@Charlotte Hornets

Steve Kerr PostGame Interview | Charlotte Hornets vs Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr PostGame Interview | Charlotte Hornets vs Golden State Warriors

The game tells you to keep playing um and I we’ve always done it that way nobody’s ever been offended um they were pressing the last few minutes you know you still play the game uh as soon as there’s no shot clock differential then you you sit on the ball and you you let

The run out but if there’s a differential I think guys should always keep playing and I to me it’s it’s very strange why that would be offensive to anybody I’ve never understood um why that would be offensive and as I said nobody’s ever been upset with us in the

Past for for doing that um I just why why take a turnover why what’s you know the clock says keep playing you keep playing and that that shouldn’t offend anybody especially because they had their starters in and you didn’t do that kind of you know increase your say hey

These are young guys just trying to play here it doesn’t make any difference to me what the circumstances are if if we’re down 20 and there’s a shot clock differential I want us to go score um but you know the fact that they were pressing and trapping in the final few

Minutes um you know they kept playing and so we we have to be allowed to continue to play anyway but I don’t know I I don’t like I said I really don’t think it was a big deal but for whatever reason there there is a little um I

Guess U you know a feeling of um you know kind of a weird dynamic that somehow it’s offensive um to me it’s clock tells you to shoot you just shoot you just play basketball until the end was following up on Marcus’s question you never said two timelines it’s been

Out there for years and also kind of backed away from but do you start maybe you feel that with this team do you like this is you you’re seeing kind of two different levels uh certainly of the veterans and then the young do you feel that with this team yeah yeah you you

Can feel it and I I think um if you really think about it um it probably should take a few years for something like this to come to fruition you know you you can’t expect to uh to add uh several young young players inexperienced players to a championship

Team and everything’s going to work perfectly so these last two years have really been about um guys like JK and and Moses um you know getting better and you know adding players thank you

Steve Kerr PostGame Interview | Charlotte Hornets vs Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr PostGame Interview Charlotte Hornets vs Golden State Warriors



  1. C'mon Steve. You are up over 10 points. What is one extra turnover going to do? Nothing. Hornets already lost so why add salt. Any team would not be happy being scored on when there is no significance. No team likes to lose, and when the other team disrespects you, then they get even more frustrated.

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