@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors set tone for stretch run with 121-93 blowout of Brooklyn Nets | IQ & Trent pop off

Toronto Raptors set tone for stretch run with 121-93 blowout of Brooklyn Nets | IQ & Trent pop off

On your Friday episode of Locked on Raptors more of that down the stretch please you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of lockon raptors part

Of the lockon podcast Network your team every day it is Friday February the 23rd and I’m your host Sean Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the very bad website at Woodley Shan you can find the

Show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us over on the lockon Raptors Discord server the link is in the description of the podcast it’s free to join and we love to see you in there it’s a great little Community we got building around the show a very

Pleasant place to talk about the Toronto Raptors on the internet and that is a hard thing to come by in the year of Our Lord 2024 of of course you can find the show on your audio app of choice podcast wise you can follow subscribe rate review tell a friend etc etc always

Appreciate it when you help us nudge up those charts and you can of course follow us on YouTube as well subscribe to the channel hit the notification Bell and you’ll get a heads up every single time The Show Goes live and you get to watch me fail at hitting the end of show

Over theh shoulder back backward shot into the stupid basketball that I have behind me it’s the real feature the people who watch the videos are just uh agonizing along with me as I refuse to hit this shot it’s just unbelievable I hate it anyway Today’s Show is brought

To you by our friends over at LinkedIn jobs who help you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster poster job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply all right today we are digging into a Toronto Raptor blowout

Win over the Brooklyn Nets 12193 as the defense showed some signs of life and the Raptors set the tone I think for what I would like to see them do over the last third of the Season here and I think there were a lot of pretty promising things coming out from

The talk around the game you know stuff the broadcast was digging into Darko rakovich his comments on sort of the big picture of the last 27 games having meaning having importance and you know if you’re like me and you want to see the Raptors play this thing at actually

Try to lay some foundation for what they do next season I think this game was a really encouraging start we will dig into the performances of the back court as Emanuel quickley and Gary Trent Jr popped off for 49 points between them we got The Good the Bad and the H but let’s

Dive into the tone setting nature of this win off the top it you know obviously the caveat here is the Brooklyn Nets suck they’re really bad they just fired their coach this is a directionless basketball team on and off the court it seems uh it’s just not a

Team that is to be worried about or feared the Toronto Raptors are going to pass the Brooklyn Nets I would guess during this last stretch of the Season as much as the Raptors have not been very good for a very long time now uh you know since the Pascal SE AUM trade

You know until last night the worst net rating in the NBA I I still think they are on talent and sort of you know fit and all that stuff way better team than this current Nets iteration and we saw it bear out last night obviously they have to Parlay this into more results

Against better teams that are not the Brooklyn Nets but you can only play who’s in front of you and I thought the Raptors really did a good job in this one of just kind of doing what you’d like to see from them over the last 27

Games if you’re in the the interest of seeing them kind of again lay Foundation set things up for what they’re going to look like next season and you know I think it all begins with Scotty Barnes and and frankly the first possession or two of this game is where Scotty Barnes

Kind of put his imprint on this one not his most off the you know pop off the chart uh or pop off the screen box score numbers or anything like that 18 points 12 boards three assists three steals a block seven of 13 from the field you

Know a totally fine game from Scotty Barnes but I thought the way he came out of the gates just raring to go in this one was really encouraging obviously coming off the All-Star Weekend where he had himself a good time and all of that uh you know you would hope that it would

Be sort of a kick in the pants if you will a bit of a sort of inspirational thing to go into the backstretch of the Season looking to prove something and it was it was great Scotty Barnes the first possession gets a block on the first

Nets attempt at the rim and then goes the other way and scores with just like a ferocious speed and Grace flying the other way to score uh yeah really awesome stuff out of the gate from Scotty in this one and I thought throughout he carried just like a lot of

Int intensity on the defensive end this was the best Raptors defensive game arguably of the Season obviously you got to adjust for uh you know the the opponent a little bit here but this was one of the worst offensive games that any team has had all season in the form

Of what the Nets did on offense in this game it was a miserable offensive night for them just a 71.6 offensive rating in the half court for them a second percentile halfcourt performance for any team in the cleaning the glass database this entire season in one of the bottom

2% offensive games you’ll see you’ve seen all year and all on the whole they were a second percentile offensive rating when you factor in transition as well and P putbacks and all the different facets of offense they stunk in this game and the Raptors I think did

A really good job of just making them super uncomfortable they’re not a great offense they’re still a better offense than the Raptors one spot ahead of them in the charts actually at 19th per clean the glass and so you know they have stuff you know cam Thomas can go off Mel

Bridges has his moments they are not a totally inept offensive team but the Raptors sure made them look like that in this one you had the combination of Scotty’s intensity flying around rotating um the connectivity the teams seem to have in this one it really was

Kind of on a string as much as we’ve seen it on a string on defense all season long I thought yakob purles work at The Rim setting the edge on the pick and roll kind of getting back navigating the space between the ball handler and the big man not allowing easy lobs

Behind him not allowing the guard in front of to go put up easy shots uh I thought that was really brilliant stuff from him you had the three blocks in this one as well and I thought his help defense was really nice when there were breakdowns when you know Scotty Barnes

Got cut out of position or someone blew by it quickly or a Barrett you know hurtle was always there just kind of waiting lurking in the paint to ward off prospective scorers at The Rim really nice game from him overall and the defense again just kind of looked like

It had more of a plan more intentionality and mostly just more sort of possession to possession in intensity and connectivity which was really great to see and you hope you can see that more going down the stretch because defense of course has been this thing that has just been the Achilles heel for

This team all year long the opposite of their Achilles heel the thing that they do best was also a thing they did with a plum in this game which is they ran like hell and they ran just brutally efficiently as well the Raptors in this game a 100th percentile game when it

Comes to transition frequency and points added per 100 possessions in transition the very best 100 percentile among all games for any team in transition this season 182.5 offensive rating plus 18.3 points added over the course of 100 possessions you know adjusted obviously for the length of the

Game etc etc uh really just absolutely dominant in transition they ran 26.4% of the time their highest Mark of the season that is just a a brutally effective transition performance from a team that when they’re running is really tough to slow down because of all of the weapons

They have RJ Barrett has been an absolute tank in transition wasn’t so much last night but that’s been a thing he’s been fantastic at and you know a couple playmaking flourishes from him in transition we’ll get into the playmaking from him later on we get to The Good The

Bad and The Hum but just overall they ran the way you want to see the Toronto Raptors run Scotty Barnes one of the best transition players in the league felt like half of his buckets or more in this game were just him getting the ball and flying to the other end and scoring

Through traffic really great stuff there Emanuel quickly the pullup threes in transition uh getting into the teeth of the defense in semi- transition all of that this team has a lot of ways to beat you on the run when you factor in the sort of spacing you get from Gary Trent

Jr and Grady dick you know cashing in triples in that way just you know this was what you want to see look the Nets certainly gave up a lot and we allowing those transition opportunities pretty you know egregiously frankly they’re a miserable team right now but the Raptors

Took advantage and that’s what you got to see from this team and again they kind of set the tone for like laying down the tracks of okay this is the stuff we do well this is the stuff we have to improve upon and I think if you

Were sort of hoping for things to see out of the Raptors from the back part of this season you know over the course of the All-Star break ruminating on what you wanted to see we talked about it this week with FC Jacob I think a lot of

The boxes were checked in this one and you know all of a sudden it’s going to sound insane but you play the Hawks tonight you beat the Hawks you’re three and a half out of the playing with 25 games to play it’s still probably not going to happen you know there is still

Uh you know three and a half games to make up and not a lot of time and the Hawks are going to be incentivized to try to win games but the Hawks are also bad and if you beat the Hawks tonight the tiebreaker becomes even they’re basically tied in like the fourth

Tiebreaker which which is the one they’ll have to use if they are tied in the standings which is Conference record in fact the Raptors I think will be a half game ahead of the Hawks in Conference record if they beat them tonight and so you know if you can do

That this is kind of The Last Chance Saloon we’ve talked about this this week like this is the last chance to have any sort of push for a playin spot here for this team and considering all we’ve talked about with their draft position and everything that that hangs over them

There I think it’s totally worth pushing to try to make something happen having that carrot of maybe we can get into of the plan here I don’t think there’s any way in which having that carrot having a reason to compete every single night and have something to sort of you know as a

Team try to fight for and and work towards which is a playin spot here or at least being in compet in conversation for one I I think that’s a perfectly fine thing to have be your motivator down the stretch of an otherwise miserable season and I don’t

See how it’s a bad thing for a young team trying to get it sea legs to have that competitive um sort of spirit fueling them going through the back part of the Season I’m sounding corny as hell but like it’s an entertainment produ product it’s a competitive product and

Having the team be competitive and entertaining sounds pretty good to me man it also puts them in the spot where look I said they’re probably going to pass the Nets the Nets are awful they are trending so down right now and you it’s not going to be long I think I

Think the Raptors are a game and a half back after last night now um they it’s not going to be along until they pass Brooklyn in the standings and that’s going to muddle the draft pick picture a little bit more but frankly I think a

Push here for the Raptors to get up to the eighth ninth spot in the lottery odds kind of puts them in a perfect spot where they can either convey the pick and it’s the seventh eighth or ninth pick and you’re fine with that whatever it sucks optically but you get it off

The books and it’s not like a high-end Primo pick in a draft that is not considered to be super deep in terms of high-end Talent or anything like that that it’s a lot more in terms of like role player guys who might be available and the Raptors have two picks in that

Range anyway um and you know you still get in the spot where if you’re seven eth ninth you still have a shot like a pretty decent one because of the flatten Lottery odds moving up into the real spot of the draft where you want to be

Which is one two three four which right now they can’t tank into on their own anyway because the teams in that range are so so bad so it’s kind of a situation of would you rather have a good shot at the fifth or sixth pick or would you rather have a better it

Pushing the pick off getting it off the books sending it to the Spurs at 7even eight or n with the outside chance of getting a top four top four pick I would rather those two potential outcomes than being fifth or sixth or the worst outcome which is being sixth in the

Lotto ODS and getting bumped out on lottery night because someone jumped you from below like no thanks I don’t need that kind of Anguish in my life so I I think you know this again it was the Nets there’s a lot of uh you know work to be done against better teams before

Anyone buys that the Raptors are you know a competitive Enterprise at this point but I think again they laid a lot of track down for what can be a pretty fruitful last third of the season in this win and I think that benefits frankly everybody watching the team will

Be more fun the players on the team will have something to work towards and not just kind of playing out the string you don’t want playing out the string playing out the string looks like what the Brooklyn Nets look like right now you don’t want to look like the Brooklyn

Nets uh you do want to look like Emanuel quickley and Gary Trent Jr did last night we’re going to talk about them coming up in just one second dig into uh their excellent performances quickly in particular uh really kind of getting aggressive and downhill all the stuff

You want to see from the Raptors lead guard we’ll get to that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by Stitch fix a new sponsor here on the podcast and if you’re like me you hate shopping for clothes for yourself I

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As good as you look get started today at lockon that’s lockon on locked on all right continuing on here with your first listen of the day thanks so much for hanging out and as we uh you know go through the Raptors win over the Brooklyn Nets last night

12193 and the two guys who carry the day offensively in this one Gary Trent Jr and Emanuel quickle Trent with 25 nine of 12 shooting five of seven from Deep we’ll get to Gary Trent Jr in a sec he’s uh you know making things in interesting when it comes to lineup decisions and

Big picture decisions and all of that we’ll get into that uh but Emanuel quickly to me was the guy who was the engine for the Raptors in this game as much as Scotty Barnes kind of set the tone early with his energy and transition scoring and all that I

Thought quickly throughout the night what was just really impressive in the way he was looking to attack at all times and look you know he still goes over only three of eight from two-point range you want to see that continue to be refined and improve all that that’s

Fair but he goes five of eight from downtown and again just kind of getting into the teeth of the defense quickly you know getting downhill and into the rim and that was kind of followed you know that plus a followup three from him on a catch and shoot off of Scotty Barnes

Offensive rebound is kind of what put the Nets at arms length for the rest of the game and you know throughout the night I just think we saw that an aggressive Emanuel quickle can be an absolute GameChanger for this team and I think as well talking about things we

Wanted to see from the Raptors down the stretch you know it wasn’t a huge staple of what they did in this game but I did think we saw more of Emanuel quickley and Scotty Barnes working in Tandem and actions together you know there were a few examples of quickly using a Barnes

Screen to get a pull up three as as you know Barnes slipped early and took the defender with him um there was one example where you had the sort of three-man game between Barnes purle and quickly where you had uh you know Barnes set a screen for quickly coming around

From the right side around the ark and into a handoff with yaka Pur led to a quick pull-up three like using the differing varying distinct skill sets of those three guys together in actions that’s pretty fun too I’m all for that as sort of a staple of what this offense

Can do we know yaka Purtle is a big part of a lot of their playbook you don’t have to excise him from it there are creative ways to involve him while also getting Scotty and quickley working together a little bit more often um you know I mentioned quickley had the catch

And shoot three off the Scotty Barnes offensive rebound that’s obviously like just kind of a chaos broken play type thing not a drawn up set but uh you know I think you you can see the sort of kernels in this game of okay like if they just kind of layer a little bit

More of this in that Scotty quickly Twan game can be really impressive there was another handoff example where uh you know quickly got downhill to the rim and he might have missed at this on this one but he got deep position in the paint off of a Scotty Barn’s handoff um yeah

I’m very in on more quickly Scotty stuff and I do think this was a pretty nice solid start on that front and you know you know like we’ve talked about right it’s it’s an adjustment period for Emanuel quickly there’s a lot going on there’s a lot of new being thrown at him

After his role was very kind of distinct and narrowed down with the Knicks where he was this Gunner Off the Bench for the most part you know had more responsibility when he started in place of an injured guy or whatever but for the most part he had sort of one job

Which was to get Buckets and now he’s got to get Buckets while creating buckets for others and I I think he’s doing a pretty damn good job all things considered again the two-point shooting you got to figure fure out he’s still under 40% from two as a raptor but I

Think that’ll stabilize as well and it’s all part of The Growing Experience right he’s still getting into the teeth of the defense which is a very big thing even if you’re not necessarily finishing it still creates Panic for a defense and creates all kind of opportunities coming

Off of those paint touches um you know his backcourt partner in this game Gary Trent Junior also pretty awesome you know 25 points continues a really nice stretch of play from him since the seak trade he’s averaging 132 and one on 48% from deep and the numbers continue to

Really like any lineup where Gary Trent Jr is alongside the Raptor’s best player which is essentially one lineup uh you know quickly Trent Barrett Barnes purle 241 possessions together now per clean the glass plus 13.6 net rating they’re blowing teams off the floor and you know I totally understand we’ll get to Grady

Dick coming up a little bit later on too I totally understand the sort of you know the starting to pound the table for hey get grd dick in there have him start and we’ll get into it there were some nice signs of Grady dick playing with

The starters as well in this one but you know it’s okay to have two guys who work really nicely with your starters right like oh no my arms are overflowing with good Shooters who fit very nicely with the core four players on this team whatever will we do it’s you know we’ll

See with Gary right like I don’t think we’ve learned much about Gary as a player think there’s been much new about Gary as a player over this stretch but he’s undeniably playing well and when he’s making shots he breathes such space and life into the half court offense he

Has that sort of serab baka like play finishing from way back in the day when he was on the Raptors um you know way back in the day four or five years ago God the time is Unstoppable isn’t it um but yeah I think that you you need that

Element right you need a trigger man you need someone who can baelly out late in the clock Gary Tren Jr did that a couple times last night um overall again I don’t know if like the recent stretch of play from him changes my feeling on Gary

Trent Jr all that much I still think he’s kind of onedimensional but that one dimension can be really valuable for this team so maybe it’s worth keeping him around maybe it’s worth having both him and Grady dick on the team uh you know two things can be true both guys

Can be valuable to the team even if only one of them can start you know it’s never a bad thing to have more shooting on hand and Gary Trent Jr undeniably can shoot the hell out of the ball 48% again since the SE yakum trade that’s nothing

To sneeze at on six attempts a game as well he’s just getting them up um and so yeah really nice stuff from the back court in this one obviously a weird game where it was kind of a blow up by the end you didn’t have to ride the starters

Too much um I I would imagine we would have seen Scotty Barnes kind of take up the mantle were this a close game down the stretch um you know not a great RJ Barrett game scoring wise we’ll get to his playmaking though because that was

Quite nice in this one but overall I I think you got to be very happy with what you saw from quickly Ed in this one in particular as the back court looked fantastic and you know continues to be a really the whole lineup there the starters contined to be fantastic and

We’ll see how much it holds up against better teams coming up on the schedule but they’ve played a lot of decent teams since the seak trade and the starters have held up very much so in that time uh we’ll come back on the other side

We’ll round It Up With The Good the Bad and the H to leave you off here on your Friday send you off into the weekend and the Raptors Hawks game tonight we’ll do that coming up in just one second but first Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at eBay

Motors our partners at eBay motors have teamed up with locked on Fantasy Basketball host Josh Lloyd to bring you some of the best fantasy picks each and every week all season long whether you’re prepping for a daily draft or scouting the waiver wire every week we’re going to provide you players that

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Only exclusions apply all right rounding out the show here with The Good the Bad and the H the way we close off every recap episode of this here podcast after a Toronto Raptors basketball game a thing I liked a thing I didn’t like and a thing that’s got me

A little bit intrigued from the most recent game the Raptors played uh the good for me in this one RJ Barrett slinging them dimes man it’s uh been quite the transformation for RJ Barrett as a passer as a Toronto Raptor Titus gri was seven assists last night had

Five like in the first 18 minutes of action or something like that um and you know he’s making the live dribble passes he’s doing those lay downs to yaka purle in the middle of the paint um you know what kind of diverse array of passes he

Had that beautiful one on the run into the corner for Emanuel quickly in the first half in this game for a catch and shoot three kind of got his head on a swivel looking at all options he’s not just a battering ram in transition getting downhill to score himself he’s

Setting other dudes up and you know I think back to his first game as a raptor where there were two or three kind of egregious missed passes and you’re seeing you know that like I think we look at Player Development and just assume player developments about like getting g-league guys and turning them

Into players shout out DJ carton by the way his first points that’s cool good for him um but you know development also is the guys you have on your team and expanding and broadening their own Horizons and it seems as though there’s been a pretty clear Focus From the

Raptor front office on RJ Barrett and his playmaking darkar rakovich talking after the game about how they’ve been watching Manu job tape to try to refine that playmaking for RJ Barrett sounds like Manu is just RJ’s favorite player which is a cool favorite player to have

Shout out RJ for Great Taste um and you know if you can watch Manu tape and take what he did and apply it to your own game you’re gonna be in pretty good shape because Manu was pretty damn awesome as a playmaker and so am I ever

Expecting RJ Barrett to be Manu job no but if you can kind of level up that playmaking just a little bit he becomes that much more Electric in an offense that inspires a lot of guys to be Playmakers and make the next pass it’s good stuff shout out RJ Barrett for the

Playmaking the seven assists last night my bad is one possession and it was a possession in the first half where I think it might have been RJ who drove it might have been Scotty Barnes who initiated the the advantage here drove in from the left Baseline nice kick to

The corner for Grady dick swing up to Bruce Brown and then Bruce Brown just kind of like broke it seemed like it was the beginning of a beautiful swing a possession that could have ended in an easy shot for somebody even Bruce Brown could have just put up the shot there he

Was wide open but he just kind of broke and sto like stopped in in in place took a second brought his hands down and then was like I guess I’ll shoot this now it was bizarre it was like uh you know the an I 0.5 offense but it’s weird like

Bruce Brown’s looked very out of sorts in a lot of these games there have been a handful where he’s looked really good and it’s strange too because he played on a team last year with the Nuggets that kind of embodies a lot of this 0.5 decision-making stuff right yic creates

An advantage and then everything flows out of that and Bruce Brown fit beautifully in there as a connective piece he’s not quite offered that glue that connectivity for the Raptors just yet I do think as the Raptor RS hopefully kind of get into their groove down the stretch of this season play

More games like they played last night where everything looks very cohesive that can kind of amplify Bruce Brown who feels like in a system where everything’s working well he can kind of then have his own game Amplified and then in turn amplify those around him we’ll see it’s been a little bit Grim

For Bruce Brown in a lot of these games so far that possession just stuck out as like whoa It’s it it was it was pretty startling but hopefully not something that Bruce Brown will continue to replicate going forward um and to close out my H from this game we got our first

Look at the Grady dick plus the core four lineup of the entire season since all the trades uh and boy oh boy did they whip in their first four minutes of action together Grady dick comes in at like 916 to the third quarter Gary Trent

Jr takes a seat uh this is when the Nets are making that little push quickly then follows it up with the and one and then again they kind of run away from there but that that stretch that four-minute stretch they outscore the Nets 14-2 Grady gets in there for that put back

Off a quickly missing transition at one point to force a timeout I think at like 6960 or something like that and yeah just like really really sharp looking lineup in that time Grady very much looking the part on defense that defense during that stretch was uh really nasty forcing deflections block shots getting

It on their run off of those forced misses and blocks and turnovers uh really really good stuff from the Raptors in that lineup configuration and look like I said it’s nice to have multiple different looks and different guys who can just slot in with the core

Four and look really good I reckon we’ll see Kelly olenic be a nice piece if ever they try to go bigger as a fifth guy in that lineup as well and to have a core four guys who can kind of work and be malleable with different players slotting in similar type players in

Trent and Dick obviously but um that’s an encouraging thing that’s like that’s promising stuff for your core players going forward as well and so you know it’s one of them good problems to have too many good players to potentially slot in with your four foundational pieces and Grady dick really nice to see

Him get those first minutes the uh yeah 14-2 in four minutes of action more of that please it was it was a really good fun look to see and gry Dick playing with better players I think is going to be a good thing no matter what we’ll

Leave it there thank you so much for tuning in we’ll be back again on Monday to break down the game against the Hawks look ahead to Pacers game on Monday night as well and a week that sees the Raptor schedule get a little bit tougher with some not not like high-end

Contender opponents but just like teams that are in the mix team that are teams that are good teams with stuff to play for I think a pretty fun little slate game is coming up here for the Raptors and if they can start picking up some wins baby that playing race is on like

Donkey Kong we’ll leave it there thank you so much have a great rest of your weekend uh subscribe rate review tell a friend join the Discord it’s free to do as always and we will talk to you again on Monday with another episode of lock on Raptors bye-bye

In Episode 1582, Sean Woodley goes solo to break down the Toronto Raptors’ 121-93 blowout win over the flailing Brooklyn Nets in their first game back from the All-Star break. Off the top, Sean digs into why this game was as good a tone-setter for the Raptors as they embark on the final third of the season, and why even though making the play-in is a little bit farfetched, the carrot of getting back into the race can be very valuable for a team looking to lay a foundation for next season. A win against the Hawks tonight, and the play-in race gets a little more interesting. Sean digs into Scottie Barnes’ out-of-the-gate energy and powerful transition scoring, the Raptors getting back to their roots by demolishing the Nets in the open court, and the defense showing some signs of connectivity at long last. Of course, it’s just the Nets, so let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. Next, Sean talks about Immanuel Quickley and Gary Trent Jr. combining for 49 points on efficient shooting and their different stations within the Raptors’ future plans. Lastly, Sean runs through The Good (RJ Barrett’s playmaking), The Bad (one puzzling Bruce Brown possession) and The Hmmm (the first look at Gradey Dick alongside the Raptors Core 4) to round out the show.

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  1. I loved IQ last night I hope he can stay like that I know everything kinda took a dip for a bit but I love seeing him play with that intensity

  2. GTJ had the best shooting procentage so far this season 75% FG
    5 (3) at 72% Keep up a
    good job GARY and help the team to win with ATLANTA ❤

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