@Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers vs Phoenix Suns Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs Phoenix Suns Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Just doing our work early getting back in transition early and playing contesting without fing what is the key to defending without fouling doing your work well thank you Katie the Suns 45 points the most they’ve had in a quarter this season the 45 allowed tied for the

Most the Lakers have allowed in a quarter this season a foul Los Angeles Lakers they just have to settle in you know no Christian Wood that’s changed kind of their offensive flow 28 points is solid right though that number is solid it’s the 45 they’ve got to get that number

Down and five turnovers in that first quarter as well which we talked about being a lot different than the way they’ve played lately where they’ve led the league and offensive turnover percentage over the last few weeks here’s Durant working Russell Durant can’t finish it ad two for five

From the floor in the early going James James serves it up and in beautifully nine points for James on four of five shooting Allen down the other way here’s Eubanks Davis has two fouls B bow getting extended run here for Phoenix Durant looking to take Prince shovels to

The corner aogi two to shoot Durant with a hand in his face missed it badly and a shot violation after a what you don’t want for the Los Angeles Lakers is to not figure this out not have that rhythm in flow and now all of a sudden you’re forced to answer

Again James to the corner Russell wow off his fingertips it in and there is the first timeout Richard Jefferson that is as high as you will see from an NBA player the Rands can’t answer on the other end for a little more on Russell let’s send things over

To Katie well guys Russ Russ said he recently came to the realization that he and the team were trying really hard to get LeBron and Anthony Davis the ball often forcing it Russell said to better serve those guys you have to be aggressive around them when you defer

And always pass it to them the offense becomes predictable and easy to guard so Russell’s focused as LeBron does what he does best Russell says he’s focused on making teams worry about him first and then it’s easier to facilitate for others well that’s what happened right there right two go with Russell and

James ends up with an open dunk as Durant can’t answer on the end cold shooting for Durant post Allstar break thus far it’s continued today Allen in the corner that one finally drops came into this game 61% from the left corner and missed his first two but I understand that Richard because if

You’re playing defense and Russell isn’t aggressive that becomes a lot easier to guard and Darvin ham talked about Spencer dwy working through some of that now too where there’s a natural inclination to defer to a j or a Davis to just try and for Speed them but that

He needs to be aggressive with his own offensive game as well well and you when you look at this team D’Angelo Russell is one of the you know most consistent threats from three as Anthony Davis with the mean block but D’Angelo Russell when he gets going he hits 34 threes it opens

Everything up for LeBron and AD brince can hit the corner three 14-point Phoenix lead they led by as many as 20 in the first quarter Durant gets the whistle came a little late if it’s Davis it would be his regular game does he talk to his team about it what it means

And the standings and he said yes as Davis fires it down off the dime from James he said yeah they do have a conversation about hey this is a team that’s two and a half games in back of us you can create a three and 1 half

Game separation or all of a sudden it’s one and a half and that’s going to matter a lot when you look at the teams and how congested it is in the Western Conference playoff picture here’s Durant guarded by Davis trying to get around him could not outstanding defense from Anthony Davis

Hanging on the perimeter with Kevin Durant and with no Devon Booker on this floor this is when you go to Kevin but if he gets off of it you understand that the Los Angeles Lakers are going to deny so he’s got a little bit more pressure

On him no Bradley Bal Devon Booker out of the game here is Davis finds a cutting James James can’t swivel it in but he gets a whistle oh James misses both free throws that was also foul number two on Durant Durant trying to post Reeves triple team comes Allen open you

Bet on a three just no communication by the Lakers you you got three guys you had Anthony Davis coming on the low side and then you leave Grayson Allen one of the best three-point Shooters in the league wide open with no rotation the Lakers have to clean that up a time from James

And Prince hits the three if seem some beautiful crosscourt passes from LeBron James fourth on the all-time assist list here’s aogi who travels and Phoenix turns it over and that was the so easier even that pick and roll that he hit to D’angelo Russell on time on target I hit

A lot of Threes in that corner when when LeBron was handling the ball here’s James as size on O’Neal backing him down James easy work 13 points four assists for James in this first half he’s six of seven from the floor Booker back into the game for Phoenix sets up

Allen Allen shovels it behind nage Phoenix getting a little sloppy in this second here’s Prince another open look that one is good and another timeout taken yeah it’s not bad saw LeBron choking a little bit with David fdale part of the coaching staff while he was

In Miami as nage gets free and flushes it down 58 Reeves can’t hit the three Phoenix with 16 assists already in this first half Booker has five of them Durant four Booker will pull no Reeves the rebound Reeves lobs it down James was being hugged by Booker and the get a

Safety or a corner in here oh another great look from James and haimura finishes plus the foul this is the thing if you want to ask if you want to know how good of a passer LeBron is just ask him he’ll tell you here’s safe and Lee into the corner

O’Neal the pump fake and the hit Roy O’Neal with his fourth three of the first half you know one of the things Frank Vogal talked to us about was he said Roy had a little more wrinkle to his offensive game than he realized he said even his pump f

He really has a a deep bag of of pump fake ability which isn’t something you hear coaches talk about often but we saw it right there Roy and what he does on the offensive end and defensive end you talk about the Lakers added so many big

Wings in the offseason Royce is one of those big wings that the Phoenix Suns can use in a variety of ways Prince an air ball and Lakers turn it over as LeBron James gets a breather 13 points five assist six of seven shooting in this first half for James

Los Angeles Lakers vs Phoenix Suns Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. What Are The LAKERS DOiNG?? WAKE ⏰️ UP DAMB. WiN THiS GAME NOW. 80 to 66 3rd Quarter??.. WOW…LAKERS LET'S GET TO 32-27 TONiGHT, Time To Turn Up THE HEAT….L.A. LET'S GO.

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