@Minnesota Timberwolves

Questions and concerns for the Minnesota Timberwolves + what’s underrated about the Wolves

Questions and concerns for the Minnesota Timberwolves + what’s underrated about the Wolves

Hello and welcome to another episode of lockdown wolves it’s the last day of the All-Star break the wolves are back in Action tonight today in the show we will preview wolves bucks can’t wait for the Wolves to hit the floor again I want to close out the All-Star break though by

Talking about my biggest concern about the Wolves the biggest question I have sitting here right now about the wolves and also the most underrated thing about the Timberwolves to this point in the season it’s all up coming welcome in you are locked on wolves you are locked on Timberwolves we daily Minnesota

Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome to the lock on wolves podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of locked on wolves today’s episode is brought To Us by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn

Jobs helps you find the qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at loock on NBA that’s loock on NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply happy Friday everybody happy weekend and happy Timberwolves game day we’ve made it

Eight days ago was the last time the Minnesota Timberwolves took the court They Are Back In Action tonight a lot of the NBA started playing Thursday Night the wolves are back tonight and of course also tomorrow the front end of a back to taking on the bo we’ll talk more about

That a little bit later uh some stuff to get to first off here some kind of um I don’t know like capping off the All-Star break peeking ahead to the final third of the schedule want to give some kind of big picture thoughts here uh with a

Prompt a help from from Twitter so we’ll get to that here in a minute a big thank you first of all for making lockdown WS your first listen every day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms

Wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find locked on wolves you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X that’s lockon T wolves and also at B Beacon with two B’s Two e

Cken all right so before we get to wolves bucks towards the end of the show which I do want to do I want to start with a prompt and it’s been actually most of the show here uh from Steve Jones Jr on Twitter he is a former

Former excuse me uh assistant coach the NBA uh video coordinator he’s the uh one of the two hosts of the uh the dunker spot pod um and uh just a good follow on Twitter does video breakdowns frequently he had posted something earlier this week that I thought was was kind of an

Interesting idea and I I wanted to to kind of use that as the majority of the show today he posed three questions on Twitter he said what’s your biggest concern for your team what’s the biggest concern or excuse me biggest question you have for your team team and what’s

The most underrated thing about your team so let’s play that game with the Wolves let’s start with what’s the biggest concern what’s my biggest concern right now for the Tim roles now honorable mentions or or other things I could have said that I will not say specifically could be uh

Turnovers could be uh beating bad teams holding on to leads moving forward it could be lack of three-point attempts it could be uh complacency regression defensively but what I’m going to go with is the late game offense and I think it also it’s it’s it’s not it’s not cheating but it

Does it does encompass some of the other stuff right the turnovers the three-point attempts but I’m mostly concerned with it in late game scenarios and here’s why the wolves have won 39 games before the All-Star break despite some of the turnover issues and there aren’t all that many of

These losses that they lost close games late strictly because of turnovers there’s actually been a lot more games that have stayed close when they should have been blowouts because of the turnovers and there I like I talked about this I think it was even Thursday’s show Golden

State won the title a couple years ago by having a team every bit is turnover prone actually I think a little bit more so than this year’s wolves team by rate by league ranking they were in the bottom two in the league all year in in turnover rate last year’s nuggets te was

Bottom 10 bottom third of the league in terms of turnover eight so you can win with a little bit of a sloppy offense but can you lock down when it matters most can you get the shots you need to get and you know turnovers are part of

That the the team has overcome some of those turnover issues to this point in the season in the grander scheme of things the grand scheme of things and and a lot of it’s come against Bad teams who like it’s part of it is just ah well like let’s kick the ball around we’re

Going to win anyway that sort of a thing there have been some issues turnovers late in game close games against good teams yes but that’s more about stagnant offense and and yes turnovers are a byproduct of that it’s not exactly like there’s some teams that are ISO heavy

That don’t turn it over much because they just play ISO ball and you know like James Harden’s teams for instance like like there’s teams that because they don’t pass it a ton they’re not like the Warriors turned it over a bunch because they were passing the ball all

Over the place playing at a crazy fast pace this wolves team plays at a slow pace but they turn it over because you have Aunt trying to play ISO ball in a lot of cases not all the time trying to play ISO ball in these situations but

Then you also have the finch voice in the back of his head saying okay move the ball move the ball and and also he’s not a selfish player he just sometimes starts thinking okay I know I’m the best player on the floor I think of myself as

The best player in the game I’m gonna go get a bucket so he gets tunnel vision but then it’s like he still has this natural inclination to want to make the the quote unquote right play and he gets himself into trouble and it’s not just ant cat obviously tunnel vision is a

Problem for him it’s more with him it’s more just seen red right like he just gets ticked off so he runs guys over gets offensive fouls uh he he hasn’t been doing the the foul out of spite as much lately but like if he doesn’t get a foul on offense then he immediately

Fouls defensively because he gets frustrated he hasn’t done that really much this year but that that was a that’s an oldie uh that for Carlton towns he used to do that all the time so there’s some of the silliness mixed in in terms of turnovers but the

The bigger concern is the actual late game offensive execution lack of ball movement has really plagued the wolves in those situations and a lot of it does stem from Anthony Edwards trying to take over games in in a way that very few players can and a can do it but it’s it’s not

It’s not plan a right plan a is never let somebody take a long contested mid-range jumper it was never plan a when d’angel Russell did it right to think back into recent wolves history or Jimmy Butler for that matter right well maybe when Butler’s on the

Team it was because there wasn’t a whole lot much else going for the team uh well I guess towns obviously uh but it’s not like they were it was basically give the ball to Jimmy Butler right it’s not like that’s not plan a plan a is to run an

Actual offensive set and have multiple options and we’ve seen the wolves do more of that lately and that has helped cut back on turnovers um for the most part I’m forgetting which game it was but there was one game where they did run a bunch of plays and they still

Didn’t score so it wasn’t simply ah Finch isn’t calling players it’s Finch’s fault there’s been a little bit of everything right and and again I want to be clear like the context here the Wolves still have the best record against above 500 teams of any team in

The NBA they have the second best record of any team in the NBA the second best net rating so we’re talking about I don’t want to make a mountain out of mhill here but late game execution is obviously a massive deal in the playoffs it heartens me that the wolves have actually

Executed better overall all against good teams than they have against Bad teams whatever that’s worth it just it makes me feel better about about it uh but it’s the late game offensive execution can they consistently run actual offense can they get carony towns involved will the Jaden McDaniels and N Alexander

Walkers and and uh Nas reads of the world Hit open threes when they get the opportunity they lost a couple games recently where The Supporting Cast just didn’t make open shots and and that happens sometimes uh not often with this year’s wolves team they’re third in the league and three-point shooting

Percentage and those guys that I listed have all been great this year but will they you know how many when they get into the playoffs there’s probably going to be a game when they don’t right like as long as it doesn’t become a habit and the execution is there and they’re

Getting those shot attempts up and the shots are there they put a team around Tim Connelly’s put a team around Carl Anthony towns and Anthony Edwards that should be able to knock down those open threes as long as ant and Cat are executing in the way that

They should uh over the long haul these open threes should turn into points so it’s really the execution of the offense overall and most of that rests on the shoulders of Anthony Edwards obviously Mike Conley Carl thy Town should have a say in this um and I think they will but

The late game offense and and the how smoothly can it run is the biggest question for me or the the biggest concern I should say next is my biggest question which I’m going to hone in on a player specifically related to that question and then we’ll talk about

The most liated thing about the team before we get to a wolves bucks preview we’ll do all that here next today’s episode of lock out wolves is brought To Us by our new friends over at Stitch fix with Stitch fix you get a stylist who understands your style size and

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Your team again this was prompted by the Steve Jones Jr on Twitter I should say it’s St it’s Steve jones2 the former NBA assistant coach video coordinator current co-host of the dunker spot pod he had the question what’s the biggest question you have for your team

And my question now is different than it may have been three weeks ago you know I could have said uh will the defense continue to travel into the playoffs will the you know the Rudy gobear playoff struggles of the past go away I’ve talked a lot about

That in the past could have talked about um you know more broadly about an Anthony Edwards leap or uh you know could have talked more late game offense here but I want to go specifically yes to Anthony Edwards but very specifically his playmaking quote unquote leap is it real

Now I don’t know that four games constitutes any sort of in anything other than a very arbitrary um you know start and end point point but the Wolves won their last four games before the break by double digits all of them in fact three of the four 21 points or more

And Anthony Edwards over those four games averaged six and a half assists to just one turn over or because it’s four games we could just tell you the total um it was if I can do my math better than how I’m let’s see okay um 26 to 4

I believe did I do that right yeah 26 to4 assist to turnover over the last four games before the break you could go back even further go all the way back to the beginning of January and his assist rate is up his assists per game are up

In fact in the final 15 games before the All-Star break Anthony Edwards had five or more assists in all but four games so in 11 of 15 games he had five or more assists and throw it he had a a a seven assist game an eight assist game a nine assist

Game on 11 assist game and a 12 assist game all the way going just back to January 18th which is the last 15 games before the break is the Anthony Edward’s playmaking quote unquote leap for real it’s entirely possible I mean back at the beginning of the Season he looked

Like more of a willing passer but was struggling even more with turnovers lately the turnovers have still been there but so have the assists and there were a couple games there was one I think it might have been which game was it was it the Houston

Game where he only had one assist there was a game or maybe it was the Portland game where he only had two assists it was one of the games where he actually didn’t have very many I think it was the the Portland game where he only had the

Two assists the one game in the last four where he didn’t have a Gody assist total where it was like he drew the double team knew exactly where he was going to go with the ball and intentionally took like an extra two dribbles you know further away from the

Middle of the floor kind of down into the left wing uh elbow extended just to suck the Defenders further that direction and then turned and made a perfect bounce pass just kind of curled a perfect bounce pass around uh like reverse pivoted and threw it to NAS for a wideopen three-pointer he knew

What he was going to do that whole time but because he thought ahead he drew that like that’s not a play that we’ve seen Anthony Edwards make with consistency usually it’s I’m I’m attacking I’m attacking I’m attacking now I’m in trouble I’m going to Telegraph a skip pass or I’m going to

Try and force this pass to Rudy down low this was he knew the whole time hey I’m not going to shoot this I’m gonna I’m gonna swing this back to NAS but I’m going to draw the defense because they think I’m G to shoot it because that’s

Usually what I do but he had pred decided what he was going to do there we’ve seen the chemistry of Rudy gobear uh improve a little bit he’s still you know far behind cat and Conley in terms of assists to Rudy or or Rudy buckets assisted by ex player you know

Ant I think is third he’s he’s well behind Conley and cat but that chemistry’s improved a little bit ant’s draw draw uh driving kick game has certainly improved a little bit and just overall operating in pick and roll has seemingly got a little bit better too last year it improved um

Again we see the turnover rate continue to increase but as long as the scoring efficiency and the assists go up it’s okay to have the turnovers go up a little bit and that’s another reason why I’m not overly concerned about the overall team turnover issues because how

Much of this is ant just having the ball in his hands more often and his scoring efficiency’s improved like he’s more efficient when he shoots the ball this year shot profile drawing and fouls three-point attempts Etc that stuff’s all better it’s just he’s turning it over a little too much but he’s also

Assisting it at a much improved rate and you can live with the turnovers if the other stuff is there too the assist rate is up almost six points this season from year one to year two it jumped about three points nearly three points from year two to year three

It jumped about two points from year three to four his leap has been assists it’s been passing nearly six percentage points better assist rate the true shooting percentage is up the free throw rate’s way up all that stuff’s great and the turnover rate by the way we we’re

Ringing our hands about this it’s actually just a tick lower than it was last year so it’s not worse the usage rate’s up almost three points but the turnover rate’s slightly down the assist rate’s up the overall offensive efficiency is up now it’s just can we trim back a few

Of those long mid-range jumpers those long twos and replace those with threes and can we have a little bit more defensive consistency to be clear he continues to improve every single year he’s gotten incrementally better on defense I want to be very clear about that the consistency could improve just a little

I’m nitpicking now right my biggest thing here is is the playmaking uh mini leap if you will for real cuz everything else is there 39% from three will take that uh nearly 52% on two-point attempts we’ll take that free throw percentage up almost nine points from last year eight and a half

Points and all of the above you know the assist rate up you can deal with the turnover rate because of that so that’s my biggest thing with ant is is is this playmaking thing real because if it is like what this team is going to be a a top tier offense very

Quickly all right let’s cruise right right into the most underrated thing about the Wolves I’m going to give you one and I’m going to give you a bonus so we’ll start uh we’ll start we’ll start with the one um shooting I bet like when I think of

Underrated I think of something that a casual fan or even like a big fan of another team wouldn’t realize until they go and dig into the numbers or Wolves fans even even like plugged in wolves fans might not realize unless you’re pouring over the stats that the timber rolls are actually

Actually have the third best three-point percentage of any team in the NBA this year as a team you wouldn’t think it because of all the hand ringing over the offense overall and also because they don’t shoot enough threes which is the bigger issue they’re 254th and three-point attempts per game 19th and three-point

Attempt rate but this team is a great three-point shooting team I mean Conley’s shooting a career high of 44% cat’s nearly at 44 4% now both of them are shooting more than four attempts a game Nas is a career high 42% uh ant is nearly at 39% also a

Career high and you got a A few guys around League average nikel Alexander Walker 37.6% which is still one of the better marks of his career Jade McDaniels is down significantly from the 40% last year he’s a shade under 36% but catch and shootwise I think we

Know he’s a pretty good he can hold his own the only guys that really drag this down are the guys that aren’t there anymore Shake Milton was 26% uh Troy Brown was just a shade under 36% he didn’t play enough for that to really matter um and then Kyle Anderson right

22% and his minutes have been cut back a little bit I think Monte Morris will will help that number so I don’t think if you pulled a random 10 other fans of of other teams that I don’t think anyone would have realized the wolves are this good of a

Three-point shooting team but they are all right I have a bonus for you for an underrated thing and then we’ll get into the Wolves bu preview we’ll do all that here next today’s episode of lock out wolves is brought To Us by our friends at eBay Motors our partners at eBay motors have

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Apply all right here’s my bonus underrated thing about the team you guys have heard me say this before I think it’s underrated just how dominant this defense is I’m not going to like completely harp on it because I’ve mentioned it a bunch this week and over

The past several weeks but only two te actually only one team in the last 10 years has had a defense that is more dominant in terms of the the difference the Delta between the number one ranked defense in the league and the number two ranked defense in league and it was like

The Spurs in like 2016 one time in the last decade there’s only one other team that’s close too um there’s like I think the wolves are 2.5 points per 100 possessions better than uh than Cleveland according to Cleveland the glass and there was another team that was 2.2 the Spurs uh advantage over

The number two team and 16 was I think it was 3.1 points per 100 possession so just how dominant the timber defense is like it’s fun to be like oh yeah they’re the best defense in the league but like really look at how dominant they’ve been and how many teams they’ve held under

100 points and and how many good teams they’ve done this to and like there I can count on one hand probably the number of games like just off the top of my head that they’ve just completely kicked away with horrible defense the Atlanta game game two of the year the

Phoenix game there I think just their second loss which was a road back toback um I think one of the one of the Dallas games where Dallas went small and the Wolves just couldn’t figure it out for whatever reason like there’s very few games where the wolves have just been miserable

Defensively and besides that they’ve been locked down and and it’s more than just being the number one defense it’s just how dominant they’ve been all right let’s look at that bucks matchup so the timber have the Bucks they just beat Milwaukee uh what a couple of weeks

Ago like two weeks ago right after the deadline um and there was no Damen Lillard in that game and there was no Chris Middleton Middleton I believe is is uh questionable for this game but it kind of sounds unlikely that he’s going to play so obviously with Dame and with

Giannis um or with Dame on the floor jannis played last time but with Dame on the floor things do get more challenging um but no Chris Middleton also makes a huge difference now under Doc Rivers the Bucks are just three and seven after losing to the Wolves they

Beat the Hornets and Nuggets the Nuggets went obviously a good one the Hornets one whatever but then they lost by 26 to the Heat and then they lost to the Memphis Grizzlies right before the break which is horrific now they come to Minnesota Friday night at Minnesota

Coming out of the All-Star break and then their next game is a mat on Sunday afternoon in Philadelphia which you know no Joel embiid Philly I think just lost if I’m not mistaken Thursday night a tough one to the Knicks um so I don’t know I don’t know that they’re going to

Like look ahead past the Wolves they shouldn’t the wolves are the best team in the west uh but it’s a challenging schedule for Milwaukee coming out of the break’s always tough and Middleton is very much questionable for this game the way the Wolves beat the Bucks last time

Was they swarmed Giannis defensively uh and by swarmed really what they did was they they kind of created a wall in a sense like kind of like the old Stan Van Gundy clip right when he’s yelling at his guys on the bench with the Pelicans create a wall with some additional

Colorful language that’s basically what the Wolves did uh it was hey let’s throw size at him and then um when he inevitably you know gets around some size will have some more size and they did a you know a little bit of Kyle Anderson a little bit

Of Jaden McDaniels they had Rudy guard him a little bit they just kind of switched it up obviously happy to let Janis shoot from 181 19 feet and and out but if he gets into the paint he’s like something crazy like 70% or something in

The paint um just don’t let him get in the paint overwhelm him with size as much as you can he ended up shooting seven free throws in the game uh but he was just three of seven at the line he committed three turnovers the Wolves didn’t an awesome job of limiting him

And they pulled away in the third quarter they were up seven at halftime in that game uh no excuse me they were up uh 10 at halftime and they ended up pulling away in the third quarter up 27 going to the fourth and won the game by

24 points um it was it was the the tenacity that they play a defense against Giannis and also the job they did on the on the defensive glass um was really big in this game overall they were plus eight in the rebounding category and they overwhelmed Milwaukee

Uh with their own offense Minnesota did in this game they scor they shot 55% from the field and 51% outside the arc this was the crazy Mike Conley six of seven on threes cat was four of six on threes in this game um and Rudy did an awesome job in the paint as

Well so the key against Milwaukee it really is just throw as much size as Giannis at Giannis as you can it becomes trickier of course if Damen Lillard plays without Lillard on the floor like yeah the Bucks have some good Shooters but the key is force the ball out of

Giannis’s hands and or allow him to shoot jumpers but don’t let him into the paint beyond that I I mean like obviously Dame can hurt you but if there’s no Chris Middleton it’s just it’s game planning for Giannis and Beasley had a terrible game against his former team of course

Um so who knows that could happen again he shot one of 13 0 of nine on threes in this game against Minnesota um and that killed the bucks but Giannis of course 25% from three uh outside the paint he’s in mediocre at best shooter uh but the

Trick with Milwaukee is that they’re a good three-point shooting team and they’re good at drawing fouls and and making their free throws so um you know can you find that right that right mix where you’re physical enough but you’re not putting them on the line consistently that’s the concern they’re

Still a top five offense in this league um but with no Middleton I think the size really mucks things up and it gives the Wolves a real shot to to beat the Bucks again I actually don’t mind the way because of the wolv size um and also the fact that they’re pretty mediocre

The Bucks are a mediocre defensive team I don’t mind the way the Wolves match up with Milwaukee all right uh quick programming note so during the day on Friday ESPN’s on location which is why this a 900m central tip Friday night ESPN’s doing several shows I believe First Take with

Stephen a uh I think the NBA show in the afternoon are all being done from Minneapolis so tune in to that if you can during the day on Friday after the game Friday night we will be doing the live postcast from uh or I’ll be doing the live postcast

I’ll be hosting it actually I believe we’ll have um Tyler meta from K suus on the show that postcast will only be live on lockdown Sports Minnesota on YouTube they’re doing some maintenance on the back end over the weekend here at lockd wolves on the audio side so we’re not

Going to get the audio posted over the weekend for either Friday night’s postcast or Saturday so you have to catch it live on lock on Sports bitet on YouTube and then after the fact also on YouTube again I’ll be hosting Friday show I believe Luke will will be back on

Saturday to host with either Tyler or Jack so tune in after the games Friday and Saturday I’ll be back on Monday we’ll kind of recap the weekend talk high points and low points from both Friday and Saturday’s games the wolves have Milwaukee on Friday Brooklyn at home Saturday that’s an 8m tip we’ll

Talk about both games on Monday show and get you ready for the Wolves game Monday night as well as they continue this uh seven game home stand so plenty up coming here in the in the uh in the coming days a big thank you for making lockdown wolves your first listen each

And every day of course this show is free and available everywhere including YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms you can also watch the show on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app on Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockon wolves and

Also at B Beacon with 2bs 2 e CK of course the lockon Wolves podcast is part of the lockon podcast Network remember the lockon network is your local experts on all the biggest stories once again I’m Ben Beacon this is the lock on wolves podcast and we’ll catch you next time

The Minnesota Timberwolves head into the post-All-Star Break portion of their schedule in the top spot in the Western Conference, but what’s the biggest concern with the team as of today? Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) explains his biggest concern, as well as the biggest question that needs to be answered. Plus, the most underrated elements about this year’s Wolves to this point. Finally, a preview of the Wolves’ matchup with the Milwaukee Bucks.

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  1. ANT recognizes the doubles earlier and keeps his head up. he is more court aware and positions players to make passes to his teammates – that's more than good. that's great.

    impressed with his noticeable improvement ….. you can see it.

  2. I think as ants handle also gets better his turnovers will continue to decline. A lot of the times you see his turnovers are from him driving in traffic and getting stripped

  3. Towns and Edwards won't be able to carry the team in the playoff. 2 Stars of regular season. That's what it is.👍🤣

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