@Milwaukee Bucks

Giannis Antetokounmpo Postgame Sound | 2.23.24

Giannis Antetokounmpo Postgame Sound | 2.23.24

Youest big win like this does a win like this uh you know gain momentum or confidence going forward for you guys um no I think uh it was it was a good win you know coming out of the break uh we have 26 games left and you

Know be able to start start like this um against the team that I think it’s probably one of the best teams in the in the west the best defense in the league uh very very talented they’ll play hard and uh be able to be like te make shots

Match their energy execute down the stretch you know uh it’s a it’s a very good start um we have another one against Philly in a few days hopefully we can go there play good basketball and make this win count you know uh but at

The end of the day it’s it’s a good way to set the tone uh this what exactly we talked about before the break that we have to come in and don’t you know don’t talk about it be about it and um happy that we we read about it today

You guys gave up 13 points in that third quarter uh on defense what did you like about the way you guys got after that obviously they were missing shots I think one of the most uh interesting things the way we started like we started like with a lot of energy we’re driving the

Ball um be got to open three then he drive a kick somebody else got open three I was able to you know uh get to the pain uh then we had so much energy defensive that we got so many deflection and we were able to run like we started we set

The tone they took the first timeo you know and that’s what we that’s who we trying to be um today it’s it’s a good way to show that we can do it and hopefully we can keep ourselves to that standards moving forward every game that

We play uh it was obviously was a very very great third quarter doesn’t take a shot in the first half yes just how much of an emphasis was it for you and to try to start either bending the defense to find him or just finding him in general yeah sh Shooter’s going to

Shoot Shooters got to shoot like obviously the in in the first half be did his job spread the floor ran early the terization he was in the corner and the ball didn’t get to him but in the second half he he he stay committed to

His job you know some of the threes that he made one was in the corner the other one was from the right corner one was in the Wing like he did his job so we cannot think that you know if you don’t get your shot this is not going to be my

Night you got to keep on doing your keep on doing your job and I think he did his job uh and obviously like you Shooters have to shoot makeer means they have to shoot because that’s the only way spread the floor for they for me to be able to

Operate if if the defense feel like they they’re not ready to shoot everything gets stagnant everybody getting able to play in the pain and play the boxing elbow so um they did a great job just doing the job running the floor spreading the floor and be ready

To shoot what did you like about I mean you you had free throws in the fourth quarter I don’t think you had a buck you had the assist to Jay yes Dame hit a couple buckets but also facilitated what did you like about the your Twan game

For like a better phrase you and Dame in the fourth to score points but also gives teammates some chances to make key key baskets yeah I didn’t they like in game game in my opinion like you got to give the ball to your best players to operate make something happen uh and you

Know Dame has the ball down the stretch I have the ball down the stretch I think we got some good shots D got some good shots I was able to get to the free throw line I think Brook got a great three on top of the key jakay got the a

Good one um underneath Dame was able to operate got his main R got some shots we got some offensive rebounds like you got to give the ball to the best best not the best players to the best you know uh guys that can make something happen down the

St and everybody has to be L to too when they has the ball I have to go make something happen I got to get in the pain try to get offensive rebound you know when Chris come back Chris might have the ball me and they got to be

Ready to shoot I got to be able to screen and row you know down the stretch like we’ve done in the past like the ball goes to the guys that you know can make something happen in those possession the teams were trying to kind of like hide their big man on different

Like possession possession what did you like about you guys is finding that person and bringing them into the action repeatedly in the fourth quarter the game you have to the very good defensive you have to the pr switch you know try to keep their bigs down there you know

But you have like me like once you see that you know that okay like when the first guy comes out he sleeps then the second guy have to come out like we have to get that match up so so D can do his

Thing so I can do my thing you know um I think that the team did a good job to not let them presu like the guys guys kept coming up there and we were trying our best to get the match up that we wanted is that talk between each other

Like you see the guy go and like you have to like yell or no no I’ve lost my voice but not because of that I uh in that position you cannot it’s too loud they can’t hear what you’re saying but like you you’ve been coached

Like when I point when I point that I wanton that guy you know I won that match up so the whole team knows that I want that match you know so if the pr switch the guy comes out he slips the next guy comes like we going do whatever

It takes to get that match up it doesn’t matter if it’s 8 on the clock 6 on the clock we W that match up we got to make something happen same thing with Dame you know he was like it was a possession that he was U 4 seconds on the clock and

He kept you know 6 seconds he kep putting the match up and then he operate at 4 seconds on the clock you know and uh he missed the shot we got a first break the whole I think the whole team was on the same page this what we this

What we need this what we we need got to keep on getting better got to keep on being on the same page you know we got to keep on uh enjoying the game I feel like sometimes we are woring so much about winning winning winning and the

End go and the end go and the end go we’ve lost our joy you know and I think today we find we found that Joy again so I’m happy do Happ a win a game like this kind of like reinforced as you said like encourag about the habits and things

Like that but having this performance I don’t know just kind of reinforce like that it’s going in the right you know like you said win or lose it’s it’s it’s a game you know what I’m saying um even if you allow the game is just one game

Now that won the game did not me up but we played well against a good team you know we came out set the tone we defend well 13 points in the third quarter fourth quarter they came back keep on composion keep move the ball down the stra executed you know like all those

Things those are the things that count you know bench was into the game guys were having fun you know guys was driving the kick bsy was you know making sure pad was being there you know talking crap Dame was being D I was going like all those things those are

The things that you can carry over to the next game you know I’m happy for those things now um hopefully again hopefully we can you know this is just a step can keep on going keep on building keep on building you know uh so we can

Be we can be ready when we need to be ready

Giannis Antetokounmpo spoke to the media following Friday night’s win over the Timberwolves in Minnesota.


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  1. Una standing ovation è garantita; la dedizione e il talento messi in mostra sono davvero straordinari.👄

  2. Giannis having his best season and will probably not win the MVP he deserves. I hate the NBA man

  3. It’s criminal that the nba is gonna rob him of another mvp for fuckin jokic. Giannis is clearly the best player in the world. Jokic is a complete liability on defense and isn’t even scoring at the same efficiency as Giannis

  4. I do like under Doc they do seek out mismatches more on offense than they have under previous coaching staffs past few years

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