@Boston Celtics

Former Celtic Isaiah Thomas pleads his case for Boston reunion this season

Former Celtic Isaiah Thomas pleads his case for Boston reunion this season

by formeraide


  1. SaintsNick94

    I would love him to come in as an assistant coach.

  2. northeasternlurker

    No thanks. Why would we add a non NBA quality player to this team. He’s done, don’t even want to see his desperate comments anymore.

  3. negrocarebear

    Don’t be mean to IT. Even on the bench I’d love to see him back in green

  4. iamamuttonhead

    This team doesn’t need new leadership. I love IT, though.

  5. cormacito

    Bro is always doing this lol. I’d love to see him on coaching staff though

  6. dachshundfanboy8000

    i love the guy but this doesn’t seem necessary to me. of course i wouldn’t be mad if it did happen.

  7. Hard, hard no. He’s not a guy we need for any reason at all. He’s a strong personality and we don’t need him for “chemistry” either. I firmly believe one reason the team is better this year is Smart is gone. We need the best players to be the leaders and they are.

  8. ProudRaisin423

    Maybe it’s nostalgia, but I’m down for this. Bring back IT!

  9. MrRigby632

    The IT run during 2016-2017 was fun but people gotta get over it especially him. Boston owes him nothing. People saying they want him off the bench or as an assistant gotta get their head examined.

  10. Remarkable-Fruit8378

    I like adding vets to championship caliber teams

  11. 21Tayler10

    Oh brother, for gods sake will this guy give it up already

  12. davemoedee

    lol. This is a Twitter exchange. 100% tongue in cheek. Getting negative about IT for that is a dick move. He isn’t pleading for anything. Dude is just interacting with fans on Twitter. Trash article that is just making a big deal about a public tweet.

  13. Ru4pigsizedelephants

    If it’s about having a vet on the team who isn’t expected to ever play, add KG instead.

  14. Nickohlai

    Can he be the last man on the bench? If they win this year he deserves a ring

  15. captaincumsock69

    I love IT and would love him around the team in some capacity even if it’s just showing up to big games like pierce, kg, etc do. He had such a quick run with us that’s it’s hard to say he’s a Celtic legend, but he certainly was a bright spark in what otherwise could’ve been a tough stretch.

    Truly a fan favorite even if the numbers, accolades don’t suggest a lot

  16. Jimmy2x1113

    He can be Sam Cassel’s assistant. Learn from him. Be a positive voice in the locker room. That’s all he could provide at this point.

  17. I love IT, but he’s been talking about a comeback forever and it hasn’t happened. Go play in Europe or something if you still want to ball

  18. tendadsnokids

    IT gets a lifetime pass from me. If you can’t appreciate what he did here then you don’t understand the first thing about Boston sports.

  19. PepeSylvia11

    Dude, give it a fucking rest. It’s pathetic.

  20. Princessk8--

    assuming the players loved him as much as the fans, I’d sign him and bring him in for the locker room. That’s a big if though. Would require some conversations with the guys first but I wouldn’t be opposed to it. Imagine getting the kind of the fourth a ring.

  21. Orphanpuncher0

    Someone on here once said if you want IT back you don’t have brain, and if you don’t want him back you have no heart.  Really resonated with me.

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