@Los Angeles Clippers

Mfers need to Stop Hatin

Seriously, this is+- for the whole year. So as much hate as PG gets even on off shooting nights he still is doing something right

by Nefarioussmallz


  1. Sukmefafun001

    Lets see 3rd and 4th quarter efficiency. Not even trying to hate, lets see the efficiency against top 5 teams 

  2. Dependent_Patient938

    Plus minus can be deceiving that mean he playing with a good lineup I judge Paul George on how play as a individual and he has been poor the last 16 games

  3. To be fair it’s obvious PG has been in a sort of slump the past 10 or so games. Early szn he was great.

  4. Plus minus is very deceiving. Regardless if Kawhi and PG are right and healthy playing like they did in the 2021 postseason this team is a threat. If not we are losing in the 2nd round.

  5. Proof_Ad5734

    Norman Powell is the most underrated Clipper. Having him healthy will be KEY to playoff success

  6. LLUrDadsFave

    People act like we got scrubs on this team.

  7. KCP is ahead of him. That alone shows you how easily +/- can be skewed.

  8. Asleep-Eggplant-6337

    Good stats. It means he is not being detrimental. They’re still winning when he’s in. And that’s apparent. He is still a good defender and all around scorer.

    That said, is he playing to the expectation that he is a top 15 player? Certainly no. Being too inconsistent simply means not good enough.

    Putting his stats by game here and let the fact speaks for itself

    Last 10 games: 41.7%, 37.5%, 47.1%, 31.3%, 58.3%, 20.0%, 53.8%, 23.1%, 50.0%, 27.3%

    Ranks of the opposing teams he shot above 40%: 13, 9, 15, 10, 15

    Ranks of the opposing teams he shot below 40%: 2, 1, 5, 7, 2

    Are they gonna play the Pistons in the playoffs?

  9. shuckyduckquack2x

    It’s not hating for people to expect better play from an all-star. PG’s been playing poorly this whole month. Fans expect more out of the team’s 2nd option, so naturally he’ll get more criticism. It is what it is.

  10. For us to beat okc and twolves, we have to execute like Kawhi says, and that means playing defense like we know how to play. And PG has to score in the high 20s consistently. If his outside shot is not dropping for now, he needs to get inside for buckets. And we need to play the James Harden system.

    I don’t accept anybody telling me not to criticize my team when we are not playing up to potential. Know why? Cuz I want us to win the ring we are capable of.

  11. Fuck these stats. There’s only one stat that counts.

  12. Well sure but they still played not great yesterday

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