@San Antonio Spurs

Los Angeles Lakers vs San Antonio Spurs Full Game Highlights | Feb 23 | 2024 NBA Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs San Antonio Spurs Full Game Highlights | Feb 23 | 2024 NBA Season

Welcome everyone you ready you game I’m game all right welcome back great looking downtown Los Angeles Spurs and Lakers long shot long rebound tap by Victor blocked by Victor saw that one coming VI yeah foul on ad that’s going to be for three 30% of his points this

Month are coming from behind the ark great lob there from Austin re to LBJ long lead ads there again ready available and dunking Victor had an opportunity now wi Bama rattles it in from downtown AR nice trip to the rim wemi got it again already putting on a

Show Russell got it good answer right back champ peny soan right there give it up to wanyama hore steps right into that three in Rhythm so on the floor you’ve got James Davis for Russell ruy hachim more and Austin Reed same five that start of the game Spin LeBron backand lamps

Good James with Zack Collins in front of him for LBJ got it yes sir cin Ken away LeBron with a chance for the break here comes toan all the way on a good pass by James the bounce unselfish throw it down ad unselfish by Toran LeBron James will had the defender

Right on his back the lob and the jam ad C of it goes It goes he’ll go to the line and shoot one D’Angelo has the defender right on his hip and he hits you’re going to see a little bit different kind of a an an offensive

Player that you’re going up against ad though that time beaten off the dribble by jedy Osman wanyama after the turnover brandom goes right at Spencer and scores Victor down the middle he goes count it he’s back at it again wanyama and LeBron starts this qu with the basketball about 10 ft away

There’s that little step back of his and he scores with the Soft Touch by the way Lakers had a 21 to2 run in that first quarter that followed up a 90 Spurs run underneath brandham lays it up and in nobody home defensively as Jackson hay little roundhouse going to the other side of

The rim now the Lakers starting a stretch of eight out of nine at home can extend that nearly to the end of March nothing nothing but neck by Wesley here’s LeBron 18f footer LeBron James James shovels it right over to D’angelo got it yes sir Lakers little

Look Away pass goes to ruie who is aggressive and goes to the other side of the rim now LeBron looks around again some so much fun with those look away passes fresh snow and it’s down to the bottom well for DLo on the assist from LeBron

Timeout Collins looks to go in and he does he goes up and under and scores Reeves leans in that’s a shot that is very reliable for him not that time however Davis mid-range magic they work a little weave out on top that’s pretty good ball movement and dribbling and passing and scoring

Spurs 28th on offense not a good offensive team oh oh spit it up and in haimura Long lead great ruy there oh a block and a wedgie how about a block and a wedgie oh here’s a tap to Reeves perfectly done here comes Jones in amongst the trees Kellin Johnson count

It and one you know they’re struggling I mean their 196 winning percentage would be an alltime low for them as AR knocks down another triple Lakers are back up to a 5647 lead what a move by Davis to finish can we please shout out the Lakers not playing tonight Vanderbilt

Reddish Vincent Christian Wood another one from downtown ruy hachimura automatic that’s a good Glide and score by soan it’s underneath ruy hore oh blocked block was by vasel six to shoot weak side rebound and follow by Anthony Davis you know what a great offensive rebounder he is

Vel Jones soan look out here comes Victor on the break wanyama bounce good pass good pass in the sof Throw Down by soan Lakers starting front line shop 68% 17 of 25 LeBron settles in for three I just think from an energy standpoint showing what you’re capable

Of kind of an uptick on both sides of the basketball and D boy is that smooth smooth so smooth you talked about talking to him oh soan big time as he came down the middle and a nice delivery by shamp peny it’s just been a different combination all season long

Trying to figure out just with who the guys they have fit for this season but the progression never stops so the willingness to want to continue to learn and get better despite only winning 11 games Jones he attacks underneath so the smallest guy on the floor scores we’ve

Only had one lead change in the game bring it up for Braun Victor launches three lyama ad backing in on Wim Bama goes over that long arm and scores having his best shooting month of the year ruy boy switches it right through wanyama wide open in the corner set fired get that’s Trey

Jones D once again out now to Vel loses it good poke from behind Ruiz on his horse ah gets it right back from bro goes to the other side and scores on a pretty fast break and rebound oh Lakers had it for a minute and they knock it down with

The ad hang in the air and score Vel tried to split the defense Collins playing with a little more confidence right now when he scores in the lane and again the bench continues to struggle as a unit random it’s a three point game open his Reeves on its way

Perfect there is Jetty Osman gram from distance that’s the way to start if you’re a Spur krisy two big steps left hand is good LeBron with a strong dribble and the little 10f footer is good and he raises both his hands coming back there’s the cut oh brand throws it

Down down with the left hand were those the two high school mates right there was that St vsit St Mary against a former high schooler here goes Jack on its way Toran Toran Prince another three yeah a lot of guys have to do that with Victor here’s LeBron hanging in the air

Drifting left shooting right soan wants get in very deep over LeBron scores that’s where I get angry hey don’t get angry there love that One by Jackson Hayes up ahead LeBron he’s one on four but now he’s oneon-one out on an island with soad and down to 13 with 229 left right over

Mamu boy Johnson having his way so there you go double figures now five out of six Johnson holding on to it Corner three Malachi 10-point game minute to play there’s some interest to what is going on down the stretch as Johnson hits yeah they’re not playing the foul

Game and finish it up put a bow on it Jackson Hayes with four with three Collins will wrap up the shooting attempts for the night

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  1. Carisma che salta fuori dallo schermo; il magnetismo dell'ospite ci trascina in una conversazione coinvolgente.🍭

  2. Zach Collin’s is too small. Not agressive. But he is not alone. That team is just so passive defensively

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