that fourth is

A guys like this when he comes in and can get you 20 20 to 25 points unexpectedly Austin Reed is sh he’s a scorer and you can isolate him and get his own shot Ernie on the other end you say his name for me P pimp psky psky he

Is the space eater so he opens up the floor he allows you to put the one of the greatest Shooters in the history of the game to ever be on the bench in Klay Thompson because he knocks down shots and he handles the ball at a regularity

But then again Austin Reeves has to be a a scorer a pick but he has to be an aggressive scorer one-on-one making his own shot and this is going to be to me when the playoffs starts which one of these guys becomes the real unsung hero

And that’s why I say Shaq that’s the issue for me with the Lakers is that can it sustain this with LeBron being in and out obviously when he he’s going to come back he’s going to be a gamer but are you going to put a lot of

Onus and pressure I hate to use the word pressure on him but to him meaning LeBron to come back and be that guy and give so much energy and will he have enough for the playoffs I need two out of three guys to be in d double figures

Reeves Russell and hakar two of those guys got to be in double figures the higher the double figures the better a chance of the Lakers possibly them with he I forgot about with yeah no that’s the earlier win yeah it don’t matter he didn’t go for the oh oh oh oh waiting

For him now he waited for me I should have did the motorcycle that’s what I should have did the he’s Kareem that’s just a tribute to the Man I mean he he checks all boxes you know he just didn’t I mean championships is the number one box he want to check

But he checks them all I want them all and and he’s done it and God bless him man he’s still going to perform and for the fans to show up and I mean I don’t know if the game was all that much but um LeBron setting records you know this

Is the time of your career you don’t set anything set your clock to wake up from a nap like I have to do but yeah he’s still still setting records man and and and older than some NBA coaches in the league yeah I still laugh when Gater

Like after a game when the Lakers played Utah Gater said to to LeBron hey uh by the way the Utah coach is younger than you are LeBron was just stunned he was like what what are you talking about and Ally you know it’s not just the game

Itself it’s the media that goes with it it’s the the the promotions the sponsors you have to make an appearance for and maybe he didn’t do all that this year or even last year you know he’s been there a lot but you know year after year after

Year he doesn’t have the Lakers are going going to have gone eight days between games that’s not what LeBron did even though he didn’t play a whole lot the other night he was still you know he had to make an appearance he was in the

Game for the first half and shut it down after that so it’s it’s a whole event for for anyone who’s in the game a lot of chatter I feel like even over the last several years of just how to make the All-Star Game better this one wasn’t

Even close most points scored in the history 400 insane do you have any thoughts on maybe how to make it more competitive add some bench pairs huh you know I I know I know it’s ATT tribute to the best players but you know uh you know change it up give me five starters

And give me five bench players some impactors yeah and an assistant coach yeah give me give me some impactors how about that’s interesting and let them play and just changed the whole dynamics of it guys don’t really want to go anyway you know they don’t play with any structure everybody’s you know everyone

Wants to see a little bit of competitiveness yeah I like you’ve been thinking about that for a minute that was yeah I how about this I’ve been thinking about this too you know the game had 397 total points it went like 50 over what you know Vegas expected how about a little

Bit of this James we we saw what okay hold on a second they always want cash we we saw what happen with the inseason tournament okay but I’m not going to say second place gets a reward this time Al if you win if you win the All-Star Game

Each player gets 500k if you lose you get nothing so it’s All or Nothing 500k a player it would be an extra $6 million investment for the for the league I think Financial incentive because we we saw teams start to go pretty hard in the uh in the inseason tournament so I’m

Thinking money James I’m thinking money and who and whoever wins has to donate to $500,000 to charity you they don’t need any more cash or play the game you don’t need any cash you got fans there you got sponsors there put wouldn’t you like to see Austin Reeves or like a

Somebody off the bench you know let those guys shine a little bit they’ll play hard and maybe it’ll be contagious but they don’t need any more cash what what if in your seven games the the winner get 500k know but actually when you played the All-Star Game people went

Hard right I mean that’s for 10,000 huh for 10,000 and the losers got five is that right that’s right okay and a lot of teams had to play on that Friday you show up on Saturday play the game on Sunday come on you have Monday off you

Did get Monday off most of the travel because you know and and then you you’re back at work on tues wow yeah private jets right Eastern Airlines tww TW yeah Del wow W strong let’s continue the conversation about LeBron coming off his record setting 20th NBA All-Star Game

Appearance he was asked about how much more he has to give on the court to the game of basketball saying I am a Laker and I’m happy and have been very happy being a Laker the last six years and hopefully it stays that way big game do

You believe he ends his career uh here in LA with the Lakers even though he he doesn’t know exactly how much longer he will play I certainly hope he does uh yeah he came to us at a time where we needed to you know re-energize ourselves

He did that he B in some players with him uh you know Drew ad here which is good and they have a chance to win so I I hope he certainly uh you know finishes here uh and I hope he does it with another championship he loves California

He’s uh really you know found his way here so yes I hope he does I mean uh for another team to take him yeah he still has it sum in the tank but for another team to like say hey he’s going to be a big part of our trade now we’re going to

Give up a lot to get LeBron in 21 years I don’t know if that’s going to happen but uh I I certainly hope he he stays here we we love him he’s done a great job for us and continues to do so yeah he’ll have a big decision at the end of

June as every player who has a player option it’s right around the same deadline uh 29th 30th depending on a couple factors and you know will he opt in it’s 51.5 million that’s a lot of money and no other team can pay him uh I’m not going to say no other team but

Put it this way very few other teams in NBA history will have had enough cap space to pay a player that much money so Ally uh it’s not just a financial decision it’s not like LeBron’s poor and needs another 512 million but um I think

You know first of all it starts with is he comfortable here in La yes do his kids like it here yes um you know is this team competitive yes probably not to the degree that LeBron wants sitting ninth in the west going into the uh the

The second part of the Season here but it’s going to be hard for him I think it’s hard for anyone to op out how does the BR Factor com in to play yes yeah she’s been very out Lakers G Le going to have to pick him up or something think

Get going I me I just I just think what team would he go to that’s going to be better than the situation he has now right uh the Celtics or you know Milwaukee they don’t have the money you know what I mean so I don’t know Phoenix yeah possibilities time will

Tell but he says he is closer to the end than the other way I think he should take a page out of Kobe’s book and just forget about practice I don’t know if he practices that much anyway but forget about practicing and just you know just

Play the game cuz he’s getting to that point where I don’t know if he’s getting tired we we don’t know he doesn’t look like it but you know if he’s if he’s at that point where you know he doesn’t need to practice and just ride the bike

And just the bond between an NBA team and its players can be intricate with players occasionally expressing discontent if they feel undervalued the Golden State Warriors recently navigated such a situation with Jonathan kuminga who appeared poised for an exit but now stands as a pivotal part of the team’s future

Despite being linked to prominent names during the trade deadline the Warriors stly refused to part ways with kaminga this included potential deals with players like Alex Caruso of the Chicago Bulls however a proposed trade scenario has surfaced for the off season the Bulls acquiring g/f Gary Payton 2 and

Two future first round picks from the Warriors in exchange for Caruso front offices often develop strong attachments to players a sentiment driven by the overarching vision they have for their team however there’s a need for flexibility if circumstances change the team’s Vision must adapt accordingly the question arises should

The Bulls reconsider their stance this summer for the Chicago Bulls the decision to potentially trade Caruso hinges on their performance if they fail to make the playoffs in the 2023 to 24 season a rebuild becomes a plausible option trading care ruso for two unprotected first round picks would serve as a

Foundational move in this rebuilding process especially if other key players like Zach LaVine and Nicola vusic are also moved on the flip side the Golden State Warriors face the risk of falling into mediocrity recognizing that the team may not contend for a championship in the upcoming season there’s a strategic move

To bring in a player like Caruso with their roster showing signs of aging Caruso touted as one of the best three and DG guards in the NBA could be the Catalyst for rejuvenating their title aspirations without sacrificing the promising kuminga in a recent video Klay Thompson shared his acceptance of a

Bench role with the Golden State Warriors drawing inspiration from the career of Manu jobi despite initial concerns about his new role Thompson seems to have found his stride demonstrated by his impressive performance in a recent victory over the Utah Jazz Thompson scored a season High 35 Five Points

Showcasing his value coming off the bench for the team after the game Thompson mentioned jobi highlighting the importance of letting go of ego when accepting a bench role Thompson played 28 minutes off the bench and contributed significantly to the team’s success indicating a potential shift in the Warriors lineup

Dynamics coach Steve Kerr expressed satisfaction with the lineup featuring Thompson coming off the bench citing its Effectiveness and the Firepower it brings to the team the new lineup featuring Brandon pmy alongside Stephen Curry Andrew Wiggins Draymond Green and Jonathan kaminga has shown promise with a dominant net rating pmk’s ability to

Connect the game and create scoring opportunities aligns well with the team’s playing style while Thompson’s Roll Off the Bench may not be permanent his presence provides a valuable scoring thck for the team’s second unit overall the Warriors seem to be adjusting well to their new lineup configurations with Thompson embracing his role and

Contributing positively to the team’s success despite a promising start for the Golden State Warriors against the Los Angeles Clippers the team faced a setback in a 130 to 125 loss at the 841 mark the Warriors held a 12-point lead but Brandon pmy pointed out a crucial moment where they seemed to let their

Guard down according to pod zimsky when the score was 106 to 96 the team stopped playing and felt sorry for themselves allowing the Clippers to seize the opportunity and make a comeback in a postgame interview with NBC Sports Warriors pod zimsky acknowledged the lapse in their performance stating they

Made some tough shots and we kind of gave up a little bit then they started making easy ones from that point on in the game I think definitely was pivotal we tried to get back on offense but against highlevel teams you got to find a way to get stop stops on defense the

Rookie emphasized the importance of maintaining composure and defensive efforts especially against formidable opponents despite the team’s overall struggle pod zimsky showcased his talent and contributed significantly to the game the 20-year-old rookie guard impressed with 25 points on 9 to12 shooting including a perfect five to5 from Beyond The Arc his performance

Provided valuable offensive support to Stephen Curry particularly on a when Klay Thompson faced challenges on the court while the loss was disappointing pod zamsky standout display offers a silver lining for warriors fans

“Shaq Sounds Off: Warriors DOMINATE Lakers 128-110, Curry’s 32 Points Steal the Show!”

Shaquille O’Neal shares his insights on the Golden State Warriors’ commanding victory over the Lakers, leaving LeBron sidelined. With Curry’s explosive 32-point performance, catch the highlights and Shaq’s reactions. #NBA #Warriors #Lakers #StephCurry #Shaq


  1. Warriors won vs incomplete team without its cry baby taking a day off, notice that it's always in crucial games vs his friends. If this was a playoff game, the cry baby hopefully will play. Why was he dunking non stop during the all star game? He's paid 275K per game even if he takes an obvious lazy day off. Lol.

  2. He was not needed for the lowly warriors and Steph Curry I mean cmon it’s not like Steph is any real threat , and JK & Podz what are they doing ? So really lakers didn't need Lebron last night after all the Lakers are stacked with talent right ? AD & the gang surely could beat up on the warriors ..
    but whattta ya know .. they didn’t did they ??
    Steph & Co you make watching basketball fun as hell !! Go Dubs Go !!!!!

  3. They all WANT to be All-Stars, especially when it comes to contract time, and get butt hurt when they are skipped over. Unfortunately, none of them want to play competitively. They all worry about injuries too much. Ironically, during the summer, they are perfectly fine playing hard in the summer leagues against random idiots looking to make a name for themselves. An injury then can be just as devastating (Chet Holmgren). All they cared about this year was setting the scoring record. Who cares when there is zero defense! Eventually, they'll end up playing "Flag Basketball", the NFL Pro Bowl equivalent. There is zero competitive fire or respect for the game. Streetball is more entertaining. The fans don't enjoy it and are bored. Perhaps change the entire format to a randomly selected 3v3 team half-court tournament. Just spitballing.

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