@Dallas Mavericks



The defense by Lively the Run by kene oh my goodness you’re a wizard Harry two wizards on one team Luca you very lucky you didn’t get ejected for this in today’s League one where you yawn too loud and get a technical that ref has nice reflexes though cuz that

Ball was pretty much there and then he put them hands up it has been a mighty long time since I talked about the Mavericks and the Suns the sons who are again without Bradley Bill has hamstring tightness how is the tightness there from not playing games Beal this year so

Far has been out with an injured ankle and injured back facial fracture and now a hamstring this man is falling apart but he has good fashion since what he’s wearing looks very comfortable Suns apparently had that easiest schedule leading up to the allstar break and now

They have one of the hardest and in that entire time Beal couldn’t manage to stay healthy I do not see good things in the future for this team because they just can’t all be on the floor together it’s Brooklyn Nets 2.0 but a lesser talented

Big three the Suns do have a lot of Firepower and they always have that punchers chance of making a deep playoff run just like I think the Mavericks do as well but the Mavericks to me are just a built better team not as many question marks and if Kyrie didn’t miss as many

Games as he did I can definitely see the Mavericks being a lot higher than what their record would suggest Kyrie is just he’s he he’s so happy it’s like I’ve said before in the past if I were to have done a most disliked or hated NBA players left as this if this channel

Existed two years ago or something Kyrie would be number three or number two on that list but the man is just he’s quiet he’s happy he’s so uncontroversial I’m not used to this type of Kyrie not since Cleveland really and I’m he’s just I’m glad I’m really happy for him and he’s a

Majestic shaman he just does things where you look at that and say that that’s not real is it it is that’s not AI oh he actually did that wow and you saw this man just run into them three-point shots back to back he’s just on fire it’s like somebody

Cool him down and you got to worry about Luca as well who scored 41 this team is definitely dangerous and you’ve got the Suns over here who their bench is in question it’s like their starting lineup is definitely offensively dangerous they have the potential and the capability to

Do a lot but if you just had them all in rotation properly if they just had enough reps together and they could play more than four or five games without someone missing games then you would be able to see the fruit of that labor but

I just don’t see it and you had Kevin Durant some months ago complaining about the roster and how there just isn’t really enough that he can do to get the team into a winning position and there’s not enough points on the board being given by anyone on the bench the bench

Is second to last in the NBA the sun’s bench so you’ve got Durant who gets 30 who could like he could get 30 get something more than that you’ve got Booker who can do that and get possibly more then you got Bill who can do like

20 or something so then that’s like 60 or 70 where’s all the other points going to come from and if one of them is off then you could potentially lose the game it’s like the Suns offense is also their biggest weakness because they rely so much upon it and I’m not saying the

Mavericks don’t do so as well to some degree but you just have so many others that can give you something not only offensively but defensively you got people who can step up to the plate when Kyrie is out you got people fulfilling that role and Luca is able to just be

His own anomaly self you don’t really have to think too much about him and what he’s going to do the Suns also turned the ball over a little bit too much they did so tonight the Mavericks only had about 10 turnovers to the sun 16 and because Bill isn’t in a lineup

You have to rely far more heavily on a Grayson Allen on a kogi on an Eric Gordon whereas if beill is there these guys aren’t then pressured to get offensively involved more and having to get shots and get Buckets as much because you’ve got a big three that can

Pretty much score almost all your team’s points but when the playoffs begin and people start getting shut down and locked up and it’s a complete complely different game than just a regular season Beal and Booker are far more likely to get cancelled out by another team’s players or just have somebody

Whose primary defensive assignment is just containing Booker and all you got to do is really like if I’m a opposing coach you look at Durant you look at Booker I would say somebody focus in on one of them double team them put them in zone just focusing on one of them and

I’d much rather have Bill shooting up shots getting a lot of points than Durant or Booker and if one of them like I said is off or you get two of them and aren’t having too much of a great game they’re just going to get outscored they

Also don’t get stops that often this game got close towards the back end and it just seemed like okay the lead is building is building is somebody going to try to stop the bleeding like a momentum shift or something like that it’s not really I know Frank vogle even

Being here is to address some of the defensive questions that the team had but he can only really do so much defense at one point comes into effort look at the Bucks they just don’t want to do it and look how they’re doing so he can make you defensively better with

Some schemes or some things he can draw up but he can’t just create defense in a desert or a Sahara oh Phoenix Suns how ironic I didn’t do that on purpose that was an accident but despite that the offensive capability of the Suns can definitely get them far but I don’t see

Them beating the the Clippers in a seven game series I don’t see them beating the Mavericks I definitely don’t see them beating the nuggets in a seven game series and they didn’t really do much in the trade deadline to address some of this so I’m not sure it all depends on

Durant Beal playing and Booker playing to their best versions of themsel and then some and for the Mavericks it just to me it depends more so on Kyrie being healthy and just The Supporting Cast that the Mavericks have I think can get them to a certain point but I don’t see

The Mavericks being able to beat like the Nuggets or so so this these teams is definitely it’s up in the air but I would put more faith into the Mavericks and being able to do something but this was a great game it’s it’s great to just see defense again I felt like just

Looking at the allstar game defense was just something that didn’t exist ever and I just see normal basketball games back nice thank you thank you very much and I also want to thank you all for watching and if you could be a deer if you could take it upon yourself to

Journey to this man’s Channel if you like anime particularly one piece because all this content is mostly one piece Focus if you could get him to a th000 subscribers he’s about like at 773 I believe this man is one of my closest friends he has been there with me

Through some of the worst parts of my life I’ve known him for the better part of 10 years we all met on PlayStation on a video game Transformers video game but it would really mean so much to just help him out see some stuff just check

It out see if you like it and thank you again for making it this far and just being you I will see you guys on the next one

Proper hoops are back in the Suns vs. the Mavericks where the Mavs took the W. Bradley Beal is out AGAIN and the Suns have been having problems getting production out of their bench. The Mavericks haven’t had a great time either however I believe they have less to worry about when the playoffs begin than the Suns who are in my opinion too top heavy and overy reliant on their big 3. If the Mavericks stay healthy I see them as a bigger threat.




  1. I used to beg our front office to spend on players but not like this man😭😭 once the Beal trade happened I knew it was wraps on our window. Whole star thing DOES NOT WORK. They saw a well built Nuggets team with 1 superstar and a bunch of great players who know their role win a championship with ease and said “yeah let’s blow up the team and get a third star to duplicate our other 2 stars skill.” Can’t get nothing in AZ man I’m tired of it

  2. You gotta do a Jordan Poole downfall vid next after his recent games and tonight’s turnover during the 4th (You know which one I mean)😂

  3. Hey dynamo, you’re very funny I love your content and Humour and I love the shoutout at the end I love one piece aswell

  4. im with you with kyrie not acting up like he usually does in dallas, surprises me too considering just recently on the nets as well as his other teams before bk. you see kyrie cultists? kyrie ain't doing nothing so the media isn't getting on his ass on anything, the media don't have a "narrative" against him.

  5. Kd complaining about the bench being ass when he has 3 All-Star caliber players in the starting lineup is crazy work😵‍💫

  6. Bro Bradley Beal was always going to be a akward fit. He is basically a poor mans version of devin Booker but with no defence. To add insult to injury the guy is always injured. I think he should be traded in the offseason but I think he has a no trade clause. Suns are screwed and are wasting Durants prime with Beal on that roster.

  7. Definitely popping in here to say all you got to do is double team Booker, he has gotten a lot better recognizing when the double team is coming, but he still folds under pressure he's never actually worked on it.

  8. Beal man, sucks that dude can’t stay healthy cause he can ball. Hamstring injuries are usually residual from prior injuries. Especially when he’s sitting out games, those muscles tend to “take time off” so when he comes back it’s only a matter of time. Same thing happened to Harden in Brooklyn

  9. Watching Kyrie will leave you scratching your head, I honestly don’t be understanding how he does some of the things he does lol and the reason the Suns are struggling is bc their bench has no leader and the big 3 has no consistency.

  10. I’d didn’t realize this until this video but with how kyire left Brooklyn it pleasantly surprising that kyrie isn’t causing drama in Dallas

  11. I don't think that Booker will ever catch up to Luka and the other real guys, but he's getting very good, I like him more than Tatum.

  12. Stop hating on the Mavs they can go far we peaking at the right time booker took the weak way out instead of getting a real supporting cast he choose all stars he's gonna leave the Suns

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