@Golden State Warriors

GPII: “[Kerr] gave me my first shot, real shot at being myself…he told me, just be me, do what you do, I’m not worried offensively, you’ll find your spots…I had nobody, no organization or coaching staff give me that confidence & he gave me that when I first got here, so I appreciate him.” 🥹

Yeah 4 chips are great and all, but Steve will forever be good in my book for seeing and believing in Gary. The thought of a timeline wherein we never get Gary in a Warriors jersey makes me shudder so bless you Steve for seeing what the idiots in the Rockets, Lakers, Bucks, Wizards, Raptors, and Blazers organizations didn’t.

by taygads


  1. sneakyrumble

    Always remember that the vets preferred Avery Bradley, but the coaching staff went with GP2.. awesome decision.

  2. PettyPettyKing

    Where the fuck are my Kerr haters @? Fucking 🤡. Which one of you MF was demanding that we fire him? 🖕

  3. It’s still crazy to think that GP2 was trying to get put on as a film analyst for the Warriors when he thought he wasn’t likely to make the team

  4. Objective_Celery_509

    Steve is also a great role model. Glad to have him as apart of this organization and a representative of the bay area.

  5. GiantsGirl2285

    Personally, above all, I’ll take the 4 chips.

  6. anesthesiologist2

    In all honesty, he’s a Warriors legend.

  7. Maverick_Kaizer

    I grew up with GP Sr (how I wish the sonics won) and GP2 is a revelation. Sad his partner JTA got off the team but they were definitely a shot of adrenaline in games. Hoping he stays healthy as we will need him for a long post season run

  8. olskoolyungblood

    So wanted Wiseman to work but so glad we realized he wouldn’t and used him to get back this badass talisman. How fun he makes our team

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