@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic is LeBron James minus the athleticism! 😯 – Kendrick Perkins | First Take

Luka Doncic is LeBron James minus the athleticism! 😯 – Kendrick Perkins | First Take

Do you feel like Steph’s currently the most feared star in the NBA on the court I believe he is over the last six games what is he doing he’s averaging 31 points 33 minutes shooting 50% from three-point range 44 of 88 he’s a guy that you have to guard the second he

Steps past half court there is no spot there is no range that he can’t destroy you from um he can create his own shot he can spot up he can catch shoot he’s unbelievable it’s he’s the greatest shooter God has ever created and I’ve said that on many many occasions and I

Mean it with every fiber of my being he is something special and he’s box office to the extreme I just look at him and then I take into account fellas his experience he’s a four-time champion he’s been to six NBA Finals he knows what it takes and he knows what he’s

What’s required and it’s a one thing for him to be battling to get into the mix get into the postseason but once he’s there considering how the game is called considering favorable calls that will come in your direction courtesy of referees the Marksmanship the free throw shooting as well the shot creativity etc

Etc and the way it forces opposing defenses to have their heads on a swivel and we see most teams in the league struggling to defend we see more points than ever being scored and what have you I just look at it from that perspective and not taken away from the greatness of

Anybody else anybody else but when I say fear guys what I’m saying is Imagine him at his best I’m talking about when everything is just clicking which is obviously plausible because we’ve seen him do it before and I don’t know anybody who should be feared more to be

Quite honest with you Luca donic in my opinion is LeBron James minus the athleticism when you talk about being able to take control of the game being feared by the opponents is nothing that you could do to stop this man the only person that is stopping Luca is Luca

When he’s off and that is off shooting night because he affects the game in so many areas he puts the pressure on the defense he puts the pressure on the offic on the officials he gets to the free throw line at a high rate he’s 67

255 or 260 lbs and what he does on a night toight basis I don’t think the world notice enough but the league does when they do a scouting report on him I don’t know how you stop him and I know the West is loaded do I have the Dallas

Mavericks pick to win it all absolutely not but I know a lot of teams are scared to play against the Dallas Mavericks because of Luca donic and we heard what Jason kid said about a month ago think about this he compared him with LeBron James Magic Johnson and some and one

Other guy I’m missing right now but I know those two names popped out Michael Jordan Oscar he said no it was Jordan he threw out those three names and he was and Jason kid was called Everything Under the Sun but at the end of the day those comments were fair at this point

Of Lucas’s career you guys make compelling cases I’m not really pushing back but I’m telling you the guy that is strikes fear in the heart of everybody from the executives to the coaches to the ball boys is Nicola joic this is a guy who is impenetrable he doesn’t get tired he

Doesn’t get in foul trouble he doesn’t have bad games he dominates the game without jumping you can’t get to him he doesn’t let the officials get to him there’s not a defense that you can play on him that he can’t figure out he’s smarter than your coach he knows where

Everybody is on the floor before they even move there’s no single player that you can put against him when he is on he’s Unstoppable when he is off he’s almost impossible to beat I’ll just give you last night you guys know what he did last night and luuka had a great game

Last night and Steph had a great game last night and Shay gildas Alexander had a great game last night yic had one of the most impressive performances in the history of the league 15 15 and 15 on 10 of 10 shooting on a Thursday in February

And my God what he does on Thursdays and Sundays and Mondays in May and June there’s just no way to stop him there’s no defense that you have that can deal with the way he can take you apart by the shot or the pass he’s a he’s killer

When it comes to efficiency and he has no remorse he does it without emotion without change look on his face that is scary MH well that’s fine and that’s a very compelling argument and I guess one could argue that all three of us are not

Wrong but let me say this to you your guy Wendy has a title your guy perk is looking for one guy picks got four and two League MVPs and oh by the way he’s 35 years of age and he knows and he knows that the years are going by

Tomorrow is not guaranteed Luc has got a long road ahead of him uh jic got a long road ahead of him the end is Drawing Near in a lot of people’s eyes when we talk about the Golden State Warriors you yourself perk said the Dynasty is over you already

Declared that it was over already Steph Curry is saying hold on for a second here hold on for a second here and at 35 years of age I will ask I will I will ask rhetorically do you see somebody in better shape do you see somebody that moves more without the basketball that

Runs around more that runs up and down the court more than he does and looks as fresh as he does in in taking people apart I would take that into consideration as well and I’m telling you right now yic is something special but so much is contingent on Jamal

Murray when he and Jamal Murray in the lineup together they’re like 28 and 14 when one of them is missing they’re a 500 team Luca donic I would tell to you perk pace of play he plays at one pace he has the power to dictate Pace against

Most opponent which makes him every bit as phenomenal as you proclaimed but that’s his Pace with Steph Curry what pace you want it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter because what that’s what he brings to the table that’s my argument and that’s why I would go with

Steph Curry as being the most feared is there more pressure on Giannis to win that second ring hell yeah to be honest with you Molly he has the most pressure in the NBA to win a ring you know why because he’s the one hold on let him talk y

Yannis ano has a lot of blood on his hands when it comes down to this organization of the Milwaukee Bucks when it comes down to aach that he wanted Championship with and Mike boser Yannis Zopo had his hands in that for as him getting fired okay cool now you wanted a

New coach you signed off on Adrien Griffin Adrien Griffin was fired with a record of 30 and 13 they were second in the Easter Conference when this man got fired Yannis you signed off on that Yannis you put pressure on the Milwaukee Bucks to trade Drew holiday to get in a

New Superstar I’m not saying he went and said trade Drew holiday but he put the pressure on the Bucks to make a move which acquired Damen Lillard so now you got Damen Lillet you got a new coach in midseason and Doc Rivers who won a championship and Drew holiday is in your

Is in your conference with the with the Boston Celtics who have the best record in the league so if you’re yianis out the Copo the Bucks has done everything and more to to to please you to make sure the pieces around you fit uh to get you another Bonafide Superstar you have

The most pressure in the entire NBA to win a title but because of the situations I just told you about that might be one of the most ridiculous takes you’ve ever uted on National Television that don’t make no damn sense respectfully that’s first of all first of all listen

To me number one okay and number two you look like you sweating a little bit already so I need to makeup artist to get to you and all that stuff I know you know Ste but you ain’t got to sweat this is early in the morning I can get don’t

You get sensitive with me you get on me all the time I can get on you in the morning D don’t you try to get sensitive with me big perk don’t you try to get sensitive with me here’s the deal bro here’s I get what you’re saying the

Nuggets of Intel that you threw out there are not to be disputed but the oper word is more I’m not trying to act like those things did not transpire under giannis’s watch and he doesn’t have pressure because of it but you can’t compare that particularly the way

He’s playing to the pressure that a Doc Rivers or a Damian Lillard has Damien Lillard has never been to a finals let alone won a finals we understand that we didn’t expect but so much because we had to wait to see where Drew holiday was going to Land once they acquired Daman

Lill and they were willing to move on from du holiday and he ended up Landing with the best team in the East and Jason Tatum jayen Brown at the Boston Celtics we get that but that doesn’t mean that Dames Damen lill’s greatness can’t offset that and considering the fact

That he is so great and he is a closer and what you even projected the Milwaukee Bucks to be once Damen Lillard had first arrived we can’t ignore that and then we got to talk about Doc Rivers I love him dly we’ve known for I’ve known him for decades you played for him

You you won a championship under him you went to two NBA Finals with him had you not been healthy had you not gotten hurt along with others like RI Wallace and others as far as I’m concerned y’all might have won it again but here’s the reality 3-1 leads you’ve lost them five

Consecutive game sevens you’ve lost them this is the bottom line and when you look at Doc Rivers and the shrapnel of criticism that has been aimed in his Direction because he’s got this job in the middle of the season and what have you despite the fact that Adrien Griffin

Was 30 and 13 we know that was about Giannis who wanted the coach and then not wanted the coach we get that but in the end if you’re Doc Rivers I’ve said this before and I’m gonna say it again I believe maybe not this year because

There’s a lot that’s happened but if Doc Rivers doesn’t deliver a championship to Milwaukee I don’t think he’s going to get another head coaching job I think this is his last stop he I think this is his last stop so because this is his last stop his last stop and Daman Lillet

Has never been in an NBA Finals I think there’s more pressure on them than a league NV a former League MVP who’s averaging about damn near 30 who’s arguably the most dominant force in the game I I don’t think there’s more pressure on yanis than it is those two

Luka Doncic is LeBron James minus the athleticism! 😯 – Kendrick Perkins | First Take
Stephen A. Smith, Brian Windhorst and Kendrick Perkins debate whether Stephen Curry is the most feared star in the NBA and if there is more pressure on Giannis Antetkounmpo to win a 2nd title.
#firsttake #nba #espn

0:00 Is Stephen Curry the most feared star in the NBA?
6:35 Is there more pressure on Giannis to win a 2nd title?
10:40 Stephen A. says Doc Rivers HAS to bring a championship to Milwaukee

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  1. The world notices Kendrick Perkins the only idiots not noticing are the so called sports journalists (a title you can now win in every firth package of cerial) of ESPN.

  2. Kedrick Perkins speaking a lot of sense. Both takes are good. Not saying perfect, but good. To say that his giannis take is one of HIS morst rediculus takes is just stupid

  3. Windy is the one who's take I believe. Stephen A has a thing against European players, Perk has a thing against Steph but Windy unless it is LeBron he's quite impartial. Jokic is the most feared because he loves horses more than basketball. Imagine a pissed Jokic who's on it. I would feel sorry for anyone playing against him.

  4. Luka is a much better ball player than Lebron. The only comparison is in the averages/numbers. Nothing else. Lebron was never feared.

  5. It’s crazy because Luka and James Harden are the exact same player but they need somebody to try to take the mantle from lebron so bad that they do this comparison

  6. Luka will prove to be wayyy better than LeBron. Because Luka is a true Alpha Male and not a Beta Male mascurating as an Alpha like LeBron does.

  7. Everyone knows Steph is one of the better current players, but him fighting back the twilight years of his career is not a bigger motivation than Luka hungry for his first MVP/Ring, or Jokic tasting 1 championship and wanting more. Pick the best stat from all of Steph's playoff runs combined, and Steph has 1 season with more ppg, and 1 season with more steals, than Jokic's single title run – literally no other stat. Sure, Jamal Murray catches fire in the post-season, but Steph has had Klay, Draymond, and Durant – what kinda argument is that, SAS? Luka, Jokic, Embiid, and Giannis are the only viable options for this, CURRENTLY. GSW are a 10th seed ffs.

  8. No. Ya'll are stupid. Luka is closer to Larry Bird than LeBron James. There is no comparison between LeBron and anyone else. LBJ dominated games defensively in his prime, and Luka will never do that, athleticism or no. And that's why KP was a sub-par player and is currently a sub-par analyst.

  9. Luka is so skilled that im on the bandwagon now. Luka is built for the playoffs and now he has a team? Dallas will be tough. And don't forget Kyrie! He's a dagger 🗡️

  10. SAS can be completely wrong on something and still covince me to hear his position. Dude is a certified yapper lmfao

  11. Guys they’re disagreeing on purpose don’t let them fool you! The answer is obviously Jokic.

  12. You don't have to double-team Steph. Luka has been blitzed or doubled more than anybody in the league and Jokic can get a triple dub in a half

  13. I am a heat fan. I felt helpless against jokic watching the finals. If we doubled he passed if we went man to man he scored if we had an outstanding defensive possession he pulls a 3 out of nowhere. His game isn't pretty but he can't be stopped especially when Jamal Murray is on the floor

  14. I dont compare Luka to Bron if you dont have him in the finals. Lebron at whatever age Luka is now can get the finals with that roster

  15. Doncic doesnt have DEFENSE in his vocabulary,…doesn´t know what that is. Lebron james plays defense at least.

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