@Memphis Grizzlies

LA Clippers vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

They were relying on him to be everything up front for them they were able to beef up that front line Clippers tied at 29 there were there was some confusion about how much time was left on the clock after the uh turnover for the Clippers they put point4 on the

Clock they just catched the shot they missed and now we start the second quarter the same way the Clippers ended the First with an Aaron pass and now here comes Memphis Stevens been double figures the last three games from Memphis struggling around the rim Here

Comes teren man he had 10 points in the first three minutes of the game picked up his second foul Harden on the Drive Westbrook alone in the corner for three plumbley with a rebound first quarter Memphis 11 for 29 and it’s a tie game as we start this second quarter

Westbrook inside lays it in he went one for seven at The Rim he is now three for five overall in this game with not a Minon in this second quarter well you figured Russ would have a bounce back game this evening and right now he’s doing that little zone defense right

Here two three5 ah you don’t need to reach right there Mason the lane was wide open derck Rose deep into the paint rebound back tapped outside KW Alama and he drops it in second time off of offensive rebound that Memphis was able to benefit off of

It we’re down to 31 didn’t think this game was going to be a piece of cake for the Clippers Memphis just free throws all of his points have come from the line where he is four for four Clippers by two Stevens all alone at the foul line

Drops it in to tie up the score his zone defense going to have some gaps right there especially when you throw your hands down as Stevens able to find it right at the free throw line pass by Harden even tougher to cat your area for example they have two games against Minnesota Western

Conference leading a chance to kind of get back and even that series you’ve got two games against the Phoenix Suns to close out the year essentially kind of either create separation or solidify your position month or so well but you know because the Clippers are so

Talented you can’t rely on that I think all the time to win you games it will Trump that but once you get you know get some playoff type teams you know tan for Tan a lot of teams a lot of even that’s when that grit that’s when that

Determination that’s when that you know desire to go out and dominate is going to have to be in effect for the Clippers turnover Clippers on the second foul his intentions were to be able to keep like I said The Possession going one more trip Alama driven off the line by

Man Tex with the defense that time by Terence man Stevens hard with a rebound L to Plumley perhaps a bit too tall James and Mason have been off just a little bit on those passes Arabia lays it in count it and a foul the teenager this guy have really

Played well with all the injuries Westbrook and this is Vince Williams Jr looks around flings a three hit one earlier Memphis rebounds extended possession here for the Grizzlies nearly four minutes off this second quarter clock laravia tries to drive on Westbrook loses as the handle Here Comes

Man Terren driving on Canard counted on a foul and give him one he is able to provide an additional scoring punch I mentioned it earlier 13 and one and he has 10 or more I I tell you what too as a player when you kind of been struggling with your offense a little

Bit you get it rolling you got to come out the game for some fouls you talk about itching to get back in and get a little frustrated but they doing a good job of maintaining those emotions R up for three this is badley and Vince Williams back to bother any

Type of forward pass from Harden side step three back tap nicely done by Zoo but into the wrong hand here comes Lamar Stevens and The Grizzlies looking for the lead that hit his knee and I agree with you I would never disagree with oh that’s what you said on the plane you

Disagreed on a couple of things especially about Ohio being in the midest St W laravia beats the buzzer but can’t hit the shot beats the zubot as the rebound 39 38 Clippers lead by one coffee he he’s really good in the paint I don’t care how awkward that correct I

Look at it like this when the Clippers starting five he’s rolling they will play off of Terence man and if think they’ll play the game go ahead and beat us Terrence and kind of like what we saw last year with the Clippers in the playoffs against Tory Craig and the Suns

Go ahead Tory Craig knock down shots he ended up doing that and I think Terence man can have that same kind of role well it’s you can’t guard everything think real estate is too fast in regards to James Harden and Kawai and Paul so that’s why Terence man Norman po mirac

You’re going to get open opportunities and you take advantage of it like right now now and you if you miss that shot so what you’re going to get that shot and more than likely you have the confidence to take it you’re going to make it worked pretty well against the Jazz a

Few years ago in the postseason if I recall Midway through this second quarter Clippers by three they are shooting 55% from the Field Memphis at just 36% Vince Williams Jr gets a friendly bounce on the orange iron and it trickles home well you said it this team

Is not going to lay down they have a lot to play for in regards to Pro moving individually that they belong in the core of the group as they move forward so the one punch is not going to knock this team out Hardon a whistle and a foul dominates in

His minutes I’m going to guess this is more precautionary maybe felt a little stiff coming up this morning well you know in a game two when you do it you feel it it’s better probably to keep going cuz if he would have probably come out right at that moment may have

Stiffened up a little bit probably wouldn’t have got that performance but it probably was stiffer this morning with the travel quick turnaround George Fields it low and shoots it high Rings the rim and Memphis has the rebound Clippers have a three-point lead as we approach the 5minute Mark here in the second quarter

It’s part of his father part of those Georgetown teams back in the mid 80s right before I got in school I’m trying to think of those George John team is that Charles Smith yeah was point guard Charles Smith yeah what covered him into minor leagues for college here is George Ino but

Through his fingertips and here comes Memphis he can tie here maybe take the lead with a three the teenager GG Jackson lays it up and then we are tied at 43 not a heavy transition team ranking the bottom half to the Memphis gri but because of the Youth and Young guys if

You give them opportunities they can beat you tough miss that time by Zoo Clippers get a second crack out at harden like he’s trying to play with the rookie and draws the foul and well Harden gets all three Clippers have out scored the Grizzlies 17- 14 but the

Clippers just three for 10 here in this second quarter acrobatic move Inside by jiren Jackson

LA Clippers vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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