@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown warms up his left hand pregame

Jaylen Brown warms up his left hand pregame

by gorkemguzel32


  1. dafire123

    Jaylen I’m trying my best over here, help me out a lil 😭. I feel like most people realize that Jaylen can go left outside of casuals so it’s more of a joke at this point.

  2. sssSnakebite

    He will hold the Larry O’Brien trophy with his left hand in a few months.

  3. Efficient_Art_1144

    Let ‘em have fun in the sub. JBs been cooking all year

  4. Heat fans are obsessed with Jaylen, it’s very strange.

  5. ShampooMonK

    The he can’t dribble left has to be one of the dumbest narratives that trolls and redditors love to reiterate as gospel. Jaylen Brown has one awful playoff series trying to dribble with his weak hand into two+ defenders and turn it over while nursing hand/elbow injuries and all of these morons who probably can’t even bench a 45 pound barbell love to talk so much shit as if they are somehow better than All-NBA guard/forward. And even when some NBA players mentioned how attacking a player’s weakest hand dribble is somehow groundbreaking everyone ran with it.

  6. Xekshek33

    It’s the stupidest narrative about JB.

    Yeah, left isn’t his strong hand but if you actually watch basketball games this year, you can see he is much improved doing so and finishing.

    But yeah, let’s watch useless warmups for the talking point.

  7. The first thing I thought seen this is how much people were ok with a similar video of Jokic lol

  8. Squishy-Bandit12

    Ofc it’s a Heat fan posting it too lol

  9. Ok_Acanthaceae6057

    “Nba narrative JB’s got no left hand”

    JB: ohh I’ll work on it

    Every other fans base: LoOk At HiM He’S tRaSh

  10. Blakely_69

    fuck he’s gonna get cooked for this meaningless ass video 😭

  11. coacoanutbenjamn

    When you take hundreds of shots every day you are bound to have a little 15 second stretch where they all bounce out on you

  12. Not that he needs it but Jaylen can save a lot of money if he moves to Miami since rent is free for him there

  13. holographoc

    Whose got that graphic with him being way more successful going left than right this year

  14. GhostOfJiriWelsch

    Im tired of it lol

    Guy is an ELITE mid-range scorer and gets to his spots with ease—guys with loose handles aren’t getting to where they want to go just through pure force and that’s what Jaylen has been doing.

  15. rocket_beer

    Guys, if it is okay with you, I would like to present an idea:

    Jaylen can miss every single left hand shot all year **BUT** ☝️ the next time we play the Heat, all he takes are lefts and makes them all!

  16. Wide_Presentation559

    At this point, he’s just trolling

  17. JaylenBrownFlow

    this is them coping with us being the best team in the league

    they’re scared

  18. StraightCashBND

    Me warming up my left hand requires more cleanup afterwards

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