@Miami Heat

Why Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat’s Fight in New Orleans Could Fuel a Run | Miami Heat Podcast

Why Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat’s Fight in New Orleans Could Fuel a Run | Miami Heat Podcast

Friday night’s wind over the Pelicans was filled with a lot of drama and a couple of intense scuffles as expected there were some repercussions for the Heat and we’ll break down how that affects Miami when they take on the Sacramento Kings on Monday but with key

Players out of the lineup who has to step up versus the Kings and could the winner New Orleans be the spark that Miami needs to close out the regular season we start off your week with a great episode of Locked on heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat

Podcast part of the locked on podcast cast network your team every day all right welcome to locked on heat your daily podcast on the Miami Heat I’m West Goldberg editor at allou joining me as always long time NBA reporter David RL however you’re tuning in on YouTube Odyssey are your favorite

Podcast app thanks so make thanks so much for making lock on heat your first listen every day today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks if your bet wins

Visit lockon to get started let’s Jump Right In with some news Jimmy Butler and Nika yovic have been suspended for Monday night’s game in Sacramento after Friday night’s bench clearing scuffle in New Orleans before we get to who needs to step up with those guys out and whether or not we

Believe if the heat are turning the corner at this point in the season what are we calling Friday night David uh is it a scuffle are we using brawl a dust I mean yeah brewhaha would be appropriate for the the Cajun kind of sounding uh effect there but it’s just

Friday night a brew with like a r i aux or something however they do it yeah yeah there you go that’s good actually yeah you know went with scuffle yeah scuff uh The Herald went with Fight The Sentinel used altercation uh I I went

With brawl over at all you can heat I I think Brew but I like brewhaha brewhaha brewhaha is good uh yeah you know it was it was so weird like it just seemed like an inflated it completely caught fire so quickly and it kind of at the same time the fight

Seemed like it had been building for a while like at New Orleans fans maybe I don’t watch enough Pelicans games but boy were they whining for every potential foul call like every call that went against them was oh no way that’s impossible you know like and if Miami

Got a foul call I was like no that’s impossible ridiculous no way so they were complaining loudly but I think it was an overly physical game especially when you have a 300 pound point guard bringing the ball up and just bulldozing his way past any human being in his

Place and so there was going to be a level of physicality that was the Baseline for the game you knowa a little bit physical too he’s a physical gu and Naji Marshall is a guy who gets into these kinds of things that’s sort of his

He is he that’s hiso yeah I was a little surprised to see Jimmy I wonder what it was that happened because I don’t think we’ve got any clarification on that why he pushed naagi in the first place and it seemed like on replay like he might

Have pushed him in the chest maybe even mid contact with the neck area and to which Marshall responded by trying to choke Jimmy Butler Jimmy wasn’t having that so it was really interesting to see how it all played out I thought it was weird it was weird because Kevin Love is

Pushing Zion under the basket Zion after the game had actually said that if anything like Kevin Love had his hand on him but was if anything was trying to brace his fall and Zion said like harder had had Kevin Love Not sort of helped me brace my fall he didn’t have

To fall at all like you watch the replay like he gets tied up but he didn’t have to fall he just kind of like collapsed I don’t know if it was to WEA yeah I think it is a it’s a little bit of exhaustion it’s a lot uh he’s

Just like I’m just gonna nap right here for a second gonna lay down right here somebody bring me a damn it yeah but uh then he goes uh but then Jimmy Butler and Naji Marshall are sort of under the basket there’s like a rebounding thing and Butler does push Naji Marshall I

Didn’t I don’t think he needed to push him but I also didn’t think it was overly aggressive sometimes those things haen happen nothing happens right so whatever it’s just a physical game like you said and um then I don’t know if Marshall started trying to go after

Kevin Love because he saw Kevin Love maybe like from his Vantage Point looked like he pushed Zion to the ground or whatever it was but then they start getting into it Jimmy goes for an a Marshall’s chest and it looked like it just slipped his hand had slipped up

From his chest and touched his throat na Marshall In the Heat of the Moment was like oh this guy just touched my throat I’m going to put my hands on his throat and now they’re both at literally each other’s throats here uh right there and then both benches clear and then we get

Basically the brawl and then it starts to simmer down a little bit and then Thomas Bryant and and Jose Alvarado are getting into it Jos alvado goes with like the jump punch because he’s like a foot shorter than Thomas Bryant and yeah Bryant swinging I’ve never seen Nikola

Yic that mad in my entire life I’ve never seen Jimmy Butler that mad definitely never seen nich that mad Hae it yeah y he got punched in the face Hae got punched in the face like it was he Shrugged it off like it was nothing but

Those Baltic boys there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of War torn trauma over there like they’re they’re they’ve seen a lot of things that it’s like oh a scuffle on the court that’s nothing you know I’ve seen bombings at noon you know it’s like this is a completely different

Animal you know I don’t mean to make light of it but it’s he does have like yeah he has incredible like I didn’t expect that kind of Rage from him but yeah he surely we didn’t mention that uh Bryant suspended three games for his role so it’s like it’s not really he was

Playing much but he won’t be allowed out in the court there yeah pel do Marshall got a one game and then Jose Alvarado got three games as well and I I was a little in the moment I was like yeah you know the guys get ejected and and maybe

They’ll be a fine and then that’ll be it and now I’m like yeah you know you just don’t really see bench clearing brawls very much in the NBA and when they do happen it’s just a bad look for the league uh ever since mes and the palace

They’ve been really really hard on this so I I shouldn’t be surprised that there were suspensions handed out kind of kind of bad for Thomas Bryant because this was the game this was the trip where they’re going to be in Denver and as he be suspended for the game where he was

Supposed to get his ring his champion ring no oh I think they’ll figure it out I think they’ll let him like I think he could be in the building I think can’t can’t he yeah yeah I think so yeah be in a suit maybe but whatever at least he’ll

Get his ring like that’s unbelievable maybe they can make an appeal and have him be in uniform for the Denver game and he can serve the third game maybe in the warm-ups like just like the heat warm-ups or something like where it’s not a full uniform and it’s like all

Right go out there you know you could get get the ring like do the thing figure it out they’ll figure it out I I think the the league is flexible enough where they can hear whatever argument Miami is likely to make on you think the suspensions were Fair on Jimmy and and

And Nico I mean it’s in line with what happened again we don’t know what exactly was said we saw the physical altercation you described it pretty well given you know the fact that the fight had calmed down down and then that you know yippy little chihuahua starts

Throwing a punch at at at Bryant you would expect there to be a heavier suspension for those guys because that you know basically everything had calmed down and they just re-aggravated and that led to another clearing there I I also want to say SW like they def they

Swung they made contact with each other where Jimmy and well somebody else swung on on on Hime and I don’t know who that was I I don’t know I don’t know video clarified either I didn’t bother going all zrer film on and trying to figure out exactly who threw that punch or you

Know anything else like that but I also want to point out that for people thinking that Ira winderman of the Sun Sentinel was snitching on the team by revealing who it was he saw come off the bench it doesn’t work that way the league doesn’t take reporters tweets

Into account they they go over the video themselves and they can see where their own I didn’t even know I back on that that’s so funny yeah a lot of people were saying it’s not his job to protect the team his job report on what’s Happening quit snitching for the heat he

Was just saying you know oh if if by what I saw suspensions could comfort Jimmy Butler Thomas Bryant bad bio and Nia yic so I think y yic was not in the game at the point so when he comes off the that’s the whole thing he leaves the

Heats bench and gets on the court and does all that thing and so that’s why he gets suspended when somebody that was actually it’s weird like somebody who was actually in the game in that moment yes even though they’re involved a little bit in the fight they can’t get

Suspended for coming off the bench when they weren’t in the game right so it’s it’s sort of a weird uh kind of wrinkle a result of the the Nick’s heat brawls from the 90s because of that one fight where people came off the bench and everything else like that the flip of

Charlie Ward after that point they were like dude we can’t have you guys coming off the bench like that that’s just a bad look you know so that’s where penalties became harsher shout out to that uh that Heat fan that the video is caught the camera’s caught leaving the

Leaving Smoothie King Center um just with a of course a Dwayne W Jersey has the bright blue Vice Jersey he’s just he’s got his bottle of whatever he’s he has with him chain on I think that guy would have been perfectly in Miami he was just transplanted directly

Into New Orleans just a couple of hand he was like I don’t know how many hand grenades deep at that point but he was uher he was letting it Fly Des more yeah drink on us fly him out he if you’re listening and I know

That you are bring him out there come on like have him come to Miami find them identify him bring like you know how like in wrestling they have like a height man like kind of comes out before like the rest just like kind of T like

Kind of takes a loop around the ring kind of getting people fired up have him just do a just do a lap around the ca Center Court and just fired up right before the rematch like have him come out there about that such a great idea

He’s gota come they would never do that they would never do that that’s no there’s not that organization that’s not how they see themselves the NBA would no the NBA would never allow it for any organization yeah yeah get tempers let’s get tempers flaring before the the he is

Not above you know asking for forgiveness rather than permission so they could I could see them doing it but then get getting the you know a penalty for get him a nice seat get him a nice seat in the lower bowl and just keep panning over to him have the in Arena

Camera keep panning over to him and just tell him don’t give him a m that guy’s not going to control himself he’s not no mik just like just let him keep doing the thing with the chain and just keep pointing to the jersey and that’s it yeah yeah pointing pulling tugging at it

Hilarious um yeah like it was I thought it was such an interesting thing I love that after that game we can actually talk about the game the heat go on a 70 run or 90 run I’m sorry pretty soon after the ejections happen bab bio takes over with 12 points in that fourth

Quarter and that was it was a tight game up until that point and Miami basically ran away with it um over those last few minutes after the after the ejections uh took place so um I love how they responded to it and we’ve seen this in the past how heated moments like this

Can turn into win streaks right we saw this a couple years ago when Jimmy Butler and Eric spoler almost came to blows on the sideline and they end the year on what a six game win streak basically before resting the final their starters in the final game of that

Season um and that propelled them to the number one seed and obviously to the Eastern Conference Finals where they were a game away from making the NBA Finals so they this is a team this is an organization that kind of rallies around that we are going to talk about whether

Or not the heat are peing at the right time here in a little bit but next who needs to step up on Monday Night with Jimmy Butler and Nika yovic out who will SPO go with to replace two starters plus some injury news and notes all of that

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Streaming Channel David I don’t know if you could tell but I am losing my voice I can tell I can’t tell I don’t know what happen you know next man up I guess I don’t know I’m doing my best here I might have to use gramarly to just like talk just

Write the podcast down somebody else can read it for me um Jimmy Butler leovic out Monday night because of the suspensions Tyler hero is undergoing an MRI on Sunday night so we have as the time we’re recording this about 6 pm on Sunday night um so we don’t know what

His status is gonna be but he sounds optimistic that he could play Monday night but I’m sure the heat will be careful with him and uh maybe the biggest news Terry Rosier likely is going to be upgraded to questionable based on some of the reporting coming

Out of he uh practice on Sunday so uh he was uh participating in practice Josh Richardson no no longer in a sling according to a photo taken by Ira Wonderman um who does uh I guess is snitching that Josh Richardson is no longer in a sling I guess that’s how it

Works now um reporting equal snitching snitch this reporting equal snitching I suppose but uh let’s talk about what that what happens with the starting lineup I guess because obviously you know T Rosier Tyler hero TBD on those guys Josh richson I don’t think he’s gonna play um although the progress

Seems encouraging but um Jimmy Butler and Nico those guys started Friday night uh with all the injuries everything like that so with Rosier out um SPO went with a starting lineup which was a little bit surprising but then it it made sense when you kind of thought about it it was

Tyler herro Caleb Martin at the two guard essentially Jimmy Butler going with nikovic back in at that starting power forward spot and then obviously bam at Center and so anytime that SPO is down an offensive player like ter Rosier he’s gonna Sub in an offensive player like nikovic he’s spos basically at this

Point accepted okay I just need a certain amount of offensive leaning players out there for us to get to a certain point offensively where we could survive in the NBA in the year of 2024 right and so I just think that’s part of it um but now two of those starters are

Out yeah we don’t know who’s coming back but I don’t know what do you think what do you think you think Rosier could play in this one you think Ty hero could play in this one I I I’m optimistic about Tyler uh I I don’t know it was such a

Weird injury too like his his his body uh moves fast that his brain does or something he he just kind of like planted that right foot or was it yeah I think it was I was wondering if there was sweat cuz that was after the fight and everything and I’m wondering if

There was like sweat on that side of the it was weird there had been like seven minutes of gameplay in between the fight and when that injury happened so he just he W up just overexerting and stretching it was a hyper extension you know it just looked a little awkward and he

Scary at the first it did look bad yeah I I thought it could have been a severe injury but you know Miami has been knock on wood very lucky because between the Rosier injury between the Richardson injury like I mean they all got hurt H we don’t know what’s happening with

Tyler but I expect him to start I would say that so given that assuming he starts it’s I think it’s gonna be him Duncan I think it’s gonna be Caleb I think it’s be himman place a Jimmy basically and then bam at bio so it’s a smallest lineup but I think it could

Work against Sacramento so what you say you said bam Caleb haime yesler Dunc so that would your bench is thin you’ve got Haywood heith basically you got Kevin love mhm I think that’s it really whoever maybees Williams man I would like that I would like did not get in on Friday

Night OB his first game back they’re trying to you know he was talking about how he needs to learn the system and all these things so I’m he underwent his second heat practice on Sunday I’m assuming he’s gonna get minutes in this one yeah I I I think so um if you recall

Miami’s win in against Sacramento at the ca Center that one went very favorably for Miami mostly because they were able to limit dearon Fox like sabonis is going to have a big game uh Malik monk struggled he’s a random scrub heat killer that a lot of people have uh you

Know thought of years monk he might win sixth man dude that guy’s killing everybody he’s killing VES left and right yeah he’s not he’s not a scrub anymore he’s not random either uh he’s just a guy who’s torched Miami for years but uh you know Darren Fox was the key

There and Jimmy also had a 31 pointing 31 Point Ting so to answer your original question about who has to step up I honestly think it’s Hae I I mean obviously it kind of falls on everybody but if Heim is going to get these bulk

Of the minutes as a starter and I I expect that to be the case he needs to have a big productive night and maybe it’s you know it’s California not quite a return to Southern Cal Southern California where he calls home but at the same time an opportunity for him to

Show up I would really like for him to have 30 some odd impactful minutes and maybe have closer to a 20-point outing like that three-point shot has to fall yeah uh he has to be able to get to the basket and I think Sacramento’s defense is just porous enough where he can

Attack those seams there in the defense so I think there’s going to be opportunity for him uh they play at a faster Pace though so you’re gonna have to again ignite defense to offense that kind of thing so in order for him to get those opportunities but I think it’s him

And I think it’s Delon I think if you’re gonna be able to shut down dearon Fox you’re gonna have to throw the new guy out there test him defensively see if he can you know try and poke the ball free on occasion maybe again create a couple turnovers that might lead some easier

Offense that would be my keys as far as who has to step up now that you’re saying that maybe you start donon who knows like it would it would be very SPO like out of the rotation completely or even if Tyler’s in and you bring Duncan

Off the Bench so you have some basically somebody coming off like a sixthman type because if right now your bench is Kevin Love Heywood heith I mean maybe ales Williams was I just don’t know that you trust him since he hasn’t really played for you yet so maybe you bring Duncan

Off the Bench maybe you start high Smith to chase dearon Fox over those sabonis screens those hard hitting sabonis screeds like there spo’s gonna have to decide you know obviously he’s gonna have to make some decisions here but I think those are the guys who are going

To play regardless of who starts and who comes off the bench uh no question whether or not they should get any playing time either please these we well you know what we’ll probably see some Jamal Kane in this one too I mean you’re going to need your two-way wings or your longest Wings

Anyway uh in this game it it you’re right about Del Wright you’re right about haime haime was two for eight against new orle for eight points missed both of or missed all three of the three-pointers he took uh did go four for four from the line I actually

Thought played well like a good floor game against the Pelicans especially down the stretch he was a plus eight overall in that game so those minutes were productive but that shot it just like at some point when you’re down Jimmy Butler the productive minutes the good floor game like all that stuff’s

Great at some point you gotta produce points and I think getting a little bit’s getting his head but I also think without Jimmy Butler and he’s like hey just go start and just go play your game like don’t worry about it it might actually him up a little bit it seems

Like counterintuitive but I think haime we’ve seen him Thrive as a starter with Jimmy out so I think he is comfortable in that position but bam and AIO has to step up just like he stepped up against New Orleans down the stretch it comes down to him he’s taking these Center

Battles against bigname centers very personally this year Le the bonus yeah he took it personally the first time in CA Center um he needs to outplay damont sabonis if he doesn’t outplay damont sabonis I don’t see how he can win this game point blank he has to be better

Than him that’s a good point uh you know sabonis is a guy who a lot of fans of the league have kind of compared to like oh who’s the better player you know I think bam the the more versatile player especially with what he brings defensively but you can’t deny what

Sabonis does offensively and if you recall even that broadcast like Eric Reed talking about him being you know a potential Fringe MVP candidate I think he’s his game has cooled off a little bit from that point in mid January he’s still been very good to your point he’s

Been I guess arguably Sacramento’s best player so I I think he is certainly the biggest threat to a win on on Monday night so it’s going to be interesting it’s a a weak slate too like not only four games on the night Miami’s got a 10

O’clock tip off there it’s going to be interesting how they respond and you know again you mentioned it in the first uh segment does the fight kind of provide that spark that Miami needs because they have responded how will they bounce back again now it’s

One thing to have the fight and look for a spark Etc but it’s another thing when you’ve got two starters missing in Nico yovic and Jimmy Butler your best players so how does Miami bounce back against Sacramento this could be a really telling game for not just the rest of

The road trip but the rest of the regular season we have seen this team respond in games without Jimmy Butler right this it’s been sort of their MO all season in a very weird way like this team win this team actually has a winning record with Jimmy Butler out and

That’s not how it’s supposed to work when your star is out this team does get up for these games um I’m you know obviously excited for the game excited to watch bam versus sabonis you mentioned the spark this team does go on runs after things like this uh I do think it’s fair

To wonder whether or not the heat are turning a corner here despite the suspensions despite the injury to Terry Rosier uh and Josh Richardson and all these things it’s weird that we have to ask that question but that’s the question we’re GNA ask after this here on lock on

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In on Monday night for our recap of the game in Sacramento we’ll have our reactions hopefully be handing out some credit cookies uh a little bit of a show note here um so this episode you’re if you’re watching usually on YouTube then you’re watching us on YouTube If you’re

Trying to find us on your podast podcast app whether it’s Spotify Apple podcast Odyssey whatever app that you use and it’s before noon on Eastern time on Monday you’re not going to be able to find us just some uh back end we’re kind of migrating hosting platform so it’s

In-house stuff it’s not going to affect any way that you consume the podcast but uh other than it’s just not going to be available on the audio platforms uh between the shows release and noon on Monday but then after that it’ll be there and then all our shows after that

Will be there once they’re posted at regular times um so uh just a little note on that but and understandably also I should I just want to add understandably a lot of fans as loyal as the Heat fans are might not be able to catch the the whole game on Monday night

Since it off at 10 o’clock by the time it ends but we’ll be there bright and early Tuesday morning to get you ready for work with a podcast and make sure that you listen wherever you get Podcast and here as well on YouTube on YouTube yeah he have won seven of their last

Nine games going into that game in Sacramento Jimmy Butler said after Friday’s win that he loves how the team is is playing saying quote I think our team is so ready for anything that anybody’s throwing at us we’re so together playing some incredible basketball I don’t think it matters who

We go up against right now it’s that time of year David are the heat peeking at the right time oh man you know I I was thinking about this and I actually suggested this this question because I know a lot of people have kind of leaned into this idea you know they’ve won

Three straight you know the Vibes are good they add toan right you know despite to injuries they’re playing their defense the Hallmark of what you know defines this team they’ve improved so much on that end from where they were especially during the seven game losing streak earlier in the season and so

Everything is pointing in the right direction and as much as I want to lean into that I can’t I don’t think that they are peing just yet I think there’s just too much basketball left to be played and I think Eric spoler and and most of the players would probably agree

With with that notion because Jimmy Butler if there’s one thing he’s going to do talk about a hype man as we did earlier like he is the ultimate hype man he always puts that out there we’re the best we’re gonna win we can beat anybody Etc so he’s always uh you know very

Loudly proclaiming how good this team and how good he is and I I think that’s his job you know as a team’s emotional barometer the team’s leader Etc I just think that there’s too much left of of the season to be played and too many different opportunities for a player to

Get hurt for a player to step up for you know for something to go wrong or right on any given night and and you know I think they’re playing very good basketball right now I think they’re building towards something and I think that counts but I’m uh just I’m gonna

Fall just shy of saying that they’re peing at this moment because you know what this team Peaks during the playoffs when it matters most you don’t want to be peing right now yeah there’s 25 game 26 games left whatever you don’t want to be peing right now if you peek right now

Then you’re going to fizzle out you don’t want to be peeking right now that said we have not not seen a sustained stretch of excellent basketball from this team All Season we just haven’t seen it a four- game win streak what what’s the longest win streak so far

Seven game win streak maybe that’s it uh but it hasn’t been anytime recently and this is the best basketball they’ve played all year and that to me matters the proof of concept part of this that matters okay Jimmy Butler can get to this level again for a long time over

These last few G over the last eight games now he’s either scored 20 plus points in all those games he was playing great in New Orleans before he was ejected the only time he didn’t score 20 plus points over this last eight game stretch for Jimmy Butler and I know he

Missed two games dealing with a personal matter the only time he didn’t score 20 plus he had a triple t a triple double with 17 points 11 rebounds and 11 assists he’s playing his best two-way basketball the season and all the sort of puzzle pieces fall into place when

That happens bam has played great his defense lately he had a block uh in New Orleans that’s going to be added to his Defensive Player of the Year highlight reel like all of these thing like he’s playing great other players are starting to uh come turn a corner here uh I I

Loved what we saw from the T Rosier uh minutes before he got hurt and and it sounds like he’s coming back so I do think peing or not this team is starting to turn that corner that you have to turn you have to get around that corner

And kind of hit that like that long drive right on down like just this long drive where you could put your pedal to the metal and and and make that run and then Peak just as the playoffs are are are approaching and for now I think that that’s important and then obviously

Stacking these wins and getting out of the playing tournament the more we’ve talked about it you and I have talked about the possibility of maybe getting home court advantage in that first round I I I’m starting to care about that a lot less um you we were kind of texting

And I’m like you know what I don’t even know what kind of match up to me I would be and I wouldn’t say like start like playing with your wins and losses to try to force the right match manipulate the schedule right yeah you don’t want to

Start manipulating stuff but to me I’d rather just be playing the right kind of basketball and have all of my any questions that I need answered is nikovic a playoff rotation player or isn’t he can we learn more about him over these next 26 games that maybe give

Us a hint towards that uh you know do we need a like whatever it is like what is dlon right for us can he be a playoff guy is ter Rosier ready to go can we be cautious with t rier to make sure he’s fresh for the playoffs cautious with

Tyler hero to make sure he’s ready to go for the playoffs those things to me are much more important than trying to force your way into home court although you got to get out of the playing tournament to me fifth or sixth seed now we’re rocking and rolling after that I don’t

Care what seed you are but just make sure you’re not in the playing mix I I think it’s certainly an attainable goal too like you know there a lot of teams that have been struggling you know dealing with their own yeah they’re dealing with their own injury issues you

Know the Knicks lost they they’re going to have these moments so for Miami you want to continue to build these habits you know and and and I think it’s trending the right way and I think that this team has historically looked to that you know you pointed out earlier

The AL ation between Jimmy Butler and Eric spolo back in 2122 right and that was a a big moment there and everybody kind of thinks of it as being like this positive spark but they W up losing two more games after that it was in the

Midst it was the second loss the loss it was a loss against Golden State at home and then they W up going for two more losses four game losing streak and then they won six straight before their final uh end of the season game against the Orlando Magic if I recall correctly that

Was a Victor loo game where he went off benched everybody and yeah loo scored like 41 points or whatever it was yeah yes so uh but you want again you need these kind of moments of adversity so that you can figure things out and I like how they’ve typically approached

These things all those questions you just asked I think SPO and the staff are definitely looking at that and they’re trying to determine but right now there’s so many questions about players missing time injury Etc once they come back to Miami and I think by that point you’ll have Rosier back you’ll have

Richardson back you’ll have some more clarification about thean wri and his role even Thomas Bryant will be back from suspension so I think from that point they’ll start using those games as a Launchpad to kind of figure out get those answers for those questions and have everything fine-tuned by the time

March mid-march I would say rolls around because this this is again this is how this team has always operated with that idea of getting better having these good habits in place and continuing to build on them as the season progresses the Heat play in Sacramento on Monday night

We’ll have our uh recap for you after that game it’s in Portland on Tuesday night second night of back to back we will be working that second night of back to back no days off for us uh that we’ll have a recap for you after Tuesday night and then Thursday night in Denver

To finish up this trip uh also a late game we’ll have a recap for you after that we’ll have a couple of episodes in between as well but for now thanks for making lockon heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button follow us on your favorite podcast app

Like the YouTube videos leave your comments tell us what you thought about the brewhaha tell us what you think uh that SPO should do with the starting lineup let us know what you think about the show and thanks for listening w

Jimmy Butler and Nikola Jovic were suspended for one game after Friday’s fight between the Miami Heat and New Orleans Pelicans. But Butler says, “I don’t think it matters who we go up against right now. It’s that time of the year.” Are the Heat peaking at the right time?

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil break down the fight, ask if the suspensions are fair, and look ahead to how the events could fuel a second-half surge.

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#NBA #MiamiHeat #JimmyButler #DamianLillard


  1. Bam for sure is probably gonna have to step up in a massive way vs Sacramento, especially with Tyler banged up and possibly not playing either. Then you're gonna probably want some contributions from Duncan, Jaime, maybe Caleb Martin and Kevin Love. Maybe Haywood Highsmith can knock down some shots or even Delon Wright gets some minutes and contributes

  2. Facts he’s a heat fan legend now I was SCREAMING at my tv when they panned to him yelling at the pelicans fans with a wade jersey on 🔥 too I mt add

  3. O God have mercy on the Miami Heat, because every time they have a win Wes and David think it’s something great to come.😅😅😅😅

  4. Jimmy got mad because Marshall put his hands on Love. Don’t touch Jimmy Bulter’s teammates

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