@Denver Nuggets

Golden State Warriors vs Denver Nuggets FULL GAME Highlights | Feb 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Golden State Warriors vs Denver Nuggets FULL GAME Highlights | Feb 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Both teams playing on Friday and as the day off Gordon inside midi product always to step on that cut drew the help in got to watch out they really good cutting team too IR on that three kaminga will this is a start you’re looking for Jamal Murray came off of that ball

Screen you got through and then contested on the other side made him Miss and then you just leak out run them they don’t really want to run with they’re a slower paced team glass and Wiggins boxed out jic really well they’re actually a pretty good offensive rebounding team the nuggets are so you

Want to make sure with the defensive rebound and for him now and rightfully so they won the championship they got the recipe for Success they’re just trying to stay afloat to step tries inside on Gordon lung down and he’s like great KN I get to the basket easier now

Clear aside for joic and you just see the big man he’s a great passer at a triple St thought about that three kcp knows him he knows he’ll pull from anywhere wiggin this time finding py occupying y incredibly efficient like he normally is and how long do you single

Cover him is the question too because he can do that you come to help dig Porter you see Denver working on the string defensively shot clock down to seven play Thompson side step three beautiful so Draymond saw his with the side step just to get a little more time was so perfectly

Michael Porter J you just can’t leave him a turn yic has picked up the dribble shot clock at 10 por Jun coming off a season High missed that shot there yic clean M and gp2 again third opportunity playay on a warm- up three and he got

It that’s JK would like to have a little bit of a bounce back game Looney taking a turn on joic spins around him he’s just that good to me the Timberwolves look really motivated to show people and they’ll probably end up at the one spot Klay Thompson catching shoot three he’s got

11 he’s got 11 so does clay he scores it well wiggin on regie Jackson wigg shooting over the Warriors are working out of the post on both sides really well whether you’re posting it up and throwing it back out getting a split getting a cut from somewhere get

Action off of that they’re doing it well great job on the glass play how hot am I that hot 14 points Ines feed the hot hand see if you can get clay something else wi getting downhill around yic to in pick and rolls and he got downhill

Joic is mad about it obviously cuz he’s running the floor though they leave joic as the Hub and have all the reserve satellite around him that CL just keeps shooting and then the long pass to kcp use clay as a decoy they know all the

Focus is on him he set of ball screen final three seconds shot clock off step for three and that will do it for the quarter was hot in that first quarter he’s a big reason they have a lead they run so much of the offense through joic

So what can he do on the other end scores inside something we watch play Thompson ring that out Jackson Davis High for that rebounds around him and good over the top to trace they it again in there always say keep that Circle clean and if they blocking out they doing the things

They’re getting read Ray hanging out with us you’re talking about rebounding and screen setting and defense off for you A man is everywhere someone said keep that Circle clean and then running the floor to finish it off your 75 championship team had such great chemistry and camaraderie

Do you see that with this Warrior Dynasty just where the friendships are so can you lead the league when it comes to Rookies in rebounds per minute when you’re a rookie that is that true yes talk talk to me about rebounding as able to make contact with your your the

Opposing player there you go and and blocking out is essential and it’s not just one Jamal Murray really Sol yic is back like you’re saying kaminga right to the rim it’s Steph Curry is back in and the Warriors are up 13 and push it to 15 with the last bucket Mur ring that

Home 23 points in the first half setting up kaminga again you see Gordon denying it KZ hits a three it’s still perfect selfish KN that Ball’s hopping around and y’s whole job is to harass Jamal Murray tavus cwell P he tried to lean in for contact made The Bu play missing

There don’t see a lot of the bad Rath for finger nail fouls and Tony’s running the game and Murray hits the three bad breath decision making has been good he’s scored himself he’s found other people gets to the midrange I love that like other teams there’s a thousand

Reads can you make the right read he made it there go score Gordon he threw it out the backboard basically so he could go get it shot clock at 13 step interesting pass to Dray important two and a half just for momentum sake Warriors have played such

A wonderful first half Denver with yach hitting another three they’re not four you don’t win championships if you don’t guard and they’re almost top 10 in offensive and defensive rating just outside the top 10ur what a tough shot made high as 15 it’s sitting at seven right now nuggets

Looking like they’re trying to close strong that was going to be a lob some Denver won their last game here against the words on a 25 to4 run to end the game and right now muray ties the game 15-point lead gold made it sort of tough on him but they’re

Sing a lot of bodies like now there’s a turnover they don’t even get a shot of Murray or yic just shooting so someone else the white jersey go ahead and shoot wigg has found psky on a couple nice C KP man he stays with step like few

Others and Curry inside able to flip it home step might get angry now yic another three that one all defend it but yic gets the freebie back from Gordon that getes the best starting five in the NBA can you just battle the starters even F back iron he’s 0 for six on

Threes muray using that strength and loves that turn around yic did not foul him Mur three now Denver’s big I don’t think they’re just turned the faucet off on the warrior offense they flipped this game 20 points Gordon hits the fade away starters are just out play The Warrior

Starters ACP I mean this is a championship team saying all right couple Wiggins free throws have free throws Porter J they run him off the line he’s a great dunker that was explosive M Tony doing of 22 from distance and warriors are in the bonus too Curry laying it up and in they’re

Just kind of Draymond also the 3th pick in the draft Trey Jackson Davis 57th pick in the draft at yage scoring again the step’s kind of going now it’s inside now he’s still hasn’t made a three in and around on Gordon and then floating

It up and in St could for he just breath the Sigh relief let’s see if the can get a couple free throws because they’re in the bonus right now Looney big scen there he said the rest of the team at one point was n of 25 if you’re not

Named Jamal Murray or yic konas three point lead and the dubs have tied things up yic lost the handle Looney played him well regie Jackson for three and he the lead and pulled that string short Christian Brown running it out so the Miss three becomes a layup on the

Other end no two for one if you hurry on looking for hling Comming how did he sneak that in turn and they never got a shot off credit Denver was the def when sat in the first half so what do they do here wigg a good look at a three perfect

Gord Gordon going to take a r and charge tornado move and flips it up and in so that’s the only problem about gaping or have been very perimeter here and now going inside Dario a chance to tie the game the crowd one that but so bad Mel Porter J what a

F gets a steal as soon as he gets in it’s a two-on one yic delivers it perfectly to Nai T is called P hits a three think about that had a curry Miss free throw a Draymond missed layup and then kcp hits about the Warriors struggles in the fourth quarter for that

Tonight the open three and yic just let him wouldn’t on the same page Steph on the crossover step down the lane and Flip It Up Jackson hides behind joic joic Up and Under to lay it up to get St nuggets are okay to trade buckets right

Now yic ripping it up and in run in the second quarter they had control of the game right before half time then defending champs do is misses and there’s y shot clock at five going to back down try to shoot over St and he got it they

Just six of 17 seven of 21 11 of 23 and six of 19 Denver’s one of the few teams that have Thea as it does not mean you’re 10 and three in your last 13 it doesn’t mean you can you can’t go on the road and have a nice road trip and get

Back to playing good B yeah and and you know Steph is Big Time it just was kind of an off for him so that doesn’t help against the team like the Nuggets Denver was good Jamal Murray and yok

Golden State Warriors vs Denver Nuggets FULL GAME Highlights | Feb 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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