
Kobe: “players now play accidental basketball”

Kobe: “players now play accidental basketball”

These players now play accidental basketball and it drives me and Phil crazy because it’s all penetrating pitch you may make the shot you may not you have no idea who’s going to be open or whatever it’s accidental basketball we play basketball with purpose if I got

The ball if if Derrick Fisher is on the wing I’m at the top I know by scy reports that you guys like to deny the top all right cool deny the top I’ll move up a little bit more drag you out here comes Orie stepping in the hole

Catch it here I go back door there’s the drop off I go all right so it’s playing those sequences and understanding what the defense is going to do against so that made him dangerous that’s why Chicago was so dangerous cuz they knew how Utah was going to play


  1. kobe is the most skilled player in the NBA because of his knowledge of the game. Even at 8 years old man's already knew most other kids couldn't guard him going opposite of their dominant hand. RIP goatšŸ˜¢

  2. Adam silva messed the game up for offense and tried to make LeBron the face and killed the game of basketball

  3. This isnā€™t Kobe hating by the way. Heā€™s just saying what his eyes see. Other grates may say the same thing but choose not to .

  4. I knew something was weird but I couldn't put my finger on it, that's exactly what it is. Players just drive and kick, drive and kick, and if you make it you make it if you don't you don't. It's leaving it all up to chance and statistics. That's why European players excel so much, they play with intention and knowledge of what to do in different situations and they adapt to the defense in fractions of a second like they should.

  5. He's right! 1000% agree! growing up this is how I was taught to play the game of basketball play with a purpose and dominate

  6. True but defenders are much smarter and more athletic. Plus open shot is an open shot lol donā€™t matter how you get it, effective efficiency is most important which something Kobe donā€™t know about. He is all about the volume of shots

  7. And jokic and Malone as well as Jamal and Aaron was a prime example of purposeful basketball. They knew what they wanted and they got it 9/10. Doing post up without knowing the defensive coverages were infuriating to see this last year playoff. Most teams don't know how to get a guranteed bucket out of sets. They double teamed you hundreds of time most likely way less but you have film and you have scouting report. Why are they sending help and who going to be wide open for three or drive. It was so simple but every time most team got in a pickle they either turn it over or a shot clock violation was called.

  8. Bcuz when it comes down to half fours offense is what wins championships hence whey the triangle won 11 of them

  9. He would have made an amazing coach! With players prepared to listen and put in that work.

  10. thatā€™s crazy , he was giving these reads over 4 years ago . only proved to be more accurate as time went on

  11. Isnā€™t drive and kick basketball the most efficient offence in basketball. People glazing Kobe in this comment section

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