@Sacramento Kings

Mike Brown on Kings vs. Clippers and 3-point defense

Mike Brown on Kings vs. Clippers and 3-point defense

You got nice back to back coming up here um La Miami how’s how’s the mindset coming off of the last game coming the doubt uh I think it’s good you know I think our guys understand what’s at stake you know uh you know we got to

Take each one of these games one game at a time but uh uh we got to go and we got to win biggest thing you can roll over from this last game against the Spurs uh we found a way to win you know uh we showed a resolve uh that uh was

Necessary to go get a Time and you know we made plays at the right time obviously we feel like we can play a lot better than what we did but uh sometimes it’s about making plays at the right time and and our guys stepped up and

Made plays at the right time in that game is there a different level of excitement going up against a team like the Clippers uh given how good they’ve been and especially I don’t I don’t know you you’d have to ask the guy like I don’t I don’t feel like anything’s changed you

Know I I don’t feel any thing that has changed in terms of the level of excitement they know that this is our next game and uh cers are a good team and we got to be ready to play especially going on the road uh and facing them in their building what stand

What stood out to you that’s allowed them to clip so well as a blade the Clippers yeah uh they got four future Hall of Famers and they starting five that that helps um when I was in Golden State we had that we collected a lot so I mean that’s that’s a big Advantage

When you have that guys can still play and they’re not guys that are past way past their Prime and tyo does just a a heck of a job with that group but just a matter of time uh before you can figure before you’re going to figure it out may

Have what type of challenges does their size and the positional versatility present a lot because they’re able to switch you know they they’re they’re long they’re athletic and they’re able to switch one through four all the time they can even go small and switch one through five when they want to uh zubach

Just a big big dude down there and uh he’s hard to move uh and he’s hard to get around you you know um so they veteran team it’s one at a high level that uh poses a lot of problems just because of their switch ability and their size their life their athleticism

And Intelligence on top of that like that first game back from the break is that really about just surviving and getting guys back on the floor and and you know trying to come up with a win but maybe it’s not so much about daes

And O I well yes and no you know when when you play a team that uh doesn’t have the record that uh just when when you look at the record that that uh doesn’t Garner the respect that it should sometimes it’s psychologically hard and uh that has been um you know

Shown with our team quite a bit this year and so uh I you know it’s whenever you play anybody first of all it’s about trying to get the win find a way to get to win uh but when you play a team that you think that you should that you quote

Unquote think you should beat uh it’s much more than that like uh you should feel confident going in every game thinking you’re going to get a win but if you think that you’re just going to turn the switch on against a team like Charlotte the Detroit the Spurs the

Teams that aren’t necessarily in the playoffs right now you’re going to probably have a roote Awakening because those teams are talented and they’re trying to play hard they’re trying to play the right way this league has gotten deeper and better and you can lose at any time and so for us that

First game more than anything else was just trying to find a way to get a win especially in an area that we hadn’t done well in you know against a team that’s not a playoff team so I know three-point defense has been a big area of focus for you guys any takeways from

That last game against San Antonio did you see some improvement we saw some improvement yeah and they h a couple tough shots like the shot by Vel uh across from their bench that but you know I’ll take that close out and live with that 10 out of 10 times and uh but

At that point he was in a Groove too and so that’s where you have to um not let guys get comfortable throughout the the first 45 minutes of the game and and uh because if they are like he was uh that basket seems bigger than the Pacific

Ocean you know so um there were some good things there there were some things that weren’t good and that’s why I took that early timeout you know they got a wide open three in the corner and we didn’t even contest and so for for for

Us we have to keep locking in and trying to improve uh defensively especially in that area to you know because it’s going to be hard to beat a team if you’re giving up 122 points a night you had that four guard lineup at one point um just wondering how how you thought it

Executed for you and how comfortable you were maybe seeing that again yeah no I I’ll play it uh especially if the matchups warranted they they they uh the Spurs aren’t necessarily a big team especially if they’re starting wimy at the at the center spot so um we’re

Playing him at the center spot so we felt like we could match up and we felt like those four guys on the floor at the time were were the right lineup to throw out there so it’s not a thing where I’m going specifically go to it just because

It worked against the Spurs but I’m not afraid to use it especially if the the matchups warranted Coach Brown you um it’s been you know a running theme that you know when a player sit one or two games you know and then you call them in the next

Game and they’re ready to go you got to be happy about you know how they respond about that I know it’s happening know on occasions you know this season but say like Chris you know he comes in he hit a couple basket a couple threes he was

Ready yeah it’s not just always about making a threes he he shot the ball obviously well he hit a couple threes but I thought defensively he was really good for us he kept a couple of balls alive on offens of of glass and you know one that’s one of the things that we

We’ve emphasized too offensively is we got to attack that crash Zone when we’re there and attack it to try to get the ball and he kept a couple of plays alive because of it so um you know that that’s why you got 15 guys you know On Any

Given night your number can be called and you have to stay ready and and the more our guys can do that yeah I I definitely feel good about it but they should individually and collectively too because they know that they can count on any of their teammates when they’re out

On the floor even if they hadn’t played in two three five seven games because they’re going to try to play the right way and also show their professionalism too you know that’s their job you know to be ready at all times 100% 100% it it

Is their job they get they get paid the same whether they play five games or they play 50 games it’s the the the check is the same so uh you you hope that you have a group is that and our group definitely is a a professional

Group given all the time you sp with Steve cerr what was your reaction to seeing him getting that extension no it’s well deserved you know he definitely uh uh with all the Championships and winning that he’s helped bring to uh San Francisco uh it’s it’s definitely welld deserved it’s more

So than than than anybody else in my opinion with what he’s done as of late with that organization and you just you’re excited to see Steve get it but you’re just as excited to see uh a guy like Joe lob step up to the plate and say hey he’s helped this organization in

Ways that no others have and so he deserves to be the highest paid coach in the business thanks

Kings head coach Mike Brown talks about the Kings upcoming matchup with the Clippers, what makes the Clippers do dangerous, how his team looked vs. the Spurs, what he saw out of the Kings 3-point defense and Steve Kerr’s extension with the Warriors.

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