@Denver Nuggets

Collin Gillespie Full Post Game Locker Room Interview vs. Trailblazers πŸŽ™

Collin Gillespie Full Post Game Locker Room Interview vs. Trailblazers πŸŽ™

T how are you feeling out there I felt good um my teammates give me confidence they told me to shoot the ball and be aggressive and just play my game and uh the coaching staff does as well so I just went out there and try to do um

What I what I’ve been doing and um just lean on those guys after a year off with the with the injury does this feel like okay maybe this is validation I’m I’m I’m back finally uh yeah I mean there’s good days and bad days like uh there’s

Some days where I’ll wake up and it’ll be sore um and then there’s days where I’ll feel really good so just taking every day with grain of salt and um just knowing that I’m going to continue to get better I’m going to continue to work

And uh I’m going to start to feel better um there’s going to be certain days where I don’t feel good there’s going to be days where I feel really good so um just taking it day to time is it weird that the chemistry you already seem to

Have with Nia um I mean I think anybody who play with him would have chemistry with him because he makes it makes it really easy for you uh especially for myself um when things aren’t going well you just try to find him just try to get him the ball cuz he’s going make

Something good happen so um yeah I think anybody who really plays with him would look good uh but I’m glad that he’s on my team now speaking speaking of a ball you got one down there Nicole didn’t try to get that from you no I don’t know why

They gave me a ball uh I didn’t G ball it didn’t make much sense to me but I’ll take it

Hear what Collin had to say after the win in Portland

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Collin Gillespie Full Post Game Locker Room Interview vs. Trailblazers πŸŽ™


  1. maybe a huge assistant for Joker in several daysπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸ”‘πŸ”‘

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