@San Antonio Spurs

Los Angeles Lakers vs San Antonio Spurs 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights |Feb 23| 2024 NBA Regular Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs San Antonio Spurs 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights |Feb 23| 2024 NBA Regular Season

LBJ did he get fouled their mission if they decide to accept it there’s brandham Lakers have their challenge left soan huge fan of your Los Angeles Kings went to my first playoff Kings game last year really and and you must have you had to love it you have to playoff hockey is is

Not not a whole lot better that and I looked down and there was duber he was there was he of course he was those free tickets from the station uh here’s here’s Reeves LeBron holds on to it over wimy made it look oh so easy LeBron’s hit 30 30 for Lebron after

The night of rest so it’s working however the Lakers did not win last night here is soan backhand layup nobody’s going to challenge him and he’s going to get it right back for Second Chance points Second Chance points are pretty even Lakers up big in the points in the

Paint department 102 points from 40,000 in his career as he came in32 away so 102 points from 40,000 I got the Abacus out real quick and figured it out it’s going to happen sooner rather than later this uh upcoming week perhaps nice round number 40,000 of course

The game that he passed cat was here against OKC Russell long rebound goes to soan so we got three minutes left some of this crowd has made their way into the night here in Los Angeles but underneath block by haimura get it out of here oh he threw

It right to Darin great pass shoot o grab the grab the net if Darin’s going to shoot he’s going to he’s going to dunk it the ham slam witch well played yeah some of his dunks in college Reeves they’re going to go back the other way Johnson bouncing right into R Points

Now so he’s not yet to double figures where he has hit four of his last five games taking their time clocks with them Lakers DLo got some substitutes on right over a Mamu and of L you to sleep with that dribble boy Johnson having his way so

There you go double figures now now five out of six for him Austin Reeves and the Lakers they are set to go 31- 27 on the year wi their 20th at home little stutter step with the dribble Reeves comes out the other side mumu’s there to block it Johnson holding on to

It Corner who’s that uh that was brandom yes it was 17 points made three threes now some of the Lakers are going to get in the Box Score because at the next whistle if there is one you would think there would be oh it’s a logo for DLo happy birthday

D’Angelo 10-point game minute to play there’s some interest to what is going on down the stretch as Johnson hits it’s down to seven was 18 a second ago he’s got to take care of the basketball finish out the possession yeah and you must continue to defend yeah they’re not playing the foul game

And finish it up put a bow on it Jackson Hayes you heard Dar oh you didn’t hear well Lewis pepperine wave C quickly front Court Max Christie we’ll have postgame action coming up shortly whole different deal allly you can oh you got to go in the locker room don’t you and do interviews

Say pack it up pack it up exited to have you back stew yeah we don’t know when hopefully this week but who knows champ penny with four with three Collins will wrap up the shooting attempts for the night it’s going to wind up being a five

Phoenix Suns vs Houston Rockets 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Feb 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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