@Utah Jazz

Should Utah Taxpayers Pay For New Building for Utah Jazz Owner Ryan Smith?

Should Utah Taxpayers Pay For New Building for Utah Jazz Owner Ryan Smith?

Is Salt Lake City a Major League Sports town I live here I’ve lived here for a decade now I guess I don’t believe that it’s a major league sports town I don’t um I love Major League Baseball I’ve told you that I love the NHL I think you guys know

We’re hockey nuts I love it uh this is not an NHL town and anybody telling you that the state of Utah should spend a billion dollars in taxpayer money to subsidize a billionaire building a a new arena in downtown Salt Lake is out your

Goddamn mind and I I I I know that we talk about this on a regular basis but let’s just get one thing very clear you me no taxpayer should be putting money into Ryan Smith’s pocket so that the owner of the Jazz and a potential owner of an NHL Franchise can

Have a new Arena and it is our money let’s not joke about that it is a Statewide hotel tax that is being proposed over 30 years the payback could be a billion dollars and the creation of a of a entertainment and sports District in downtown Salt Lake over 50

Acres with a hotel tax that I’m going to pay is somebody who travels this state to go to Parks play golf I routinely go down to St George as you guys know going in two weeks going to stay in a hotel why is my tax money going to pay for a

New arena in downtown Salt Lake and I am a passionate believer this is not a professional sports town and Ryan Smith is not the right guy to bring the NHL to Salt Lake City Jake am I wrong I don’t think you’re wrong I I I think that yeah

The the premise of you know hotel tax and and I’ll just read to you the taxes all these different taxes because I think it’s kind of aound in how many different taxes we’re talking about raising here so you’ve got the hotel tax sales and property tax energy tax

Telecommunications tax and like he said Resort tax that’s a lot of tax dude that is a lot of tax that you’re having to work through the state legislature in Utah to get a billion dollars approved for this new building and and what bothers me is I I guess the concept that you know

That Salt Lake is a major Market when there’s nothing wrong with it not being a major market like if you if you’ve ever been to Salt Lake part of its magic and part of its I what should we call it Beauty I guess uniqueness if you will is

That it’s not La it’s not Denver it’s not like Salt Lake is a very unique place with the way it feels and the fact that it’s you can live here but it’s not some major metropolitan area like it finds this nice balance between everyday living but also feeling like you’re not

Living in a huge City that’s right and to me I this was never like we get asked all the time why do you guys not like Ryan Smith and what what’s the deal with Ryan Smith it’s not about Ryan as a dude I have no issue with Ryan as a dude I’m

Not talking about that he’s some terrible person or anything like that I’m sure he’s a perfectly nice guy it’s not person it’s not personal but but when I look at this situation I don’t like and what bothers me is that we’re sitting here looking at this this uh

This legislature in the Utah uh assembly talking about a billion dollars in tax revenue and increasing taxes and pushing down the pressure on people who live in this state so that we can build a new building where the Delta Center currently is because Ryan Smith wants to

Bring an NHL team to this town and and the problem is Ryan’s going to tell you that they’re prioritizing the Jazz that the mission is to win a championship with the Jazz that that we’re going to do everything it takes to win a championship uh in that organization the

Problem is your actions don’t line up with your words and so that doesn’t make you a bad guy but I don’t I don’t have to to to uh you know play nice in the sandbox with Ryan I’m going I’m somebody who’s an NBA fan I’ve been an NBA fan

Since a I was a kid and I’ve seen how teams win and how teams lose I saw how the Lakers came out of the Kobe and everybody else era and how they turn that thing back into winner like the formula is not difficult to understand

And so what I’ve seen take place is Ryan buys the Jazz tells us he’s carrying the torch from from Gail in the Miller family and that they’re going to do everything it takes to win a championship you went and got Danny a you went and got dwade you got rid of

Dennis Lindsay you sold Don and Rudy and you stopped you stopped and now we’ve taken a left turn into I want to bring an NHL Franchise here I want a new building I like you’re doing the things that are the opposite of what you said and that’s the part that bothers me

You’re not spending money on the Jazz you’re not trying to win with the Jazz and you know now we’re in a situation where now I get to see articles about billion dollar legislature uh that taxpayers get to fund I’m not a big fan of that instead what you should do is

You should put your money into the Jazz go in a championship grow the brand make your money by doing that and then bring an NHL Franchise here I I am of the belief that there are multiple conversations here number one Ryan Smith is not doing what he said he would

Do period full stop that’s to me that is that’s number one you’re asking as a billionaire the state of Utah to give you a billion dollars and spend taxpayer money on a on an Entertainment District that includes a building for you and your wannab B NHL team which has not

Come to fruition yet but I think could be likely maybe but we’ll do nothing about homelessness we will do nothing about the opioid and drug addiction problem in this state the countless countless issues that we have with water in sustainability we’ll do nothing about that but we’re going to spend a billion

Dollars of our money taxpayer money in this state to build an arena that we don’t need what happened to Draper oh but it’s for the Olympics that’s the other thing I’m tired of hear oh the Olympics okay the Olympics are going to come and go and my billion dooll

Taxpayer money is still going to be sunk into your building why are we subsidizing billionaires he’s supposedly this billionaire you haven’t won so you don’t have public sentiment on your side and I think much to your point you sold Don and Rudy and you haven’t put a dollar back into this

Team yeah hav put a dollar back in oh but the renovation of the arena for the All-Star game which made you money and by the way didn’t doesn’t the NBA give you money to do that he gets he gets a certain percentage of the renovation to bring the the arena up to Allstar

Level by it looks great I just want to point that out it does look nice Delta Center is a really nice building is it antiquated to a certain extent it is can it house an NHL team on the fulltime no it cannot but my point is there’s not some huge swell of

Support and I go back to Pat McAfee on this because Pat essentially sat on ESPN for an hour and fated Ryan Smith and talked about how the Jazz are amazing and they’re super hot they’re not super hot they’ve lost eight of 11 they’re they’re out of the playoffs

They’re under 500 you you you were a seller at the deadline and Jazz fans are all pissed that I continue to tell you this is not how you build a championship it’s not how you build a championship the fact that Walker was on the bench for the first half of the

Season plus the fact that that you are just now playing Taylor Hendricks and you’re watching a kid that’s a giraffe out there trying to figure it out right like I this is not how you build a championship you have to trade you’re not probably going to have great success

Signing free agents you need to trade for Superstars they’re never going to do that it bothers me that like I like I want to be really clear I would be fine if you would just come out and say yeah you know the the Jazz the timeline with

The Jazz to win a championship has definitely been elongated here we’re we’re we’re pushing that timeline back a little bit because what we want to do for jazz fans and really sports fans and Salt Lake is we want to create a new building where we can have hockey NBA

And then obviously concerts and all that out all the extra events that you could hold in the building we want to do those things we want to have an Entertainment District in downtown because that’s the other thing I hear that’s the other thing here oh well downtown is it needs

Help it needs security it needs like there are issues downtown there’s no question about it why isn’t the church paying for that I don’t know I don’t know we you we how and and again I’m not trying to turn this into anti- Mormon anti-ds you you have a free pass in real

Estate in this town you have Prime real estate in the center of Salt Lake City with Temple Square why are you not paying for that why are you not paying for that oh because we don’t know what you spend and don’t spend and you can’t tell me the

Church is paying its fair share because I don’t believe for a second that they are right so we’re in this conundrum where you now have a billionaire getting billions from the state to build an arena and it’s going to be a 30-year Bond essentially it’s a terrible idea it’s a

Business model that’s never worked it do it never goes well when you municipalities give billionaires billions of taxpayer dollars and by the way it sound like you own the team for 30 years dude and the other part of this that nobody’s talking about this is a great place to live yeah

Well at least it used to be and why is that because we’re sellouts in Utah sold out to the tech industry sold out to the builders sold out to the qual tricks sold out sold out sold out we’re selling out and all we’re doing is bringing everybody who hates California and hates

New York City and they’re all coming here and all of a sudden we’ve got billionaire Ryan Smith oh everybody wants hockey people are passionate about hockey in Utah oh really since when since when where is it where’s the ground swell of support for we’ve got to have the NHL here where is

It if this is a pro sports town why do we not have an NFL team where is it if this is a pro sports town why are we why are we not you know like in first place for a major league franchise oh man Salt Lake City got to

Have a major league baseball team do we really there’s a a lot of days where it’s not like the bees are are banging down you know like attendance records now what did they I think they average 5800 fans last year not bad but what are you doing with the bees the Miller

Family is moving them out to Daybreak out into the middle of a planned housing community you’re going to build a baseball stadium that in my opinion is going to destroy that Community I don’t think it is I think I think Daybreak will for ever be ruined by by putting a

New ballpark for the Salt Lake Bees M and then you’re going to build a major league park so we’re going to take up more land and more resources which we don’t have I think everybody has this belief that Utah is just you know where the cows go

To roam and [ __ ] well I got news for you there’s no room to roam not in the valley there’s not because we just build houses everywhere we’re running out of water again like I I I’m so tired of this idea that billionaires need billions from taxpayers to pay for their

Arenas why can’t Ryan Smith who oh man qual trick silicon slopes [ __ ] okay well then get your own money get private money get your own money yeah why do you need our why why am I gonna pay a higher hotel tax in this state why should I pay more money to go

Play golf in St George so that you can have an arena in Salt Lake City what sense does that make makes no sense because it’s a state issue it’s a state issue and then what I love is what I love is we get calls people reach out and they’re like hey

Heyy uh why do you guys hate Ryan Smith why do you why do you say why do you say he won’t spend money why do you say these things because the behavior says that for us we’re not we’re not make we’re not Reinventing the wheel here the

Behavior says hey dude wants money dude won’t spend money and and and that’s just that’s the long and short of it long and short of it and again I struggle with this thing where he he hasn’t won and the obvious threat is well give me a new Arena or I’ll leave where the

[ __ ] is he going where’s Ryan Smith going went to BYU his business is here his family’s here he’s from here he’s not going anywhere he’s not going anywhere yeah do you really believe that the NBA would approve him taking the jazzz out of Utah He’s not going anywhere he’s a

Billionaire why are we subsidizing billionaires when we have all of these issues crime homelessness drug addiction we have all of these issues we have so many issues related to sustainability because we are and and Ryan Smith doesn’t want to talk about this this is not popular when you’re asking for a billion

Dollars we have sustainability issues we can’t keep we cannot continue to build condo towers and massive oh but money we’re short of houses affordable houses we’re short of affordable houses not million dooll houses not $800,000 houses we need $300,000 new bills we need affordable hous oh but

Monty the mortgage rates that’s not the point I don’t care about the mortgage rates you’re building a ballpark in Daybreak where you can’t break into day Daybreak for pretty much anything under half a million dollars MH that’s the reality of it we joke who can afford to buy a house in Utah right

Now especially in the Salt Lake Valley yeah you’re you’re into it for half a million dollars because we’re building these Behemoth homes with these huge Footprints and tons of water consumption in these housing tracks and we are putting them everywhere and now we’re going to rezone of downtown and give a billionaire

Billions because he doesn’t want to spend his own money on a new Arena I think the point about getting private money is the best one I I don’t know why it needs why does it need to be taxpayer money why can it not be man private

Money I understand on some level you got to work with the municipality right I mean you’re talking about putting a new building where the Delta Center is essentially that’s what we’re discussing here where hey we need a new multi-purpose facility in downtown Salt Lake okay I understand that you got to

Work with the municipality to to do those types of things totally get it but but would it not be a stronger stance for Ryan Smith if he said hey Utah I went out and I secured the funding to put together a building that is multi-purpose NBA NHL every event

Under the Sun and by the way as part of this project with the private money that I got the private fun I got we’re going to improve the the The Trolley Square essentially we’re going to improve that area around the building so that it feels better it’s more comfortable it’s

More welcoming because because if you’ve never been to downtown Salt Lake the issue with where Delta Center sits it doesn’t feel the way it does in LA or Chicago it doesn’t have this nice warm sort of comfortable feel to it it feels like you dropped an NBA arena into the

Middle of a rough neighborhood and you’re you’re like hey man like where do I park like how do I do this like it’s not everything about it is awkward parking at the Delta Center is awkward um it is Union Square garages or like I I’m not even disagreeing that you need a

New Arena yeah taxpayer money should not be used to fund that thing you’re a billionaire you told us you were a billionaire you tell everybody you’re a billionaire you flaunt your billions go flaunt your money and and buy your own Arena yeah now do you want to do a land

Swap sure okay do you want to give him a price on a piece of land okay cool cool why am I why do I have to pay for it why do I have to pay for that I don’t think folks in Salt Lake were asking you

For a new building but ticket prices are going to go down right because taxpayers are paying more for this so ticket prices will be more affordable right I’m sorry I didn’t who just said go ahead oh that’s right they won’t be they concessions though free concessions

For the first two years the team plays in the new building oh no we don’t do that either like it’s this is ridiculous yeah and again I would remind you who controls the the the media in this town yeah that billionaire that’s getting your billion dollars in tax

Money Ryan Smith control nobody speaks ill of the dead right nobody nope nobody’s questioning him why aren’t you spending more money why are you not bringing in Premier free agents why you’re not trading for Premier talent because they don’t want to spend money Ryan Smith is he gets it’s the great

Free pass of the Salt Lake City Sports media who’s never going to question him because he controls the radio here he controls the TV he’s LDS so he’s in the community he’s a billionaire LDS guy so he’s got the backing of the church and the LDS Community he controls them the

Narrative in the media here yeah oh did I mention that because he’s LDS and he’s a billionaire he controls the legislature as well he has significant Sway in the Utah State Legislature so we’re going to pay for his new building that’s exactly right and by the way while you’re getting your checkbook

Out to pay for the new building the Jazz are still not going to make the playoffs yeah so you know maybe we should go back to focusing on Utah or BYU yep I agree uh giggity billionaire owners ask for public money then turn around and make the millionaire athletes seem greedy

When they want bigger contracts that’s what I’m saying dude Robert uh Adam monks uh Gail Miller and the Miller family have always done one thing and not the other uh Nanny soff to Ryan Smith the hell does that mean dude no idea what does that mean uh Clint Moses

I thought this was America it is America yeah what does that mean I don’t know what that means uh old white tell them Monty hey Monty Ryan Sho says facts uh Richard McDonald is a Utah native of 32 years this has been a poignant program

Boys Ryan Smith is not for Utah He’s for Ryan Smith I get so tired of rich people in this state trying to change it into something it isn’t yeah and it doesn’t need your help and and the thing is like Ryan is a business guy like I and I’m

Being serious this is my general opinion I do think the better path for Ryan if he cared at all about anybody in this town with all due respect I’m not I’m I’m just saying this is how makes me feel it makes me feel like you don’t

Care it makes me feel like you just want to be seeing golf with the head honchos and the cool kids club and then you want to you want to go and get us to pay for a billion dollar building do I want to sit in a new building yes of course did

I ask you to have me pay for it no I didn’t and I didn’t ask you to go out of your way to to we we are willing to pay exorbitant ticket prices for your building as long as you pay for the building like it’s not difficult to

Understand it dude pay for the building I’m happy to pay ticket prices if my tax money again and this is to me this is the granular level think about if you want to if if Jim Susie and their four kids want to go down to Zion National

Park you’re G to stay in the jezy you’re gonna get a hotel and then drive in have a great day with your kids you’re going to pay a lot more for that hotel because now there’s a tax for every night what if you want to what if you

Live in St George and you want to come up to Utah and watch a jazz game you’re going to pay a lot more because the hotel is going to be more expensive oh but we’re not going to allow you to stay in an Airbnb though we’re going to limit

Those right there it’s a no-win situation so for me at my level it’s winter time in Salt Lake City I go down to St George to golf probably I I would like to go once a month but there are certain people who are whipped so they’re not allowed to I would

Personally go once a month right right anyway the point is I I like to go down to St George once a month and play golf now that’s going to cost me significantly more money in hotel tax and it what it’s going to do is and I am

A a Marriott bonvoy guy it’s gonna force me to look at other properties it’s gon to for like Copper Rock has airbnbs on their course if I’m going to pay a left nut to stay in a hotel I’d rather pay a left nut to have a hot tub on the on the

Golf course yeah and stay and stay in a why would I stay in a hotel room a tiny little room when I can just pay more and stay at the Airbnb why would I do that yeah and by the way if that legislature gets passed you’re damn right I will

Stay away from hotels and I’ll stay in airbnbs instead because I’m not trying to support that not doing it uh Tanner plumber says tax the rich well but that’s not what this is about dude that’s not the premise of the conversation the problem is when you allow a guy like Ryan

Smith to not not only put the pot on the stove pick all the ingredients and then control all the chefs this is what happens when Ryan Smith goes unchecked because Heavens to Betsy anybody would ever question him this is what happens you’re giving let it sink in you’re giving a billionaire

Billions when we’re talking about a situation where can’t afford to buy a house Millennials and J zers are not buying homes because they can’t afford it uh we have a and for those of you who don’t know Salt Lake City has a significant addiction issue we have a homeless issue we have a

Drug crime issue which is not unlike a lot of Metro areas but we’re talking specifically about Salt Lake and Utah and we have a poor we have a poor Community here we have young people that are struggling to figure out how to make a living so let’s just give a billion

Dollars to the billionaire you’re giving a billion dollar of taxpayer money to Ryan Smith it makes no sense don’t get it I do get it but I don’t get it tax me to fix our sustainability issues tax me to help the homeless and the drug addicted in this

Town I’m happy with that make them make the LDS Church open their books and pay the taxes they are required to pay because they should not be a taxfree ENT oh we would never do that but we’ll give Ryan Smith a billion dollars because he’s a billionaire seems

Like a good idea I hate it sanduski Ohio bro sanduski Ohio has it on freshwater great lake and now houses that were 100K 10 years ago are now $250,000 in Rising yep might want to buy a house now there’s a lot of corners of this town

Where you can’t buy a house for under half a million bucks a lot uh wasikowski is someone who hates the current state of his State I have St George as the top of the list for possible relocation by the end of the year St George is great better be ready

To pay better be ready to pay uh shouty Jerry Jones put uh his money to build jera World AKA AT&T and do you see the freedom that that brings Jerry you can’t touch Jerry Jones but look at the Rangers situation look at the Atlanta brav Stadium freaking Dbacks brutal brutal man when

When I’m when cities counties and States pay for billionaires to have new stadiums it never goes well but didn’t didn’t uh I could be wrong didn’t Steve Balmer get his own money for the Clippers build he did I believe he did I could be wrong look at the ram Stadium

Situation yeah I’m fine if you’re gonna do a land deal I want the stadium in Salt Lake City just off of or in downtown Salt Lake I’d love it to be in South Salt Lake use use some of the land that is dilapidated and downturn use that land to build a new

Stadium I’m fine with that make Ryan Smith a sweetheart deal I’m fine with that because if you don’t make them a sweetheart deal those abandoned buildings are still going to sit there yeah make them a sweetheart deal do not give a billionaire a billion dollars I would mandate if we’re it it

It if if you’re going to give him a sweetheart deal on land mandate that he have community service and Community Action that makes a noticeable tangible difference for the homeless the drug addicted make that oh we don’t do that here though we don’t do that here though but hey have you found the

Lord like we’ll knock on your door and talk to you about God unless you’re home homeless or you’re drug addicted then we don’t really want to get near you but we’ll give a billionaire a billion dollars yeah that’s the reality of life in Salt Lake City and Utah it is and we’re not

Talking about southern Utah where there’s large swaths of land I’m talking about Provo North where you can’t drive the 15 Corridor in the state of Utah and not see new builds half million dollar multi-million dollar homes all over the hills all over the valley now yeah

But we don’t have the water we don’t have like and the the worst part of this is what’s happening in the canyons what’s happening in our at our ski resorts they’re all overrun so our our our natural resources which used to be the Crown Jewel of Life in

Utah they’re just being run over yeah disrespected not thought about yep uh the Miller family have always told the fans that they would come with a championship never happened here’s the problem though and I say this all the time again it’s this ESPN ACC thing nobody cares about the

Fans the truth is we don’t matter Ryan Smith doesn’t give a a rat’s ass about fans because fans are sheep you’re going to line up you’re going to pay the hotel tax you’re going to buy tickets and you’re going to pay 20 bucks for a beer you are you will you’re going to

Buy his terrible ugly uniformy designs cuz he told you to his clothing line is terrible you’re going to buy it because he told you to because KSL told you to KSL News radio told you to the KSL Sports Zone told you to espn700 told you to Pat the Pat McAfee show slurping Ryan

Smith is this transformative owner who’s building a winner with the Jazz no he’s not prove me wrong tell me how he’s building a winner all the all all the pissed off Jazz fans who said that I was completely wrong about Rudy and Don did he replace

Them where’s the money that he saved on Rudy and Don where’s the money that he saved on buckets o bench where’s the money that he just saved on Kelly oin bogdanovich buan bogdanovich’s contract great Point where’s the money on all that I know where it is it’s in his

Pocket it’s in his pocket and you know why he’s saving that money cuz he’s hoping get an NHL team and do you really think that those NHL expansion fees or relocation fees are going to be cheap he will have to buy let’s say it’s the Phoenix Coyotes that’s money out of his

Pocket or wait I’m sorry that’s Don and Rudy and and bag svi’s contracts that’s going to buy that that relocation franchise Jordan Clarkson is still here hey by the way what is he gonna have to pay to build an arena where’s he going to get that billions of dollar from you

You’re going to pay higher ticket prices you’re going to pay a a premium for hockey and note what I said you are going to pay because you are going to pay you’re going to pay it and your legislator is going to approve it and you’re not going to vote them out you’re

Not going to be you’re going to be pissed at Ryan Smith when they don’t win what about your legislator who gave him a billion dollar tax break you know that person that’s supposed to represent you what about that guy what are you going to do about that nothing nothing you’re going to do

Nothing you’re tired of life in this country you don’t vote for you don’t go out and vote you’re tired of taxes you don’t go out and vote your legislator out your Senator your state senator out but yet hey let’s make sure that we make people put their their IDs on file with

Porn companies you know because you know porn’s killing people let’s make sure we don’t have full power alcohol in this town hey and we can’t have gambling but we’ll give the billionaire a billion what a joke I mean what at what point does the stupid [ __ ] in this town end

With giving billionaires billions it’s crazy and I get it it’s an old boy Network and I get it he’s in the LDS community and I get it and I get it and I get it he gets whatever he wants including great felatio on the pat mcae

Show but at what point do we get what we need just when is slick going to be free for anybody who wants to get in education Salt Lake Community College when’s that going to happen never never when are we going to address the homelessness when are we going to

Address the drug addicted when are we going to address the free pass the church gets that’ll never happen when are we addressing that when are we addressing the cover-ups in the church when are we oh we’re never going to do that because we’re busy giving the [ __ ] billionaire a billion dollars that’s

That’s what we do yeah it is it is that’s what we do it is what it is it is what it is it is it is almost Americana at this point where municipalities suffer and are broke oh but money defund the police look at what the Democrats are doing you

Think the Democrats are the one that are responsible for the crime in Salt Lake City hello we’re a Republican state and we’ve got terrible crime in this town we’re hardcore Republican state very conservative and we’ve got real crime and real addiction and real homelessness and real water sustainability issues

Don’t you love that hey we don’t have full power alcohol but we have addiction issues with opioids come on man come on dude it’s wild Richard McDonald rich people don’t build hospitals for poor people they build hospitals to show poor people how great they are they do that’s exactly

Right cancer we’re not gonna cure cancer no well that’s going to cost us money to cure cancer we’re not doing that come on are you kidding me guns guns help the Health Care System heard that argument the other day uh let’s see Mike Smith Ryan Smith and the LDS church

Is going to pull a Putin and have Mony ghosted for daring to speak to power but that’s the that’s the thing we’ve been saying for years now saying it for years and I don’t care if it upsets the people at the Jazz or anywhere else in this

Town he does not have the courage to come on this show he doesn’t he runs from it and it’s wild come on this show and explain why we should give you a billion dollars explain why you haven’t replaced the roster you want you want to do an

Interview with us you want to keep the lifestyle stuff off the Slate we’ll talk to you about the Jazz and we’ll talk to you all day about it because there’s a lot to talk about where’s the Rudy money where’s the where’s the money where’s the development how in the hell did you

Let David fizdale leave this organization how how does that happen with all due respect how does does that happen that’s what I’m talking about you you so and everyone seems to forget that that nobody talks about that and then we wonder why development’s not happening you think throwing Taylor Hendricks in

The starting lineup and just giving him minutes is going to develop him no like yeah sure it it helps he’s playing that doesn’t make a player better though man like the guy doing tape rview with him the guy helping him with his footwork the guy helping him with shot selection

Those are the dudes that help you win a champ chionship and those guys laugh and really really yeah anyway it just bothers me to no end I hate what it’s it’s cool look look the last thing I’ll say is it’s cool if you if billionaires are going and doing what billionaires do

Right hey you you going doing these projects okay cool just don’t lie to us about it don’t don’t try to trick us don’t try to don’t try to GIF wrap it into something that is not don’t tell me there’s a thirst for the NHL here there’s not dude there’s not and to my

Guy Gerald on Twitter who constantly DMS me about well he approved Rudy’s contract you always leave that out what was he it was like his third day in in ownership what what did you think he was going to do oh and them what did he do what’s the point though that he approved

His what well because we say he never spends money he traded that contract and never ever replace that that money you and then the guy that you really the centerpiece of that deal was Walker Kessler and now he he wasn’t even starting for most of the

Season yeah it so you fired Quinn Snider and you hired will hardy you saved money you traded Don Rudy Buon Kelly oen you saved money you have Lori marinan your best player on a sweetheart deal like a great contract you’re saving money Colin Sexton you’re saving money whatever you’re odd obsession with

Jordan Clarkson is you’re saving money is what it is and yet you’ll defend him to the you’ll you’ll defend him to the end because there’s nobody to hold him accountable yeah you buy his purple jerseys you continue to yeah I could go on a couple more uh Derek Roch says preach

Monty I’m just up I’m I’m out of I’m out of patience I’m with you dude I’m f up on by the way when’s the last time when’s the last time Ryan Smith you know like put out a video of him talking about these things you ever notice that

Because he doesn’t why would he do that it’s my point there’s nobody holding him to account to make him do that Ryan Ryan Ryan doesn’t want to talk to you Ryan wants to say he went on the pat show right like that’s my problem man just be

Accountable to the thing you do the pat MC thing is interesting because Pat likes to run with famous people he does and you so you went on bless you sir thank you you went on Pat show he came in sack Courtside with you you guys are all bro

Bro you’re not winning you’re not moving in the direction of winning and yet you go on the largest Sports Talk Show in the world and the hosts oh you guys are great you’re red hot jazzz a jazz a jazz you guys are on the way to winning a championship it’s ridiculous it’s

Ridiculous he has zero accountability uh all the Mormon Mormons have money for is Gody audacious bill it’s it’s not even a modus operandi of the LDS church it’s not the issue hey if you are LDS I have no no issue with your faith faith none you’re not nonprofit stop it pay your

Taxes stop covering up your scandals and put money back into the community and help the homeless and the drug addicted you the the LDS church for those of you who don’t know has the greatest real estate I mean they M their realtor must be [ __ ] unbelievable you ever drive through Salt

Lake City do it at night and just notice all of the Mormon LDS bro that Realtor dude Made bread on those Temple deals have you seen the temple in South Jordan like in in Daybreak you think that’s a valuable plot of have you seen the like go

They’re they’re across the look at the look at the temple in San Diego look at look at the temple in San Diego look at the guy they must have I I don’t know like I don’t know how their realtors get those land deals done and it’s like all

Right uh this land’s worth $56 million well you know what um how about 15 cents okay done great where’s the contract send it over for Signature send it over for Signature well uh it’s wild the real estate leverage that the LDS church has globally it’s

Crazy and in this town it’s to the nth degree now I’m not LDS I’m not in the community as some of accused me of being a 50e old fat Mormon who’s going to die soon hey it is what it is right and I don’t generally I am not

Generally impacted by the LDS church here right we don’t get now it used to be when I lived in Sandy I got invited to chicken dinners on on on Thursday nights I don’t get invited to chicken dinners anymore right I the church they leave you alone it’s not like they’re it’s

It’s not like they’re hey Mom Mone we got to talk about they don’t they don’t care yeah you’re free to and it’s because the young like the young popul but whatever all I’m asking you to do stop hiding your scandals start paying your taxes and start giving back to the

Community because you get way more than you give that’s all I’m asking for uh you you tax big companies because they quite often own significantly are owned significantly by foreigners and they’re spending profits overseas well okay that’s cool uh and donuts Monty letting it rip this is why we

Watch appreciate n Donuts uh I used to live in Salt Lake by uh the U but the homeless crisis for the size of the city is really bad oh it’s an epidemic it’s crazy dude the crime and the and I love the the best Mexican restaurant in my

Opinion on the planet is Red Iguana in downtown Salt Lake you you have to be very careful when you go there especially at night because it’s so the the crime in the the homeless Community is in North Salt Lake and in South Salt Lake is it’s horrendous it is

Really really bad um I was actually surprised by how bad it was but yeah around canyons and PC you never see anything like that no because Park city is a different a different world it is a different existence um no they won’t uh that’s American as pie

It is true that is it is very American I agreed uh we built this temple on N dude you’re not even kidding though that’s what I’m saying dude like good Lord in God’s name image and likeness giggity says those temples can be seen from space I’m sure they are I’m sure they

Are uh Utah hom loan thank you for calling out the LDS church well I mean that wasn’t really the but it is a part of the conversation yeah I mean it is a big part of it I I think that dude that that’s what I’m saying man and like if

Ryan you’re listening to this dude like hear me clearly bro it’s not personal but damn you you have got to understand your people here like lying to the people uh and saying they’re thirsty for NHL is really stupid because there I don’t care who you are you’re not you’re

Not putting out a survey that says that Salt Lake that 70% of Salt Lake wants an NHL team he is a marketing genius I will give him that yeah yeah um let’s see I saw that yes you can see him from space uh waiting on Jake playing the sad song

So Monty does his dear Lord take no no not doing uh lakowski Mike illich is god tier Mike illich is the owner of several sports teams in Detroit while Ryan Smith is Sun Belt Conference here it’s not about it’s not about insulting Ryan it’s not it’s not about that I’m not trying

To to throw shade at him but but I’m holding you accountable dude like I see your actions and I see your lack of actions in certain directions and and you’re you’re you’re showing me what you’re actually about and this is what I think we don’t understand as sports fans

Oh young Utah bu the Utah Jazz Cinderella Story oh were what four years remov from that now or whatever it’s been three years yeah and now we see what it is the Mormon church is building temples next to where I used to go to Junior highs inane the amount of temples

They are building it is wild Tanner I agree he says Monty how many uh missionaries have knocked on your door not many not many although we have an epidemic of kids knocking on our door and running away right now it’s weird happened again last night it’s weird

The Utah Jazz continue to sputter last night, as the Charlotte Hornets came to Salt Lake City and knocked off the Utah Jazz. With the news that the State of Utah and the Utah Jazz are exploring options for taxpayer dollars to contribute to a new downtown Salt Lake City arena for a potential NHL franchise under Ryan Smiths ownership to share with the Utah Jazz. Are the Utah Jazz willing to spend money to add talent and compete for an NBA Championship?

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  1. If its a hockey rink, then yes. If its a new nba staDium, then NOOOO! The NBA is garbage. NHL is awesome and it would help for the olympics.

  2. No. The owner should do exactly what LHM did when he built the Delta Center. Use your own money and secure financing on your own.

  3. Monty makes excellent points! Smith coming hat in hand is a bad look when he has no evidence of ownership success and Utah is home to so many problems.

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