@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs SALARY CAP Is A Mess!? San Antonio Spurs News

Spurs SALARY CAP Is A Mess!? San Antonio Spurs News

Over 20 NBA players are making more than the entire starting lineup for our San Antonio Spurs I don’t take I got no love for the F if you want to play tough and want to hate this or we show up and make a St what is up San Antonio Spurs fans

Welcome to tlr sports we had an interesting conversation last night during the live stream about where the money is being spent on our roster in regards to the starters the bench and dead cap as in players that are no longer on the team so I thought this

Would be kind of a fun thing to talk about real quick where the money’s going get your thoughts on it anything that surprises you here as we go over this or is this kind of what you expected any players you think like wow I can’t believe we’re paying him that much or

We’re still paying him let me know in the comments down below hit the thumbs up you like support the channel and subscribe become part of our awesome Spurs and sports community so let’s get to sport track salaries Boop right there let’s take a look at the starting lineup

First Victor wama is making about $12 million we also got Trey Jones is making about 10 million deel which he’s going to get a huge bump soon he’s making about 6 million the soan about 5.3 million and then we got Julian champagne rounding it out at 3 million so the

Total for all those guys is 36 million so yes over 20 players are making more than those guys and granted I know a lot of our guys are young so they’re going to have lower salaries than veterans like LeBron James Steph Curry so forth and so on but still 36 million fair

Starting lineups not a lot and that might be one of the reasons our team is doing so poorly this season let’s take a look at the bench though this is what really shocked me Zack Collins is making 8 million Kellen who was a starter now back on the bench as a six-man making

About 20 million cheddy Osman 7 million Doug McDermot 14 yes douge is making about 14 and then Blake Wesley who you can’t see sorry I can’t edit that out Blake Wesley who’s not on here is making about 3 million when you add up that bench and bench is making $52 million roughly our

Bench is making more than our starting lineup now of course a big part of this because kin Johnson is on the bench not in the starting lineup if Kell was back in the starting lineup say because of Julian Julian Chen’s out then the starting lineup would be 53 million the

Bench would be about 35 million I don’t know if and when kellman’s coming back to the starting lineup our bench play has been really bad at times and we need some kind of offensive burst and he’s been giving that to us at times so I think he’s going to stay there plus with

The draft on the horizon I’m pretty sure the Spurs expect to draft a starter in this coming draft that will keep kelman on the bench that being said there’s something else that’s quite shocking here our dead cap and by the way before I forget Devonte Graham is on there $2

Million $12 million to just pretty much play in garbage time I’m not saying he’s a garbage time point guard but that is how he is being treated he only gets to play and garbage time and he’s making 12 million I understand Trey Jones and Blake Weser are the pecking order for

The point guards but seriously L could we do something with him trade him anything I don’t know anyway let me get down to the dead capap and if you had forgotten because I have Joshua Primo still getting a salary from our Spurs fans 4.3 million not to

Mention all this other dead cap Reggie bulock 11 Kem Burch making almost seven Cameron pay screw you 6 and a half million and then Lamar Stevens who exactly 400,000 that’s almost 30 million 30 million in dead cap that’s on the Spurs roster right now could have been spent elsewhere and look first fans

Probably has two reasons for this one the minimum salary cap with the NBA I’m not going to go too too far into it because I’ve done that in previous videos here’s the minimum salary cap you fall below it you’re paying the NBA penalty so they are right here so you

Don’t have to do that number two I’m assuming there’s some sort of master plan to sign a free agent next year or a lot of this money that we’re just spending on nothing is going to go to players already on the roster or again a big free agent I don’t know I’m sure

It’s tough to handle a team with the salaries and the restrictions with the the NBA da da da da da it’s also tough to balance the team where okay we’re at this point where we still want to get picks and we know we can’t contend to

Where let’s put the money in and now we are a contender you don’t want to be mid that’s the worst place to be is to be the seventh eighth seed every year get into the playoffs go nowhere you’re good enough to make the playoffs you’re not

Bad enough to get a draft pick or do anything in building the team so kind of a short video here today but I wanted to show you guys this is where the money’s going your thoughts now that you kind of had a quick breakdown what we’re spending on the starting lineup what

We’re spending on the backups the dead cap players like him over to my right your left still getting paid by the Spurs do you look at that and go Brian right I get what we doing I understand there’s a that trust the process we have something planned in the future when all

That dead cap drops off we’re going to have a lot of money to spend on free agency we’re g to we’re going to sign a lot of our guys you’ve got this or you look at that and go this dude sucks man Brian wght ain’t got a clue he needs a

Milk I don’t know short video that’s all I got first fans thank you for tuning and as always ghost first Goal when I feel like this I’m AAL when I feel like this I’m a moral

Well, this was a bit shocking.

#spurs #gospursgo #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #wemby

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  1. Doug and Devonte(Especially Devonte) need to go, we are not using Devonte, he's a waste of salary and space.
    Doug is still valuable, but I just don't see the reason he keeps being on this team, he's also rather pricey
    for his ability, 13.7m/Y just for a bench shooter. He needs to be traded in a package so we can get second rounds
    or some solid younger players.

  2. The salary cap is perfect. We need to use the space we have to get the right guys around our core young four. We also don't want the owners to spend a lot when they are losing, cause then they wont want to spend when we are winning. Its all by design

  3. I have the same problem at my company. The people who work the hardest get paid the least. And I've also seen this situation, where someone gets a promotion and then they just don't put up the numbers.

  4. That's just how it works. Devonte Graham's contract at end of bench is not about who he is on the roster. It was about taking on bad contract money in exchange For J-Rich to New Orleans so that we could get 4 second round picks. We are paying for those 4 picks. Not every person on the cap sheet needs to be evaluated based on their Role on the team.

  5. Wow, what a waste of time this video was. The cap is fine. As people above have said, they take salary dumps for picks from teams as they knew they weren’t going to be competitive this year. The money had to be spend, so they are fine.

  6. Looool u said Cameron Payne ..rew you? 😂😂😂 Payne trash

    I have no idea de Spurs was SO BAD IN SALARY CAP dang

  7. I think BW is doing a really smart approach for where we’re currently at in our timeline. I love our guys, but aside from Victor, nobody else looks like a generational talent confirmed yet. So BW is just maintaining flexibility while overpaying vets we don’t need right now just to take a chance on them and also be good role models around the young guys while we can afford it. This also ensures, like you said, that we aren’t wasting time being mediocre in the middle. If we can take on bad contracts for buyouts now while we can afford that dead money and get assets in return then that’s a great way to meet the minimum salary floor. We can sign any player we want in upcoming free agency periods, but I’d love to see us take on one or two more bad contracts like maybe Kyle Lowry for another year or two and get Victor the best long-term help we can. It’s not going to be about using all of our money to get the best talent right now, it’s about strategically moving money around the league to get us in the best position for long-term success and I’m all for it

  8. Doug McDermott, Devonte Graham, Zach Collins, and Cedi Osman are probably each on the block if price is right. Good young players that aren't being utilized and desirable draft picks would help going forward. They may have to take back salary dump players to make the money math work. Some of those salary dump players will probably be waived and be additions to the dead cap pool. Keldon Johnson may also be available, but the price for him will be high (unprotected of poorly protected lottery pick).

  9. Why don't they play Devante Grande? I don't understand why I have him on the bench and use them in garbage time when this can shoot lights out. He's way better than Number ten for that is name with the ball.

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