@Brooklyn Nets

Things Aren’t Looking Good For The Nets…

Things Aren’t Looking Good For The Nets…

We have to talk about the Brooklyn Nets this is a team with one of the craziest Futures in the NBA right now and we have to discuss where exactly all of this is going really quickly though I want to thank the sponsor of today’s video prize

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Sure to check check out prize picks and thanks again prize picks for sponsoring today’s video so of course what initiated this video is Brooklyn Nets have fired head coach Jac vau that’s happened days ago that’s not really the point of this video it’s more so to think about what all of this is

Potentially leading to what exactly the plan is supposed to be in Brooklyn it is important to point out however that once the Nets hire a full-time coach in the off season it will be their fourth acting head coach since 2022 Steve Nash shc Von Kevin Oly and then now whoever

The new guy is I’m assuming it’s not going to be Kevin Oly they’re going to hire a a new guy outside the organization a full head coaching search their fourth coach since 2022 that is not a sign of a successful organization that’s not a sign of a stable organization and certainly I think

Firing Jac Von was the right decision but you could certainly question bringing him in and making him the full-time head coach in the first place and this has just turned into a really really bad situation in Brooklyn I mean they were players outwardly calling out the coach calling out the offense saying

That it didn’t really make any sense um clearly the players had kind of turned on Jack vongh and that is just never a situation that is easy to remedy without obviously firing the coach you don’t know what the future of the GM is either he has been Shawn marks has been over

The team for almost a decade at this point he has hired multiple coaches at this point and it is something that anytime that you fire the coach and you’re potentially looking at a new GM it represents a franchise that has completely lost any sense of direction

Which is about the worst place you can possibly be now granted it’s not like this is a team that doesn’t know what success looks like from a GM and a and a coaching perspective they were the title favorites in 2021 and without some crazy circumstances whether it be injuries or

The suspension of the league they could have potentially won at least one or two titles in that circumstance or at least made the finals and of course they were a desirable enough situation in 2019 to sign both Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving so certainly there is a history of

Success here but everything that has happened since 2022 has pretty much been a complete disaster and it needs to get fixed which then makes you look towards the future so as of right now Kevin hly is going to be the interim head coach he’s someone that is well respected in

The locker room as soon as they announced that Jac was going to be fired I assume that Kevin ol is going to be the head coach I also assume that for a team that kind of made an out of nowhere higher of Steve Nash uh before that had

Kenny ainson before that had Jac Von as an interim coach once and then they brought in Jac Von as an interim coach again and then they extended him and then they fired him and now they’re going to have Kevin Oli as the interim coach I would expect that a team with

That head coaching history is going to have a full head coaching search this offseason rather than regardless of any amount of success that they have with Kevin hly through the rest of the year I would imagine they’re going to be looking for a new full-time head coach

And that is important because there is actually some Talent on on this team I as an Nets fan I know what it looks like when you are in a disaster of a rebuild situation and there are some parallels of this to that situation back in the mid-20s where the Nets traded all their

First- round picks for Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce they had no first round picks they had uh no Talent on the roster this isn’t that Mel Bridges is good he’s on a good contract cam Thomas is interesting cam Johnson in theory is an asset Ben Simmons is a massive

Expiring contract Nick claxon who’s a free agent this off season is a good player there are good players on this roster and they have future picks from all of these other teams from Phoenix from Philadelphia and even though they don’t have their own first round pick this year there were some people going

Around saying oh the Nets should just tank now uh they don’t have their own first round pick this year so that’s not really an option even though that is the case there is still a foundation for a future here in Brooklyn that could at least get relatively interesting but I

Don’t think that that is the plan for the rebuild here whether it’s Shawn marks implementing the rebuild or not here’s what I think the plan is in Brooklyn they have these future first round picks they have complimentary guys like CL and if they sign of Mel Bridges

Who a lot of stars want to play alongside and they have a plan of bringing in Stars once again the same way that they did with Kevin rant and Kyrie Irving now the way that things have kind of shifted in terms of player movement over the last couple of Seasons

Since 2019 it’s more likely that that would happen via a trade players don’t typically go all the way until free agency or at least star players don’t anymore and it seems like the Nets are counting on trying to do that again being a desirable Market potentially in

Brooklyn I don’t know how true that is um but that’s something that they’re counting on that they’re going to try and do and they are seeing this as a let’s build around Mel Bridges not build as Mel Bridges as the center piece but we’re going to build with male Bridges

Bringing a star and I think the star right now that the assumption is that they think they’re going to get eventually is not of a Mitchell again I’m not saying that any of this is true that it’s a good decision that it’s something that they should be counting

On but clearly even though they have these future picks and they have an opportunity to potentially rebuild through the draft the fact that they have kept someone like Mel Bridges around and have completely refused to even entertain any kind of trade offers for him tells me that they are the not

Of a Mitchell team or potentially another star down the road and they believe that with their future draft assets as well as potential cap space they can put a contending team back in Brooklyn again even with as disastrous of a situation as this looks like right

Now and the way that you do that is you make your situation look desirable with Mel Bridges some complimentary pieces you bring back Nick clock and you have future assets that you got in the Kevin Durant trade and importantly to kind of tie the whole thing together you have

The opportunity to bring in a head coach that potentially could help you lure players like Donovan Mitchell and others there are connections to Donovan Mitchell throughout the league in terms of coaches that are no longer employed that you could bring in as veteran guys and not just as Donovan Mitchell but

Other stars around the league as well and I think that we’re going to get a very very big clue and exactly how Brooklyn is going to attempt to fix all of this in the post KD Kyrie ERA with who exactly they hire in the offseason as their head coach again I would assume

Unless they have some crazy record with Kevin Ali they’re going to go into the offseason and look for a new head coach and who they bring in and what players they’re potentially connected to and how that impacts their potential uh recruitment of players via free agency or potentially a trade request that’s

Going to tell us everything we need to know and so right now as an N fan it’s not a very good time to be an N fan they are legitimately when going to the allstar break they were one of the worst teams in the league over the prior 20

Games they were terrible not a good watch the offense sucks but at least it appears as though they have somewhat of a plan I don’t know if they’re going to get an opportunity to actually execute that plan properly to me it seems unlikely that someone like Donovan

Mitchell would try and show up and go to the Nets when the Knicks are really good when there’s other bigger Market opportunities out there um where those situations are much better set up from a basketball perspective namely Miami I don’t know why the Nets would be the choice apart from maybe they’re right

Maybe players really want to play with Mel Bridges you bring in a new head coach and it becomes a desirable situation in Brooklyn but the bottom line is I’m not surprised they fire jock Von but I do think that it is the first step towards us really fully

Understanding what exactly the plan is going to be moving forward in Brooklyn what

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Things Aren’t Looking Good For The Nets…

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  1. The nets didn’t give up anything to get KD and Kyrie so that worked out. But the James Harden trade probably could’ve worked out better. Neither Levert or Allen would’ve made this current Nets team any better.

  2. Something told me after the Nets made Detroit break that record they were gonna be cursed 😂

  3. They let Harden leave so easily. I thought that trading him so willy nilly when they did was a big mistake. However, trading for him to begin with was the even bigger mistake

  4. Nets should trade everyone except Cam Thomas and start rebuilding through the draft while that Ben Simmons contract expires. Hopefully by then they’ll have some clarity and the cap space to be a good team

  5. The Nets are waiting on a star trade. The Knicks are too. The Jazz are too. The Rockets are too. The Thunder probably are too. The Spurs probably will shortly because of how good Wemby is. The Heat and Lakers are always star hunting no matter their team context. That's only naming a few. There are probably more.

    If this is the approach… good freaking luck lol. And as a Jazz fan who knows that the Jazz are attempting the exact same approach… I'm not a fan. Hate that the Jazz are trying it when they could've leaned all the way in to the tank/rebuild approach.

  6. There was a video the other day can’t remember where I saw it saying the nets should’ve been patient like the clippers and not give up kd or kyrie wait it out.

  7. Realistically the Nets and Knicks would both get outbid for Mitchell at this point. Cleveland would be more concerned with bringing in young talent to compliment Garland and Mobley rather than hitting the reset button and stacking late first round picks.

  8. Are we forgetting that those KD phoenix picks are going to be at the end of the first round every year because of how much he, Beal, and Booker make?

  9. As a Rockets fan I am over joyed at their incompetence. I do not believe the Rockets offered ALL the picks for just one player. Even so this tells me they do not believe in their ability to draft. In other words evaluate/develop talent. Thus they go for established players. This type of mentality leads to over paying players with egos and risks internal discontent. This mentality also leads to disregarding good coaching and elevating "star" power. There are a couple of players that can "power" you to a championship but the Net's mistake is to assume there are several of these players out there – there aren't. Harden has never won a championship – his ego and style almost preclude it from happening. The best strategy for winning a championship is the "San Antonio" way – for that you need a good coach that has more clout in the front office than any player(s). The Rockets, for instance, have many flaws but in my estimation have a chance of being a championship team in the foreseeable future. The Nets have none! What talent they have will likely leave the team at the first opportunity.

  10. The nets should have tried to trade with Houston to get their picks back. Houston would love bridges, especially coach udoka. The nets must know they are a bottom feeder, and there’s not super high end young talent you can really bet on becoming stars. They have an elite young scorer, but no one to build around

  11. Kenny Atkinson honestly knew how to coach and develop a young team last time in Brooklyn. Why not try him again with this young team?

  12. Yeah, you are biased, we know, but the Nets has always failed, way back when they were in New Jersey. Shame of a franchise.

  13. Thank the lord Sean Marks is likely to be fired, literally this entire team should be traded, down to their rookies Whitehead and Clowney.

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